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A Special Gift

Page 22

by Alice Brown

  Stephanie had an even better idea. She stood and held out her hand for him. “I’ve got a better idea. Let’s go sit on the front porch swing. I feel like swinging.”

  “Okay, I’m game,” he replied as he grabbed her hand and headed outside to count the stars and relax in each other’s arms.

  As they sat on the swing, Stephanie snuggled up to Marshall’s chest. He had his arm wrapped around her, and she had her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head gently. “Are you okay? I know you went through a lot today.”

  “I think so. I had a long cry with mom when I first got home; I just couldn’t believe what they were saying. They had no idea that I wasn’t a seven year old girl, and every time I hear Hector’s words, my stomach wants to hurl.” A shiver ran down her spine as she thought about all that had transpired.

  Marshall’s arm tightened slightly. “You do know we are not going to stop until we have this entire operation shut down, right?”

  “Yes, and I am thankful. At least I know this group won’t be able to hurt any more children.”

  “Baby, I am so sorry you had to go through that today, but you did an outstanding job of staying in character long enough for us to get the evidence we needed. You did really, really good out there today, Steph.” He sighed. She knew it was hard for both him and her father to watch her take on these missions. Both men wanted to wrap her up in cotton for the rest of her life.


  As predicted, it took the VCTF little time before they had the three gang members singing names of their contacts. Charles decided that this case was too big for the local police and placed a call to Washington instead. Within minutes, they had the green light to go to Mexico and stop this situation once and for all. The FBI would be arriving the next day to pick up the three guys the team already had locked up.

  The team left for Mexico as an undercover assignment. The Community Watchmen had been brought in to cover for the team while they were gone, and Charles ran things from his office.

  Stephanie walked into her mother’s office to see if she had heard from the team yet.

  “Yes, I have some wonderful news,” Erica exclaimed as she stopped pounding at the keyboard and gave her daughter her attention.

  “Okay, first, I found Deloris a new job. Your grandpa assured me their new identities would be ready by this afternoon, so Maria can start school on Monday, and I found Deloris the perfect job.”

  “Where?” Stephanie asked. She couldn’t help smiling; when her mother was happy about something, she just radiated joy. One simply could not be in the same room as her mother and not be in a good mood.

  “Downtown, at the hotel, working with Samuel Martinez,” she replied, her eyes dancing with joy at the prospect of Deloris working with such a well-known chef.

  “Really? The Samuel Martinez?” Stephanie was amazed.

  “Yep, the one and only. And I have more good news. I heard from your father about an hour ago. They are wrapping things up and should be heading back home by tonight. They arrested six men in the sting operation and were able to save three American girls who were being prepared to be sold into slavery. They also saved four Mexican children and a few Mexican vampires are seeing to the children’s safety and getting them returned home.”

  Stephanie was all smiles over this news. “That is great news!”


  Deloris and Maria were excited about their new identities and the start of new lives. Maria—now Ramona—was scheduled to start her new school Monday morning. Deloris—now Inez—and Erica planned to take her the first day, but Erica had asked Stephanie to walk her to and from school after that.

  Inez was excited about her new job, which also started on Monday. She said that she had dreamed about being a chef as a small child; now that dream looked like it was about to come true. She needed transportation, and miraculously a late model, fuel efficient economy car sat in front of the house Monday morning with the keys already in the ignition. Inez turned to Kevin and Erica with tears in her eyes, stating, “You two are truly angels. Maria…I mean Ramona keeps telling me that Stephanie is an angel, but I think you two are angels, too.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  When the team had returned from their mission, life seemed to settle down. The annual charity ball was just over a week away, and Marshall was determined to find some private time with Stephanie. He hadn’t had any time alone with his girl since her birthday.

  So, when Stephanie returned Tuesday morning from taking Ramona to school, it was to find Marshall camped out on her doorstep, waiting for her return. Standing as soon as he spotted her, he walked out to meet her.

  “Hey, baby.” He greeted her with a soft kiss on the cheek.

  “What brings you here this early in the morning?” she inquired. She noticed the ring on her finger and felt a stab of guilt. They hadn’t had any alone time since he had given it to her for her birthday. Life had seemed to go into overdrive after that, and hadn’t slowed up until the past few days.

  “Well, I have the morning off...” He left it hanging in the air, hoping she would take the bait.

  “And I have the morning off,” she replied with a knowing grin.

  “I thought maybe we could head to my place for some alone time.” The heated look in his eyes took her breath away. Oh, yeah, alone time with my Marshall. And I know just what I want to do.

  She grinned, and he took that as her consent as he led her to his car and headed to his little apartment.

  Once settled on the couch at his place, Marshall snuggled up close to her, softly running his fingers through her hair. “I have missed you so much. We’ve all been busy with the mission, and I am glad it went well, but I am equally glad it is over.” He leaned down to kiss her, nibbling on her lower lip.

  He licked across the seam of her mouth, and she opened immediately, inviting him in, her tongue sneaking out to duel with his before she finally caught his lower lip and nipped.

