Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 15

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “Kind of hard, when we have seats next to each other,” Jenny said. “Ellie, it’s pathetic that we can't just sit next to each other!”

  “No, no, Jenny! Just like you couldn't tell me that you wanted to move out!” Ellie yelled. “I'm not doing this right now. Stay out of my life. And Robert, you're this close to being fired.” Robert shrugged and smirked as he looked out his window.

  They pulled up to the red carpet and Ellie stepped out. Jenny was close behind her and grabbed Ellie's hand. Robert came between them and put his arms around both Ellie and Jenny's shoulders.

  “Back together!” Robert yelled. Ellie yanked her hand away and walked ahead of them. She avoided several interviews, apologized to each journalist and host, and said she would come back to them. She went to the restroom. Just as she walked out of the restroom a text came in. It was Maggie.

  Maggie asked, Are you back with Jenny?

  Ellie answered, No they pulled another publicity stunt.

  I'm in my room and I am threatening to cut myself, Maggie said.

  Ellie said, Please, don't do that. Go talk to your mother.

  Ellie dialed Ria.

  “Hey, I can't talk right now...” Ria's voice mail picked up. Ellie called again and got voice mail. She called again.

  “Hey, Ellie now isn't a good time,” another woman answered.

  “Is this Gwen?” Ellie asked.

  “Yes, we're dealing with something...”

  “Gwen, let me talk to Ria. I know that Maggie is planning on hurting herself. She texted me.”

  Gwen answered, “Yeah, she and I got in an argument. She locked herself in her room, and we can't get in. The police are on their way, as well as an ambulance. We got it under control.”

  Maggie texted, Mom already knows. She's trying to get in. She called the police I think. They are going to take me away. I heard Gwen say today that things would be better without me around.

  “Glad to hear that you think things are under control. No offense, but please let me talk to Ria now. Please,” Ellie said.

  “I'll ask,” Gwen said.

  Ellie texted Maggie, Glad you texted me. Hurting yourself is not the answer. Give me some time to help and talk to your mom.

  Ria came on the phone, “Ellie? She's texting you?”

  “Yes, she's mad at Gwen. She thinks that she doesn't want her around,” Ellie said.

  “What does she want?” Ria asked.

  “She doesn't want to be taken away. I'm not sure what else,” Ellie said.

  “Tell her to come out and I’ll call off the police,” Ria whispered.

  “Okay,” Ellie said. As Ellie stood outside the bathroom, several reporters were taking pictures of her. Ellie smiled.

  “Don't text and drive!” she said to the cameras. She then shot the peace sign.

  You did the peace sign to me, Maggie texted.

  Ellie texted, Yes, I did. Your mom said that if you come out she will call the police off.

  Maggie texted, What about the ambulance?

  Ellie walked back into the bathroom. A few celebrities were standing in front of the mirror. A few of them looked familiar to Ellie.

  “What about the ambulance?” Ellie asked Ria.

  Ria said, “They have to check her out, but I'll tell them I don't want her taken away if she doesn't hurt herself and if she comes out.”

  Ellie texted Maggie, She said the ambulance has to come, but she will tell them not to take you if you come out now.

  I will open my door, but nobody can come in my room, Maggie texted.

  “She opened the door Ellie,” Ria said.

  “She asked that nobody comes in her room,” Ellie said.

  “You should send her away to get help,” Ellie heard Gwen say in the background.

  “Gwen, can you go in our room?” Ria said.

  Okay, things will be good now. Talk to your mom. Call or text me if you need anything else. Don't hurt yourself, Ellie texted to Maggie.

  New plan, Maggie texted.

  What plan? Ellie texted.

  “Ria, Maggie is saying a new plan. Hold on, I'll let you know,” Ellie said.

  Maggie texted, You need to come here. That way you will be away from Jenny, and you will save me from Gwen. And you can see Mom.

  Ellie texted, Did you forget that I'm in NYC?

  Take a private plane. You're rich and resourceful. You can do these things. Right?

  Ellie texted, Maggie really? I can be there by tomorrow.

  Tonight, please. I am done texting, Maggie said.

  Ellie responded, Keep the door open. I'll try to get there ASAP. Play your guitar. Learn some chords. Promise you won't hurt yourself.

