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Something For The Pain

Page 11

by Victoria Ashley

  From the corner of my eye I notice her legs tremble as she tries to keep them closed. “Alex . . .”

  “Yeah,” I breathe. “What’s up, babe?”

  “Does this have any kind of an effect on you right now?” She sits up as I pull the gun away from her flesh. “Every time I feel your hand slightly squeeze my breast to move it I get a throbbing sensation between my legs, and then I start thinking about last night. Is it only me? I don’t know . . . I’m stupid.” She quickly reaches for her shirt and holds it up to cover her breasts as my eyes search hers.

  “You don’t think I want to fuck you . . . that I haven’t thought about setting this tattoo gun down, locking the door, and stripping you the rest of the way out of those little shorts?” I tug on my hair in frustration. “Dammit, Tripp. I want to do things to your body right now and leave my mark on you so badly that I can’t even fucking think straight. I want to bury myself deep between those thighs and ruin you for any other man.”

  Fuck . . . I wasn’t expecting all that shit to come out of my mouth. This is bad. So fucking bad.

  “I’ve been thinking about being inside you since you left my room last night, Tripp. I’m trying my best to keep it together for both of our sakes. Trust me on that.”

  “Alex . . .” Tripp scrambles to her feet, breathing heavily, almost falling into the chair. “Maybe we should continue this tattoo a different day.” She swallows hard and tries her hardest to keep her eyes away from the crotch of my jeans. “Maybe we both just need a few days to cool down. Last night is too fresh for both of us.”

  “Come here, babe.” She walks over to me without hesitation and I instantly pull her into my arms and press my lips against the top of her head. “We can finish the rest next week.” I pull away and look down at her. “I never want to make you feel uncomfortable. I’m not going anywhere. The tattoo can wait.”

  All I managed to get done so far was four stars. Even left alone, it doesn’t look out of place and unfinished. She’s right. Last night is too fresh in both of our minds and this tattoo might just push us both enough to forget everything we can lose.

  “Thanks,” she says sweetly. “You’re too good, Alex. You don’t see it most of the time, but you’re going to make some lucky girl happy one day.”

  I let out an uncomfortable laugh. “Yeah, maybe . . .”

  After cleaning her up, she gets dressed, but leaves her bra off. It’s probably best if she doesn’t wear one for a while, and after I finish her tattoo she will have to wait even longer. I just hope I can handle being in the same house with her.

  She stops at the door before walking out. “What exactly are you putting on me anyway, Stud?”

  I smirk. “Something important to me. I’ll tell you about it after it’s done.”

  She laughs and nods her head. “Alright. I trust you. If you mess me up . . . I’ll just have to kick your ass. Remember that.”

  “Oh, I’ll never forget. Trust me. I’ll collect on all of my spankings later.”

  “Alright,” she laughs. I love that laugh. “I’ll see you at home in a few hours?”

  I shake my head. “I won’t be home until late. I have somewhere I want to stop by tonight.”

  “Okay, I’ll cook extra dinner and leave it in the microwave just in case. Okay?”

  I nod my head in appreciation. I love how she always wants to take care of me. This woman is special, and I know that it’s not an act, because she’s been doing it for thirteen fucking years. “Thanks, babe.”

  Without another word she disappears out the door and I am left unable to concentrate for the next three hours of work.

  Well damn . . .

  I FIND MYSELF PARKED IN the alley, waiting for Memphis to arrive. It’s been months since we have been here together, and tonight I really need to sit back with him and enjoy a good fight, or hell, even a bad fight; just something to help me relax a bit.

  It doesn’t take long for Memphis’ truck to pull up next to mine, parking in any random open space. It’s pretty jam packed here tonight, so most of the cars are practically parked on top of each other.

  Memphis jumps out of his truck, dressed in his old leather jacket, a black shirt, and dark jeans. He wears the shit out of that damn jacket. “This better be a damn good fight for you to pull me away tonight.” He complains. “Lyric has the night free, yet I’m here in this dirty alley full of shirtless sweaty dudes with my annoying brother.”

  I shake my head and laugh at his greeting. Nothing has changed about that over the years. It’s a welcoming feeling . . . strangely.

  “I couldn’t tell ya, dick. I don’t have a clue who’s fighting tonight. My ass just needed to get out and see a show.” I walk over to Memphis and sling my arm over his shoulder. “What better way to enjoy that shit without my big brother? Come on, dude; live a little. You’re turning into an old man.”

  I walk ahead of him, swerving my way through the crowd. A few random people stop Memphis, asking him if he’s back to fight, but I just keep walking, looking for a good spot to watch from; somewhere up front and fucking personal. I want to see some blood tonight and get my mind off everything else that’s been happening since moving in with Tripp and Lucas.

