lack of security at, 307-08, 312-14, 317-19
American University, Beirut, 307, 310
amphibious warfare doctrine, 175, 178
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), 105, 107, 120, 142, 147, 148, 151, 163
intelligence, 110
Artie F, 333, 338-44, 347-56
Augustino, Salvatore Pulcio (Gussy), 35, 36
Aussie Mick, 50
Baader-Meinhof, 330, 339
Baby Rich, 256, 300
mission to Lebanon, 302-03. 309-17
in Red Cell, 333, 338-44, 347-56, 357
Bacon, Roger, 365
Bailey, Larry, 85, 86, 97
Baker, Jim, 238
bar brawls, 80-81, 128
Barrett, Della, 61
Barrett, Everett E., 59-62, 64, 65-67, 80, 99, 108, 177, 189, 206, 223, 257, 279, 343, 358
First Law of the Sea, 67, 69, 175,211,253,370
influence on Marcinko, 173, 187-88, 235-36, 247, 299
letters of support to Marcinko, 368
as protection for Marcinko, 124
Basque terrorists, 330
Bassac River (Vietnam), 85. 96, 99, 143, 145
Bay of Pigs, 73
Beckwith, Charles (Charlie), 7, 245
and Delta Force, 225-26, 227-28, 230, 231, 233, 235-36, 270, 275
Beckwith, Katharine, 275
Beirut, Lebanon
armed groups in, 311, 312 see also American embassy, Beirut
Belgium, 238
Big Female Ugly Commander (Big FUC), 40-42, 89
Big Mac (chief petty officer), 9
Bill (Frogman), 72
Binh Thuy, 82, 85, 126, 129, 134, 139, 146, 150
Black, Kathryn Ann. See Marcinko, Kathryn Ann Black
Bob (SEAL), 228
Boehm, Roy, 202
booby traps, 106, 116, 119-20, 142
Boyce, Frank G. (“Gordy”), 129, 144-45, 146-47, 153-54, 161, 168, 203, 247
Brown, Harold, 236
BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) Training, 44, 210-11, 242-43
Bunker, Ellsworth, 129
Cambodia, 143-44. 150
Marcinko chief naval attachè in, xiv, 180, 182, 184-85, 200-01
Naval Infantry, 190, 196
Camp, Joe, 76, 78, 97-103, 112, 113, 345
Camp Lejeune, 77, 80
Camp Peary, 228
Camp Pickett, 77-78, 127, 132
cannon fodder, 14, 76, 254, 256, 351, 370
car bombs, 306, 312-13, 315, 318-19
CARP (Computerized Airborne Release Point) flying, 54
Carter, Jimmy, 224, 289
American concern with, 226-27, 319
Chau Doc (Vietnam), 144-45, 153, 247, 289
battle of, 157, 159-69, 280
Chau Phu district (Vietnam), 146
Cheeks, 18, 22-29, 31-32, 254 in Red Cell, 333, 338-44
Chief of Naval Operations, 221-23
chiefs (Navy), 58, 59, 123-24
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 12, 73, 143, 147,181, 223, 232, 328
and Iranian hostage crisis, 228-29
Clark, Bob, 65
Clausewitz, Karl von, 212
Co Chien River, 85
Cocksure, Admiral, 341-42
College of William and Mary, 176
command and control, unified, 236-40
COMPHIBTRALANT (COMmander, AmPHIBious TRAining Command AtLANTic), 171-75, 178, 183, 200-01, 356
Coogan, Dick, 212, 213, 214, 216-17
CORDS (Civil Operations and Revolutionary Support), 148
Coronado Mafia, 356
counterterrorism, 236-40, 293
SEAL Team Six and, 5, 264-66, 285-89, 290-91, 331
covert operations, 186, 274, 369-70
Cravener, Captain, 204
Crowe, William (Bill), 223-24, 225, 228, 252, 279, 325
and creation of SEAL Team Six, 239-40, 244-46, 247,248
Cuban intelligence (DGI), 328
Da Nang, 71
Dave (Admiral), 324-25
Defense Intelligence School, 180,181-82, 293
Delta Force, 7,13, 22, 30, 226, 227-28, 237, 240, 266, 270, 272, 366
in Grenada operation, 328-30
in Iranian hostage crisis, 229-34
shoot-off with SEAL Team Six, 284-85
demolition training, 44, 49, 176 see also Underwater Demoli tion Teams (UDT)
Desert One (operation), 226-34,328
DIA, 223, 224
DiMartino, Joe, 72-74
Direct Action, 330, 339
Dismal Swamp, 171
dive qualifications, 44, 51, 52, 53, 64,176
Dix, Drew, 148-50,151,158, 161-62, 280
Medal of Honor, 163,16465
Dozier, James, 358, 359
