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A Special Gift

Page 37

by Alice Brown

  “Marshall,” she whispered, after breaking off the kiss. “Will you make love to me?”

  He grinned. “I’d thought you would never ask.” He glanced down at the brace on her leg. “We’ll have to be careful with your leg, but I think we can manage. I’m nothing if not creative.”

  He used one hand on the back of her neck to bring her head up to meet his. This kiss was demanding, leaving her body tingling. Her pussy was leaking her juices; she could feel them gathering in abundance. And her breasts had sat up and taken notice the moment Marshall touched her. As they always seemed to do when he was around, her nipples were standing erect and had turned into hard points. Her breasts were throbbing for attention. She rubbed her breasts across his chest, tantalized even further by the feeling of her clothing brushing over her hard nipples.

  He gently guided her down until she was comfortably reclining on a stack of pillows. He then reached over and started unbuttoning her nightshirt. “We need to go lingerie shopping for you, once your leg is healed.” She followed his frown down to the bland, boring nightshirt she had thrown on.

  “I’ve got some nice stuff like that. I just didn’t want to tease you by wearing it when I wasn’t able to follow up.”

  His grin was wicked. “Why, I certainly do appreciate that, but I like seeing you in sexy things. Besides, are you ready to have sex now?”

  “Oh, yes, I just… oh hell, I don’t know what I meant.”

  He chuckled as she threw her hands up in the air in exasperation, but gave her no time to continue. He glanced down at her breasts, her nipples standing proudly at attention, begging for his lips and tongue.

  He lightly brushed his finger over one nipple, grinning as he watched Stephanie’s back arch off the bed, shoving her tit into his hand.

  “Someone in need of some attention?” he teased.

  Instead of giving her time to answer, he leaned down and ran his tongue over one of her nipples. “Oh, yes, oh, Marshall, please…I need, I need more,” she panted out in a rough whisper.

  He glanced up to her face as he took as much of her breast as he could in his mouth, mashing the nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. His free hand played with the other breast while he sucked hard on the nipple in his mouth. She had opened her legs and brought her one good leg up to circle around his waist. The move opened her to him, and he could feel her juices as she rubbed herself unashamedly up and down his lower torso.

  He quickly changed sides, making sure he gave her other breast the same attention. But he made quick work so he could start trailing down her body with his tongue. Because the real feast—the real feast sat between her legs, and he planned to eat her for a long time.

  She unwrapped her leg from his waist and spread herself wide for him, her entire body quivering with its need to release. When he reached her belly and swiped it with his tongue, her back bowed as she arched off the bed again.

  He chuckled as he continued heading down toward his delectable treat. When he reached his destination, he took a glance down at his treasure. Her juices were leaking from her, running down her crack toward her little back hole. Just the thought of that tight, virginal hole had his dick throbbing. Now that was one hole he planned to fuck in the very near future. Just as soon as her leg brace was removed, he was planning to introduce her to anal sex. That thought reminded him of an online order, which had just arrived the day before. Everything was in the nightstand drawer, just waiting for him to introduce her to the world of play in sex.

  He flicked her clit with his tongue several times while he reached over to the nightstand and felt around for the item he was looking for. Guessing his girl had never played with any type of sex toys, he started with a small finger vibrator.

  He stopped and looked up at her, bringing the small toy in front of her, so she could see it. “Hey, baby, I placed an order for a few toys. This is a little finger vibrator that I guarantee is going to have you going off like a rocket. I want you just to lay back and enjoy the ride, okay?”

  She grinned as she eyed the toy. “Okay, I’m game.”

  “That’s my girl,” he said approvingly as he quickly headed back to her dripping wet, hot pussy. He wondered how in the world he had been able to go almost three weeks without having sex with her. Oh yeah, that’s right. Because she was too injured and fragile even to think about such a thing, and because I am so in love with her, I would never want to cause her an ounce of hurt.

  He sucked her throbbing clit into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue as he went. He flipped the switch for the vibrator to come on, and slowly introduced it to her just running the tip around the outside of her hole. Within seconds, she was on the verge of climaxing, and he quickly stuck the little toy in her as he continued to suck on her little clit.

  “Oh, oh...oh Marshalllllllll,” she squealed as her orgasm took over her body, leaving her shaking in its wake.

  Climbing back up her body, Marshall rained kisses across her abdomen, up her ribs, then stopping to suck each tit into his mouth for a moment, before finally making his way up to her head.

  “Did you enjoy that?” he asked, bending to kiss her, and even more turned on by knowing she would taste herself on his lips.

  “Mmmmm” she stated as she licked her lips with a grin. “That was divine,” she purred.

  “I’m not done with you yet. Didn’t I tell you that I’m nothing if not creative?”

  He licked the spot right behind her ear, knowing she would be sensitive there. He was stretched out on top of her, using his elbows to hold most of his weight. His dick was already lined up with her pussy, so when she wrapped her good leg around his waist, he reared back just a bit and pushed the head of his cock into her dripping hot pussy.

