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Emperor of Japan

Page 136

by Donald Keene

  Shō Ten (crown prince of Ryūkyū kingdom)

  Shōgitai (supporters of Tokugawa)

  shogun (tycoon taikun): and emperor; as head of government. See also Minamoto Yoshinobu; shogunate; Tokugawa Hidetada; Tokugawa Iemitsu; Tokugawa Iemochi; Tokugawa Iesada; Tokugawa Ieyasu

  shogunate: and nobility; response of, to Fillmore’s letter; and court; and opening of Japan; and Tokugawa Iemochi’s proposed marriage; and terrorists; response of, to Ikeda’s treaty; war of against Chōshū domain; as central government; and Meiji’s marriage; France’s support of; and foreign trade; struggle for continued existence of; army of; nō patronage by; income of. See also imperial rule

  shōin (executive branch of government)

  Shōken, Empress. See Ichijō Haruko

  Shōki (Chung Kuei)

  Shōren’in-no-miya Son’yu. See Nakagawa, Prince


  Shōtoku Prince

  Shugaku-in (emperors’ hill resort)


  Sino-French War

  Sino-Japanese War; precursors to; Yamagata on; first battle of; declaration of; first land engagement of; heroes of; woodblock prints of; and Meiji; move of imperial headquarters to Hiroshima during; attack on Pyongyang during; sea victories in; offer of mediation of from United States; massacre at Port Arthur during; negotiations for ending of; occupation of Hai-ch’eng during; attack on Chinese North Sea Fleet during; cease-fire during; peace treaty of; and Meiji’s rescript on peace with China; effects of

  Six Classics

  Six Great Imperial Tours (roku dai junkō)

  Smiles, Samuel

  Smith, Peshine

  Sō Shigemasa

  Social Revolutionary Party


  Soejima Taneomi (foreign minister, later interior minister): on Motoda; and Russia; and Maria Luz case; mission of to China; as councillor; attempts at banishment of; Meiji’s decision on; lectures of; on treaty revision; as interior minister

  Soga Sukenori (Yoshihito’s tutor)

  Sōka, Meiji’s stop at


  Sone Aramaki (resident general, Korea)

  Sone Arasuke

  Song Pyong-jun (interpreter)

  Song-hwan, battle of


  sonnō jōi (respect the emperor and drive out the barbarians)

  sonnō jōi faction

  Sono Motosachi

  Sono Sachiko (Meiji’s favorite concubine); number of children of; Meiji’s attention to; birth of Michihito to; birth of Meiji’s sixth daughter to; birth of Nobuko to; travel to Hiroshima; birth of Toshiko to; at poetry gathering

  Sonoda Yasukata (police official)

  Son’yu, Prince. See Nakagawa Prince

  Sōryō (Choryang) Wakan (trading station)

  sōshi (unruly Japanese in Seoul)


  Special Grand Army Maneuvers

  Spencer, Herbert

  spy network

  St. Petersburg, Russia

  state affairs. See also Meiji: political/governmental actions state employees (yatoi)

  state funerals


  Stein, Lorenz von

  Stevens, Durham W.

  Stoessel, Anatolii Mikhailovich

  Stonewall Jackson (American ironclad)


  Suehiro Tetchō (author)

  Suematsu Kenchō (representative to Britain)

  Sugimura Fukashi

  Sugiyama Shitemaru

  Sukehito, Prince (Emperor Kyōkō)

  Sumanomiya (Kōmei’s daughter)

  Sumiko, Princess (Meiji’s aunt)

  Sun Goddess

  Sun Yat-sen

  Sunjong (I Chok crown prince later, king of Korea): succession of; crowning of; letter of friendship to Meiji from; and hunting tour of Korean hinterland; gifts of, for imperial family; post-annexation treatment of; rescript of, on abdication; poisoning of; edict of on Yi Eun’s study in Japan

  supreme court

  Susquehanna (Perry’s flagship)

  sutra-reading minister. See Miura Gorō

  Suzuki Shin’ichi (photographer)



  Tadayasu Aiko (Meiji’s maternal grandmother)

  Taehan. See Korea

  Taft, William Howard

  T’ai P’ing Rebellion

  taikun (tycoon). See shogun

  Taishō, Emperor. See Yoshihito, Prince

  Taiwan: natives of; invasion of; Meiji’s actions on; China’s cession of; declaration of republic of; cost of possession of; earthquake on

  Takachiho (cruiser)

  Takahira Kogorō (minister to United States)

  Takahito, Prince

  Takakura Kazujo (senior court lady)

  Takano, Meiji’s visit to

  Takasaki Masakaze (poet); on Meiji’s poetry; reply of to Meiji’s poem; cautions Meiji; on Meiji’s assumption of personal rule; lectures on Kokinshū by; and subjects for New Year’s poetry gatherings