Drady, Dennis, 133-34,15158,161
Duke, Lt. Commander, 254, 302-03, 309-17, 333, 338-44, 347-56
Dung Island (Vietnam), 141, 166
Dur, Phil;, 362-63, 364
E&E (evade and escape), 20, 52,64
Earley, Bill (“Squirrelly”), 75-76, 125
Eglin Air Force Base, 12, 263, 267, 276
Egypt Army Rangers. 291-92
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 37
ELINT (ELectronic INTelligence), 182, 224, 230
Enders, Tom, 85-86, 191, 195-96
Engraff, John, 153, 161
executive officers (XOs), 184
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 355
Hostage Rescue Team. 28588
Fields, Sidney, 125
Fingers (chief petty officer), 11, 24, 242, 259, 262
mission to Lebanon. 302-03, 309-17
Finley, Jim (“the Mayor”), 76, 78, 97, 101, 103, 104, 112, 116, 120, 247, 345
Flynn, Cathal (“Irish”), 321, 356-57, 362, 364
Fort A. P. Hill, 54, 127, 132, 202
Fort Benning. Ga., 53
Fort Pierce, Fla., 46
France, 330 SpecWar strikes, 369
Freddie the Frog (UDT mascot), 63
Frogmen, 69-70, 71, 73, 75, 286
letters of support to Marcinko, 368
Frogmen, The (film). 39
FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Repair), 224, 233
full mission profiles, 9-15, 289
Fulton Skyhook Recovery System, 55-57
Gadd, Dick, 328
Gallagher, Bob (“Eagle”), 76, 78, 79, 131, 247, 345
in Vietnam, 87, 90-92, 97-102, 105, 112, 114, 116, 119
GAO (General Accounting Office), 364
Gemayel, Bashir, 302
General Dynamics (co.), 339, 341
terrorist threats, 330 see also Grenzschutzgruppe-9 (GSG-9) (Germany)
GIGN (Groupement d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale) (France), 238, 293
Gold Dust Frank, 11
mission to Lebanon, 302-03 309-17
in Red Cell, 333, 338-44, 347-56, 357-62
Gold Dust Larry, 24-25, 301
mission to Lebanon, 302-03, 309-17
in Red Cell, 323, 338-44, 347-56, 357-62
Gold Dust Twins, 50, 257-62
Gormly, Bob, 85, 87, 200, 201
command of SEAL Team Six, 320-23,333,364,366
Great Britain
SpecWar strikes, 369
terrorist threats, 330 see alsoSAS (Great Britain)
Green Berets, 44,125, 127, 163
Greene, Rear Admiral, 201-02, 203-04
Grenada, 54, 325-30
Grenzschutzgruppe-9 (GSG-9) (Germany), 238, 291, 293-302
Groupe Interventional Speciale (GIS) (Italy), 238, 293
guerrilla warfare, 107,142, 163, 335 see also Special Warfare (SpecWar)
HAHO (high altitude, high opening) jumps, 4, 273-74, 292, 345
HALO (high altitude, low opening) jumps, 65-66, 74, 269, 273-74
Ham Luong River, 85
Harold (the Whiner), 40
Hartman, Steve, 332-33, 338-44, 347, 357
Hays, Ron, 334, 336, 365
ard, Thomas, xiii, xiv, 5, 240, 246-47, 251, 252-53, 264, 373
Henley, Marilyn, 242
Henley, Paul (“PV”), 238, 322, 333, 366, 368
and mission to Lebanon, 302-03, 309-17
and SEAL Team Six, 8, 912, 13, 17-18, 22-29, 31-32, 242-43, 252, 253-54, 259, 262, 263, 275, 282, 283, 286, 288-89
hijackings, 285, 293, 359, 360
Ho Chi Minh Trau, 105,143
Ho-Ho-Ho (SEAL), 301, 302-03, 309-17
in Red Cell, 333, 338-44, 347-56, 357-62
Horseface, 11,26, 50, 258-59, 274, 296, 299-301
mission to Lebanon, 302-03, 309-17
in Red Cell, 333, 338-44, 347-56
hostage rescue, 30, 270, 327-28
HUMINT (HUMan INTeIIigence), 224, 228
Humphries, Harry, 129-31, 153, 157,161-63, 247, 280
Humphries, Pat, 130,131
Hunt, Leamon, 358
Indian Jew, 16-18, 22-29, 31-32, 50, 255-56, 262
mission to Lebanon, 302-03, 309-17
intelligence, 7, 9,10,11-12
Marcinko’s work in, 223-24 U.S., 110, 224-25, 290
Vietnam, 105,106,149
IRA, 330
Iranian Air Force, 227
Iranian hostage crisis, 225-34, 289
rescue mission/plans, xiii, 5, 229-34, 236, 241
Iraq, 371
Iron Eagle, 364-65
Israelis, 118, 293, 305, 318
SpecWar strikes, 369
Italian Stallion, 285, 288
