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by Richard Marcinko

  Palestinians, 118, 305

  Panama, 118, 127

  parachuting qualifications, 30, 44, 53-54, 64, 176

  parasailing, 6, 30, 273, 274

  Parish, John, 44

  Pavlik, Joe, 34, 196

  Pavlik, Justine, 33

  Patrol Boat/River (PRB), 85, 87, 89-90,97, 100-01, 103, 105, 107, 150, 151, 152, 157-58

  Peet Ray, 173-75, 176, 183, 219

  Pentagon, 212, 334

  Marcinko at, 221-34, 325-30

  Pepperman, 10, 11, 13

  Petersburg, Va.,

  Federal Correctional Institution, 367-68, 369, 372

  Phalangists, 302, 305, 315

  Phnom Penh (Cambodia), 182, 184, 186, 187, 194, 196-97, 200-01

  Phong Dinh Province (Vietnam), 141

  PLO, 316, 318, 369

  Poe, Billy, 277

  point man, 77, 154-55

  Marcinko as, 304

  Point Mugu Naval Air Station, 347-56

  SWAT team, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353, 355, 356

  Pooster the Rooster, 257, 262, 296, 299-301

  mission to Lebanon, 302-03, 309-17

  in Red Cell, 333, 335, 338-44, 347-56

  Portable Satellite Communications (PSC-I) terminals, 12

  Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU), 133

  Puerto Rico, 49, 51, 219

  Rangers, 44

  Reagan, Ronald, 290-91, 346-47

  Red Army Faction, 330

  Red Brigades, 330, 339, 358

  Red Cell (OP-06D), 345, 364, 366, 369, 370

  Marcinko dismissed from, 365

  mission of, 336-37

  testing security at New London

  submarine base, 332-44

  testing security at Point

  Mugu Naval Air Station, 347-62

  vulnerability check, U.S.

