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Love's Autograph

Page 18

by Michele M. Reynolds

  “I cannot tell you, but it is not Top Secret,” Maggie said.

  “Okay,” Ria said.

  “You might be able to help me though,” Maggie said.

  “Oh, okay shoot,” Ria said enthusiastically.

  “I need some ideas on how to get someone to agree to do something,” Maggie said.

  “Is this something illegal?” Ellie asked.

  “No, not illegal,” Maggie said as she rolled her eyes.

  “Why do I think this is something that I'm going to regret giving you advice on,” Ria said.

  “I don't think anyone will regret it,” Maggie said. “Mom, you're the one saying I need to work on my social skills.”

  “Okay, okay,” Ria said. “Getting someone to agree to do something.”

  “You can persuade them to do it,” Ria said.

  “Can I write these down?” Maggie asked.

  “Yes, this once,” Ria answered.

  “Okay what else?” Maggie asked as she opened her notebook.

  “You can pay them, bribe them, trick them,” Ellie offered. Ria gave her a disapproving look.

  “Some nicer ones are to do something nice for them, make a deal,” Ria said.

  “Doing something nice sounds like a lot of work. What do you mean by make a deal?” Maggie asked.

  “Like if I wanted your mom to wash my car,” Ellie started.

  “You don't have a car,” Maggie said.

  “Well, if I had one,” Ellie said.

  “You would have your staff do it,” Maggie said.

  “Just say I wanted your mom to wash my car,” Ellie said. “I could say I'd go grocery shopping for her.”

  “Mom likes grocery shopping,” Maggie said. “I get it. I can do something for someone, and if I do that the other person can do something for me.”

  “That might work,” Ria said. “Who are you trying to get to do something?”


  “I knew it would come back on me,” Ria said. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Let me figure out what I can do to try to get you to do it first,” Maggie said.

  “You can give me a hug,” Ria said.

  “That won't be enough I believe,” Maggie said. “Give me some time.”

  The three continued eating and talked a lot about the music awards and Ellie's tour. She would be gone for the next few months touring, with a couple of breaks here and there. Ria and Maggie talked about going to a Boston show or possibly one in New York City.

  They cleaned up the dishes and Ria suggested they go for a walk. Ellie looked out the window and paparazzi were still there, so she took the opportunity to explain the intricacies of going out. Ellie put on a disguise—a black wig, hat, and hooded sweatshirt. Jazzie arrived and dropped them off near a local park. Maggie ran ahead while Ellie and Ria walked behind. Every now and then Ellie would grab Ria's hand and then drop it when anyone else was around.

  “Is this how it would be if we were together? You having to drop my hand,” Ria asked.

  “Are we not together?” Ellie asked.

  “Well, I don't know,” Ria said.

  “It depends on whether or not you wanted to be in the limelight. If you don't want Maggie knowing yet, then the world can't know,” Ellie said. “I want the world to know. How do you feel about thousands of lesbians being jealous of you?”

  “That would feel awesome and intimidating,” Ria said.

  “I’d love to walk into an event with you on my arm,” Ellie said. “Jenny would drop dead.”

  “Oh, so I'm eye-candy, huh?” Ria asked.

  “You certainly are, and a little more,” Ellie said as she looked Ria's body up and down. Ria punched Ellie's shoulder. “When do you think you want to tell Maggie? I mean when or how do we determine if we're dating? What are you thinking will have to happen to do that?”

  “Well, if you're certain you want to be with me,” Ria said.

  “I flew from an event in New York City where I missed receiving a huge award to be with you guys,” Ellie said.

  “That's true,” Ria said.

  “I told you I love you,” Ellie said. “I wrote you love songs, and I'd do anything to be with you. Maggie and I are so close, and...”

  “Okay, okay. Maybe we can tell her,” Ria said.


  “Yeah, if you're sure,” Ria said.

  “You’ll be the one breaking my heart. Not the other way around,” Ellie said. Maggie turned around and ran toward them.

  “I got it Mom!” Maggie said.

  “What do you have?” Ria answered.

  “Sit down here Mom. Ellie stand next to me. No, Ellie get down on one knee,” Maggie said.

