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A Special Gift

Page 4

by Alice Brown

  Erica didn’t need a second invitation. She grabbed Kevin’s wrist and sank her new fangs into it. Sweet, warm, life-giving liquid hit her tongue, and she was in heaven. How could she ever have thought that drinking blood was disgusting? A feeling of pure bliss hit her as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful. Kevin quickly maneuvered them so she straddled his leg. With only a flimsy hospital gown on, the feel of her bare pussy up against his jeans-clad leg was incredible. She rode his leg back and forth rapidly as she continued feeding. Each time she sucked in a mouthful of blood, her pleasure increased, until Kevin reached over and lightly pinched a nipple, sending her into immediate sweet bliss. She came all over the leg of his jeans, her juices seeping into the material.

  When she broke off from feeding, he quickly taught her how to seal the wound properly. She would need this information in case she ever had to bite a human. In an emergency situation, any of his kind was given clearance to ‘tap into a live human’, but the clearance came with rules. As a vampire, you had to put them in a light trance, properly seal the wound when finished eating, and delete the scene from the human’s mind completely. The fourth and most important rule was never, ever to harm a human while feeding.

  Kevin smiled down as he watched his wife recline against the pillows at the top of the bed. She definitely had a ‘cat who got the cream’ look on her face. “Thank you, baby, that was great,” she whispered, and then sniffed the air. Upon glancing down, she noticed the mess she had made on her husband’s jeans, rolling her eyes as she chuckled. “Sorry about that. I guess I got a little carried away.”

  Kevin chuckled. “That’s okay. You can cream all over my pants any time you want, baby. What do you want to do now?”

  “I need to get to a mirror,” she stated, jumping out of bed and making a beeline for the bathroom.

  Kevin stayed two steps behind her as she made her way to her destination. What, did he honestly think, she couldn’t walk across the room by herself? Was he afraid she’d fall and stub her toe? A giggle bubbled out of her at the thought. Yeah, she could just imagine a vampire tripping and stubbing their toe. Would they even notice?

  She flipped the light switch on and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, immediately grabbing the sink in front of her to steady herself. Talk about a shocker. Another look confirmed that she really wasn’t hallucinating. Staring into the mirror, she heard a low growl, and was startled to realize it had come from her.

  She leaned forward, studying the image in the mirror, searching for traces of her old self. There were certain features she recognized, but most seemed to have been either erased or dramatically enhanced. Although Kevin had repeatedly told her she was beautiful, she never thought of herself that way at all. Now, holy cow, someone should have warned her that turning into a vampire would enhance one’s looks!

  She turned to her husband with a scowl on her face. “You could have at least warned me my looks had changed.” Then a worried expression came over her face. “Are you okay with this?” Maybe that is why he didn’t say anything to me? Does he not find me attractive anymore?

  Was he okay with it? Really? Was she that unsure of herself, or totally blind? He didn’t think there were words to explain exactly how “okay” he was with everything at this point. He had a wife who looked like she was born to be a top model or movie star. She could easily rival Angelina Jolie in looks. Yes, he was more than “okay” with things.

  He smiled down at his wife indulgently. “Yes, I am more than fine with it.” Bringing his lips down and placing tiny kisses along her jawline and throat, he tried to convey to his wife just how “okay” he was with her. Murmuring against her skin in between kisses, he stated, “You have no idea how much I have held back in loving you, so afraid I would hurt you.”

  Erica was surprised at how fast her body came to life. A fire kindled in the pit of her stomach, and quickly spread to engulf her. She brought her backside up against his hard body, noticing he was already half-hard himself. She rolled her hips, bringing him with her, as she writhed and he groaned. She watched in the mirror as he lightly nipped at her neck, while playing with her nipples. She felt her juices pooling at her core, and squirmed at the thought of them running down her thighs in another minute.