  Takashima Shigenori (lieutenant colonel)

  Takashima Tomonosuke (chamberlain, later general): on Meiji’s drinking; on Meiji’s interest in Franco-Prussian War; on attack on Korean legation; on Japan’s and China’s response to the West; as army minister

  Takashina Tsunenori (physician)

  Takasugi Shinsaku (extremist)

  Takatsuji Osanaga

  Takatsukasa Masamichi (chancellor); at Kōmei’s gembuku; and United States; Manabe’s punishment of

  Takatsukasa Sukehiro (chancellor)

  Takechi Zuisan (patriot)

  Takehito, Prince; as host to Czarevitch Nicholas; at funeral for dowager empress; on abolition of office of tutor; travel to Korea

  Takezoe Shin’ichirō (minister resident to Korea)

  Takigawa Tomotaka (shogunate army commander)

  Takiko, Princess (Meiji’s tenth daughter)

  Takizawa Shigeru (reporter)

  Taku, China

  Tamamatsu Misao

  Tanaka Akiro

  Tanaka Fujimaro (education minister)

  Tanaka Kawachinosuke (Nakayama family retainer)

  Tanaka Mitsuaki (imperial household minister)

  Tanaka Shōzō (member of House of Representatives)

  Taneda Masaaki (major general)

  T’ang Ching-sung

  Tani Tateki (Kenjō, major general)

  tanka (poetic verse form)

  FIRST LINES: ama terasu (How marvelous that; Nakayama Tadayasu); asakaranu (In appreciation; Takasaki); hajime yori (There is no flower; Reizei); hana no haru (I hope you will observe; Ichijō Haruko); kanashiku no (Grief-stricken and yet; Nakayama Tadayasu); karishi ho no (When I see how few; daimyo of Owari); kono hisago (I will try drinking; Yamaguchi Masasada); kono kimi no (How must all the gods; Nakayama Tsunako); koto shi araba (If a crisis should come; Ichijō Haruko); kuni no kaze (Even if stormy winds; Kōmei); masurao no (A warrior even; Etō); nami kaze no (The lake of Arai; Iwakura Tomomi); naniwazu ni (At Naniwa Bay; ancient Naniwazu poem); no ni yama ni (In fields and mountains; Nogi Maresuke); no-boru beki (The child of the sun; Nakayama Tadayasu); oki tsu nami (The waves offshore are; Ichijō Haruko); oroka naru (What a shameful thing; Shinagawa); Satsuma-gata (On Satsuma shores; Ichijō Haruko); Shafuhen (The Ricksha Man;Ōnuma); ume yanagi (As plums and willows; Kōei); watatsumi no (As I count over; ancient poem); yo wo omou (There can be no doubt; Kōmei). See also poems

  tanka Meiji’s: as documents of life of; first; Kōtoku’s use of

  FIRST LINES: akebono ni (In the light of dawn); aki no yo no (Not tired by the length); ame no shita (How delightful is); atarashiki (How happy I was); azuma ni to (As the ship hurries); chiyo yorozu (An indication); fuji no ne ni (The sky at the start); fuku kaze ni (Having been battered); furusato no (When I came and saw); hageshiku mo (I can hear the roar); himugashi no (Even the sky over); kazu shirazu (The sounds of gunfire); kinō kyō (In the fierceness of); kora wa mina (All his sons have); minahito no (How good it woul
d be); miyako ni mo (In the capital); mononofu no (At Tabaruzaka); mononofu no (Morning Sun Mountain); mukashi yori (In battles like these); nami kaze no (Not dismayed even); natsu samuki (It’s now long ago); omou koto (This year, too, when); samidare no (A day that is spent); suminareshi (How delightful to think); susumiyuku (It will do no good); tachikaeru (Blossoms of the plum); takeuma ni (I remember now); tenarai wo (How I regret now); teru tsuki no (The light of the moon); tokoshie ni (I pray to You that); tsuki no wa no (When I visited); wa ga sono ni (Here in my garden); yo no takaku (How loudly they sound); yo wo osame (If one governs the land); yomo no umi (In this world of ours); yorozuyo ni (What never changes)

  SUBJECTS: cherry blossoms; crane in pines; education; effects of war; four seas; governing; hardships endured by Japanese troops; journey in Koshi; Kōmei’s death; lives lost in military victories; moon; Mount Fuji; mountains at New Year; New Year; newspapers; pines on the rocks; pleasure on visiting Gosho; plum blossoms; Port Arthur; praying for the world; prosperity; spring breezes over the sea; storms; summer rain; Tabaruzaka; teachings from the past; time of problems; visit to Kōmei’s tomb; war; Western civilization; wild geese; writing at night

