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Dreamspinner Press Year Seven Greatest Hits

Page 41

by K. C. Wells

  “Oh yes. And it is very serious. I love my dad, you know that, but he’d not been handling things well for a while. I think it started with Hart’s banishment, and it just went downhill from there.”

  “But I thought Malachi was a strong alpha. That’s what you always said.”

  She shrugged. “He is strong. But Hart is stronger. He’d be better if he had his mate at his side. He’s hurting now, and it’s making him… harsh.”

  “Don’t try to manipulate me, Tawny. I’m not going to fall for it again.”

  She smiled and stood. “I didn’t think you would. I love you, you know that, right?”

  “I do.”

  She leaned down and hugged him, burying her face in his neck. “Now that I know you’re okay, I can maybe sleep a bit. I’ve been worried.”

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just need time to think.”

  She pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Thinking is overrated. Go with your heart. Or your Hart. Whichever.”

  Dayton couldn’t help his smile. “Nice try, Cupid.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow. And you’d better answer the phone.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Chapter Eleven

  HART STARED around the living room at his father’s house and scowled. Malachi sat in the corner, sipping a nice cold glass of tea. The younger lions lounged around, doing nothing. Hart had a stack of files on the desk for pride business and his laptop running for his actual business. He’d spent a week trying to manage his law firm remotely, while trying to clean up the mess of the pride.

  Malachi smirked, and it pushed Hart over the edge. “Why the hell is everyone just sitting here? Don’t you have anything to do?”

  No one responded.

  “Fine. Bradley, get over here.” One of the young lions jumped to his feet and ran to Hart.

  Hart grabbed a few files off his stack and slapped them against the young man’s chest. “Sort this. Get it organized.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  The others looked at him eagerly. “All of you, over here.”

  They scampered over. “Jeff, you take Tommy and Sara and go mow the damn yard. It looks like a jungle out there. The neighbors are going to start complaining.” Jeff smiled, and they all scurried outside.

  “Mary, you take Lucy and David and work on the house. I swear, this place is a pit.” She smiled, and with that the room cleared except for Hart, Bradley, and Malachi.

  Hart stared over at his father. “And you, help Bradley get these files sorted. It’s a fucking mess, and I don’t have time.”

  “Finally,” Malachi sighed and walked over to the desk. He scooped up the rest of the files. “Come on, Bradley. We’ll take this to the dining room. Get out of the alpha’s mane.”

  Hart sat back down at the desk and stared at his in-box. Every couple of minutes, it pinged with a new message arriving. He hadn’t counted on these consequences to challenging his father. What a mess. And with Dayton not speaking to any of them, he couldn’t put his concentration into making anything better for any of them.

  His mate had the majority of his thoughts. Hart had looked up in his liger form, half of Rick’s neck hanging from his mouth, and seen Dayton’s look of horror. He hadn’t been able to sleep for a week. That look haunted him.

  He’d called a dozen times, as had Tawny. Malachi had even tried. They offered to go over and talk to him, but Hart wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do. He couldn’t get that look out of his mind. He’d scared Dayton, again.

  Tawny came in the office, and Hart picked up Dayton’s scent. He jerked his head up and stared.

  “He’s fine. Shoulder is all torn up again. In pain from that. But otherwise, he’s okay.”

  The elusive scent of Dayton clung to her. Hart growled.

  “What do you mean, all torn up?”

  She sighed. “I don’t know what happened, Hart, but his arm is clearly hurt again. He’s got pain pills sitting out and ice packs in the freezer again. I helped him ice it down, but I don’t think he’s been back to the doctor.”

  Hart smacked his hands down on the desk. “That’s it. This has gone on long enough.” He grabbed his keys off the desk and stormed out.

  “It’s about time,” he heard her whisper behind him.

  His BMW purred to life, and he grinned. It really did purr, just like Dayton had said. He pushed the engine to its limit and let it get him to his mate in record time.

  Dayton’s house looked gloomy. The shades were all drawn, the grass was overgrown, and the flowers drooping.

  Hart bounded up the porch steps and pounded on the door.

  “Go away.”