  A sharp nip to the side of her neck had her sucking in a breath of delight while her lips parted, allowing her newly acquired fangs to show. It was an erotic scene, but she was still having trouble believing the person in the mirror was her.

  Kevin continued his erotic assault until she knew he would only have to touch her, and she would explode. She had never before experienced such a rush of yearning, of needing before. “Kevin, I need…” Erica gasped, silently hoping he was just as pumped up as she was. She spun around to face him, rubbing up against him like a cat in heat. She raised a leg and wrapped it around his waist, almost bringing herself over when his belt buckle landed on her clit. She was aware of the fact she probably resembled a vampire in heat, but the fire in her body was bordering on overwhelming, and she had to find release soon.

  That thought no more went across her mind when she felt her husband’s lips slam down on hers. He opened that locked box in the back of his head where all of his excess feelings for her were stored. Ecstatic that he was free to do so, it was like opening Pandora’s box as everything came rushing to the forefront. Suddenly, in the middle of the kiss, her eyes widened as a wall of emotions that contained overwhelming love, protectiveness, and fear hit her like a tsunami. She broke off the kiss, gasping. “What was that?”

  Realizing that he had just unleashed everything on her all at once, he became instantly contrite. “I’m sorry, love. I’ve had to hide a lot of my emotions from you. Your human brain and body just would not have been able to handle it. Now that you are one of us, I was able to unlock the box where everything was stored, and let it all go free. I didn’t mean for it all to hit you at once like a runaway freight train.” He stopped and grinned down at her. “Now you should know beyond the shadow of a doubt how much I love you.”

  Erica quickly brought their lips back together in an effort to show him that she loved him every bit as much in return. If Kevin were surprised at how intense Erica was becoming, he kept it well hidden. Soon, he fell to his knees, bringing both of them to the bathroom floor, still kissing, nibbling, touching, and caressing every inch of each other they could.

  Within a minute, Erica had ripped his shirt off, and he had done the same to her hospital gown. They rolled around on the floor, fighting for dominance, each not wanting to give up the power. For Erica, these new feelings and the power that accompanied them was a heady thing. She felt as though she could tackle anything, big or small, it didn’t matter—there was nothing she couldn’t do. When Kevin rolled her on her back to try to take control, some strange feeling would come across her and she would find herself rolling him back under her, putting herself back in the driver’s seat.

  They wrestled on the floor for a few minutes before Kevin’s brain began to work properly. It was then he realized he was rolling around with his wife on the cold bathroom floor. He could not believe he had let himself become so carried away. He knew Erica’s emotions were going to get the best of her for the next couple of weeks. One of the many changes that happened in the turning. Everything was more intense.

  With one fluid leap, Kevin took control of the situation and had both of them standing upright, arms still wrapped around one another. When he looked into his wife’s eyes, they were on fire. “You know, this isn’t going to look good if we get caught.” He grinned at his wife’s disgruntled look. “Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan for tonight.” He kissed the bridge of her nose, and then swooped down to capture her lips. He could feel the passion and unfulfilled sexual desire pouring through her body. Yes, he had a plan for tonight. He would make certain the door was locked and threaten to behead the nurses himself if anyone disturbed them. Tonight, he planned to show his wife the true intensity of his love and desire for her. She was a vam
pire now, so all of Kevin’s concerns about breaking her or hurting her had vanished. After what he had just felt coming from her, he was quite sure he would be on the receiving end of some intense feelings himself.


  By day two, Dr. Carlson came looking for Kevin. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, letting Kevin know the news wasn’t going to be good. The doctor had known the entire O’Rourke family for many years now, and he was considered a friend of the family. He was not looking forward to pissing off one of the more influential vampires within the community. “I know the standard procedure is to keep the mother and baby separated during the three day isolation process, but we are running into a problem. The head nurse has informed me that they need you to step in and help with Stephanie. I am sorry, son, but they are unable to handle her.” He placed his hand on Kevin’s shoulder in sympathy.

