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A Special Gift

Page 12

by Alice Brown

  He poked his tongue in and out of her hole, happy to see her juices pouring copiously. They started running downwards toward her back hole, and he came close to popping a nut right then and there. It was that damn sexy.

  “Lord have mercy, baby. You taste delicious,” he whispered as he went back to licking all around her nub. He then added his lips, taking the little nub into his mouth and sucking it hard. She began rocking her hips in a sexy little dance, and he knew she was close. Her breathing was harsh, and then she sucked in a deep breath. Reaching down, she grabbed two handfuls of his hair as she pressed herself up against him tightly. Suddenly, she screamed his name as she shattered into a million pieces before his eyes.

  Her exploding before his very eyes was so damn sexy his dick throbbed. He wanted her climax to last just as long as possible, so he refused to stop. He rose up just a bit so he could rub his own throbbing dick against the sheets. He couldn’t get over how beautiful she was in the throes of her climax. He continued to suck down all of her juices, demanding more. He wasn’t finished with her, not by a long shot. He was determined to wring out just as many orgasms from her as possible. He noticed a wet spot directly under her rear on the sheet where some of her juices had flowed.

  He lifted her rear off the bed and held her open with his hands on her legs. He started sucking the excess juices running down her crack, and then flicked his tongue lightly over her little rosette. She jumped and tried to squeeze her butt cheeks closed, but was no match for his strength. All the same, obviously she was becoming a bit uncomfortable, so he made his way back up to her pussy. He immediately took her nub back into his mouth, only this time he also gently added a finger in her virginal hole. A gush of liquid greeted him, and then he felt her squeeze his finger tightly as she exploded again.

  Stephanie saw stars the second time she climaxed. By the time she had come back down off the high for the second time, her body had gone limp. She felt like a worn out dishrag. Thank goodness Marshall seemed to realize she was exhausted, and moved up her body. Pressing her limp figure up against his own, he held her tightly, drawing tiny circles on her back.

  She opened her eyes to find Marshall staring down at her with love in his eyes. “Hi, beautiful, are you feeling okay?” he inquired tenderly. He leaned down and nipped her lower lip, then kissed away the sting. Licking her lower lip, she opened for him, tasting herself on him in the process. She found it didn’t revolt her as she had feared. Was that normal, or was she turning into some kind of sex freak?

  Marshall broke the kiss a moment later, and she noticed his steel rod up against her leg. “Um…Marshall, I’m okay, but what about you? That thing looks downright painful.” She pointed at his almost purple, angry looking dick.

  “Well, I was kind of hoping you would help me with that,” he spoke softly as he reached out and grabbed her hand, bringing to his dick, and gently wrapping her hand around it. “He won’t bite, I promise. Just explore and get to know him, baby.”

  Stephanie moved her hand up to the top of his dick, gently fingering the drops of liquid that had come out of the slit. She rubbed her finger all around the head, massaging in the pre-come. Marshall knew he had to have patience with her and let her explore, but damn, was it hard. It felt like his head was going to explode…both of them, literally.

  She looked up at him shyly. “Can I…I mean, would you mind…if I tasted you?” The innocent look on her face alone had him ready to shoot off his load.

  “Oh yes, please, baby…just put your tongue, lips, whatever you want on him.” To emphasize his urgency, his dick jumped in her hand, and it seemed—at least to her untrained eye—to get even larger.

  She leaned down and took a tentative lick, like she was taking a lick of a new flavor lollipop, not knowing whether she would like it or not. Her eyes widened, and much to his surprise, she immediately starting licking up and down his entire rod. Then she went on to lick his balls. Oh, dear God, she was going to kill him. When she was finished with that, she moved back up and sucked the tip into her mouth. She was a natural at this. He resisted the urge to grab the sides of her head and push his dick down her throat. He had to remember that she was innocent, and still had a lot to learn. But he had all the time in the world, and he would be the only man who would teach her the art of making love.