terrorist threats, 330 see also Groupe Interventional Speciale (GIS) (Italy); Naples, Italy
Jack (chief), 151, 157-58, 159. 163
Jake (Frogman), 72
Jake (SEAL), 271-72
JCS. See Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Jesse (prison inmate). 368
Jew, See Indian Jew
Joey (SEAL), 229
Johnson, J, D., 279, 283, 320-21
Johnson, Lyndon, 122
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 30, 31,201,222-23,225, 237, 267-68
chairman of, 223
and Iranian hostage crisis, 229
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 267, 268, 279, 288, 289. 302
and Grenada operation, 327-28
survey team from, in Beirut, 309, 310
and full mission profile, Vieques Island, 4, 7, 8-9, 13, 23, 27, 30
Joint Task Force (JIF), 236
Jones (CIA agent), 232-40
Jones, David, 226-27, 228, 229, 235
Jones, Donald, 356-58, 362
Joseph K. Taussig (destroyer). 69-70, 71
JSOC. See Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC)
Juliet Crossing (Vietnam), 90, 96, 97, 288
jungle fighting, 5, 17, 109, 112, 115, 152
tactics/strategies in, 104-08, 141-42
training for, 127-28
Juniyah (Maronite Christian stronghold, Beirut), 309
Kampfschwimmerkompanie. 26, 214, 243
Kanuch (Mr.), 33
KATN, Inc. (proposed), 369, 370
KATN Rangers, 327
Ke Sach (Vietnam), 141, 168
Key-Hole spy satellite, 225
KGB, 10
Khmer Navy, 219
Khmer Rouge, 186-90, 196-97
killing, 13-15, 97
American concern regarding. 117-18,228 see also casualties
Kim Simanh, 186, 190, 192-94
KISS missions, 96, 227, 232, 299
Kissinger, Henry, 185, 195-96
Kline (SEAL), 229
Kochey, Fred, 76, 82, 85, 86, 109, 111, 112, 116-17, 122, 126
Kodiak (SEAL), 328
Kucinski, Louis (“Hoss,” “Ski”), 132, 142, 145, 151, 153-57, 161, 164-65, 225, 247
Kuhn, Rich, 203, 204-06, 214-15
Langley Air Force Base, 54
language skills, training, 72, 74, 182, 241
Larry (SEAL), 228
Laser, Bob, 348, 354, 355
LAWS (antitank weapon), 142, 145, 156, 157, 161
leadership from the front, 74, 188, 208, 291, 323
SEAL Team Six mission in, 302-19
Lee, Donnie, 270-72
Lehman, John, 327, 328, 330, 366
LeMoyne, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chuck, 356
Little Carlos, 300
Little Creek Amphibious Naval Base, 43-46, 52, 71, 72, 73, 125, 198, 200
SEAL Team Six at, 259-60, 275, 280-81, 283
Lyon, Edward, III (“Ted”), 220-21, 249-51, 268-69, 275, 277-79, 281-83
fitreps on Marcinko, 320-21
Lyons, Dick, 208-09, 210
Lyons, James A., Jr. (“Ace”), 223, 252, 330-32
forced into retirement, 366
at Pentagon, 325, 326
and Red Cell, 336-37, 358
removal of, to Hawaii, 345-47, 356-57, 362
support for Marcinko, 333-34, 342, 346
Mac (master chief), 242, 259, 262,264
McCain, John, 49
McCain, John S., 49
MacDonald, Ken, 43, 45-46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 72
Macheteros (terrorist group), 8-10,13, 289
Mafia, 358
Maggie (nurse), 162, 280
Male magazine, 125,167-68
Manzariyeh airfield, 227
Marcinko, Emilie Teresa Pavlik (mother of Marcinko), 33, 34-35, 36,199
Marcinko, George (father of Marcinko), 33, 34-35, 36
Marcinko, Joey (brother of Marcinko), 35
Marcinko, Kathryn Ann Black (Kathy-Ann) (wife of Marcinko), 38, 81,176, 199, 209, 221, 260, 323
homes, 170,181, 334-35
marital problems, 275
marriage to Marcinko, 55
as Navy wife, 81,173,178, 182-83, 244, 247
separated from Marcinko, 334
Marcinko, Kathy (daughter of Marcinko), 81, 170
Marcinko, Richard
awards, honors, xiv, 120, 179,199, 280
barred from National War College, 323-24
battlefield philosophy of, 118, 166-67
chief naval attachè, Cambodia, xiv, 180, 182, 184-97, 201
childhood, early life, 33-38
commands, 247
Eighth Platoon, 126, 127-35, 139-58, 159-69, 171, 247, 289