  “Fine, let me have my baby, and I’ll take her to Erica. She is in no danger, you have my word on that. If Erica makes a wrong move, I’ll be right there to protect Stephanie, but I honestly think Erica can handle this,” Kevin replied. He had heard enough out of the nurses in the nursery.

  The doctor pondered the idea for a moment. “Erica does seem to be controlling her emotions very well. Usually, I wouldn’t even be considering this, but I think you are going to find your baby has some rare gifts. The problem, of course, is going to be trying to teach her to restrain herself at such a young age.” Dr. Carlson shook his head and gave in, a bit reluctantly. “All right, you can take the baby to Erica. Keep a close watch on her. I apologize for the problems with the nursery. Our nurses are simply not trained to deal with such unusual circumstances.”


  “So exactly why has our little angel been kicked out of the nursery?” Erica inquired as she cooed and played with the baby.

  “Well, it seems she has some unique gifts. I found the initial complaints from the nurses completely absurd, but Marshall caught her throwing things at the nurses. To make matters worse, she isn’t using physical power to do this; it is being done mentally as far as we can tell. I think the nurses are scared more than anything. They don’t understand her uniqueness, so they are scared to deal with her. The last thing we need is for our own kind to turn on each other.”

  He sat back and watched mother and daughter for a moment, happy that, for the first time in ages, he could take a worry-free breath. It finally seemed his life was complete.

  Just then the baby let out a wail that had both of her parents cringing and trying to cover their sensitive ears. “Good heavens, we have got to teach this child volume control, or she is going to burst our eardrums,” her father growled.

  Erica placed her hand up to her forehead. “I didn’t think vampires could get headaches, but I am here to tell you this child can bring one on quickly.”

  Kevin took the baby from Erica and decided to try to work with her on her volume control. He was guessing that if she were smart enough to cause havoc in the nursery then she must have an already accelerated brain.

  He spoke to her in a soft tone, trying to make a game out of teaching her how to get her point across or show them what she needed, without screaming to the point of giving her parents migraines. He was surprised at how much progress he had made after only working with her for about ten minutes. After making guess after guess, he finally stumbled across that she was ready for some milk, and then a nap. Now that was something he could handle.

  Erica lay down on her side, tucking Stephanie close to her, while she drank her bottle. Kevin knew Erica would have preferred to breastfeed, but since she had become a vampire that was no longer an option. In laying the baby down close to her and propping the bottle up on her chest, she was still getting the bonding experience she so desperately needed.

  Once the bottle was empty, both parents watched in amazement as it seemed that the bottle was ripped out of their daughter’s mouth, only no one was around her. She had done it herself, flinging it across the room, sailing it past her father’s head, to land on the floor over by the door. She contemplated Erica for a fleeting moment before those beautiful ocean-colored eyes closed, and she was asleep.


  The next time Stephanie displayed her abilities, she was a few months old. It was a beautiful morning, and Erica decided to take her outside to play. She walked out to the backyard, and as usual, all of Stephanie’s animal friends started to join them immediately. Their furball cat, Wild-man, had followed them out, as he also enjoyed playing with the other neighborhood animals. Erica suddenly realized she had forgotten to grab her earpiece on the way out the door. She left Stephanie playing with her furry friends and quickly ran back inside to retrieve it.

  She knew exactly where the earpiece was, and she had left Stephanie unattended for about twenty seconds before she was heading back out the door. As she reached for the doorknob she caught sight of Stephanie, and her breath caught in her throat.

  There, crouched in front of her baby, with his back to the house, was Gary. She took off, quickly reaching speeds she never dreamed possible, and reached her baby still sitting on the ground a few scant seconds later. As soon as Erica was close enough, she reached down and scooped Stephanie up off the ground, speeding back to the house. She didn’t slow down until she had placed Stephanie at the back door. Gary was following her, she heard his footsteps behind her and closing fast.