  Maggie texted, I promise. See you soon.

  “Ria, she wants me there, so I'm coming. I told her to play her guitar. Keep Gwen away from her. I'll try to be there in less than two hours.”

  “You don't have to—” Ria started.

  “I'm on my way. Don't let them take her,” Ellie said as her voice cracked. She choked down the tears.

  “Okay, see you soon,” Ria said. Ellie could hear Ria choking up. She left the bathroom as she dialed Jazzie.

  “Hey, about Jenny, I didn't know,” Jazzie picked up and said.

  “Forget about it,” Ellie said. “I need your help. I got to leave. I hate to pull you away from all this.”

  “What? Why?” Jazzie asked.

  “Maggie and Ria need me,” Ellie said.

  “No problem,” she said. “What do you need?”

  “I need to get to the airport and back to Boston,” Ellie said.

  “Well, some of the stars landed on the hotel roof over here in a helicopter,” Jazzie said. “Maybe we can borrow one of their rides.”

  “I’ll come out and get you, and we'll hop up there to the roof,” Ellie said. Ellie jogged away from the bathroom and passed all the reporters again. It was like running through a life-sized Barbie field. There were Kens and Barbies everywhere.

  “EJ Way! Where you headed?!” a reporter yelled out.

  Ellie yelled to the reporters, “It's my re-enactment of Cinderella. I'm going to turn into a pumpkin soon. Sorry I have to run. I apologize.”

  “Does this have anything to do with Jenny?” someone else called out.

  Ellie stopped and walked over, “Let it be known that this has nothing to do with Jenny. Let's not give her that power. We're over and done with. My manager, Robert, keeps trying to rock that boat.” Ellie looked into the cameras and flashed a peace sign. “Keep rocking.”

  Ellie and Jazzie made it to the roof where, with some sweet talk and a bunch of hundreds, they rented a helicopter that took them to LaGuardia Airport. At LaGuardia they chartered a private jet to Logan Airport in Boston.

  As Ellie and Jazzie sat in a private jet from LaGuardia to Logan Airport, Jazzie asked, “I know these are not the best circumstances, so is it bad that I'm excited to be on a private jet?”

  “No, I needed some fresh excitement,” Ellie said. “Next time I go on a private jet, I'll make sure to bring you.”

  “So, now that we're alone, what's going on?” Jazzie asked.

  “Well, I don't want to spread Ria and Maggie's private business. I guess I can tell you that Maggie has some self-harming behaviors and wanted me to come home,” Ellie said.

  “What happened?” Jazzie asked.

  “She hates Ria's girlfriend, and I think she's mad because she saw me on TV with Jenny.”

  “Oh,” Jazzie said. “Why does she care if you're with Jenny?”

  “She wants me to date Ria.”

  “Don't we all. What are you going to do when you get there? How are you going to help?” Jazzie asked. “Not that you're not helpful, but why you?”

  “I guess Maggie likes me and trusts me,” Ellie said. “They both are important to me.”

  “I get that,” Jazzie said. Ellie started wiping her sweaty palms on a napkin from a nearby table. “Try to relax.”

  “Yeah, how? Can't t
his thing go any faster?” Ellie asked.

  “Let's get your mind off it,” Jazzie said. “Oh, I know. I'll name a celebrity, and you tell me if you've met him or her and what he or she is like.”

  “Doesn't sound fun to me, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it,” Ellie said.

  “Danny Daniels,” Jazzie said.

  “Really? You're going to start with someone from a boy band? He thinks he knows everything,” Ellie said.

  Jazzie succeeded in occupying Ellie's mind during the flight. They landed in Boston and Jazzie made it from the Logan Airport to Ria's in no time. All in all, they made it from New York City to Ria's apartment in about two hours.

  “Sure you don't want me to come up and stand outside the door or in the lobby?” Jazzie asked.

  “No, that might seem like an invasion of their privacy, you know,” Ellie said.

  “Okay, I'll sit out here for a little bit. Please call if you need anything at any time.”

  “Thanks,” Ellie said. “Thanks for everything. I won't forget it.”