  Tankai (priest)



  Taruhito, Prince (Arisugawa Taruhito, minister of the left, later chief of the general staff); engagement of, to Kazunomiya; amnesty for; as supreme commander of imperial forces; Rinnōjinomiya’s meetings with; and Shōgitai; return of imperial emblems by; as envoy to Kagoshima; as general of expedition to Kumanoto; and draft constitution; response of to Ōkuma’s parliamentary timetable; loss of self-confidence; at lunch with czarevitch; proposal of for moving imperial headquarters; death of

  Tayama Katai (author)


  Tei Nagayasu (interpreter)

  tenchū (divine punishment)

  Tenchū-gumi (Divine Punishment Group)

  Teng Yin-chao

  Tenryū-ji Village Meiji’s visit to

  Terada-ya incident

  Terajima Munenori (Matsuki Kōan)

  Terasaki Yasukichi (medicine peddler)

  Terashima Munenori (councillor later foreign minister, later education minister): at meeting on Sakhalin border problem; at meeting on campaign against native Taiwanese; message of, to Chinese government; as education minister; proposal of, for study of European constitutions; and Hoshi; on sale of Meiji’s photographs

  Terauchi Masatake (army minister)


  Three Mountains of Yamato

  Tientsin, China

  Times (of London)

  Ting Ju-ch’ang (admiral)

  Ting-yüan (Chinese ironclad)

  Toba, imperial victory at

  Tōbu Emperor

  Tōda Chōan (physician)

  Toda Tadayuki

  Tōdō Takakiyo (heir of Tsu domain)

  Tōgō Heihachirō (captain, later admiral)

  “Tokoton’yare” (song; Shinagawa)

  Tokudaiji Sanetsune (major counselor); appointment of; and Motoda; as member of Ministry of the Imperial Household; on Meiji’s West-ernized dress; abolition of office of; lack of world knowledge; on Meiji’s work habits; on concern over lack of male heirs; as Meiji’s emissary to Kuroda; and Ozaki’s dismissal; request of, to resign post; and Watanabe’s resignation; in Meiji’s funeral procession

  Tokugawa Akitake (daimyo of Mito)

  Tokugawa Hidetada (shogun)

  Tokugawa Iemitsu (shogun)

  Tokugawa Iemochi (shogun): gifts of, to Kōmei; engagement and marriage of to Kazunomiya; visit of to Kōmei; refusal of, to be Kōmei’s surrogate; in expeditionary force against Chōshū domain; report of, on Mōri Takachika; resignation of; death of

  Tokugawa Iesada (shogun)

  Tokugawa Iesato (Kamenosuke)

  Tokugawa Ieyasu (shogun)

  Tokugawa Kamenosuke (Iesato)

  Tokugawa Nariaki (daimyo of Mito)

  Tokugawa Yoshinobu (commander of palace defense, later shogun): on opening Japan; proposals of, for changes in court practices; on Kōmei’s planned trip; refusal of, to be Kōmei’s surrogate; steps of, to avoid hostilities with foreigners; on approval of foreign treaties; as commander of shogunate forces; as seii taishōgun; relations with foreign diplomats; and arrests of Christians; imperial edict against; cession of power to court by; response of to proclamation of Restoration; and Parkes; seclusion of at temple; Rinnōjinomiya’s intercession for; terms for submission of

  Tokugawa period emperors’ lives during

  Tokugawa Yoshikatsu (daimyo of Owari)

  Tokugawa Yoshinobu. See Minamoto Yoshinobu

  Tokugawa Yoshiyori (lord of Edo Castle)

  Tokutomi Roka (novelist)

  Tokutomi Sohō (journalist)

  Tōkyō (formerly Edo): Americans’ sounding of bay of; earthquake in; opening of; daimyos in, support for shogunate in; destruction of Satsuma residence in; as new name for Edo; Meiji’s visits to; trade center in; as functional capital; Hoshi’s role in municipal government of

  Tōkyō (formerly Edo) Castle

  Tōkyō University

  Tōkyō-Yokohama mainichi shimbun (newspaper)

  Tominokōji Hironao (nobleman)

  Tominokōji Takanao (chamberlain)

  Tonghak (religious group, Korea)

  Tonghak rebellion

  Torio Koyata (general)

  Tosa Freedom Party

  Toshiko, Princess (Meiji’s ninth daughter)

  Toyama Masakazu

  Toyama Mitsusuke (noble)

  Tōyama Mitsuru

  Toyooka Harusuke (painter)

  trade. See foreign trade

  trade treaties. See treaties

  traditions: importance of; escaping in feminine disguise as; of warfare; at court; rejection of; and care of emperor’s children; and samurai; Meiji’s concern for preservation of; erosion of. See also ceremonies and rituals

