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A Special Gift

Page 15

by Alice Brown

  “It’s okay, I was just worried about you. You haven’t seemed like yourself,” Stephanie replied as she gently placed her hand on his chest. “Were you able to resolve whatever was on your mind?”

  “I think so. If not, it will be soon,” he replied evasively, but refused to go into any further detail.

  Erica called Marshall over to the other side of the room, leaving Stephanie and Jordan with Davidrick. “What is going on between you two?” her aunt wasted no time in inquiring. Because of her work schedule, she hadn’t been by the house in a few months, so she was unaware of what had transpired between Stephanie and Marshall.

  “Well, do you remember when I tried to tell you about having feelings for Marshall? You might not, since you plugged your ears and gave me the “la, la, la, la, la, la” bit the entire time I was trying to talk to you.” Stephanie couldn’t help but tease her a bit. That day would have been comical if Stephanie hadn’t been so irritated.

  Uncle Davidrick was laughing at this point. “Tell me you didn’t do that to her,” he said to Jordan.

  “Yes, I remember, and yes I did. I just don’t want my adopted niece growing up on me so fast,” Jordan replied with a definite pout on her face. Waving her hand in front of her, she stated, “Anyway, go on with your story.”

  “Well, Marshall and I finally sat down and talked about things after I put him through the wall in the family room,” Stephanie stated.

  At this point, Aunt Jordan’s mouth dropped open. “No, you didn’t! Stephanie, what happened? I would have given a year’s wages just to have seen that show!”

  “We were tussling, and evidently my vampire strength kicked in. He was on top of me threatening to tickle me into a good mood one second, then prying himself out of the wall and shaking off the plaster on the other side of the room in the next,”

  Of course, Jordan found the entire story hysterically funny. “I am mad at you. What was your reason for not picking up the phone and calling me about all of this?” she asked jokingly.

  “Well, I’m sorry; it’s just been crazy lately.” Stephanie put on her most contrite face for her aunt before launching into the rest of her story. “Marshall and I did sit down and talk after that. I had been feeling the mating bond for a few months; he had known about it a lot longer, but was just giving me time.”

  Stephanie held up her hands, trying to ward off the tongue lashing she knew was about to start. She sighed inwardly. She had hoped that enough time had passed that Jordan and Marshall would get over whatever ill feelings they held for each other.

  “Don’t worry, Aunt Jordan, Marshall is a complete gentleman. He has been very patient with me and has agreed to go at my pace.” There was no way Stephanie was going to tell her aunt the two of them had made out at the movies, and then practically had sex the next day at his house. Nope, that info wasn’t going anywhere.

  “God, I feel old already,” Jordan grumbled.

  “Aunt Jordan, you are not old,” Stephanie replied with a laugh. Stephanie was pretty sure Jordan was still under one hundred, so hearing her talk about being old was laughable. Vampires didn’t start showing old age until well after they turned eight hundred.

  “I can see where your father and I are going to have a nice long sit down chat about this, very soon. Is he aware of what is going on?” Sometimes Aunt Jordan was more protective than her own parents.

  “Yes, Aunt Jordan. He and mom both know what is going on. Besides, are you forgetting that as of today I am twenty-one?”

  “So when is the wedding? And if you think you two are just going to move in together and not get married, I will kill him with my bare hands,” her aunt hissed between her teeth. So much for Stephanie’s hopes that they could call a truce.

  Davidrick, who had been standing by silently following the conversation, cocked his head at Jordan. “I thought you were the one who didn’t want her growing up?”

  “Well, I don’t, but since my opinion doesn’t seem to count for much these days, and she is growing up despite my protests, I figure I might as well make sure she grows up right,” Jordan retorted. Stephanie noticed she gave Marshall the stink eye every chance she got. Inwardly, Stephanie chuckled, her Aunt Jordan was one of a kind.