  He chuckled as he broke off the kiss, but held her tightly up against him. His dick had risen to life the moment she had brushed against him this morning, and hadn’t gone down since. The little fellow needed its mate. He needed his mate. He had yet to take her fully, and he wondered if she were ready.

  “Have you missed me, baby?” he growled as he rained kisses across her jawline and moved to her neck, gently biting down well behind her ear where her hair would cover up any marks he might leave.

  “Umm hmmm” she practically purred as she pushed her breasts into his chest.

  He brought his hands under her shirt, reaching around back to unhook her bra. Finding nothing but cloth, he broke off the kiss in order to concentrate on the task at hand. Still finding nothing, he gave her a confused look.

  “Where is the hook?” He continued running his fingers across her bra line, as if it would suddenly show up.

  Stephanie chuckled. “It’s in the front.” She whipped off her shirt, and there sitting between her cloth-covered breasts was one lone clasp.

  “When did they start making bras with front closures?” he asked, intrigued. It certainly made taking one off and getting to the goodies a whole lot easier. Since he hadn’t been with another woman in over seven years, he had paid little to no attention to women’s lingerie. Hmm, it looked like he needed to brush up a bit. Come to think of it, his baby would probably enjoy a nice lingerie gift from him, maybe a see-through gown and robe set, he knew those were sold...yes, it looked as if he was going to be doing some online shopping soon.

  Stephanie looked at him as if he had grown two heads. “You’re kidding, right? They have been out for ages now.” She chuckled but then remembered him telling her he had been waiting for her all this time. She felt bad for laughing at his expense. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at you, I just assumed you already knew about them.”

  “No, baby, when I told you I had faithfully waited for you, I meant it. I haven’t been with a woman in…” he hesitated a moment as if he was trying to reme
mber a certain date. “Well, I haven’t been with a woman in close to eight years now.”

  “Wow, I guess I don’t have to worry about any jealous ex-girlfriends, do I?” She chuckled as she snaked her arms around his neck, pushing her breasts up closer to his face.

  It was his turn to chuckle at her. “Impatient, baby?” He studied for a moment, then undid the clasp between her breasts, peeled the bra off her shoulders, and tossed it behind him. It landed somewhere in the dining room. Leaning over just slightly, he licked across one nipple, watching it pucker before his eyes. “Beautiful,” he whispered before he went back to worshipping her body.

  While he was feasting on her breast, she made quick work of lifting his shirt and sliding her hands across his wide chest. She ran her fingers through the light dusting of chest hair, wishing she could use her mouth to worship him like he was doing to her. She lightly ran a fingernail over one of his nipples, causing him to arch his hips up to meet her cloth-covered pussy.

  “Off, Marshall, I want it off. Now,” she growled as she tugged on his shirt.

  He broke off sucking on her nipple long enough to raise his arms so she could remove his shirt. “Better?” he grinned at her.

  “No, I want it all off. I want to be able to get to this body without clothing in my way,” she growled as she leaned down and nipped his left pectoral muscle.

  “You going to reciprocate, sugar?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Sure” she responded as she attacked the button and zipper on her jeans, ready to remove everything.

  “Are you comfortable moving into the bedroom with me?” She had joined him once in there, but he wanted to make sure she was comfortable around him. He needed to remember that this was all new to her, though he was happy to see that her sexuality seemed to have blossomed quickly.

  She gave him a ‘come hither’ look as she stepped out of her jeans, presenting her ass to him as she did so. Then, spinning back around, she challenged him, “Well, are you joining me, or do I need to go find some toys to play with?”

  “Wicked wench!” he rumbled as he lunged for her. As he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, he gave her a sound slap on her ass cheek. “And just what would you know about sex toys, hey?” He silently hoped she didn’t know much, given that it was another area in which he had failed to keep up with the times. Hell, ten years ago, they were out sure, but nobody talked about them. They were only sold in a few select stores. They were considered a taboo subject. Now, dildos and butt plugs seemed to be the norm.

  He wasn’t expecting her to clamp her little teeth down on his butt cheek. What the f... “Oh, darling, you are in so much trouble now,” he warned, throwing her onto his bed and watching her beautiful breasts bounce a few times.

  He stripped out of his pants and stood before her, his erection tall and proud, waving slightly out to her, as if calling her name. He glanced over to see her eyes dancing. Before he could move, she was kneeling in front of him, one hand wrapped around the base of his shaft, her tongue coming out to capture the drop of pre-cum that had leaked from the head.

  She ran her tongue over the slit, gathering the bit of pre-cum sitting perfectly, as if waiting for her tongue to gather it up. With her hand firmly grasping his thick base, her mouth sipped at the head at first, then her tongue came out to play and lick, closely followed by sucking and nibbling. Then her other hand dipped down to play with his balls, and he felt his knees start to wobble. He quickly braced himself up against the bed, softly caressing her cheek as she played with her new friend. He could feel her hollow her cheeks as she began to suck him deep. He was a big man, and in no way did he ever expect her to be able to take all of him. Hell, he was scared to death of hurting her when he finally was able to slide into that warm, wet pussy of hers.