  She slowly started taking more of him into her mouth, and he placed one hand on her cheek, where she gently rubbed it, reminding him of her cat. She moaned, and he realized that she was becoming turned on while pleasuring him. He gently moved her over a bit so she was straddling him as he lifted his leg. She was soaking wet as she began to hump his leg, while continuing to suck him further into her mouth.

  Her tongue soon came into play also, and he knew he was close to shooting his load down her throat. “Baby, stop” he wheezed, suddenly realizing how out of breath he was, just from trying to control himself.

  She stopped, looking up at him shyly. “Um, was I doing something wrong?” she inquired.

  He reached over to run his fingers down her cheek lovingly. “No, you were doing everything too good, I am about to explode. I didn’t think you were ready for that in your mouth yet.” He then sat up and kissed her deeply.

  “How about you turn around and straddle my face, and then you can finish your new friend off with your hand.”

  He lay back down, and she obeyed immediately. She moved over him, her legs straddling his chest, her ass end facing his face. He grinned and quickly palmed her ass cheeks, wanting to explore her forbidden hole, but knew it was much too soon. One of these days, I’ll have her there also, but not anytime soon. He reached up and grabbed her hips, moving her back so he could reach her. Once he had her in place, he went to town sucking and swallowing all of her copious juices. He felt her hand wrap around his shaft, and then much to his surprise, he felt fingers from her other hand lightly caressing his balls. A few seconds later he felt her tongue sensuously slide around the head of his shaft.

  The woman was going to make his head explode—he was sure of that one. He spread his legs as wide as they would go, and as slowly as possible, began rocking upwards. His pulsing dick was just seconds away from exploding when she took as much of him into her mouth as possible and sucked…hard. He tried breaking away from eating her long enough to warn her, but she had somehow locked his head in place without him realizing it. Much to his surprise and amazement, a few seconds later when he exploded, she swallowed everything he gave her, while at the same time exploding herself, rocking herself against his mouth.

  Spent, the two collapsed onto the bed in each other’s arms and fell asleep with huge smiles on their faces.

  Chapter Nine

  Sunday evening found Stephanie in her bedroom, swinging upside down on her trapeze bar. Her father had installed it for her a couple years ago, and it was always a great way to relieve stress or just to think. And thinking was something she needed to do. Everything was moving fast. She knew in her heart that Marshall was her true mate, and Mother Nature would ensure they lived a happy life. But it was still hard to go from best friends to…what? Fuck buddies? No, Marshall would have been livid at her had he heard her thoughts. Okay, but they weren’t exactly just friends anymore, either.

  He had been so very gentle and giving to her this afternoon, and she couldn’t imagine giving herself to anyone but him. And yes, it felt like a piece of her heart had been left on his bed when they woke up and showered before Marshall brought her home. He hadn’t stuck around after dropping her off, but he did have to work tonight, so that didn’t bother her. What was really eating at her was—what was next? Marshall had said they were going to discuss living arrangements, but they hadn’t gotten around to it. And, as for living arrangements, well, if he thought she was just going be a live-in girlfriend, he had another thing coming. She wanted everything: the big wedding, the white dress, the beautiful wedding cake, the whole nine yards. She glanced up just in time to see her cat, Wild-man, jump up onto the end of the bed.

  And anyways, he had told her he loved her. Hell, he had showed her how much he loved her this afternoon. What more did she want? Unfortunately, she didn’t know the answer to that question. It just seemed like something more should be happening. Maybe she was just over-thinking it. Because her world felt as if it had been turned on its axis since he told her he loved her, maybe she felt like something extraordinary should be happening with everyone around her, too. Yeah, it didn’t make sense, and that was the whole problem in a nutshell.

