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Angel's Halo: Atonement (Angel's Halo MC Book 5)

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by Terri Anne Browning

  Angel’s Halo: Atonement

  Written by Terri Anne Browning

  All Rights Reserved ©Terri Anne Browning 2017



  The rain was coming down in trenches, flooding the parking lot, making it impossible for people to drive in. That meant the diner was packed to overflowing with not only locals, but people passing through. They were all hungry, all of them wanting to wait out the weather before going on their way.

  There was no room in Aggie’s for even one more customer, yet somehow, they kept finding more seats. No sooner had I taken one group’s orders for dinner and gone to get their drinks, did I have three more who needed waited on.

  I was run off my feet after having pulled a double, since two other waitresses had called in. One had flat-out quit, but the other had a stomach bug. Aggie had begged me to stay and help her out, and I loved that old woman like a mom, so I couldn’t tell her no.

  Even if I had been about to drop with exhaustion.

  All I wanted was to go home and climb into bed. Maybe sleep for a few days. Not that that was even a possibility. I had bills to pay, and money didn’t just drop into my lap out of thin air. Therefore, I had to work as many hours as I possibly could there.

  Keeping a smile on my face was making my cheeks hurt, but I never let it falter as the evening wore on. My smile was the difference between one dollar and a five dollar tip. I had been doing this for almost nine years, so I knew a few tricks of the trade.

  As I placed a glass of tea in front of two of my regulars, an older married couple who came in every Saturday night for their “date night,” I heard the bell over the front door jingle again and bit back a groan. If one more person walked through the door, the freaking Fire Marshall was going to drop in and give Aggie a citation for being above capacity.

  Not trusting the other waitresses to turn the newcomer away, I headed for the front door, my smile still in place.

  As I passed one table after another, I waved at other regulars, noting which of my customers needed refills and whose food I needed to check on.

  Even if it had been my first day on the job, I could have easily spotted the locals from those just passing through. The locals didn’t even have to look at the menu, while the others looked half afraid to eat anything that was put in front of them.

  The outside of Aggie’s wasn’t much to look at. It needed a new coat of paint and the sign had long ago lost most of its lightbulbs, but even though Uncle Chaz had offered to do all the repairs for no cost, Aggie had refused. She could have easily afforded the costs of repairs. She just liked that the outside typically kept the outsiders outside.

  As I neared the front door, I saw the newest customer and my smile dimmed, then disappeared altogether. Tossing my braid over my shoulder, I crossed my arms over my chest and made sure to put a blank expression on my face. I refused to let seeing him unexpectedly like this show on my face. I had learned years ago it was better for everyone, especially myself, not to let this particular man see my reaction to him. My heart, however, didn’t know how to not beat at triple its normal rate whenever he was near. Even after everything that had happened, the disaster of that night and my stupid drunken decision, I couldn’t help being affected by him.

  Raider and Colt had been gone for several weeks on a run with a handful of the other MC brothers. Colt hadn’t told me they would be home today. Then again, he never told me much of anything about the runs he went on, other than to let me know he was leaving.

  Club business stayed club business. He didn’t discuss it with me or even Kelli. I didn’t know where they had been, or what they had been doing while there, but I figured it involved the wrong end of the law … and probably a few chicks to keep Raider entertained.

  I had been thankful for the reprieve that both their absences had given me. It had given me time to think and make some tough decisions. Ones I couldn’t have made if Colt was constantly around. Ones I knew Raider wouldn’t have cared less about.

  Now Raider was glancing around, as if looking for someone in particular, his wide shoulders tense, as if he were preparing for a confrontation or something.

  “Shouldn’t you be working?” I asked by way of greeting, keeping my voice as neutral as possible.

  Raider snapped his head in my direction, the tension in his shoulders seeming to ease. His eyes drifted over me for a moment, taking in my mostly makeup free face, the simple T-shirt with the word Aggie’s over my left breast. Lower they traveled to the black apron that was tied around my waist that held extra straws, napkins, a little notepad I wrote orders on, and my tips. Something darkened in his green eyes, but in a flash, he masked it before I could even attempt to decode what it might have been.

  “I’m on my way to the bar now. Had to pick up an order for Raven first.” He scanned over the packed house and whistled low, before coming back to me. “Can you check on it for me? Make sure that Aggie fixed it so I can tell Raven that no one else touched her food?”

  I should have told him to do it himself. Should have just turned around and took care of my own customers. I had too much to do without him adding more to my list. I wasn’t handling call-in orders. Normally, whoever took care of the customers sitting at the counter did that. However, I knew how picky his sister was over people touching her food.

  It was for Raven, and only Raven, that I went into the back to see if Aggie had it ready.

  Aggie was just finishing putting the food in a bag when I walked into the kitchen. “That for Raven?”

  Aggie snapped her graying head up and gave me a tired smile. She had four cooks working tonight, but she had pushed one out of her way to fill Raven Hannigan-Reid’s order personally. Aggie loved all the Hannigan children, and the current queen of the Angel’s Halo MC was like a daughter to her. “Sure is, kiddo. She here for it?”