  “Wow! Wow! Maggie you can't...” Ria started.

  “Mom, this is not the proposal thing, don't worry,” Maggie said. “Trust me.”

  Ellie looked at Maggie and back at Ria, and Ellie shrugged her shoulders and got down on one knee.

  “Okay Ellie, take Mom's hand,” Maggie instructed.

  “If you're going to tell me to kiss her next, I'm done,” Ellie laughed.

  “I was not going to say that. And I thought you said you wanted to kiss Mom,” Maggie said.

  “You did, huh?” Ria looked at Ellie, and Ellie turned red.

  “Okay, Mom what do you want me to do more than anything,” Maggie started.

  “Umm, be happy?” Ria said. Maggie shook her head. “Control your emotions.”

  “Yes, would you say that is pretty big?” Maggie asked. “If I could do that better?”

  “Yes, that's pretty up there important.”

  “What about having a play date,” Maggie said.

  “Yeah, that would be nice.”

  “And learning more chords on the guitar?”

  “I guess. If you like it, I want you to get better.”

  “Okay, so if I don't have any episodes, have a play date, and learn a total of forty-two chords on the guitar,” Maggie said, “would that be huge?”

  “How long no episodes?” Ria asked.

  “A month?”

  “Yeah, that's super-sized huge,” Ria said.

  “Can I get up now?” Ellie asked as she stood and dropped Ria's hand.

  “No, we are almost done. I am trying to get you your biggest life wish,” Maggie said. Ellie started to turn red again, and Ria's gaze moved from Maggie to Ellie. Ellie looked back at Ria. Ria was wearing a look of awe. “Grab Mom's hand again!” Ellie grabbed Ria’s soft, warm hands and a tingling went up her arm.

  “To recap, I will go episode free, have a play date, and learn a total of forty-two chords, and when I do that you will go on a date with Ellie,” Maggie said. “Deal?”

  “I don't know,” Ria said. “What do you think Ellie?”

  “I think that Maggie got me closer to my dream date,” Ellie said as she lightly squeezed Ria's hand.

  “I agree,” Ria said.

  “One month from today,” Maggie said, “you guys have to go on a date.”

  “Hold on,” Ellie grabbed her phone and searched through it. “I'll be in Florida.”

  “A deal is a deal,” Maggie said. “There are restaurants there.”

  “There sure are,” Ria said as she stood and pulled Ellie to her feet. She shook her hand. “One month from now. Our first date.”

  “I can't wait,” Ellie said.

  “Come on!” Maggie said, tugging at both of their hands.

  “What's the rush?” Ellie asked.

  “She needs to learn the chords and make a play date,” Ria said.

  “Yes, and call Brittany. I am going to need a lot of coping skills and that sensory specialist she talked about,” Maggie said as she ran ahead of Ellie and Ria.

  “So, I guess we aren't telling her now?” Ellie asked.

  “And ruin an episode free month? No way,” Ria said. “We can wait a month, right?”

  “You might be able to,” Ellie said. “I'll be busy using all of Boston's water for cold showers.”

  “We don't have to stop, but just not be in the limelight yet,” Ria whispered. “I can’t keep you away from your biggest life wish,” Ria teased.


  You can stop nagging. I told her and she returned my affection. Thanks for the little push. Correction: for the huge shoves, Ellie texted to Davie and Dina.


  That night, Ellie finally checked her phone. She had received eighty-six text messages. Fifty were from Robert. Ellie deleted all of Robert's texts. Ellie sent one text to Robert, Remember any publicity is good publicity. I'll be ready for New York.

  Ellie had concerts at Yankee Stadium next Friday and Saturday. Ellie sent a text to Davie to inform him what to post on her social media sites. She also asked to have someone set up some media thanking everyone for her award. Then to her close friends she sent a personal text. Ellie sat on her couch and stared out her window into the city.

  She texted Dina, Last night I was in NYC and escaping an awards ceremony where I won my biggest award. Today I finally kissed Ria. Ria and Maggie are better than anything I can ever win.