  His dick was already warning him it had been way too long without action and had no intentions of holding out. The minute he was fully seated inside of her he started feeling a tingling going down his spine. He reached down and placed both hands under her butt cheeks, lifting her up carefully, while avoiding putting any strain on her bad leg. Once he had her where he wanted her, he draped her legs over his arms, pulling her open wide, and pounded into her.

  Within minutes, he was ready to explode, but he wanted her there also. He reached around with one hand and flicked her clit a few times, and that was all it took. She started to climax, her little pussy quivering and tightening around his dick, pulling his seed from his body and pumping it out into her waiting womb.

  Exhausted, he gently placed her back down and rolled to his side, making sure he wasn’t squishing her. The last thought that went through his head before going to sleep was, I’ll be lucky to get her down the aisle to say ‘I do’ before I get her pregnant!


  It had been over three weeks since the earthquake. Stephanie was sitting in her mother’s office casually glancing through one of the many bridal magazines her Aunt Jennifer had dropped off.

  Erica turned in her seat, her attention on her daughter. “Stephanie, you do realize Marshall is going to have to return to duty soon, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I am somewhat surprised he hasn’t gone stir crazy yet and bailed out on me.”

  “Your father knew you needed him for support, so he has been extremely generous in giving Marshall this time off, but there is still tons of work that needs to be done, and the team is going to need his help. You seem to be feeling better these days. What do you think of him returning to work days only? That way you would have him with you during the evenings and nighttime. You already know you two will be living together from here on out, so it’s not like you need to be concerned as to when you will see him again.”

  Stephanie stared at her mother for a moment. She had been wondering when her parents would bring up the living together. Under their roof. She was still finding it hard to believe that her parents were being so open-minded.

  Stephanie stood and hugged her mother. “Thanks, Mom. You are right; I still need him, but there is no reason he c
an’t work during the day. I understand the team needs him also. There must be so much to do. Have any decisions been made about rebuilding underground?”

  “No, there’s a lot of cleanup to be done first, and then I guess the board will decide what to do. I have already heard plenty of grumbling along the grapevine that individuals don’t have the money to start over, and the council is grumbling that they don’t have enough money to rebuild everything. So, I have no idea what they are going to do!”

  “Well, tell dad that he can have his right-hand man come Monday, okay?” Stephanie replied.

  Just as her mother nodded her head, Marshall walked into the office.

  “Hey, baby. Getting any ideas for the wedding yet?” he asked, seeing the magazine as he bent down to kiss her.

  “No, but you’re going back to work Monday morning.” She couldn’t help the grin that appeared on her face at his look of surprise.

  “I am? I guess you have finally reached the point that you are sick of me. Sure took you long enough.”

  The two stood and walked to the stairs. With the brace still on her leg, Marshall bent down to pick her up, carrying up the two flights of stairs to their room.

  “No, I am not getting sick of you. I know you need to get back to work. I’m sure dad is missing you. Mom and I talked, and I am feeling much better now, and dad needs you. Besides, they are being very generous in letting us stay together until we are married and have a house of our own.”

  “You know, baby, this seems a bit out of character for your father, but I am not going to turn down his offer. We have everything we need right now.” He looked around the spacious living area. “We are a lot luckier than most. At least we have living space that we don’t have to share with another family or two.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Marshall had been out of touch with his team for over three weeks, but a quick glance through the files told him he hadn’t missed much. Not one vampire complaint or problem had occurred since the earthquake. He was amazed, especially considering they had multiple families sharing living quarters in a situation full of stress for everyone involved.

  The team had assisted all vamps who had been displaced by the earthquake, finding a place for everyone to go. They doubled and sometimes even tripled families up, but in the end, everyone had a place to call home, albeit temporarily.

  The VCTF office was still being used as a hospital, so the team was using Charles’s office as the headquarters for the time being. Everyone was sitting around the large office discussing what to do with the huge mess underground.

  “No matter what, we cannot just leave everything down there and take a chance of a human finding it,” Charles said.

  The council was still deliberating what to do about rebuilding. The council didn’t have access to the huge sums needed to rebuild everything that had been destroyed. Both Charles and Kevin had offered to contribute to the rebuilding effort, but even with their considerable wealth, they barely made a dent in the vast amount needed to rebuild completely. In addition to the community buildings, many vampire families simply couldn’t afford to rebuild after losing everything they owned. But Charles was correct; they couldn’t just leave the mess down there for someone to stumble upon. Everything would have to be cleaned up, and all evidence that anyone ever lived down there to begin with would need to be eliminated.

  The team made plans to start that afternoon, rather than putting it off any longer. Some equipment had been down there prior to the earthquake; if it hadn’t been damaged it would help them with the cleanup. They would also have some additional help since the construction workers from Atlanta, Texas, and Philadelphia were still around.

  Visiting vamps joined the team as they lowered themselves down the elevator a handful at a time. Electricity was back up for the most part, but because the debris at the bottom still kept the elevator from going all the way down, the manual override was still being used.