  Ellie stepped into the elevator. Her adrenaline was pumping. She had tried to text and call Ria but there was no answer. She could not help but think the worst. She knocked on the apartment door. The door swung open with an exhausted Ria on the other side.

  “Hey,” Ria greeted Ellie. Ria ran her eyes up and down Ellie’s outfit. Ellie had forgotten that she was wearing the same clothes from the awards ceremony.

  Ria's eyes widened and she raised her eyebrows and whispered, “Wow.”

  “Hi, how is she?” Ellie asked as her face grew red.

  “Well, she sure listened to you,” Ria answered.


  “The crisis team was here and cleared her as safe to stay here. She took her medication. She's still playing guitar. She can barely keep her eyes open but she's playing.”

  Ellie looked around the apartment for signs of Gwen.

  Ria said. “You look, wow, amazing. What, did you get married or something?”

  “Yeah, you didn't get the invite?” Ellie was looking around anticipating Gwen's presence at any second.

  “She's not here,” Ria said.

  “Huh?” Ellie asked.

  “Gwen, you're looking for her right? She's not here,” Ria said.

  “Oh, okay,” Ellie said. “Can I see Maggie?”

  “Yes, of course,” Ria pointed to Maggie's room. “Just don't—”

  “Enter the room, I know,” Ellie answered. Ellie walked down the hall and to Maggie's room. She could hear the sweet, smooth chord progression, as well as some brief finger-picking. She turned the corner and saw Maggie sitting on her bed with the guitar resting on her right leg. Her eyes were closed. She seemed calm and content. Ellie watched for a bit, and then knocked on the door frame. Maggie opened up her eyes and saw Ellie standing in the doorway.

  “You came!” Maggie exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I came. I told you I would.”

  “Some adults lie,” Maggie said as she walked across the room.

  “Well, if I say I'll do something, I try my best to do it. Can I go back now?” Ellie asked as she pointed her thumb over her shoulder and pretended to leave.

  “It's over now, isn't it?” Maggie asked as she grabbed her tablet.

  Ellie said, “Yes, it's probably over or close to it. I was kidding.” Maggie put down her guitar and walked over to give Ellie a hug. Ellie wrapped her arms around Maggie and patted her on the back and ruffling her hair.

  “You smell weird,” Maggie said as she pulled away.

  Ellie answered as she sniffed her shirt, “Yeah, I know. I didn't have much of a choice in that. I get dressed by a team of people.”

  “That is okay.”

  “So, what was tonight about?” Ellie asked. “You being a drama queen or what?”

  “You can come in and sit down if you want. I am tired,” Maggie said. “By drama queen are you saying that I overreacted?” Ellie stepped into the room as if stepping onto thin ice. It felt strange to be in the room that she was previously forbidden to enter. Last time she was in there, she was stabbed.

  “Well, everyone has a time when they’re a drama queen or overreact,” Ellie said. “Would you say you overreacted?”

  Maggie picked up her guitar, “Well, I don't know. Gwen has been not such a nice person lately. I had enough. Who does she think she is anyway?”

  “What happened?” Ellie asked.

  “It is her. I know she does not like me. You know she's trying to get Mom to send me away?”

  “Oh, yeah? Well, still, hurting yourself or threatening to harm someone else will only get you sent away. You know that?” Ellie asked.


  “Do you want that?” Ellie asked.

  “Mom would be better off that way,” Maggie said. “You and I know that.”

  “Now that's absolutely wrong,” Ellie said. “I’m willing to talk with you, but not nonsense. She'd be lost without you.”

  “You think?”

  “Yes, and if you would actually think about it, you would know too. Remember you mean the world to her?” Ellie said. “So, what are we going to do so you don't lose your cool again?”

  “I don't know,” Maggie said. “The guitar is like magic. It calms me down.”

  “That's a start,” Ellie said. “We'll have to come up with some more ways for you to calm down.”

  “Yes, I suppose,” Maggie said. Silence fell between them.

  “Well, you owe me a bundle of money after tonight, and you probably have to write me a letter of excuse for Robert.”

  “Robert?” Maggie asked.

  “Yeah, my manager. He’s going to kill me,” Ellie said.

  “Is he the one who tries to get you publicity?” Maggie asked.

  “Yeah,” Ellie answered.

