Love's Autograph

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Love's Autograph Page 16

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “And sometimes, Mom snores,” Maggie pointed at Ria. “You didn't have dinner yet?” Maggie asked. “Would they have had dinner at the awards ceremony?”

  Ellie raised her eyebrows at Maggie's slip about the awards ceremony. Ria had already turned to go to the kitchen and did not seem to hear Maggie. Ellie and Maggie set up the bed, and Maggie slipped into her bed. Ellie headed back to the kitchen.

  “I know I keep saying this, but she really likes you,” Ria said. “You know?”

  “Yeah, I like her too,” Ellie said.

  “She hardly ever lets me in her room, and she hasn't let Gwen in yet, and Gwen lives here,” Ria said.

  “Sometimes it takes time,” Ellie said.

  “Time? Maggie bonded with you rather quickly,” Ria said as she turned and handed Ellie a plate of vegetable stir fry.

  “If you're going to go through life comparing your girlfriends to me, you're never going to be happy,” Ellie said.

  “Especially when you look like that,” Ria laughed.

  “Dressing to impress you,” Ellie said.

  “It worked,” Ria said. “You look...”

  “Tired?” Ellie asked.

  “I was going to say gorgeous,” Ria answered.

  “Okay, easy killer,” Ellie said. “Kid in the house.”

  “I'm just saying. Wow, you look amazing,” Ria said. Ellie devoured her dinner, and then rested her head on the table.

  “Tired? Let's go to bed,” Ria asked.” Ria loaned Ellie shorts and a t-shirt for bed. They both walked into Maggie's room. Maggie had put a blanket on the bed and a stuffed animal on each pillow. Maggie was lying face down with her arm around her guitar.

  “Play some guitar,” Maggie mumbled to Ellie.

  “Okay one song,” Ellie said as she grabbed the guitar. Ria walked over and kissed Maggie on the forehead. Ellie started strumming lightly and ran the pick up and down the guitar strings. She then tuned it.

  “Sing something,” Maggie pleaded. “By Your Side.” Ellie nodded.

  “I'll teach you to tune this sometime,” Ellie said. Once the guitar was tuned, Ellie started strumming. She sat at the foot of Maggie’s bed. Ria slid under the blanket of the mattress on the floor. “Sing with me?” She asked Maggie. Maggie shook her head no. Ellie sang By Your Side. She finished the last few chords and then leaned the guitar against the wall.

  “Good night, Maggie,” Ellie said.

  “By your side, belonging by my side,” Maggie softly sang as she drifted off to sleep. Ellie turned and faced Ria. Ria lay on her side with tears streaming down her face. Ellie mouthed 'you okay' and Ria nodded as she wiped her tears. Ellie crawled into their eight-inch-high bed. She slid under the covers, making sure to keep her distance from Ria.

  “That wasn't the song about me was it?” Ria asked.

  “No, I wrote that years ago. Good night Ria,” Ellie whispered as she turned her back on Ria.

  “Not how you thought it would happen, huh?” Ria whispered.

  “What?” Ellie said as she turned to Ria.

  “Getting me into bed,” Ria said.

  “No, I put Maggie up to orchestrating this whole thing,” Ellie said as she turned to face Ria.

  “Liar,” Ria said as she lightly punched Ellie on her side. “Good night liar.” Ellie turned her back to Ria again. “Thank you Ellie, for coming here tonight,” Ria whispered.

  “All I know is there better be a good breakfast in it for me,” Ellie said.

  “Oh, don't worry,” Ria said. There was some silence. “Why were you so dressed up?” Ria asked.

  “We can talk about it tomorrow if you want. It's about time we talked about it,” Ellie said.

  Ria answered, “Sounds serious. Okay, good night my dressy pirate.”

  “It kind of is serious, but a good serious. We should be alone when we talk about it. Good night,” Ellie said as she turned away.

  Ria slowly wiggled closer to Ellie. Ellie held her breath and froze as if a rattlesnake had found its way into the bed. Ria slid her arm around Ellie's waist. She pulled close and spooned Ellie. Within that one motion, she found Ellie's hand. Ellie quickly intertwined her fingers with Ria's. She didn’t dare breathe. Her heart beat fast but her eyes sagged.