  She went to the counter and pulled out a notepad. The food from lunch was still out. Ria had wanted to clean it up, but Ellie had told her that she would take care of it later. She slid the food off the counter into the garbage drawer attached to the island.

  She sat down at the counter and started writing. Seven pages later she had tons of words for some songs. She jogged down to the studio, as if the music would ooze from her brain. She entered the room and switched on all the recording equipment. She did not want to mess with recording and re-recording. She wanted to do one take. She figured she could edit later. She picked up her guitar.

  “You can thank inspiration and love for these tracks. That's if you like them. If you hate them, blame me,” Ellie said. She picked up the bass and laid a strong baseline, using a pedal to put it on repeat. Then she grabbed her acoustic guitar and ran her fingers through some chords. After running them through a few times, she started singing. She ran through three new songs, and then put different spins on the old ones.

  Inspiration is flowing from me I could do three shows right now if I wanted. Wish I could go to a spontaneous club night, Ellie texted Dina.

  That would be fun. Too bad you're too famous, Dina answered.

  Oh well, Ellie said.

  Hey what does “returned my affection" mean? Dina asked.

  We kissed.


  Ellie said, And I told her I loved her.

  I meant is she a good kisser. You're such a romantic. Why can't I find a guy sappy like you? You happy?

  Beyond happy and beyond good kisser, Ellie said.

  Good you deserve it. Bummer we can't do the club scene, maybe when you're old and nobody cares about you.

  Thanks for the pep talk.

  Anytime. Have a great night, Dina texted.

  Ellie had an idea. She went on the site Live from Their Living Room. It was a site that musicians, comedians and performers could go on and do a show. Fans could then log in and buy a ticket to a live web show. A lot of independent performers used the site. Ellie set up an account and paid with Online Payment. Ellie set up a virtual concert for tonight in two hours. She invited any two Indie performers to co-headline with her. She figured that would be good publicity for someone. She showered, threw on some casual yet dressy clothes and wrote down a play list.

  Her laptop beeped. She had two responses from some Indie performers and she signed them in. They both would play a few songs prior to her. She linked from her website to them, and bought each of their debut albums. She set up her laptop in a position to stream live with her guitar display in the background. She sat at the computer and watched the first artist open up.

  Both of them were women. One was a 22-year-old from Missouri. She had short, blonde, spiked hair and a nose ring. She’s definitely gay. Her name was Jane Thomas. She played the banjo and had a country twang to her. There was a knock at Ellie's door. This better not be Robert. He’ll try to stop this free promotion and I didn't run this concert passed him.

  Ellie looked through the door, saw Ria, and opened the door.

  “Hi,” Ellie said with a look of confusion.

  “Hi, can I come in?” Ria asked.

  “Yes, of course, I wasn't expecting to see you until tomorrow,” Ellie said. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Well, no black boots,” Ria said. “I didn't want to overdo it. You look wonderful.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Ellie said.

  “I came for the concert,” Ria said. “I signed up on your fan base and I got an email that you had a concert tonight.”

  “Yeah, in thirty minutes or so now,” Ellie said.

  “Can I stay?” Ria asked.

  “Of course,” Ellie said. “Where is Maggie?”

  “I do have other Maggie-sitters. Julie’s with her. Maggie did buy a ticket to your concert though. She'll be watching from home.”

  “Great,” Ellie said. “What's in the bag?”

  “Oh, food. Since you eat like a bachelor,” Ria said, “I just put on my favorite concert outfit and here I am.”

  “Let's grab you a beer or wine and head back to the studio,” Ellie said. Ellie and Ria walked down the hallway hand in hand.

  “You changed it around,” Ria said.

  “Yeah for the concert. I wanted to sit on the couch. I felt like it was more personal,” Ellie said. “Here you can sit here.” Ellie wheeled the sound board chair to the other side of the computer out of the view of the audience.

  “Seems like days ago that we were in this room,” Ria said.

  “What a day,” Ellie said.

  “Who's this?” Ria asked as she pointed to the screen.