  “Well, he is probably happy. He was being interviewed by everyone,” Maggie said. “And the host even made some joke about you having to leave early. I forget the joke but it was pretty funny. It was something about Cinderella. It's on your website already.” Maggie put down her guitar and hopped off the bed.

  “Not tonight,” Ellie said. “Don't you think you should go to bed?”

  “I want to stay up and talk,” Maggie said. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too,” Ellie said. “But I'm exhausted.”

  “Well, I won't go to sleep unless...” Maggie said.

  “You’re getting very demanding and manipulative,” Ellie said.

  “Yes, both,” Maggie said. “Can you sleep over?”

  “I don't know, I’d have to ask your mom,” Ellie answered.

  “I'm okay with it if you are,” Ria said as she turned the corner and stood in the doorway. Ellie smiled at Ria. Ria had slipped into sweatpants and a t-shirt. Her hair was left down and fell over her shoulders.

  “Okay, this is great. We'll have pancakes, and—” Maggie started to say.

  “Whoa,” Ellie and Ria said at the same time. Ellie and Ria both smiled and locked eyes at the coincidence.

  “We’re not done talking about this episode,” Ria said.

  “I know, I know,” Maggie said. “There will be consequences.” She seemed to be mocking Ria.

  “Yes, and now it's late, and we should all go to bed,” Ria said.

  “I'm going to go brush my teeth,” Maggie said as she jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom.

  “Door unlocked!” Ria yelled after her.

  “I know!” Maggie yelled back.

  “When she has these episodes we have to make sure she keeps the door unlocked and stuff. Hey, do you want something to drink or eat?” Ria asked.

  “Now, that you mention it, I'm starving,” Ellie said. “Do you have some leftovers or chips, or we can order out?”

  “Order out? No, not on my watch. You should know better,” they walked out into the kitchen and Ria piled a bunch of vegetables on the counter and started chopping them.

  Ellie pulled out her phone and texted Jazzie, All
is good. You should go home.

  Jazzie texted back, Glad to hear it. Call later.

  Ellie leaned against the counter opposite Ria and was looking at the floor. The adrenaline had drained and she was exhausted. Before she knew it, Ria had turned around and had her arms around Ellie. “Thank you so much,” she said. Ria's arms had slid between her jacket and shirt. She held tightly to Ellie. Ellie wrapped her arms around Ria and held her close.

  With all that has happened tonight, I had somehow forgotten that this is the first time I have seen Ria since I told her that I loved her.

  “You’re welcome,” Ellie said. Ria was sniffing back her runny nose. She was crying. “Don't cry. It’s okay. It’ll be okay. I think. I guess I don't know what to say.”

  “Don't need to say anything,” Ria said. “Your actions say everything.”

  “Where were you?” Ria asked. “You smell weird.”

  “New York, and Maggie said I smelled weird too. Sorry.” Ellie answered.

  Their embrace was broken by the sound of swooshing in the hallway. Ria and Ellie curiously peered around the corner and down the hallway. Maggie was pulling a queen sized mattress out of Ria's room.

  “What are you doing?” Ria asked.

  “Moving your mattress in here. I couldn't move the whole frame,” Maggie answered.

  “Well, why?” Ria asked.

  “I would need a screwdriver to move the frame,” Maggie said.

  “No, why are you moving the mattress?” Ria asked.

  “So you guys can sleep in here,” Maggie said.

  “I can sleep on the couch,” Ellie interjected. “Don't worry about me.”

  “No, you guys said yes to a sleepover and that should be in my room,” Maggie said. “When I go into the hospital due to being a danger to myself, I have to be watched more closely. That is what the doctors, nurses and social workers say.”

  “Maybe you're right,” Ria said looking at Ellie. “I don't think any of us should be sleeping alone on such a tough night. What do you say Ellie?”

  “As long as you guys don't snore,” Ellie said.

  “Snoring? Stinky Gwen is not here so…” Maggie said.

  “That's not nice Maggie,” Ellie said.

  “Well, she does snore,” Ria laughed. Maggie started to giggle, and they all started to laugh. “Why don't you and Ellie set up the bed. Put new sheets on it, and I'll cook something up for Ellie to eat.”


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