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Love's Autograph

Page 2

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “I'll be right there,” a woman yelled from down the hall.

  “Okay,” Ellie called down the hall in the direction of the woman. Ellie found herself smiling despite the nerves.

  Ellie closed the door and stood just inside the apartment. The kitchen was to her right. A sink sat in a granite island, and the stove sat on the counter behind that. Over the stove hung pots, pans, and cooking utensils. The backsplash was colorful and shiny. Ellie was drawn to it and wanted to walk over to get a closer look and run her hands across the small tiles.

  In the doorway of the kitchen Ellie shifted her weight from foot to foot. A small dining room was off the kitchen, and beyond that was the living room. The little girl was sitting on the couch staring at the television. She was jotting things down in a notebook.

  After a few minutes of standing next to the door, Ellie walked into the living room and sat on the loveseat, perpendicular to the couch. The little girl didn’t look at Ellie. It was as if Ellie didn't exist. Ellie glanced around the home. She sat facing a wall of windows that framed the night lights of Boston. Picture frames sat on the wide windowsill. To Ellie's left, a large screen television was surrounded by ten-foot-high bookcases. Every inch of the shelves was packed with books.

  Ellie shifted her attention to the little girl. She was hyper-focused on watching the cartoon and jotting things down. She seemed to have no intention of paying any attention to Ellie. Ellie was certain that the girl wouldn’t notice if a lion wearing a tuxedo walked into the room. She was watching the cartoon Ostrich Run. After each attempt by Wolf-More to capture the Ostrich, she would jot things in the notebook.

  “Hi, I'm Ellie,” Ellie said.

  “Hello, my name is Maggie. I am watching cartoons right now, and thank you for understanding,” Maggie answered. Again, she answered in a robotic, rehearsed manner without looking at Ellie.

  “Nice to meet you,” Ellie said. Maggie continued to stare at the television and jot things in her notebook. Ellie checked the time on her phone, looked around the room again, rocked back and forth in her seat, finally getting up and walking to the window. She peered out at the Boston night lights. She glance at her phone again, and sat back on the couch. She wiped her sweaty palms on her pants.

  Ellie said, “When I was your age I tracked Wolf's attempts on the Ostrich and wrote down how to troubleshoot each try.” With that Maggie looked up from her notebook, picked up a remote control and the characters froze on the screen.

  “You are the first person to know what I was doing. Did you really do that?” she asked.

  “Yes, I did. I know every trap, trick, and Fadell Company thing that Wolf has ever used. I always used to wonder...”

  “How he paid for it all,” Maggie finished her sentence and Ellie nodded. “I will be right back.” Maggie walked out of the living room and down the hallway. Ellie sat there with a puzzled look.

  “Yeah, the Maggie-sitter just got here,” Ellie heard a woman's voice coming from down the hall.

  Ellie turned and saw the woman looking into the mirror and adjusting her hair. Ellie had the impulse to stand. It was the same feeling she had when the doors opened and a bride started down the aisle. Music played in Ellie's head. It was a tune she had not heard before.

  Ria was slightly taller than Ellie. Her hair was shoulder length, wavy, full and black. Her skin was darker than Ellie's pale complexion. Ellie's gaze was drawn to Ria's full lips, and the strong curves of her body. She wore a silky red top and a black skirt. Roxie was right. Ria looked different from Ellie's other girlfriends. She was real. Ellie realized she had involuntarily stood.

  Ria spoke into a phone, “She doesn't like it when I say babysitter. I'm so nervous about this date. I've been waiting for this social worker chick to ask me out for months. So I finally beat her to it and asked her out. She looks so cute walking around the hospital halls. I call for a psych consult any second I can get, if you know what I mean.”

  Social worker? She’s not going out with me? If I’m not going out with her, I must be the babysitter? How did this happen? Ellie opened up her phone and scrolled through her texts from Ria.

  Ria said, Roxie recommended you.

  Ellie said, We were just talking today about how we should meet.

  Ria said, You free this Saturday night.

  This Saturday? Yes, Ellie said.

  Ria said, How about 7pm?My place?

  Sure. Text me your address, Ellie said.