  Training Unit (Hullyon Togam, Korea)

  Trans-Siberian Railway

  treaties: with Russia; with United States; with Holland; with Britain; shogunate’s continued signing of; protests against; with France; on Sakhalin; with Austro-Hungarian Empire; with China; with Korea; on Ryūkyū’s sovereignty; on Korean annexation; of commerce. See also treaty revision

  Treaty of Chemulp’o

  Treaty of Kanagawa

  Treaty of Shimoda

  Treaty of Tientsin

  treaty revision: question of; actions on; Meiji on; objections to concessions in; Ōkuma’s proposals for; and new constitution; opposition to; Aoki’s proposal for; House of Representatives’ action on

  Treaty Revision Conference

  Tsai Tse Prince

  Tso Pao-Kuei

  tsubogiri no goken (sword of succession)

  Tsuchimikado Hareo (yin-yang diviner)

  Tsuda Sanzō (would-be assassin of Czarevitch Nicholas)

  Tsukiji (Tōkyō), foreign concession in

  Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (artist)

  Tsunehisa, Prince

  Tsushima Islands

  Tsushima Strait

  Tsutsui Masanori (senior shogunate official)

  Tuan Chün, Prince (father of crown prince of China)

  tycoon. See shogun

  Tz’u-hsi (empress dowager, China)

  Tzūzoku sangokushi (account of warfare)

  Ubukata Toshirō (newspaper reporter)

  Uchida Kuichi (photographer)

  Uchida Ryōhei

  Uchida Sadatsuchi (consul to Korea)

  Uchimura Kanzō

  Uchiyama Gudō (Buddhist priest)

  Ueki Emori (political activist)

  Ueno Park

  Ugolini, Giuseppe (artist)

  Ui Prince

  u-in (judicial branch of government)

  ukei. See yin-yang divination

  Ukhotomskii, E. E. (Russian prince)

  ukiyoe artists

  ulsa ojok (five bandits of)

  Umayabara Muhon (commander)

  Umberto (k
ing of Italy)

  Umewaka Minoru (performer)

  United States: treaties with; shogunate’s mission to; on actions against Taiwan; educational methods in, Meiji on; offer of, to mediate with Korea; offer of, to mediate Sino-Japanese War; on cession of Liaotung Peninsula; Hoshi as minister to; as ally of Japan; pro-Japanese sentiments in; intervention in European affairs by; as hypothetical enemy; Kōtoku in; on Anglo-Japanese Alliance; on Japanese immigration; prospects for war with. See also Fillmore, Millard; Grant, Ulysses S.; Harris, Townsend; Hayes, Rutherford B.; Perry, Matthew Calbraith; Pierce, Franklin



  Uramatsu Tarumitsu (Meiji’s playmate)

  Urawa (Saitama Prefecture)

  Uryū Sotokichi (rear admiral)

  Ussuri Railroad


  Variag (Russian warship)

  Verbeck, Guido F.

  Vesuvius, Mount

  Victoria (queen of England)

  Villiers Frederic (North American Review correspondent)

  violence: in September; against foreigners; during elections of; Kōtoku’s belief in. See also revolts

  virtues; Confucian; sovereignly

  Vladimirovitch, Kiril

  Wada Enjirō

  Wade, Thomas (British minister to China)

  Waeber, Carl (Russian minister to Korea)

  Wakan. See Sōryō (Choryang) Wakan

  Wakisaka Yasuori (Shogunate representative)

  Waldersee, Alfred

  Wang Feng-tsao (Chinese minister to Japan)

  war. See also Korea; Russo-Japanese War; Sino-Japanese War



  Watanabe Kunitake

  Watson R. G. (acting British minister to Japan)

  Way of the Warrior (budō)


  West: adoption of dress of; technological achievements of; culture of


  White Lotus (Chinese Buddhist sect)

  White Peril

  White Peril in the Far East, The (Gulick)

  “Why I Became a Socialist” (Kōtoku)

  Wilhelm (Hong Sok-ku priest)

  Wilhelm I (king of Prussia)

  Wilhelm II (kaiser of Germany): on troops’ actions in China; hatred of “Yellow Peril,” influence of, on Nicholas II; on destruction of Russian fleet; and Russo-Japanese War peace negotiations; despotism of

  Willem II (king of Holland)

  Winter Palace

  Witte, Sergei (finance minister Russia): on Czarevitch Nicholas’s visit to Japan; on cession of Liaotung Peninsula; on Korea; and Trans-Siberian Railway; travel to Far East; and viceroyalty of Far East; on Russian occupation of Manchuria; on Alekseev; and negotiations with Japan; haughtiness of


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