  Ria leaned her head close to Ellie's ear and whispered, “I loved the song.” Ellie felt Ria's breath on her neck and chills went down her body. Maggie's heavy, slumbering breathing coming from a few feet away, stopped Ellie from turning around and passionately kissing Ria.

  “Thanks,” Ellie said.

  I wish I could fall asleep every night next to Ria, was Ellie's last thought before falling asleep


  After miraculously sleeping through the entire night, Ellie awakened more rested and feeling refreshed. She rolled over to find Maggie sitting on her own bed staring down at her. Ellie glanced to the spot next to her to find that Ria was gone.

  “So how does it feel?” Maggie asked.

  “What being stared at when I wake up?” Ellie groggily answered.

  “No, silly. Is that weird? You know—me staring at you until you wake up? I was told not to wake people just because I wanted something, so I have been patiently sitting here waiting for you. Do you normally snore?”

  “Oh wow, that sure is a lot of questions to ask so early. It’s early, right?” Ellie asked.

  “7:06 a.m.,” Ellie said. “Mom is making pancakes. Do you think if you have some food you would be able to concentrate better?”

  “Good possibility, and some coffee too,” Ellie said. Ellie stood and noticed her apparel. She forgot she was wearing Ria's clothes.

  “Mom is making her famous pancakes. I think she's making chocolate chip, blueberry, strawberry and plain. Are you ready to eat?”

  “I’m starving,” Ellie said.

  “It truly takes at least five days to starve,” Maggie said.

  “Yeah, I was exaggerating,” Ellie said.

  The two of them exited Maggie's room. Maggie carried her guitar and Ellie patted down her hair. “Let me go to the bathroom and I’ll be right there.”

  “Don't forget to wash your hands after. You have to wash them after every time. Mom makes sure of it,” Maggie said.

  “Check. I'll make sure.” Ellie exited the bathroom after cleaning up a bit and doing the obligatory washing of her hands. As she walked down the hallway toward the kitchen, she remembered falling asleep holding hands with Ria. She stopped, took a deep breath, and continued into the kitchen.

  Ellie was greeted by the smell of pancakes and sausage, an eager Maggie sitting at the table, and a shy glance and smile from Ria.

  “Morning, sleepyhead,” Ria greeted her.

  “Good morning,” Ellie said. “This is great! What a treat.”

  “Least I could do,” Ria said. “There is a batch ready to go on the counter. You guys help yourself. There is...”

  “Blueberry, strawberry, chocolate chip and plain,” Maggie finished her sentence. “Only can start with three sausages though. If you finish your pancakes, you might be able to get more.”

  “Maggie, Ellie’s a guest. She can have as many as she wants,” Ria corrected.

  “No fair. When does she stop being a guest?” Maggie protested.

  “Well, in my house growing up,” Ria started, “After about three times that a neighbor or friend came over, they weren’t considered a guest anymore. My father would say, 'you know where things are. Help yourself.' My house was the place for the neighborhood kids to hang out. I have no idea how my parents kept the cupboard full with all those friends coming over.”

  Maggie leaned into Ellie, “So, that means you can only have three sausages.”

  “I’ll keep it to three, don't worry,” Ellie whispered back. “It won't be easy though.”

  “I know. It is hard for me too,” Maggie said.

  Ria joined them at the table and noticed that Maggie was intently watching Ellie. She seemed to be counting.

  “Maggie, what in the
world are you doing?” Ria asked.

  “I am counting how many bites and sips of coffee Ellie is taking,” Maggie answered Ria and then said to Ellie. “How many until you are full enough?”

  “Full enough for what?” Ria asked.

  “Until I'm awake and have enough energy to take an interrogation by Maggie,” Ellie said. “Let me think. To answer your questions, yes it's weird you staring at someone while they are sleeping. Yes, it's rude to wake someone up unless it's important, and what else did you want to know?”

  “I have a list,” Maggie said as she pulled out a notebook.

  “Of course you do,” Ria said as she bit a piece of sausage. Ellie looked at Ria. She had a sexy smirk on her face. Ria's teasing tone sent tingles through her body.

  Ellie had never seen this orange notebook. As Maggie opened the notebook she caught the title of it, Ellie.

  “So, are you excited? I would be,” Maggie asked.

  “I’m not following you,” Ellie answered.