  They arrived underground, and everyone stood silently for a moment, frozen by the sight of the massive devastation. It was easy to forget when one hadn’t been down there in a few weeks. It was worse than anyone cared to remember. At first glance, there didn’t seem to be anything in sight that was salvageable.

  Kevin broke the silence, deep in thought about how to begin. “Well, there are no bodies left down here, so we can use some of the heavy equipment like the front end loader to lift some of this heavy debris, providing the machinery isn’t damaged. I would like to at least try to salvage any personal belongings, if that is possible. I’m guessing that at least the top layer or two could be removed before we come across anything that can be saved.”

  “We have numerous fissures in the ground from the quake. We could crush some of this concrete up and reuse it to patch them,” one of the vampires from the visiting teams suggested.

  “Yes, that would be a start, I guess,” Kevin agreed, shaking his head.

  “Kevin, until you know whether or not your society is going to rebuild, I suggest you don’t destroy all of this concrete. If you do decide to rebuild, the construction workers can take this concrete, crush it down, and reuse most of it,” Walter pointed out.

  “Okay, let’s at least find someplace to stack it all, and start cleaning up what we can,” Kevin replied.

  They divided into three teams, each with an area to work on. About three hours later, someone yelled, “Hey, we’ve found something over here!”

  Both Kevin and Marshall stopped immediately and went over to investigate. “What’s up?” Kevin inquired as they walked over to the other team.

  This team held several of the Atlanta construction workers. “We have been going through each layer to see if there is anything salvageable,” one of the construction workers remarked. “We have a small stack of items sitting off to the side over there.” He pointed to a spot over to the left, where a stack of clothes, pictures, and other household goods sat. “But it looks like we have hit the bottom of this area. Only there was a little surprise waiting for us when we got here.” Both Marshall and Kevin climbed up the rubble to see what the construction worker was talking about. In front of them, there was a trap door. The worker grinned at Kevin. “Go ahead, open it up. I think you might be surprised.”

  Kevin lifted the trap door up as he and Marshall craned their heads to see what was inside. Marshall brought a small flashlight out of his back pocket and turned it on. “What is that, a chest?” Kevin inquired.

  “That’s exactly what it looks like,” the Atlanta worker replied, and quickly continued, “Come on, I’ll help you get it out of there.”

  Marshall held the trap door open as the other two men hauled up the chest. Marshall took a quick glance around, feeling confident they were standing on the remains of the retirement village.

  Once the chest was out, Kevin wiped away some of the dust, then turned the flashlight on it, revealing the initials, “SA”.

  “SA?” Marshall whispered respectfully. “Does this belong to whom I think it does?”

  “Yes,” Kevin replied reverently, his fingers gently gliding over the initials. “Samuel Atkins.”

  A sudden hush seemed to fall over everyone. “We evidently are standing on what is left of Mr. Atkins’s apartment,” Kevin spoke, his voice quivering. His eyes remained glued to the chest.

  “I want this chest brought up to our place. We’ll go through it tonight, with Charles.” He finally looked up to address Marshall. It was a miracle it had been found, even more of a miracle that it hadn’t been damaged.

  He looked over to the worker from Atlanta. “In fact, anything that is found in this area I want back upstairs when we call it quits for the day. You are working in the area that was our retirement village, and I’ll take everything over to my dad’s, where most of the elderly are staying, and see to it everything gets returned to the proper owners.”

  “Kevin, do you want the chest to go on up now?” Marshall inquired.

  He sighed heavily before answering. “Y
es, I think I do. Let’s get this up, we’ll just leave it in Erica’s office for the time being, and then come right back down.”

  Both men took a side of the chest and hefted it up, slowly working their way back to the elevator. “Wonder what in the world is in this thing? It weighs a ton!”

  “No kidding,” Kevin grunted out his reply as they began to hoist themselves back up the elevator. “We’ll find out tonight what’s inside.”

  The office was empty when they arrived. They put the chest in a corner, and Kevin covered it with a throw blanket, hoping everyone would leave it alone. They would sit down this evening as a family and open it with all due respect for the man who had owned it.

  The trip back down didn’t take anywhere near as long as the one up did, and they returned to the area that they were cleaning up. At the end of the day, the workers brought up all the personal belongings they had salvaged in the day’s work. Each worker held his bundle of knick-knacks, clothing, and other personal belongings respectfully. They had managed to keep the stacks separated for the retirement village, residential section, and shopping center.

  Marshall and Kevin walked into the house covered in concrete dust. Marshall wasted no time in climbing the stairs and heading straight for the shower.

  Stephanie surprised him when he stepped out of the bathroom and found her sitting in her reading chair. He immediately noticed the brace had been removed from her leg. She looked up from her magazine as he came through the doorway, and gave him a big smile.

  “Hey, I see someone has seen Dr. Carlson. Is your leg all healed? Are you able to walk?”

  “No more brace, and yes, I am able to walk again,” she replied as she started to stand. Marshall reached down and plucked her up into his arms, sitting down in the chair she had just abandoned with her in his lap. The move had happened too fast for the human eye to track.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as she inquired, “So, how was your first day back on the job?”


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