  “I don’t know, Aunt Jordan, we haven’t discussed anything. I wanted to get my birthday over with first anyway; besides, we are trying to take things slow. You know, one step at a time. Besides,” she lowered her voice for just her aunt, “you know when it comes to dad, sometimes timing is everything.”

  And just like that, her aunt’s mood shifted yet again. “Okay,” Jordan replied as she reached over to hug her niece. “I’ll leave your father alone for the time being, but if you get the urge to throw anyone else into a wall, I want a phone call prior to doing so, got it?”

  “I got it,” Stephanie replied with a laugh. Knowing there were a lot of others in attendance who wanted her attention, she politely excused herself and made her way around the room.

  The band started playing, and Marshall wasted little time in locating his girl. Coming up beside her, he whispered in her ear, “May I have the first dance, my love?” He looked good enough to lick from head to toe, decked out in a tight-fitting dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, allowing just a peek of his chest to show through.

  Stephanie turned and gave him her best smile. “Of course.” They made their way out to the dance floor, where the music quickly swept them up.

  “I haven’t had the chance to tell you yet, but you look absolutely wonderful tonight,” he murmured low for her ears only as he dipped her, then slowly brought her back up. His eyes landed on her chest, and the smoldering look was hard to ignore while she tried to keep in step with him.

  Stephanie decided a bit of a diversion was called for, so she wouldn’t be overcome by the temptation to throw him down on the dance floor and have her wicked way with him. “Why, thank you, kind sir. Mom and I went shopping today, then had salon appointments this afternoon.”

  “So that is what the extra glow is all about. You women seem to have a glow to you when you go out shopping, especially if you managed to find something pretty to buy,” he responded with a wide grin. His eyes did another slow rake over her body as he effortlessly glided them across the dance floor.

  “Well, then I should be glowing from head to toe,” she quipped. “You should have heard dad when mom and I walked in. He took one look at all the bags we were toting and asked mom if he was officially broke.” Stephanie chuckled as she recalled her father’s face earlier that day. He loved to tease his girls about their shopping habits. “Mom walked up to him and gave him a kiss instead of answering, and his response was, “Oh, no, I know I’m in trouble now, when my wife comes home from shopping all day and avoids my questions on finances.”” she quoted.

  Stephanie’s humor was infectious, and Marshall found himself chuckling along with her. “So, did you women manage to break Kevin?” he questioned, just as the first song ended and the next one started.

  Stephanie glanced up at him with pure mischief in her eyes. “Lean down for a minute,” she requested in a stage whisper. He complied, even though he thought about it first; his girl was well accustomed to playing practical jokes. As his head came forward, he tilted it slightly in order to place his ear to her mouth, but she had other ideas. She reached up for his chin, bringing his mouth to hers. Her lips touched his, and fireworks erupted. The only thing that had him pulling back was the fact they had a major audience, and he didn’t want to embarrass her by mauling her all over the dance floor.

  Besides, Jordan was in attendance, and that was one woman he steered clear from. She was known for having a temper, and could best most of the male vampire population on a good day. No, he wanted to keep his head attached to his body, so he broke off the kiss, looking at her questioningly. She gave him a cheeky grin. “That’s the only answer you will be getting out of me, Mr. Riggs.”

  He threw his head back and laughed heartily over his girl’s antics.
She always made him laugh. One of the many reasons he had practically lived with Kevin and Erica for the past seven years. She was a balm for his soul, for his heart. She looked at things with a fresh, bright perspective, and he loved her for it.

  Shortly after the third song started, Kevin and Erica came up beside them. Kevin looked over to his friend and second-in-command. “How about switching partners for this one, old buddy?”

  “Sure,” Marshall replied amicably as he put some space between him and Stephanie before breaking body contact altogether. Her father had her in his arms before she could blink. Stephanie glanced beside her and realized that Marshall had her mother safely in his arms, neither man missing a beat.