  Continuing to sway on the bar, her eyes became heavy. She must have nodded off because suddenly, her eyes popped open as she heard a child calling out for help. She knew she was hearing this in her head, and quickly closed her eyes again to concentrate on the location. As soon as she pinpointed the call, she astral projected, following the call, and found herself in a very dark area of a park. She had been to this park before; Marshall had brought her here for a picnic one evening last summer. Now, it was getting very late, and she worried about the young whimpering voice. No child should be out alone this late at night. She soon came across a little boy, who looked about four years old. She wondered where his family was, or if the authorities were out looking for him. Why hadn’t she run into any search teams on her way in?

  The child was scared and cold, but although he sported a gash on his leg, he seemed unhurt otherwise. Stephanie quickly projected back to her body, immediately flung herself down off the trapeze bar, and then raced down the stairs straight into her mother’s office.

  Flinging the door open with entirely too much force, she yelled, “Mom!”

  “Stephanie, what is the matter? I’m right here. You don’t have to yell,” Erica scolded as she glanced up from her desk, frowning.

  “There is a little boy lost in the park. He has a gash on his leg, and is really scared. I heard him calling for help and went to investigate. Is Dad working on this case?” Stephanie quickly inquired.

  “No, he isn’t. I am not aware of any missing children, and nothing has been on the local police scanner. Let me double check.” Erica immediately began typing on the keyboard in front of her. “No, no one has filed a missing child report in this area. Stephanie, are you sure about this?”

  “Yes, Mom, I saw and heard him. Get in touch with Dad and tell him to meet me at Kroger’s Crossing. Tell him to come in animal form so I can communicate with him and bring him to the boy,” Stephanie instructed as she walked over next to her mother.

  Stephanie took a seat next to her mother and immediately projected out of her body and back to the park, searching for the little boy. He was braced against a tree, cold, crying, and scared. Her heart broke for him. In astral form, she could not be seen by anyone, the form totally invisible. Her grandfather and Pop Atkins had been working with her on this, and hoped that as her powers grew she might be able to astral project as her own body image. So far, she hadn’t been successful, although now that she had gained her vampire strength, she looked forward to trying again. But this was too urgent to wait, so Stephanie decided to try to communicate with him despite being invisible. He wouldn’t be able to see her, but if she could just get him to listen to her, she might be able to calm him down enough to learn some vital information. She had only tried this once before, with limited success, but she was determined to make it work.

  “Hey, sweetie, are you lost?” Stephanie asked the little boy, watching as he looked around trying to find the voice, his heartbeat picking up rapidly. She sighed heavily, wishing she could project herself so someone could see her. It would make things so much easier.

  Knowing she needed to calm the young boy down, she continued in a soothing voice. “It is okay, I know you can’t see me, but I am here to help you. You see, I am your guardian angel, and I will protect you until help arrives. It’s awful late to be out by yourself. Did you wander away from home?”

  Much to her surprise, the child immediately opened up to her. “No,” he stated emphatically, “I was playing at the park by my house and this man grabbed me and threw me into his car. We drove for a long time, he wouldn’t even stop to let me eat or go to the bathroom.”

  “That is awful. When did this happen?” Stephanie gently inquired.

  “I’m really not sure. It seems like a long time ago, but I think it has been some days.”

  “Wow, you have been a very brave little boy to have gone through all that. Help is going to arrive in just a few minutes. Some men are going to come and find you; you can trust them to help get you back with your family. One of the men who will be coming is named Kevin. I have worked with him before, trust him, he works with the police.”

  Stephanie was well aware that her mother had full access to the entire conversation. They had worked out a system long ago that incorporated the computer program her Grandpa Charles had developed to retrieve Erica’s dreams years prior. Stephanie would “fling” everything back to her body, similar to how she astral projected herself, but she sent only her surroundings and the conversation back to her body. In turn, Erica would have already hooked up tiny electrodes to Stephanie’s body to retrieve the information as it was sent back. Now all Stephanie had to do was try to keep this young boy calm, and wait for her father. As soon as he reached the park entrance, she should be able to communicate with him if he came in animal form as she had requested.