  Navy admiral in Naples, 357-62

  regional Force/Provincial Force units (RFPF) (Vietnam), 147

  Rhinebolt, Jake, 85, 86

  Rickover, Hyman, 224

  Risher, Clarence, 133, 134, 145, 151-53, 157, 161

  death of, 164-67, 223-24

  riverine operations, 149, 212-13

  Rodger, Ron, 76, 78, 97-100, 103, 112, 116, 131, 133, 134, 145, 247, 345

  Royal Danish Navy

  Fromanskorpset, 238

  Rudy (captain), 365


  SEAL Team Six and, 323

  and SpecWar, 281

  and terrorist activity, 341

  rules of engagement (U.S.), 305

  rules of war, 118, 127

  Rung Sat Special Zone, 85, 110, 134, 213

  Sa Dec (Vietnam), 163

  Saint Thomas, 49, 51-53, 55

  Sarendy, Vong (CNO), 185, 186-87, 190, 191, 192, 196, 197

  SAS (Great Britain), 30, 285, 293

  SATCOM (SATellite COMmunications), 12, 23, 24, 231, 309-10, 315

  Saudi Arabia, 293

  Saunders, Jack, 153, 161

  Schaible, Dave, 249, 321

  Scholtes, Richard (Dick), 4, 9, 13, 267-68

  inspection of SEAL Team Six, 279-83, 320

  Schwalenberg, Dewayne, 153, 161

  Scollise, Frank (“Slow Frank”), 132, 141, 151, 153, 161, 164, 225, 247

  SEAL Team One, 71, 87, 134, 241

  counterterrorist training, 237

  SEAL Team Two, 71-73, 75-76, 128, 131-32, 176, 178, 182, 228, 241, 242

  Alfa Squad, 76, 109

  counterterrorist training, 238

  Marcinko command of, 196, 198-217, 218-21, 229, 275, 279

  in Vietnam, 75-76, 81-83, 84-95, 96-108, 109-20, 199

  SEAL Team Two Bravo Squad, 73, 124, 247, 261, 288, 345

  training for Vietnam, 76-83

  in Vietnam, 84-95, 96-108, 109-20, 121-25, 131-32, 154

  SEAL Team Six, xiii, 50, 128, 240-48, 332, 370, 372

  chain of command, 267-68, 321, 331

  changes in, 323, 333, 368-69

  SEAL Team Six (cont.) command turned over to Gonnly, 320-23

  in Grenada operation, 325-30

  letters of support to Marcinko, 368

  Marcinko command of, xiv, 366

  mission in Lebanon, 302-17

  mission of, 240-41,266

  modified grooming standards, 278-79,280-81,282-83

  NIS attack on. 364-65

  North Sea oil-rig exercise, 293-302

  as outcasts, 323

  selection and training of, 515, 16-32, 249-66

  training fatalities, 270-2, 273, 296

  work of, 290-302

  SEALs, 13,46-47, 71, 75, 121-23, 125, 146

  aggressiveness, 80-81

  countertvrorist unit, 237-40

  East Coast, 213, 237-38, 250

  firepower, 4, 142, 145, 150-51

  in Joint Task Force, 236-38

  Navy view of, 211-12

  role in Vietnam, xiv, 134-35

  training of, 44

  unconventional tactics of, 103-05

  use of, in war, 167

  viewpoint of, in amphibious

  warfare doctrine, 175, 178

  West Coast, 134, 213, 237, 238

  Secret Service, 347, 349

  Senator, The (SEAL), 254, 343

  SFOD-D (Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta). See Delta Force

  Shamberger, Bob, 328

  Shiites, 311-12, 313, 316

  SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence), 224

  Sinor, Morris, 333

  SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up), 224, 231

  Snake, 311-12, 313, 316

  mission to Lebanon, 302-03, 309-17

  in Red Cell, 333, 335, 338-44, 347-56

  Snyder, Ted, 176-77, 178, 183

  Sothan (houseboy), 185, 188

  Sous Chef, 191, 192-93

  South Vietnamese Navy SEALs, 179

  Soviet Union, 290, 293, 330

  clandestine operations, 369

  Spain, 238

  Special Boat Squadron (SBS)

  (Great Britain), 203, 214, 238

  Special Forces, 144, 166

  Special Warfare (SpecWar), xiii, 16-17, 75, 176, 179, 211-12, 223, 225, 226, 241-42, 245

  Group Two, 212

  Marcinko’s rise in, 200

  Navy view of, 211-12

  rules and, 281

  SEALs and, 369

  in Vietnam, 106-08

  SpecWar commodores, 334

  Marcinko alienated, 321

  SpecWar Conference (1980), 249

  spy satellites, 12, 224-25

  STABs (SEAL Tactical Assault

  Boats), 90-92, 97, 100-03, 111 120

  Stanton, Bob, 175-76, 356

  Suez Canal, 292

  SURFLANT (SURface Force AtLANTic), 268, 279, 320

  Tactics and strategy, 142, 145, 167

  clearing houses, 161-62

  extraction, 30, 127

  infiltration, 127, 143

  insertion, 45, 140

  jungle fighting, 105-08

  snatches, 143

  in training SEAL Team Six, 261-63, 269-75, 283-89, 293-302

  unconventional, 104-05 see also ambush(es); booby traps

  Tan Dinh Island (Vietnam), 140

  tangos (Ts), (terrorists), 8, 19, 22-23, 25, 32, 314, 315

  Tarbox, Tom N. (“TNT”), 74

  TARFU (Things Are Really Fucked Up), 224, 232, 286

  TAT (Terrorist Action Team), 225, 228, 230

  Taylor, Jose, 143

  TECHINT (TECHnical INTeIligence), 224-25

  terrorism, terrorists, 225-26, 290-91, 293

  Italy, 358

  lack of preparation to deal with (U.S.), 330-32, 333-44, 347-56

  mission to assess, in Lebanon, 302-17

  U.S. response to, 369-70

  Tet (holiday truce), 144-45, 150, 152, 164

  ticket-punching activities, 177, 179, 184, 324

  Toole (commander), 103, 107, 111

  Toothman, Freddie, 132-33, 171

  Trailer Court, Ensign, 254-55, 273, 296, 297, 299-301, 33
3, 338-44, 347-56

  Tre Noc, 84-85, 97, 103

  Tremblay, Doc, 333, 338-44, 347-56

  Turkey, 238

  Turner, Stansfield, 224, 232

  UDT/SEAL Museum, Ft.