  Those texts are so ambiguous. They could be about anything. Maggie walked past her mother carrying a bunch of notebooks. She placed them on the coffee table. Ellie took the flowers in her hands and place them under the chair next to her.

  “These are all my notebooks. There is the Wolf, Rabby, Slither...” Maggie said to Ellie. She stopped talking as Ria walked into the room. Ria was still on the phone. Ellie focused her attention on Maggie, but did not completely lose sight of Ria.

  Ria has have the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.

  “Umm, I have to go. I'll call you later,” Ria said. She hung up her phone. Ria gawked at Ellie and Maggie as if she were watching dogs playing poker in her living room, and none of them were using coasters.

  She recognizes me.

  Ellie walked toward Ria. Ellie called this moment the defrosting. When a fan meets EJ Way, he or she gets frozen in awe and has to be defrosted. Ellie's tactic is to make small talk and let the person know that Ellie is a normal human like him or her. She started this process with the introduction.

  “Ellie is here. She brought flowers. You can leave now,” Maggie said in her robotic voice.

  “Maggie, that probably wasn't the best way to say that. We'll work on it,” Ria said as she stared, mesmerized, at Ellie.

  “Ellie Jane, but I like to be called Ellie,” Ellie said.

  “Nice to meet you Ellie. I'm Ria,” Ria said as she shook Ellie's hand.

  “Nice to meet you,” Ellie said.

  Ria turned to Maggie, “I'm going to talk to her for a minute. Okay, Maggie?”

  “Yes, but just for a minute. You said she is here to spend time with me ,” Maggie answered.

  She probably didn't know that I was EJ Way when we were texting. I texted her as Ellie. I guess Roxie didn't tell her who I am.

  Ria waved Ellie to the kitchen. “What?” Ria said. “This never happens. She never warms up to people this fast. She hardly warms up to anyone. She's showing you her notebooks?”

  Doesn't she know who I am?

  “I have a way,” Ellie answered and laughed .


  “You look… you look…you seem a little overdressed for babysitting,” stammered Ria. “You brought flowers?”

  Does she have a clue I’m EJ? She’s gorgeous—and oblivious that I am famous. I want to take her on the date, not that chick from work.

  “Umm, yeah well, I just came from a date,” Ellie answered.

  Ria tugged on her necklace, “Well, I hope my date goes well.”

  “How could it not? You look amazing,” Ellie answered.

  “Thank you,” Ria said as her face turned red. Elle smiled at how her comment affected Ria.

  “So, umm, she has already had dinner. She's in her pajamas. She goes to bed at 8:32. She has a watch alarm that will go off. She doesn't like to be told when to go to sleep. If she wants, she might allow you to read her a book.”

  Ellie answered, “My pleasure.”

  “And umm… there is food and drinks... oh but no alcohol. I shouldn’t have said that. I'm sure you wouldn’t drink, would you... I'm sorry, it’s been a long time since I left her with someone other than family or her regular sitter.”

  Ria is absolutely adorable. I could kiss her right now.

  “Not me, I'd worry more about my family. She's in capable hands. Roxie wouldn’t have vouched for me otherwise. I'm assuming she vouched for me?” Ellie asked.

  “Oh, yes, she said that you were great with kids and I already see that you are,” Ria said.

��What else did she tell you about me?” Ellie asked.

  “She said that you were one of a kind and very sweet,” Ria said. “What did she tell you about Maggie?”

  “Not much,” Ellie said.

  “Maggie is on the spectrum, autism spectrum. Did Roxie tell you that?”

  “No, she didn't, and I don't see how it makes a difference. We'll be fine.” Ellie said.

  “Mom, it has been way more than a minute I am sure,” Maggie said. “You are not on time. I'd like Ellie back.”

  “See, she's very literal,” Ria whispered to Ellie and winked. “Okay, off I go,” Ria said as she walked to the living room and gave Maggie a kiss. “Goodnight, Maggie. I'll not be home until late.”

  “It does not matter, I will be sleeping,” Maggie said. “We have notebooks to read.”

  “You'll be okay?” Ria whispered to Ellie.

  “We'll be fine,” Ellie answered. “Oh, here,” Ellie handed Ria the flowers. “Give these to your date.”