  Hart grumbled and twisted the knob. Locked. “Open the door, Dayton.”

  He didn’t hear movement from inside.

  He waited.

  Finally, he heard hesitant footsteps and the lock clicked. Dayton opened the door and stared up at him.

  His mate looked terrible. Pale, drawn features, dark circles under his eyes. And he’d lost weight.

  “Oh, love.” Hart stepped inside and pulled Dayton to him.

  “I’m sorry,” Dayton whispered into his chest.

  Hart rubbed his back, then hunched down and lifted Dayton into his arms. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Except not taking care of yourself. That I take issue with.”

  Dayton wrapped his good arm around Hart’s neck as Hart carried him through the house and into the bedroom. “I didn’t know what to do.” Dayton’s voice broke as Hart lowered him onto the bed. His eyes were half-glazed, the painkillers Tawny had mentioned obviously at work.

  Hart slipped Dayton’s shoes off his feet and tugged the blankets from beneath him. “Right now, you need to rest. You look like you’re about to pass out.”

  He sat on the bed next to Dayton and ran his fingers over his mate’s hair, his cheekbones.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  Hart knew the feeling well. He kicked off his shoes and nudged Dayton. “Move over.”

  Dayton slid to the center of the mattress, and Hart slid in beside him. He pulled Dayton over and nestled him in his arms.

  “I’ve got you. I won’t let anything happen. Just rest.”

  “Don’t leave,” Dayton whispered.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He began to purr lightly in his chest, and Dayton sighed and relaxed against him.

  For the first time since the fight that made him alpha, Hart relaxed as well. The tension he’d been holding close eased away as Dayton began to softly snore into his neck. He didn’t know how long they’d been lying there tangled together when the heat hit.

  “HART?” DAYTON’S voice scratched a bit as he yawned and lifted his head.


  The strain in Hart’s voice woke Dayton up quickly. “What’s wrong?”

  Hart burned up, his body a furnace and sweat dripping down his face. Dayton stripped off his T-shirt and wiped him down.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “It’s… the heat.” Hart panted and rolled to his side away from Dayton.

  Dayton reached out to touch Hart’s back, then pulled his hand away. “I don’t know what to do. Can I touch you?”

  “Probably not a good idea right now. I told you I wouldn’t leave, but I’m having some control issues. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  The anguish in Hart’s voice did something to Dayton. His stomach flipped, and everything seemed to clarify in his mind. Hart needed him. It shook Dayton to his core, and he reached out and tugged Hart’s arm.

  Of course, he didn’t budge.

  Dayton threw the covers back and crawled to his knees. He straddled Hart and gave him another push.

  “What are you doing? Dayton, please, babe.”

  “Roll over.”

  Hart complied, his face red and jaw clenched. “You don’t have to….”

  “I know.” Dayton smiled and leaned down. “I want to.”

  He kissed Hart,
bracing his hands on either side of Hart’s head. Hart lay perfectly still for the longest moment before he groaned and grabbed Dayton’s hips. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” Dayton tried to slip to the side, but Hart tightened his hold.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am. Now let go.” He grinned and smacked Hart’s hand.

  Hart released his hold, and Dayton climbed off the bed.

  He stripped out of his jeans and briefs. Hart’s gaze followed each movement, his breath quickening.

  Dayton ran to the bathroom and grabbed the lube out of the medicine cabinet. If he’d planned ahead, he’d have done a bit of preparation for the event to come. This was going to hurt. Unless….

  He went back into the bedroom, and Hart had curled up on his side. Dayton went over to his closet and pulled out a couple of old ties. Crossing back to the bed, he rubbed Hart’s hip.

  “Hart, roll back over, okay?”

  Hart winced and did.

  “I need you to take your shirt off for me, okay?”

  He nodded and sat up. He noticed the ties dangling from Dayton’s hand. “What are those for?”

  “These are for you. If it’s okay, that is. I thought it might be a good idea to maybe tie your hands to the bed. Just in case.”

  Hart took his shirt off and tossed it to the side. “That’s good. My control is… shaky at best.”