  Quickly sitting the baby in the doorway, she spun around and shielded her from his view. When she did, she was nose to nose with him.

  “I heard you had a little one of your own,” he hissed. “But nobody told me you had been changed.” It was obvious this little fact had caught him off guard.

  A combination of anger and fear for her baby overcame her, and she allowed it to consume her. She welcomed the surge of strength and power it seemed to give her. “The baby is none of your concern,” she shot back at her enemy. She was somewhat surprised that her body was preparing to fight this vampire. It viewed him as a threat to her child, and nobody, absolutely nobody, was going to get his hands on her child. This man was the very definition of evil, and Erica kept her guard up, wondering what he had in mind. Whatever it was, it certainly was no social call.

  “Let me have the baby,” he hissed, “and I’ll think about not annihilating your entire society. Besides, I’m her grandfather.” He stuck out his chest like a proud peacock. “It’s not like she won’t be with her own kind.”

  “You will never touch her,” Erica shot back at him, furious. So he wanted her baby in trade for killing his best friend. He still blamed Erica for the death and destruction of her ex-husband, Shawn, who had been Gary’s best friend and blood brother. Gary was Erica’s biological father, but that never seemed to enter into either of their minds, even for a moment. The fact Gary couldn’t control his own temper was not helpful in his attempts to control a bunch of rogue vampires who believed they were above having to listen to anyone. His frustration had obviously pushed him into trying another plan of attack today.

  When Erica had gone inside for the earpiece, she had inserted it on the way out the door. It was on, but she had not activated it. Now, she only had to get her finger to her ear and push the button to activate it. Once Charles and the team heard what was going on, help would be on the way. She made a quick attempt to activate the earpiece, only to be stopped by Gary as he caught her arm midway.

  “No, you’re not going to alert your little friends, Erica. I must say I never expected Kevin to have the guts to change you over. I figured he would have just kept you around as his little play toy until he killed you. Too bad Shawn didn’t go ahead and do just that. You should be dead, not him,” Gary snarled. Yep, he was still blaming her for Shawn’s demise. It didn’t matter that Shawn had tormented and abused her for almost five years. She had suffered through being his primary food source, being beat and kicked around like a dog, and other deplorable acts during her almost five year marriage to the vampire. Then she met Kevin, and learned their so
ciety had their own version of justice, and Shawn had been given a fair trial and a chance to right his wrongs. He refused, so the judicial board had no option but to find him guilty and sentence him to death. The only thing Erica had done was to run to Kevin for protection. His team, the VCTF, had taken over from there.

  Gary’s grip on Erica’s arm tightened painfully, and reality hit her in the gut. She was going to have to fight Gary in order to protect her child. She was terrified at the thought, but she was the only thing standing between this deranged vampire and her baby. There was no second choice in the matter. She had to fight to save her baby from this deranged vampire. She knew she would fight to the death, but although she didn’t think she had a chance, she also knew she had no choice. She felt a new surge of adrenaline and raw strength flow through her entire body as she glared into this evil being’s face.

  The back door closed behind her, and she allowed herself a quick peek and relief flowed through her as she realized Stephanie was safely in the house, at least for now. Gary took that second to land his right fist into Erica’s gut, knocking the wind out of her momentarily as the force of the blow threw her back against the house. The house shook from the force of the impact, but she didn’t have time to wonder about any damage. He immediately came back at her, only this time she was ready for him.

  She threw her foot up at the last possible millisecond, and it landed in his midsection. She watched in satisfaction as he flew backward thirty feet.

  Knowing she only had a second or two at the most, she activated her earpiece while Gary was getting back on his feet. Wanting to be certain to alert someone to the danger she was facing, she loudly stated, “You will never touch my baby, monster.”


  Kevin and Marshall were in the office, catching up on paperwork. Suddenly, Kevin heard Erica’s voice through his earpiece. He looked over to Marshall, verifying he had heard correctly.


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