  “No, those are yours,” Ria said.

  “No, that's fine. I'd love for you to use them. You've been waiting a while for this date,” Ellie said.


  “Yeah, no worries. You can't go on a date empty handed,” Ellie said.

  “Perfect, thanks. You have my number right?”

  “Yes, go and have fun,” Ellie answered. Ria walked out the door with flowers in hand. Ellie watched Ria leave and stared as it shut behind her. She heard the ping of the elevator. She sighed.

  “Ellie Jane, likes to be called Ellie,” Maggie said.

  “Yes,” Ellie answered.

  Maggie said, “We have a lot of notebooks to read. 8:32 is my bedtime. Not much time left.”

  “Okay, what are these notebooks?” Ellie asked. Maggie spent until 8:25 p.m. showing Ellie all her notebooks with cartoon information. She had notebooks on disguises, dialogue and funny signs. Ellie's favorite book was Maggie's book of questions.

  Why does gravity not work all the time? It does not work until they notice it.

  Why can't they get along?

  Why does the mouse live in a house with a cat?

  Why doesn't my mom like Eggers Element?

  Did Pixie Hamster get speech therapy like me?

  When it was time for bed, Maggie stopped mid-sentence and wished Ellie a good night.

  “Good night Ellie. I can put myself to bed. I know that I need to go to the bathroom, wash my hands, brush my teeth, and turn off my light. Please do not come into my bedroom unless there is a fire or some other emergency,” Maggie said.

  “Goodnight Maggie. It was wonderful meeting you. I'll be out here watching television or hanging out or something until your mom comes home,” Ellie said.

  “And not drinking alcohol, remember what mom said,” Maggie said.

  “Juice and soda it will be,” Ellie answered. Maggie tilted her head to the right at Ellie's statement.

  “Did you mean for that sentence to sound weird?” Maggie asked.

  “Yes I did,” Ellie answered.

  “Because it did,” Maggie said. “And we don't have television. We only have movies. My mom doesn't like television. Mom has a big selection of movies though. You use this remote here, and point it at that box there. There is like thousands of movies. I watch cartoons.”

  “Thanks for letting me know,” Ellie said. Maggie went into the bathroom and then to her bedroom.

  Then Ellie was alone. Despite being in the middle of Boston, the apartment was quiet. Ellie poked her head in Ria's room and saw the bed unmade and clutter strewn on the dresser. She walked around the apartment and saw pictures of Ria and Maggie. On the wall she saw several graduation degrees. Ria had a medical degree from Stanford. She was a doctor. Roxie didn’t mention that. Ellie pulled out her phone and searched for Ria on the internet. She found out that not only was she a surgeon, but one of the youngest leading general surgeons in the country.

  “Hot and a doctor,” Ellie whispered. “I gave up a date with a hot doctor.”

  Time crawled on. Ellie did all the dishes and wiped down the counter. She straightened the pillows on the couch and then turned on the television. She scrolled through the shows Ria had saved in her movie archive. She pulled up the summaries and most of them were romantic comedies. Ellie's phone kept vibrating. It was text after text from her manager Robert. She did not reply. Then a text came through under another tone.

  How's she doing? Ria texted.

  She's fast asleep. How's the date? Ellie answered.

  Don't ask. I'll be home in about an hour or so.

  Can't be going so badly if you're still out, Ellie said.

  Wait til I tell you. See you soon. Thanks. Text if you need anything, Ria said.

  Ellie said, Okay have fun.

  Ellie found a tolerable movie and lay on the couch to watch it. A fruity smell filled the pillows.


  Ellie woke to the sound of keys repeatedly being dropped at the door. Ellie walked toward the front door. Through the peephole she saw Ria. She opened the door.

  “Oh, I was trying to be quiet,” Ria tried to whisper but her words came out loudly. Ellie smelled beer.

  “That’s okay,” Ellie said as she picked up Ria's keys off the floor. Ria grabbed the keys from Ellie's hand and wobbled into the apartment. “How is she?”

  “Sleeping,” Ellie answered. “Easy night.”

  “At least for one of us,” Ria said as she slid off her high-heels and tossed them near the door.

  “What happened? If you don't mind me asking,” Ellie asked.