  I shook my head. “One of her brothers.” I took the bag from her, not bothering to explain that it was Raider and not one of the other three Hannigan men who was currently in attendance. “This everything?”

  “There are two bags,” my boss told me as she handed everything over. “Don’t worry about charging them for it. With this madhouse, I’m pretty sure I won’t miss the money from a few burgers.”

  “Sure thing.”

  I turned to go, when Aggie caught my arm, turning me to face her. “You okay, Quinn?”

  I put my smile firmly back into place, hiding anything she might have read in my eyes. “Just tired, Ag.”

  She was still trying to read me as she finally released my arm. “You know, if you ever need to talk, I’m right here.”

  I leaned up on tiptoes to kiss her cheek. Even Aggie was taller than I was. It was annoying being so small. “I know, Ag. Thanks.” I stepped back.

  “Quinn, if you need to take a day off, just let me know. You look so tired, honey.”

  I ignored her as I went back out into the dining room. I did need a day off. Hell, I needed a month off, but I needed the money more.

  Making as much money as quickly as possible was my new goal, one that I would accomplish or die trying. Money would get me as far away from this place as humanly possible. Money was life, and for me, it would offer me a new one.

  Raider wasn’t where I had left him. I wasn’t surprised to find him at the counter, flirting with a group of sheep who had come in for dinner before heading over to the bar for the night. One of them had an arm wrapped around his waist, playing with his belt with her other hand, not caring that there were families with kids seated where they could easily see her. Raider didn’t even seem to pay her any attention, though, as he flirted with
the other two sheep.

  Jealousy was an all too familiar pang in my chest, but I pushed the feeling down, annoyed with it and myself. I had learned my lesson where this guy was concerned. It had taken me years, but I had finally seen the harsh light of reality. I was done with that crush and ready to move on.

  I had no other choice.

  It was either let him go, or spend the rest of my life eating my heart out for a guy who fucked everything with a vagina.

  Crossing toward him, I set the bags on the counter in front of him, not caring that I had just interrupted whatever the hell it was they were talking about. “Aggie said no charge,” I told him with a colder version of my normally warm smile. Then I stepped back and turned toward my section. I had drinks to refill. Food to deliver to tables. Bills to pass out and hopefully get some of these people out of there.

  I hadn’t taken more than a few steps when firm fingers caught my elbow, pulling me back around.

  I jerked my arm free and backed away from him, needing space from this man.

  Raider frowned at my reaction to him. I hadn’t ever done that before. Normally, if he ever touched me, which had been on very rare occasions, I would usually try to make the most of the physical contact.

  Not anymore.

  Not ever again.

  Lesson learned.

  “I just wanted to say thanks.” He arranged the bags in his hands a little better, shifting in a way that was very un-Raider-like.

  I shrugged. “No problem.”

  “Are you and Kelli coming to the party tomorrow night?” He surprised me further by asking.

  “Nope,” I assured him, popping the P as I started to turn away again.

  After the disaster of the last one I had attended, if I never went to another club party, it would be too soon.

  He caught my elbow yet again, those green eyes scanning oddly over my face. “Maybe you should.”

  I shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll be just fine without either Kelli or I there. Have a safe drive. That rain looks dangerous.”

  I walked away before he could try and stop me again, forcing myself to forget about him as I focused on work. I needed to keep my head in the game. Ignoring my customers would cost me good tips and that was something I just couldn’t afford to do right then.

  The sooner I could save up enough money, the sooner I could get out of this town and away from Raider Fucking Hannigan.

  Chapter 1

  Four Weeks Ago


  If the parking lot of the Angel’s Halo MC’s clubhouse was anything to go by, then every club member and their family was in attendance at the engagement party for Jet Hannigan and Felicity Bolton. I wasn’t surprised. Jet had once been the MC’s president, was the son of the last president, and the brother-in-law of the current pres. And Flick, she was loved by everyone.

  It was for her that I had come tonight. Aggie had closed the diner down early so she could cater for the occasion, so I had the night off. Even the girls at Paradise City, the strip club that Kelli worked at, was off tonight, so for once my roommate was free to come to a club event. This was going to be her first since she and Colt had gone public with their relationship, but she didn’t look any happier to be there than I was.

  “I’m so getting drunk,” she muttered half under her breath as she turned off the old model car and pushed her head into the back of her seat as she glared at the clubhouse.

  Loud music was already blaring and the front doors were wide open as people came and went from the warehouse that had been revamped decades ago into the MC’s clubhouse. The building was huge, had over ten bedrooms, and was where my sisters spent most of their time.

  Gritting my teeth at the thought of the three bitches I regretfully shared DNA with, I nodded. “Sounds like a plan. I’m gonna get drunk, too.”

  Kelli snapped her head around at my last words, surprise shining out of her eyes, even in the dim light of her car. “Okay, what’s wrong?” she demanded after a minute of looking yet unable to find what was going on written on my face.

  “Nothing,” I lied.

  “Bullshit.” My friend turned in her seat and grasped my chin between her thumb and forefinger, forcing me to meet her gaze.