  “You didn’t tell me your name,” Stephanie coaxed the boy. He was shivering with cold, and she attempted to throw her spirit form around him to warm him. She wasn’t sure if it would do any good or not, but she felt like she had to do something.

  “My name is Peter,” the little boy replied between chattering teeth.

  After a long moment of silence, Peter asked, “Angel, do you have a name?”

  “Yes, my name is Stephanie.”

  “So, have you always been an angel? Does God send you to comfort kids like me, who are going through hard times?” For a boy so small, Stephanie was impressed with his keen intelligence.

  “Um, sometimes, and then sometimes when I am just flying around, and I hear something, like I heard you tonight, I check it out, and try to help when I can.” Stephanie decided to skip over the first part of his inquiry and hope her father would soon appear.

  She heard an animal’s paws hitting the ground and also human footsteps, and assumed her father had brought another VCTF member for backup. They were just coming in from the backside of the park. Her father rarely was alone while in animal form, it left no way of communicating with anyone on his team. Stephanie, using her telepathic abilities, quickly linked with her father and told him where she and the boy were. “He’s hurt, but not bad,” she ended her communication.

  It only took a minute for Kevin and Marshall to step out of the shadows and walk over to where Peter was sitting up against a tree. Stephanie continued to hang around, and knew that at least her father was aware she hadn’t left. Although he had changed back over to human form for the child’s sake, he had developed his senses enough over the last few years to know when his daughter’s presence was near. Stephanie continued to transmit everything back to her mother, knowing that Erica would already be searching databases for missing children. Stephanie also knew that Erica would have filled Kevin in by the time he stepped out of the shadows to approach young Peter.

  The grown men approached the child cautiously, with Kevin crouching down to the child’s level as he reached him. “Hey, sport, it is awfully dark to be out here in the park this late at night. Do your parents know where you are?”

  “No, I haven’t seen them since a man took me and threw me into his car while I was playing at the park by my house,” Peter stated, looking up warily at the two men in front of him. “What are your names?” he boldly requested.

  “My name is Kevin, and this is Marshall. We work with the police when they have trouble finding missing children,” Kevin answered smoothly.

  “Okay, my guardian angel said that a man named Kevin was coming and that I could trust you,” Peter replied.
r />   “You have a guardian angel? You are one lucky little boy,” Marshall stated enthusiastically, sitting down next to Peter as if he were getting ready for a long chat with an old friend.

  “Yes, she told me her name is Stephanie, and that you were coming to help me,” Peter informed the men. Stephanie couldn’t help chuckling to herself as she watched little Peter puff out his chest with pride as he announced he had his very own guardian angel.

  “Well, it looks like your guardian angel gave you good information tonight. We are going to get you out of here, and then see if we can get you back home where you belong. By the way, you haven’t told us your name,” Kevin stated gently. He kept his voice gentle and kind, trying not to do anything that would spook his young charge.

  “My name is Peter and I am four years old.” Stephanie continued watching the scene unfold before her. This boy was absolutely adorable.

  “Can I see the cut on your leg, Peter?” Marshall injected as he looked at the gash showing through the boy’s torn pant leg.

  He gently peeled back the torn material. “Oh, you do have a pretty nasty gash on that leg. I have some medical supplies with me that I could use to clean the wound out and cover it, so it doesn’t get infected.”

  “Okay, is it going to hurt?” Peter inquired, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

  “Not at all, I will make sure it doesn’t,” Marshall quickly responded.

  He went to work and had Peter’s leg patched up in record time. Kevin leaned over to pick Peter up and carry him out of the park when the little boy suddenly exclaimed, “Wait, what about my angel? I don’t know where she is!” He was clearly in a panic, not wanting to leave his angel who had rescued him.

  Kevin was quick to respond and smooth the boy’s fears. “Peter, it’s okay. Once she saw that we were here to help you, she needed to move on and try to find someone else she could help. She’s very proud of you for being so brave. Let’s get you out of here, okay?”


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