  “Baby, I’m getting close. Let up if you don’t want to swallow,” he ordered, but she continued. If anything, she sucked him harder. Damn, he was going to explode. He suddenly felt a finger gently caressing him right behind his balls, and he detonated.

  “Oh, sweet mother, baby…that’s it, take it all. God, you are wonderful, darling,” he exclaimed as his release exploded out of him, shooting his warm cum down her throat.

  She licked him clean, greedily assuring she had every last drop of his cum. When she finally released him, he felt like a worn-out, wrung-out dishrag. He thought that every bone in his body had turned to jelly.

  He fell on the bed, bringing her beside him to cuddle. He kissed her, and she opened immediately, welcoming him in. He explored her mouth with his tongue, tasting himself in her mouth. By the time he was finished with exploration, his body was beginning to feel somewhat back to normal.

  Flipping her over onto her back, he started with her chin and worked his way down her body, kissing every inch he could reach. He stopped to suck on both of her nipples—unable to pass by such sweet, succulent berries. When he reached her belly button, he stuck his tongue in the tiny crevice, then traveled further down. By the time he reached her mound, she was writhing uncontrollably.

  “Spread those sexy legs for me, baby,” he whispered as he cast a glance up to her face.

  She had been shy before, but she willingly spread her legs apart with no further urging this time. He used his thumbs to separate her lower lips, exposing her pretty pink pussy. Her juices glistened all around her lips, and her inner folds were drenched. He took a long lick from her hole to her clit, circling her tiny pleasure spot, swallowed, and then repeated. His free hand came up, and he slowly introduced his index finger into her virginal hole. Once fully ensconced, he pulled out and then added a second finger. When he had both fingers in up to the webbing, he turned his hand upward, searching for that magical spot hidden deep inside of her. He knew he had hit it when her back bowed off the bed. Slowly rubbing her sweet spot with a come hither motion of his fingers, he was rewarded when she came in a gush of warm liquid a moment later. Screaming his name and panting, she fell apart. And he was right there to pick up the pieces. He held her tightly in his embrace until the last of the tremors had eased.

  Marshall continued stroking her nipples, wanting to keep her arousal at its peak. She turned in his arms, and he noticed the shy look on her face as she couldn’t meet his eyes. “Umm…so, I thought that maybe…” she broke off, not able to continue.

  “You thought what, baby? You thought that maybe I’d stick my big cock into that little virginal pussy of yours? Because if you did, I would love nothing better. You up for a bit more loving, darling?”

  “Oh, Marshall, please, yes, please take me! I want us to be as one,” she whispered in a tortured plea.

  Marshall turned her back over so she was on her back once again. “This first time we are going to do it old-fashioned missionary style, but once you become accustomed to me, we are going to try out some different positions, okay?”

  “Sounds good to me,” she replied, just a hint of nervousness in her voice. She spread her legs for him, offering up that most private part of her, that delicate flower.

  “Don’t be scared, baby, I promise to take good care of you. We will go just as slow as needed.” He hoped like hell he could keep the promise he just made her. He prayed for patience; despite just having a release a few minutes ago, his dick was as hard as a baseball bat.

  He ran just his fingertips up and down the inside and top of her legs, while raining kisses on her belly. After a minute or two he felt her relax and felt a slight shudder go through her. He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed a new bottle of lube he had picked up just for this occasion. Not wanting her to tense back up, he brought it within her line of sight.

  “You are drenched, baby, but I want as little pain as possible when I breach you, so I am going to lube you up good.”

  Pouring a generous amount on his fingertips, he applied it liberally all around her virgin hole. Then, he applied a bit more of the slick substance to his fingers and inserted them one at a time into her. He watched her face for any si
gn she was in pain. There was none. He had two fingers in her, and he tried spreading them a bit once up inside her to help the muscles stretch a little. Just two fingers in and she felt like a vise. He leaned up and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking as he stretched her and prepared her for his cock.

  Removing his fingers, he lubed his dick. Still latched onto her nipple, he raised the lower half of his body up to line up his dick with her hole. Once there, he started applying just a bit of pressure so he could breach her. He switched nipples, hoping to keep her distracted. He reached down and flicked her clit a few times and was able to enter another inch. He continued until he was halfway in. He stopped for a moment, giving her time to get accustomed to him. Besides, he had reached the stopping point; he could go no further without breaking through her shield.

  Releasing her nipple, he looked up at her. “Baby, this next part is going to hurt a bit, but it should only last a minute or two. I am going to just get it over with quickly, then we will take a break to allow you to rest and adjust.”

  She nodded in reply and he reared up just a bit and plunged the remaining length of his dick into her. She screamed and grasped onto his shoulders with her hands, her legs coming down and going rigid. He made certain he didn’t move the lower half of his body. Instead, he whispered how much he loved her, and cooed to her, raining kisses all over her face and neck until he had the heat flaring back in her eyes.


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