  Kelli and I had clicked from the minute we had met. After she had moved in with me, she had gotten to know me in no time at all, and vice versa. We were closer than I had ever dreamed of being with any one of my three sisters. The only problem was she could read me easily, probably even more so than Colt could.

  “Quinn.” Kelli released my chin and sighed deeply. “Did one of your sisters say something to you?”

  “No,” I assured her honestly. “I haven’t seen any of them in over a week.”

  She narrowed her eyes in that dark way I still didn’t completely understand. Where Kelli could read me so easily, I hadn’t gotten nearly as accomplished at the reverse. My newest friend had secrets, but something deep in my gut told me neither one of us was ready for her to share them.

  “Okay, so not one of the cunt parade. Was it Raider?”

  I unbuckled my seatbelt, avoiding answering her. Raider had come in for lunch that afternoon and sat as far from my section as he possibly could. I had forced my attention on work, getting people their food, refilling drinks. Nevertheless, every few minutes, I had found myself looking back to where Raider was eating his sandwich and laughing with the two sheep that had left their own table to join him.

  When he had left, one of them had gone with him. I had seen him kiss her cheek before she had gotten into her car, and then followed him in the direction of the clubhouse. I had known what was going to happen, that they were going to fuck.

  Like it always did, my heart had broken a little more. However, in that moment, I had realized something.

  Raider Hannigan was never going to want me. Not ever.

  The thing was, I didn’t even know why he wouldn’t give me a chance—why I wasn’t good enough. He seemed to barely tolerate me at times. Of course that should have scared me off, but apparently, I was a masochist and a glutton for rejection, because my damn heart still wept for him.

  It was time to move on, though. I saw that clear as day now. Hence the need to get so drunk I didn’t remember my own name in the morning.

  “Quinn,” Kelli called after me when I got out of the car. She jumped out and slammed her door. Catching up to me before I could get more than a few cars away, she grasped my arm. “Why?”

  I frowned at her question, confused by it. “Why, what?”

  She crossed her arms over her breasts and cocked her head to the side ever so slightly, analyzing me. She was beautiful, and I wanted to hate her for being so damn gorgeous. “Why do you love him?”

  I shrugged. I had been in love with Raider since before I understood what love really was, so maybe it was just some stupid crush that had gotten out of hand. Regardless, I knew the difference between loving someone and being in love with them. I loved Colt, but I was in love with Raider. “I don’t know how to answer that. It’s not any one big thing that made me fall for him, but a million small ones.”

  “Okay, but how do you know he’s the one?”

  I just stood there, unable to find the words to explain it to her. No one had ever made me feel the way Raider did. It was pure lunacy to feel what I felt when I knew it was all one-sided, yet it wasn’t something I could turn off. Though I knew I had to.

  “All right, fine. That’s a really loaded question.” She waved her hands in the air then put them on her hips. “What I really want to know … What I think you should really be asking yourself is: what if you’ve built this all up in your head? Maybe—and I’m only saying maybe here—but maybe the reality of this guy isn’t as good as the dream.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but quickly closed it as what she was saying hit me.

  I had never thought about that. It would actually be a relief if that was the case, because if it was, then there was a chance that one
day I could move on.


  I instinctively turned at the sound of my name and pushed what Kelli had just said aside when I saw my favorite person in the world coming toward us.

  His hair was in need of a cut, was the first thing I thought when I saw my best friend walking toward us. With his leather cut over a white Hannigans T-shirt, jeans that hung off his ass, and a pair of boots that I knew he had used to kick the shit out of guys with, Colt Hannigan was the kind of dangerous sexy that drew women in like flies to honey.

  My sisters had always made fun of me because I was immune to him. I had never paid much attention to them where this particular Hannigan was concerned, though, knowing they were just jealous that Colt had always put me first. We had been best friends since we were kids, and even though he was six years older than me, that didn’t stop us from being close. To him, I was just another sister. He knew my every secret, and I knew his. I loved him, but I had never been nor wanted to be in love with him.

  Once he reached us, he kissed Kelli, then draped an arm over both our shoulders.

  “What took you two so long?” he scolded as we headed toward the clubhouse. “I was starting to get worried.”

  “We were just talking,” Kelli told him before I could open my mouth. I was thankful for her ability to distract him so easily. I had never been able to hide anything from Colt, had never really wanted to. “Just girl stuff.”

  Inside, the place was so crowded we had to push our way through the masses to get to where the happy couple were standing.

  I saw my sisters spread out around the room, each one turning to glare at me as I passed them. I had quit caring what those three thought of me a long time ago. I wasn’t there for them, anyway. It was Flick and Jet I was there to celebrate with.

  Flick was surrounded by Raven, Willa, and Gracie. Jet stood with his hand at her waist, but his body turned toward Bash, Spider, and Hawk. They all had a drink in their hands.

  Spotting us, Flick’s eyes landed on me and her face brightened. “There you are. I thought you were going to leave me hanging,” she teased as she stepped forward and hugged me.


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