  Pierce, Fla., 368

  unconventional warfare, xiv, 186 see also guerrilla warfare;

  Special Warfare (SpecWar)

  Underwater Demolition Team21, 9

  Underwater Demolition Team22, 72

  Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT), 39-40, 70, 75, 178, 199

  Marcinko training, 43-55

  Underwater Demolition Teams (cont.) weapons, 52

  unit integrity, 81, 109, 128, 166, 205, 236, 253, 276, 292, 368

  under Gormly, 323

  SEAL Team Six, 265-66

  United States response to terrorism, 369-70

  unacceptability of civilian casualties to, 226, 319

  U.S. Air Force, 9, 27

  First Special Operations

  Wing, 237, 240-41

  20th Special Operations Squadron, 12

  U.S. Army

  Latin American Special Forces, 127 see also Special Forces

  U.S. Department of Justice, 288

  U.S. Department of State, 196, 302

  U.S. Navy caste system, 8, 62, 70, 124

  chain of command for SEAL Team Six, 267-68, 321-22, 331

  change-of-comroand ceremonies, 198-200, 221

  and counterterrorism, 5, 237-38

  grooming standards, 206-07

  lack of preparation for terrorism, 330-32, 333-34, 347-56

  method of operations, (Vietnam), 89-90, 94-95

  modified grooming standards, 241,278-79,280-81, 282

  use of SEALs, 121-22 see also Special Warfare (SpecWar)

  USSRushmore, 64, 85, 89, 206

  *Vassily (Soviet naval attachè. Cambodia), 191

  Vaught, James (Jim), 225, 227, 229, 230, 232-33, 235

  Vieques Island, 3-15, 16-32, 51,61,289

  Vietcong (“Charlie”), xiii, 85, 96, 97-103, 104-08, 109-20, 125, 127, 134, 140-58, 190

  attack on Chau Doc, 159-69

  strategies of, 89-90, 95

  Vietnam, 71, 179

  Marcinko in, xiii-xiv, 13, 84-95,96-108, 109-20, 121-26, 134-35, 139-58, 159-69, 174-75, 201,218,220,331

  pacification programs, 148

  SEAL One groups in, 213

  SEAL Team Two in, 75-76, 81-83, 84-95, 96-108, 109-20, 199

  Vietnam War

  Vietnamization of, 179

  Vietnamese Navy, 224

  Vietnamese people, 167-69

  Vinh Te canal, 150, 152


  killing in, 15

  unpredictability of, 224 see also rules of war

  water environment, 44, 52

  Watkins, James, 240, 336-37

  Watson, Jim (“Patches”), 77, 78, 79, 124, 131, 154, 247, 345, 368

  in Vietnam, 90-91, 97-103, 105, 112, 113-16, 119

  Webb, James, 365-66

  Wegener, Ulrich (Ricky), 293-302

  Westy, 149, 151, 158, 160, 163

  White, Chief, 41-42

  Williams, Thomas R., 208-11, 255

  Witham, B. B., 64-65, 66, 85-86, 89, 93-95, 96, 103, 247

  Worthington, George, 196-97

  Zmuda (Zmudadelinski), Dan (“Mud“), 63-64, 99

  Zulu 5 Oscar (Z/5/O) exercises, 52, 64



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  RICHARD MARCINKO retired from the Navy as a full commander after more than thirty years of service. He currently lives in the Alexandria, Virginia, area, where he is CEO of SOS Temps Inc., his private security firm—whose clients are governments and corporations: Richard Marcmko Inc., a motivational training and team-building company; and Red Cell International, Inc., which conducts vulnerability assessments of high-value properties and high-risk targets. He is the author of The Real Team: The Rogue Warrior’s Strategy for Success: A Commando’s Principles of Winning: and the four-month New York Times business bestseller Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior: A Commando’s Guide to Success. Rogue Warrior, his #1 New York Times bestsellmg autobiography, set the stage for his bestselling Rogue Warrior novels, eight of which were coauthored with John Weisman and one with coauthor Jim DeFelice. Visit Richard Marcinko’s website at

  JOHN WEISMAN is one of the select company of writers to have both fiction and nonfiction New York Times bestsellers. He is the author of more than a dozen books, including the novels Evidence and Blood Cries, and the nonfiction bestseller Shadow Warrior, the biography of CIA agent Felix Rodnguez. His much-acclaimed short story. “There Are Monsterim,” was selected for inclusion in the Best American Mystery Stones: 1997, edited by Robert B. Parker. For the past half decade, Weisman has been informally associated with the Heckler & Koch International Training Division, where he war-games many of the scenarios for these novels. Weisman, his wife—a U.S. State Department official and their three dogs live in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia. John Weisman can be e-mailed at [email protected].