  “Oh, I don't want to bog you down with all my drama. I'm sure you've better things to do and it's late,” Ria said.

  “I'm interested,” Ellie said.

  Ria walked over to the couch and motioned for Ellie to come sit with her and asked, “Well, what's worse than being stood-up? I don't have cable. I don't watch television.” Ria pointed to the movie on the screen.

  “That's fine. Umm, I don't know. What?” Ellie asked as she picked up the remote and turned off the movie.

  Ria answered, “Someone showing up with a bunch of friends and not realizing that it was a date.”


  “Yeah, she didn't know I was asking her out on a date. That's bad, huh? And I showed up with those flowers. I said that some random guy on the street gave them to me,” Ria said shaking her head at the absurdity of her evening.

  Those flowers are full of lies. Could be worse. You could have been the accidental sitter like me.

  “Then she...” Ria said as she tried to recall her date’s name. “Mandy... continued to flirt and make out with several guys in the room. Come to find out that she's not gay!”

  “Your gaydar not working?” Ellie asked.

  “You gay?” Ria asked.


  Ria laughed, “No, it's still working. I guess not on her. Months of crush gone to waste.”

  “You'll have to find someone else to crush on,” Ellie suggested.

  “Any suggestions?” Ria asked. Ellie hesitated and Ellie's face turned red. “You two have fun?” Ria changed the subject.

  “Yes, it was great. She’s wonderful,” Ellie said. “She put herself to bed and gave me strict instructions not to come near her room unless there was an emergency.”

  “She does that,” Ria said. “You were great with her.” Ria slumped into the couch. “I've never seen anybody get so close to her so fast. She never let me see those notebooks. Did she actually share them with you?”

  Ellie replied, “Every last sentence and drawing.”

  Ria shifted on the couch and squared her shoulders to Ellie. She was now face-to-face with Ellie and a bit closer. Ellie felt electricity between them. “What's in them? I was too scared to ever peek. I asked once. She freaked out. It was as if I'd cut off her right hand.” Ellie shifted nervously on the couch. Her pulse raced and she had a hard time keeping eye contact with Ria so close to her.

  “I w
as sworn to secrecy. No concerning content. I promise. It was so nice to have some kid time. It was surprisingly relaxing,” Ellie said as she stood and moved toward the door. “It was nice meeting you. Call me some time.”

  “Wait, no wait,” Ria grabbed Ellie's sleeve. “I'm a little buzzed but not ready for bed. Stay a little bit? I'd rather this night end on a positive note. Do you want a drink?” Ellie looked down at Ria and hesitated to answer. Ria's brown eyes held her there. An awkward silence fell between them.

  “Umm, sure what you got?” Ellie answered. Ria pointed to the kitchen.

  “I don't know. Look in the fridge,” Ria said. Ellie grabbed two beers and gave one to Ria. Ria connected her phone to some speakers and the two sat on the couch. Music filled the room.

  “That's the first date I've gone on in over a year, and it wasn't even a date,” Ria said.

  “You must have been really busy. No dates and from the sound of this music, you haven't updated your music archive in what. Twenty years?” Ellie said and laughed. “Well, the dating world only can get better from here.”

  “Where did you read that? A bumper sticker? And I've been busy with things like medical school, a kid, a divorce, and saving lives. Not much time for keeping up with television and the latest music,” Ria said.

  Maybe that’s why she doesn't recognize me.

  “Okay, you get a pass on being behind in the media world,” Ellie said. “Let's talk about dating.” I want to learn as much as I can about Ria.

  “People keep trying to set me up, but I'm afraid of the whole friend setting you up thing. You never know what you'll get and then there is all that pressure because a friend set you up.”

  Ellie chuckled and asked, “How do you know Roxie?”

  “She's a friend of the family. I haven't seen her much since she hit the big time. But she was around a lot when I was little,” Ria added.

  “I bet you were cute when you were younger,” Ellie said without thinking. “I mean you're good looking now...”

  “I think tonight pushed me over the edge,” Ria interrupted Ellie's flirtatious blunder.

  “Over the edge?” Ellie asked.

  “Not like that.”

  “Like what then?” Ellie asked.


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