  “I know. It’ll be okay, but this way we don’t have to worry.”

  Hart lay back and spread his arms. He gripped the end posts of the bed easily with his wide arm span.

  Dayton tied one end of the fabric to the post and the other around Hart’s right wrist. He went around the bed and repeated the process for the left.

  Hart tugged at the restraints and nodded. “They won’t hold for long, but it’ll help.”

  “Okay, I need a few minutes to get ready. Should I, go to the bathroom or something?”

  “You leave my sight, and I might go nuts. I can hold on. I want to see you. Watch.”

  Dayton grinned and climbed up on the bed. “That can be arranged.”

  He flipped the cap on the lube and coated two fingers. “It’s been a long time for me.” He reached behind and traced his hole. He slid one finger inside and groaned. “God, I can’t wait to have you in me.” He worked the finger in and out before adding a second. It burned, and Dayton hissed against the stretch.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Burns. But not too bad. Going to feel so good, Hart. You’re going to stretch me like I’ve never been stretched before.”

  Hart jerked at the restraints, and his hips thrust up in the air. “Oh God, I need to be in you.”

  “Just a little longer, love. I can’t take you yet.”

  “Hurry, babe.”

  Dayton added a third finger and stilled. “So full. Going to climb on you soon. Let you inside, where I’ve wanted you to be.”

  Hart moaned and thrust his hips again. Dayton slipped his fingers free and fumbled with the fastenings on Hart’s jeans. The lube made a mess, but he didn’t care. He jerked the fabric down just enough to free Hart’s cock.

  He grabbed the lube and poured some into his hand. With a few strokes, he had Hart coated.

  “Hart, can you stay still?”

  Hart ground his teeth and nodded.

  Dayton swung his leg over and straddled Hart’s hips. He reached behind himself to grab Hart’s cock and held it steady as he began to lower himself.

  Hart’s head fell back, and he gasped as his cock began to breach Dayton’s body. Dayton bit his lip and pushed out, hoping the pressure would help ease Hart inside him.

  It did help, and the flared tip popped through. Dayton leaned forward and rested his hands against Hart’s chest. “Almost there. Just hold on for me.”

  Hart nodded. “You feel so amazing. I knew you would.”

  The strain on Hart’s face worsened with each passing second. Dayton took a deep breath and pushed down further, his body stretched impossibly far. They panted for breath, and Dayton wondered if they both felt the same.

  His own emotions swirled around him. He’d wanted Hart, not like this, but wanted him nevertheless. The pain in his body, the strain of accepting the man he’d agreed to mate, anchored him in the moment. He’d never fought for anyone before. But he fought his own body for Hart.

  The liger inside his mate began to stir. Dayton could see the signs, almost flickers as they passed across Hart’s face. He didn’t shift, but for the first time, Dayton sensed the man and the beast simultaneously.

  He gave one final push and flinched as his body finally accepted Hart’s length.

  Hart roared, and the ties holding him in place broke free. He pushed up and wrapped his arms around Dayton’s back. Clawed fingers dug in, not hard enough to really puncture his skin, but enough to hold him in place.

  He met Hart’s gaze, hoping to see the man, but Hart’s eyes remained completely black. He began to snarl and growl. Dayton ran his fingers through Hart’s tangled hair, down to his jaw. He cupped Hart’s large face in his hands and pressed a kiss to stop the ferocious sounds.

  Hart nipped his lip, trapped it between his teeth. A small bite of pain, but Dayton ran his tongue over Hart’s teeth. Hart released his hold and snarled again.

  Dayton braced his hands on Hart’s shoulders and raised his hips. A slow thrust, slight movement. His body responded, thighs tingling, stomach flipping. “Oh fuck.”

  He did it again, and dropped his head forward, their foreheads pressed together. He kissed his way down Hart’s nose, over his cheek, to his ear. “I’m ready, love.”

  Hart’s hold on him tightened. He flipped Dayton over to his back.

  Dayton trembled from the sheer force of the spin, and he clung to Hart’s arms as his mate stared down at him. The liger flashed again, almost a hallucination of the animal overlaid with Hart’s face. He began to move slowly, testing. Dayton hiked his legs up farther and held on.