  Kevin smiled down at his baby girl as he twirled her around the dance floor. “You know, this is your official ‘of age’ birthday. You are by all accounts now a full-fledged adult.” He paused to take a deep breath, as Stephanie waited anxiously for the proverbial other shoe to drop. She just wasn’t sure where he was going with his conversation. His body seemed to relax visibly as he flashed a smile her way before continuing, “I just want you to know how proud I am of you and the way you have turned out. You are still young, but you have a level head on your shoulders. You are dependable, loyal, responsible, and are not afraid to face danger. Those are traits any father would be proud to have in a daughter.”

  Although she knew she was loved, seldom did she ever hear a true compliment like her father had just given her. She considered it an honor. She knew her father well enough to know he had to be thoroughly impressed before dishing out any praise, and she glowed inside at his praise.

  She was quick to let him know how much his words meant to her. “Thanks, Dad, but you know, I had some pretty awesome teachers and role models in my life.”

  “Yes, well, I just wanted to let you know how proud I am of you. I don’t think a father could possibly want anything more in a child than what I have in you.” He took a moment and cleared his throat, and then leaned down to continue his conversation for her ears only, “You have a surprise or two coming tonight. Just know your mom and I are standing behind you.”

  What did one say after a bomb-drop like that? She gave her father a questioning look, but knew from the look in his eyes he wouldn’t be giving anything away. “Just wait, you’ll see,” was his only response.

  The band took a break after the song ended, and someone made the decision that it would be a great time to open gifts. As was customary, the birthday “vamp” was placed on a seat in the front of the room, in the middle of a completely cleared, empty dance floor, allowing everyone to gather around to see. Stephanie chuckled as she remembered doing this very same thing year after year. Her parents always made a big deal out of her birthday, but some of the gifts she had received she would have preferred opening in private. As she became older, there had been several “well-meaning” gifts of clothing and nightwear that had made her blush when she was forced to hold up the gift for all to see.

  Stephanie eyed the mound of gifts suddenly stacked at her side and hoped that she wouldn’t be embarrassed tonight. The first box she grabbed was from Mrs. Jenkins, one of the many elderly in attendance. A wide smile came across her face when she opened the gift and found a beautiful book on poetry. Yes, Mrs. Jenkins knew her love for poetry and had picked the perfect gift. The leather-bound book was embellished with gold tips at the end of each corner, just adding to the beauty of the binding. Stephanie looked up from her gift to thank the elderly vampire. A glance over to her side assured her that her Aunt Kate was keeping track of who gave her what so she could go back and send thank-you cards.

  The next box was very small, but sitting precariously on top of much larger boxes, Stephanie went ahead and picked it up. The card attached stated it was from her dad. That’s weird, she thought. Mom’s name isn’t on the card. Stephanie peeled the wrapping paper off and opened a small jewelry box. Inside, nestled on a bed of silk, was an official VCTF insignia ring. She glanced up at her dad with questions in her eyes. She had asked him, no, almost begged him to let her become part of the team a few weeks ago, and he had pretty much said no. Why the change all of the sudden?

  “Is this really for me?” Another thought quickly passed through her mind. Was he giving her a ring just to shut her up and hope she would be happy with that? Did he truly want her as part of his crime-fighting organization?

  “Yes, you have been a tremendous help on many of our cases. I felt it was high time you became an official member,” he answered with a grin.

  “Cool, but does this mean I am officially part of the team?” she verified.

  Her dad seemed to sigh heavily before responding, “Yes, this means you are officially part of the team.”

  Stephanie couldn’t stop the grin that spread across her face. “Thanks, Dad! Does this mean I get my own Harley, too?” She was only half-joking. She figured she might as well go for broke; besides, she wanted to hear his response when he knew he had to watch what he said in front of a room full of people.

  “Don’t push it, kiddo. Besides, you seem to be able to travel faster than any of our bikes anyway. Don’t know why you would want one,” he grumbled in reply.