  “It's Jane Thomas from Missouri,” Ellie said as she punched a couple of keys and plugged a cord into the laptop. Jane's music filled the room through several speakers. Ellie took Ria's hand and pulled her into an embrace and guided her back and forth to the music. Ria looked into Ellie's eyes.

  “You being here is the best surprise,” Ellie said.

  Ria said, “Really? I wasn't sure.”

  Ellie answered, “You're always welcome here. I'll always be happy to see you.”

  “What if we have a bad break up like Jenny and you?” Ria asked.

  Ellie answered, “Not possible.”

  Ria asked, “What if I sell naked pictures of you to a tabloid?”

  Ellie answered, “You'll have to fight more jealous fans off.”

  “What if I gain a hundred pounds and burn all your guitars?” Ria asked.

  “A hundred pounds, no problem. Burn all my guitars, you better have a plan to make it up to me,” Ellie asked.

  “What if...” Ria started.

  “What if I kiss you right now?” Ellie asked.

  Ria answered, “Yes.” Ellie kissed Ria and ran her hand through her thick black hair. The smell of berries and something spicy filled the air. Ria pushed Ellie toward the couch.

  “Umm, let's keep this vertical for now,” Ellie said.

  “For now? Like meaning?” Ria asked.

  “Until after my concert?” Ellie said. “I’m afraid if I start I won't want to stop, and I don't want to disappoint my fans.”

  “What about me?” Ria asked as she kissed Ellie and then bit Ellie's bottom lip.

  “What about you?”

  “What about disappointing me?” Ria asked with a sly smirk.

  “Oh, there will be no disappointing. Just consider this foreplay,” Ellie said.

  Jane Thomas started playing an upbeat song. Ellie leaned down and typed a few words.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I'm commenting on her performance. That way fans know I'm watching this and that I like this; it’ll draw more people to follow her,” Ellie said as she typed. Ria reached down and put her arms around Ellie's waist and ran her hands down Ellie's thighs. “Quit it. It's not easy to type this way.”

“Oh, am I distracting you?” Ria asked.

  “No, not at all. I think I might need to call Clara in during my concert to keep you off the stage.”


  “Clara is head of my security,” Ellie said. “She's pretty tough, had like a million tours in every country. Has more shrapnel in her than a whole platoon.”

  “Probably a great idea to get her here,” Ria said. Ellie grabbed Ria's hand and they started dancing to the upbeat music of the banjo. “This is probably a good speed to keep us out of trouble.”

  “Exactly,” Ellie said. Jane finished her set, and next was Ruby Manning. She was from New York City. She played acoustic ballads. She started with a slow acoustic love song, and all the songs were similar from there. Ria and Ellie held onto each other and danced to all three of Ruby's songs. Ellie let go of Ria only once to write a comment on Ruby's concert. After the third song, Ellie kissed Ria.

  “See you after the show,” Ellie said as she pointed to the chair for Ria to sit in. She handed her the beer they had brought into the studio. “Don't get up from there please.” Ria flashed her a mischievous smile.

  Ellie sat on her couch with acoustic guitar in hand with a notebook containing a play list strategically placed on a chair to the side of her. Ruby finished and the air went quiet. Ellie stood up and quickly unplugged the speakers from the laptop. She typed her user name and password, and she went live on the site. Ellie's palms were uncharacteristically sweaty.

  “Hey everyone,” Ellie said into the laptop camera. “EJ Way here. Thanks for coming so last minute. It looks like we have about 33,000 people and counting. I can't believe you all fit in my studio. Please use a coaster and take off your shoes. I hope you all enjoyed Jane Thomas and Ruby Manning. Do me all a favor and buy their albums. Someone was there to buy my stuff when I was a newbie. Thanks Jane and Ruby! Great performances! So, here I am and I don't plan to be running off anywhere soon. I’m going to New York in a few days. Check me out there. Always love going there. Thanks for all your concern about my whereabouts and my well-being. Everything is better than great. I hope all is going great in your lives too. I'll start off with an oldie but goodie. In the Dark.” In the Dark started off slow but picked up in the chorus.

  “That one is off my first album. It was written about my first dating experiences and having to make sure my relationships remained behind closed doors,” Ellie said as she tuned her guitar.


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