  Hart snarled another deep growl and reared up. He grabbed Dayton’s legs and spread them wide. He thrust again and again. Dayton cried out, not in pain. No, the pain had passed. Although aware of the impossible stretch, he kept his body relaxed and pliant. His heart raced, and his breath struggled to keep up with the frantic pace.

  “Oh God, right there.” Dayton’s eyes drifted closed. Hart began to hammer into him. He grabbed his leg and held it, pulling himself more open.

  Hart fucked into him so hard that Dayton had to release his hold and grab the headboard. His sore shoulder screamed at him, but he ignored it. He focused on Hart, his movements. His mate’s face open and filled with pleasure. His mouth open, breath coming in gasps, his control shattered.

  Sweat dripped from Hart’s forehead and landed on Dayton’s stomach. Dayton’s cock begged for his touch. He couldn’t let go of the headboard, though, or he’d end up pounded into it. Hart seemed to recognize his dilemma. He grabbed Dayton by the waist and lifted Dayton into his arms. Dayton’s thighs spread wide over Hart’s lap. The height difference put them at face level. Their gazes locked on each other. Dayton tried to push himself up, but he couldn’t get enough balance. He hissed out his frustration.

  Hart gripped his waist and lifted him. Dayton dropped back down and howled. Perfection. He held onto Hart’s shoulders as he was continuously raised and lowered. Hart lifted Dayton off him, flipped him over again. Dayton’s face hit the pillows, and Hart pulled his hips up.

  He brushed his cock over Dayton’s hole, a teasing swipe. Dayton’s ass clenched, trying to grab hold.

  Hart growled and pushed into him. He leaned down, his hairy chest rubbing Dayton’s back. “You’re mine now,” Hart mumbled.

  “Yes,” Dayton answered. He reached back and held Hart’s thigh, the muscles rippling under his questing fingers.

  The heat between them increased, Hart resuming his pounding thrusts. His hold on Dayton kept him from sliding around. Dayton pressed his shoulders into the bed and reached
beneath himself. He gripped his aching cock and stroked.

  “Going to come inside you. Make you mine forever. Everyone will know you’re mine. My mate. Mine.”


  Dayton’s balls drew up, his release shooting up and out of him. “Oh fuck,” he screamed.

  Hart pulled him up and stopped thrusting. Dayton’s entire body shook with the force of his release. His ass clamped down on Hart’s cock, trapping it in place as spasm after spasm of pleasure ripped through him.

  Thick arms wrapped around his chest. Dayton held on, as Hart pressed to his back and tucked his face into Dayton’s neck. His body went limp, all energy drained from him. He rolled his head to the side and stared up at Hart.

  Hart began to move again, whispering into Dayton’s hair. “I’m close, baby. So close.”

  Dayton leaned forward, supporting his weight on his hands and knees. Hart gripped his hips and with a few final pounding thrusts began to roar his release. He fucked his way through it, his cock growing impossibly larger with each spurt he sent deep into Dayton’s body.

  He collapsed on Dayton’s back, pushing him down into the mattress.

  Dayton lay there for a moment before pushing an elbow into Hart’s side. Hart grumbled and slid off to the side but kept their bodies connected.

  Chapter Twelve

  HART’S SENSES slowly returned to normal. The scent of his mate’s passion filled his nose, and he breathed it in, savoring the way he could taste it in the air. He glanced down at Dayton, lying flat on his belly on the mussed bed. Dayton’s tanned skin glowed against the deep blue of his comforter.

  He ran his hand over Dayton’s flank, down to his knee, then back up to his hip. He nuzzled the top of Dayton’s hair and inhaled again. The musk of his shampoo combined with sweat. So erotic. His cock twitched where it still nestled in Dayton’s hole.

  Dayton reached back and smacked his arm. “Don’t even think about it,” he mumbled.

  “Think what?”

  “I felt that. I’m too sore to go again.”

  Hart reached between them and guided his cock free. Dayton’s hole was red and stretched. Hart’s seed began to drizzle out. He traced his fingers through it.


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