  Dressed in a sailor suit, 1942. Did my mother, Emilie, know something I didn’t? (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)

  Panama City, Florida, 1964. No, I am not imitating Peter f---ing Pan. I’ve just been yanked off the ground at 130 knots by a Grumman S-2 Tracker while testing equipment for the Fulton Skyhook Recovery System. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY )

  Lt. Joe DiMartino (rear) and a couple of unidentified SEALs man an experimental SDV (Swimmer Delivery Vehicle). Joe helped get me into SEAL Team Two in 1966. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  Wheezing round the final bend during Hell Week, I am in the lead. I didn’t have to like it—I just had to do it. (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)

  October 1961, graduation picture of UDT/R Class 26: middle row—“Mr. Geek” (that’s me), second from right; and “Mr. Mud,” first on left. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)



  Vietnam, 1967, a souvenir of our nighttime “snatches”—a VC suspect with a member of my first combat unit, Bravo Squad. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  Reconnaissance of hootches during a patrol by Eighth Platoon in the Three Sisters mountain region near the South China Sea, 1968. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  Me and some of my toys during my SEAL publicity tour in 1967. This picture and the interview that went with it formed the basis for the Male magazine article that nicknamed me Shark Man of the Delta and gave the VC fresh material for their wanted posters. (NEW YORK DAILY NEWS PHOTO)

  SEAL squad deployed in STAB (SEALs Tactical Assault Boat), Vietnam, 1967-68. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  Harry Humphries (right) and me, on the eve of TET, 1968, as our PBR (Patrol Boat/River) pulled upriver for Chau Doc. Were we ever in for a surprise. (PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF HARRY HUMPHRIES)

  VC weapons cache captured by t
he Eighth Platoon in January 1968. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  Cambodia, 1974. Ready for combat body-surfing on the ekong River, with my PBR and crew of MNKs Maritime Nationale Khmer). I’m probably one of the only naval attachès ever to have spent more days doing combat than diplomacy. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S.NAVY)

  Desert target practice during SEAL Team Six training. hose Smith & Wesson Model 66’s got real hot, too—my ammo budget for 90 men was more than the entire U.S. Marine Corps got for training ammo. (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)(four corner photos, top) Heavily armed choppers and other major assets were very useful during our river and ground assaults, and helpful in getting my Bronze Stars. “Doom on you, Charlie!” (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  left: Awards ceremony on the Little Creek Amphibious Base parade ground, 1968. I’ve just been presented my first (of four) Bronze Star. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  taking down an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico on a SEAL Team Six exercise. The climb is bad enough… (DICK MARCINCO PHOTOGRAPH)

  Knock-knock. Who’s there? Ensign Trailer Court and a few of his friends come a-calling. (DICK MARCINK OPHOTOGRAPH)

  Gotcha! The bad guys are down—except, which one’s the bad guy and which one’s the hostage? (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)

  Trailer in his famous “Make my day” pose. He’s done it more than once. (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)

  Calm-water boarding exercise for SEAL Team Six. (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)

  Not-so-calm-water boarding exercise for SEAL Team Six in the Atlantic. This is why, my guys could bench-press 500 pounds. They had to—to pull themselves up these blankety-blank-ety ladders. (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)

  Practicing clandestine shipboard infilltrations in Egypt, 1982. (DICK MARCINKO PHOTOGRAPH)

  My “rogue terrorist” look? I had to don long hair and beard for covert operations. (PHOTOGRAPH BY ROGER FOLEY. … 1991)

  It’s a long way from my spit-and-polish days as Commanding Officer of SEAL Team Two. (OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH U.S. NAVY)

  July 1991, Annual UDT/SEAL reunion—RADM George Worthington and me. He replaced me as naval attachè in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (JOHN WEISMAN PHOTOGRAPH)


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