  “You know, that you won. You know, last night?” Maggie asked. Ellie had completely forgotten about the awards ceremony, her Cinderella exit, and the award. When she was with Ria and Maggie the rest of the world faded away.

  “I really won?” Ellie put down her fork and asked Maggie.

  “Yes, Robert went up and accepted it. His speech was awful,” Maggie said. “I recorded it. We can watch it after breakfast.”

  “Oh, I set my TV to record it too. I can't believe this. This was one of my life’s goals!” Ellie looked at Ria whose face was wallpapered in confusion.

  I knew there would be a time when she’d find out I was famous. I imagined her walking down Main Street and seeing a poster of me, hearing my voice on the radio, or seeing me on television. I didn't anticipate her overhearing it in my conversation.

  “What are you guys talking about?” Ria asked as she looked back and forth between Ellie and Maggie.

  “Uh oh, that is Mom's mad face. She calls it her disappointed face, but I think it is a mad face and she does not want to admit it. Grandpa has a very bad temper, and Mom said it runs in our blood,” Maggie said.

  “Mad face, huh?” Ellie said as she bit into a sausage and wished she hadn’t promised to limit herself to three. “So, this is nothing to be mad about. It’s actually something you and we all should be happy about. I can't believe it, but I won an award last night. It was best single by a female artist.”

  “That’s great, but how does Maggie know about it and you don't? Why weren't you there to... you were here instead… that’s why you were so dressed up,” Ria rambled, trying to piece it all together.

  “I saw it on television, Mom. While we were waiting for Ellie. I recorded it,” Maggie said.

  “Why was it on television? Like a local channel? Who the hell are you Ellie?” Ria asked. “Excuse my swearing, Maggie.”

  “I’m me, just well-known. I'm a musician, doing gigs and loving hanging out with you guys,” Ellie answered. Ria's face still read confusion. “This is why I was dressed up. This is what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “She's famous. I think she wanted to turn you into a groupie or something, Mom,” Maggie said. “I read about it on the internet. Sometimes when people are famous...”

  There was the sound of keys at the door. All three of them looked at the door. Ellie looked to Ria whose face went from curiosity to the shock of realizing Gwen was home. In walked Dr. Barbie. Ria kept her eyes on Ellie, and Maggie shoved two sausages into her mouth and ran to her bedroom.

  “Hi,” Gwen said.

  “Hello,” Ellie said as she waved and took a sip of her coffee. Gwen had shiny, mid-length hair. She resembled a supermodel. Gwen looked better on a normal day than Ellie did on her best day. She wore tight jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. Her smile was pearly white and perfect.

  “Hi,” Ria said as she turned toward Gwen. “Back so early.”

  “Couldn't sleep and I wanted to talk,” Gwen said. “Hi, I'm Gwen.” Gwen said as she stretched her hand to Ellie. Ellie wiped her hand on her napkin and shook Gwen's hand.

  “Ellie,” Ellie answered. “I heard a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you.”

  Gwen said, “Ellie? You’re EJ Way!” Gwen turned and asked Ria, “Your sitter is EJ Way? This is Ellie?”

  “EJ Way?” Ria asked as she looked at Ellie and Ellie nodded. “It seems so.”

  “You failed to tell me this!” Gwen said.

  “She didn't know! You big meanie!” Maggie yelled from her room.

  “Maggie!” Ria yelled in the direction of Maggie's room.

  “I didn't know. Can we go talk in the other room?” Ria asked. The two walked into Ria's bedroom. Ellie shoved some pancakes in her mouth. Blueberry juice exploded into her mouth. She took the time to take a few more bites. She grabbed her suit from last night and got dressed. Ellie heard Ria and Gwen’s conversation in the other room.

  Gwen asked, “Where the hell is the bed? Did Maggie do this?”

  “It's in her room,” Ria said. “Don't change the subject!” Ria raised her voice.

  Maggie's door opened and a queen sized bed slid across the hallway floor. As if the bed had a mind of its own, it turned toward Ria's room. Maggie pushed low with all her eighty pounds and slammed the bed hard into Ria's door. The door swung open and with two more pushes the bed and Maggie were in the room.

  “Maggie!” Ria said. “That wasn’t necessary.”

  “Thought you would want it back, unless you and Ellie want to sleep in my room again tonight,” Maggie said. “I do not want you and her sleeping in there, though. No thank you.”