retention rate, 208, 284
SEAL Team Two, 196, 198-217, 218-21, 229, 275
SEAL Team Six, xiv, 366 conspiracy charges against, 367
education, xiv, 34, 35, 36-37, 61, 173, 174, 176, 179, 202, 221
fitness reports (fitreps), 123, 179, 183, 218, 220, 277-78, 320-21, 333, 336
friends, friendship, 43, 285 as Geek, 62-63, 64, 68, 73, 183
imprisonment, 367-73
injury to leg, 292
leadership, 49, 69-70, 121, 201-02, 203-06, 208, 296, 322-23
marriage, family, 55, 69, 74, 81, 126-27, 170-71, 173, 176, 181, 182-83, 221, 244, 247, 260, 323 end of, 334, 362 problems with, 275
and National War College, 244-48, 260
naval career, 38-39, 57-58, 59, 68-71, 121, 123-24, 171-73, 174-75, 177, 178-79, 183, 199, 200-01, 219, 221-22, 223, 244-45, 333-34 end of, 362-63, 365-66
and OCS, 61, 64-65, 68-69, 124
at Pentagon, 221-34, 325-30
personal characteristics, 34, 218, 219-20, 322-23 ratings, 70 (see also his fit ness reports [fitreps])
and Red Cell, 332-44 relationship with authority, 123-24, 218-19, 220-21, 267-68, 320-21
retired from Navy, 366
SEALs as legacy of, 368-69
tragic flaw, xiv
trial, sentencing, 367
in UDT, 43-55, 59-67, 70
in Vietnam, xiii-xiv, 13, 121-27, 134-35, 139-58, 159-69, 174-75,201, 218, 220, 331
wanted posters of, in Vietnam, 167-68
Marcinko, Richie (son of Marcinko),81, 171
Marine Amphibious Ready Group (ARG), 327
Marines, 72, 80
in Beirut, Lebanon, 310, 314
rules of engagement, 305, 313
Marko (ops boss, ST6), 9
sp; Mason, John B., 364, 365
Mattingly, Harry, 91
Maxwell Air Force Base, 221
Mekong Delta, 78, 85, 108, 110,212
Mekong River, 85, 140, 191, 197
memcons (MEMorandum of Conversation), 182
Mercaldi, Tony, 370-73
Metcalf, Joe, 329-30
Mike boats (LCM), 97, 99-103, 105,107, 111, 120, 150
Mike Force, 143
Mike the Psych, 13
Mikey T, 279, 282
military attachès
as intelligence gatherers, 181, 192, 292-93
Minkster, 333, 338-44, 347-56
Miranda warning, 288
MOB-6 (MOBility-6), 238, 242, 243
Mogadishu, Somalia, 293
Monterey, Calif., 179
Moore (admiral), 183
Moreau, Art, 252
Mossad, 369
Mott, Admiral, 358-62
Mubarak, president of Egypt, 291
Mugs, Eddie, 206-08
Mugsy, Lieutenant, 254
Murphy’s Law, 189, 212, 232, 271, 287, 299, 300, 367
and Grenada operation, 325-30
Mustin, Hank, 92-95, 96, 103, 104, 134, 139-41
Bronze Star, 123
My Tho (Vietnam), 103-04, 109, 110, 120
My Tho River, 85, 110
Nakagawa, Gordy, 347, 352, 354, 355
Naples, Italy, 39, 40-42, 44, 65,76
Red Cell security check in, 357-62
National Command Authority (NCA), 268
National Security Agency (NSA), 10, 11, 223, 224, 230,231
National War College, 244-48, 260, 323-24
NATO, 360 special forces, 214, 238
Naval Intelligence, 110
NAVSPECWARGRU TWO, 249, 268, 277
chain of command, 238
Neil (cameraman), 350, 351
Nestle (SEAL), 273
New London, Conn., nuclear submarine base, 336-42
NIS, 359-61, 362, 364, 365-66
Nixon, Guy (“Doc”), 131, 145, 151, 153, 162-65
North Sea oil rigs, 238, 293-302
special ops combat swimmers, 293
Norwegian Cruise Lines, 285-86
NSA. see National Security Agency (NSA)
NSC, 224
Numbers, Earl, 70
Nungs, 147, 149, 151, 153, 160, 162
Officer and a Gentleman, An (film), 69
Officer Candidate School (OCS), 57-58, 59,61, 64-65, 68-69, 123
Officer Integration Program (OIP), 57
oil-rig exercises, 273, 275 North Sea. 293-302
Old Dominion University, 176
Operation Desert Shield, 372-73
Operation Desert Storm, 372-73
Operation Honey Badger, 236
Operation Just Cause, 330
Operation Snow Bird, 236
operational security, 152, 168, 251
Pak Ban (driver), 185, 195
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), 285