  The next gift was from Pop Atkins. It, too, came in a fairly small box. Stephanie could only gasp when she opened the box to reveal a beautiful ruby and diamond bracelet, with matching earrings and hair combs. The box itself was lined in crushed red velvet, and it was the prettiest gift she had ever opened in her life. Stephanie knew the gift was worth a small fortune, and immediately searched out her Pop Atkins. Standing up, she walked over to him and threw her arms around his neck. He immediately wrapped his arms around her, embracing her tightly in return.

  “I wanted to get you something special for your birthday this year. You have made such a huge impact on this old man’s life, little one. I am extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to watch you grow up into the beautiful young lady you are today.”

  “Oh, Pops, it is beautiful. Thank you so much. I have loved growing up and learning under your guidance. I don’t think I would have turned out the same had it not been for you.”

  “Oh, nonsense, girl; your other family members would have made sure they provided everything you needed.” Pop Atkins had never been one to take a compliment with grace.

  Stephanie eventually made it back to the “birthday girl” seat and started to grab the next gift by her side. She noticed Marshall walking toward her and decided to wait to see what he needed. As soon as he arrived in front of her, he immediately went down on one knee and said aloud, for all to hear, “You can only have my gift if your answer is yes.”

  Is this what I think it is? Is he really getting ready to ask me to marry him? I must be dreaming. Dad is allowing me, no inviting me, to be a part of his team, and my dream guy is asking me to marry him all on the same night? No way! “What is the question?” Stephanie barely breathed out loud, afraid that she was dreaming and would awaken to reality hitting her square in the face any moment. And what do Mom and Dad think about this? Are they okay with it? Then she remembered her father’s words about a surprise or two waiting for her tonight. He must have already known and was giving her his seal of approval as only he would.

  “Will you marry me, and be my wife for the rest of our lives?” Marshall caught her full attention again as he asked the question that would change both of their lives. He opened a small box to reveal a beautiful silver and diamond wedding set.

  No one breathed in the room as all waited in anticipation of her answer. She glanced up from the rings to his eyes. She had dreamed of this day for so long, she was going to savor it for just a moment. She spotted her parents off to the side a bit, her mom leaning into her father, her dad with his arm tightly wrapped around her in support. Both wore smiles on their faces, and Stephanie knew that she had their blessings.

  Before uttering those few words that she knew would change her life forever, she took a quick moment to glance around the entire room. Ev
eryone waited with bated breath, but there were smiles of encouragement coming from all corners of the room. She realized how blessed she was that not only her entire family was there to witness this moment, but all of her friends and loved ones within the community, as well.

  She scooted forward in the chair and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You do know I love you more than anything in the world, right?” she asked him. Oh, she had full intentions of saying yes, she just wanted to drag it out a little bit longer. Besides, he seemed to be in enough anguish to pass out. Was he that unsure of himself? Did he really think there was any way she could say no?

  He cocked his head slightly, clearly worried this was not going to end as he had planned. “Yes, and I hope you know I have loved you more than anything for a long time,” he replied quietly.

  She smiled at him and decided to end his torture. “Yes, I would love to marry you, Marshall Riggs. For me, you are the only husband I could ever have.” She brought her lips over to his, intending on giving him a quick peck, but he had other ideas.

  He caught her lips in a searing kiss that quickly left her breathless. His tongue swiped across, requesting access, and opened willingly. Once inside, his tongue swept over the roof of her mouth, tickling, then down across the sides of her mouth, and finally found her tongue and dueled for a moment before he seemed to remember they were standing in a room full of people, all watching their every move.

  He broke off the kiss, and stared down at her kiss-swollen lips for a moment, bringing his thumb up to brush her bottom lip. “You know, you had me sweating there for a minute,” he whispered.

  “Sweating? I didn’t think that was possible,” she replied with a smirk.

  “You know what I mean,” he growled before bending and nipping her lower lip as punishment. Does he honestly think that is going to stop me?

  She grinned up at him unrepentantly. “I wanted to savor the moment.”

  Fire and passion blazed within the depths of his eyes. “I will savor every moment we have together for the rest of our lives,” he stated huskily, and bent down for another kiss.


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