  “That's enough Maggie,” Ria said. “Thanks. I'll put it back on my bed. Please let Gwen and me talk.”

  “Okay, you are welcome,” Maggie said as she closed the door, and walked into the hallway smiling.

  Ellie shook her head when she saw Maggie smiling at the trouble she had just caused. Maggie knows exactly how to cause more problems between Ria and Gwen. She got a text saying that Jazzie was on her way. Ellie walked down the hall to Maggie's room.

  “Oh, so you two slept together?” Gwen asked. “First, you don't tell me Ellie is a famous rock star. Then you kick me out just so you can sleep with her?”

  “Wow, Gwen. Everything fits conveniently in that mind of yours just the way you want it. I had no idea she was a rock star, you chose to leave last night because you said it was too heavy. We were in there to make sure Maggie was safe.”

  “How could you not know who EJ is?” Gwen said. “I knew who she was the second I saw her. Her face is plastered all over town, on television, and you're a lesbian.”

  “What does being a lesbian have to do with it?” Ria asked.

  “She's a lesbian icon, every lesbian knows who she is,” Gwen said.

  “Obviously not every lesbian,” Ria said.

  Ellie walked down the hall to Maggie's room. “I'm heading out kiddo,” Ellie said.

  “Are you leaving because they are fighting over you?” Maggie asked.

  “Mostly, yes.”

  “I'm coming with you,” Maggie said as she got up, grabbed her backpack and guitar.

  “Whoa, you would need your mother's permission,” Ellie said. “And now isn't a good time.”

  “Clearly, it’s not a good time to ask her,” Maggie said. “Text her,” Maggie added. Ellie shrugged and took direction from an eleven year old.

  Ellie texted Ria, Sorry about the trouble. I'm going to go. Maggie wants to come with me?

  She heard the text reach Ria's phone.

  “Hold on a second Gwen,” Ria said. The door opened to Ria's room and Ellie glanced in and saw Gwen pulling the mattress back onto the box spring. “You leaving? Not sure if it’s a great idea for you to bring Maggie.”

  “And why not?” Maggie made her way to Ellie's side with a backpack on her back and guitar in hand.

  Ria continued to talk to Ellie, “It seems like a reward after last night’s episode,” Ria made quote marks
with her fingers when she said episode.

  “Okay that’s fine. Whatever you want,” Ellie said. “I thought it would be appropriate to get her away from the arguing.” Ellie pointed to Ria's bedroom.

  “Yeah, okay, but I don't want it to be a reward,” Ria said.

  “We won't do anything fun,” Ellie said. “I promise.”

  “Okay, I'll call you when Gwen and I have hashed things out,” Ria said. “You better behave Miss Maggie. And you too, EJ Way.” Ellie nodded at her stage name. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “Nothing fun,” Maggie said. “I promise.”

  “Well, maybe a little fun,” Ria said as she kissed Maggie on the forehead. “But we still need to talk.”

  “I know,” Maggie answered.

  “Ellie, I'll call you,” Ria said. “What should I call you? Should I call you Ellie?”

  “Please, it's my name,” Ellie said. Ellie moved in to hug Ria, but then Ria countered with a handshake. Ellie glanced at the closed door to Ria's room. She pulled Ria into a hug and whispered, “Give her hell.”


  Jazzie was waiting for Ellie around the corner. She stood at attention and furrowed her brow when she spotted Maggie.

  “Hello,” Jazzie said.

  “Maggie, Jazzie. Jazzie, Maggie,” Ellie introduced the two as she sat back in the car seat. “Aaah.” Ellie sighed.

  “Hello, Jazzie. It's nice to meet you,” Maggie said.

  “Hello, Maggie,” Jazzie said. “No Ria?”

  “No Ria,” Ellie said.

  “She is fighting with Gwen. Gwen is her girlfriend who moved in. I did not get to help make that decision because I am not the adult in the house,” Maggie said.

  “Oh, live-in girlfriend,” Jazzie said. “I see.”

  “They are fighting because Mom didn't tell Gwen that Ellie was EJ Way. That is not fair because Mom did not know this. They are also fighting about Gwen leaving last night. Gwen is also mad that Ellie and Mom slept together last night,” Maggie said.

  “Oh,” Jazzie said as she looked in the rear view mirror at Ellie. Ellie's eyes widened and her face started to turn red.


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