  Out of nowhere some pretty brunette chick appears next to me, holding out a red cup. She smiles at me, before shoving it in my direction. “You’re that Alex guy, right? You fought here a while back and kicked that dude’s ass . . . I remember that night.”

  I smirk and reach for the cup, remembering how good that fight felt. It was one of my first times fighting with a clear head . . . off of the drugs and heavy alcohol that I had been drowning myself in after my mom passed.

  “Yeah, glad you enjoyed the fight.”

  Smiling, she reaches for another cup from the tray she’s holding and hands it to Memphis as he joins us. “You’re both badass fighters. Hope you boys enjoy the show tonight.”

  She waits for Memphis to grab the cup she’s holding out before winking at us both and walking away to refill her tray.

  “What the fuck?” Memphis takes a swig of his beer. “Since when did they get chicks to pass out drinks?”

  Laughing, I shake my head and take a swig from my own glass. “I have no clue, but that chick had perfect fucking timing. I’m definitely not complaining.”

  Two guys enter the makeshift ring and stare each other down, ready to fuck each other up. The crowd starts going wild as the announcer introduces some guy named Cody and another name that I can’t even pronounce.

  The blonde guy—Cody, comes at his opponent, swinging a bare-knuckle fist into the right side of his face, almost knocking him over. The blow causes everyone to get rowdy when the guy—whose name my mind can’t even remember, let alone pronounce–wipes at the blood pooling at the side of his mouth.

  As he pulls his hand away and sees the blood, he starts rotating his shoulders, preparing himself for his comeback swing. After that hit, he needs something to earn his balls back.

  “So what’s the deal,” Memphis asks, distracting me from the fight right as the other dude swings and misses. Damn . . . that was not the comeback he needed.

  “What do you mean?” I point my cup out in front of me. “We’re watching a fight here and you’re worried about small talk?”

  “Come on, dude,” Memphis growls out, being the overprotective pain in the ass that he is. “Something is fucking with your head. I can see it all over your face. Plus you’re tense as shit. You wanted me here, so talk.”

  I pull my eyes away from the fight and turn to face Memphis, taking a quick drink of beer before talking. “Just some shit with Tripp. Nothing that I won’t be able to handle.”

  “What kind of shit?”

  “Damn, you’re quick on the questions tonight.” I point out in annoyance. “Just some shit. I’m dealing with it. I wanted you here so we could just chill and have a good time, so let’s do it. Drink up and enjoy the fight.”

  “I’m not buying it. “Memphis reaches for my cup a
nd finishes off my drink after he tosses his cup in the trash behind him. “There. There are no drinks and the fight just ended. Apichatpong lost his ass off.”

  “Who the . . .” I look over Memphis’ shoulder to see the taller dude sprawled out on the dirty gravel, bloodied up and breathing hard. “Son of a bitch. . . . You’re good at ruining shit sometimes.”

  Memphis shrugs as if he doesn’t care. “Tell me something I don’t already know. Like what’s going on with Tripp. That’s a big thing to deal with. You and Tripp are . . . well you and Tripp. I’ve never seen a friendship like the freaky one you two have.”

  Well so much for coming here to watch a good fight. Damn . . .

  “Follow me to Blue’s. Then we’ll talk.”

  After fighting our way through the crowd, we both hop in our separate trucks and meet up in Blue’s parking lot. I haven’t been here since that night I left Jade’s to meet Tripp here; the night that she asked me to move in with her.

  I jump out of my truck. “I need a few drinks to talk about this. Until then, don’t expect too much.”

  Memphis just nods in understanding and follows me inside. He’s used to my shit by now.

  We’re here for a good twenty minutes, him watching me as I slam back my third shot, before he decides to jump back in and push the subject.

  “You slept with her didn’t you,” he says without hesitation. “It’s all over your face, Alex . . . and trust me, downing those shots aren’t going to do shit to clear your head. It doesn’t work. Trust me.”

  “Is it really that fucking obvious?” I push the empty shot glass away and run a hand through my hair in frustration. “It’s eating at me, bro. I want more. I can’t look at her without wanting to put my hands all over her now and claim her as mine.”

  “Why don’t you,” he questions. “Do it. Make her yours. You guys have been friends long enough to know if it would work out. You haven’t gotten tired of each other yet, right?”

  I peel the label from my beer bottle and then slam back my beer. “It’s not that simple. She has a ‘boyfriend’ or whatever you call that douche. We all live in the same damn house.”

  Memphis smiles knowingly and takes a drink from his beer bottle. “We both know that’s not what’s holding you back. You’d win her over that fucker any day. There’s not a damn thing that girl wouldn’t do for you. You’ve been there for each other through everything. He has nothing on you. It’s not even a competition.”

  My heart speeds up as his words set in. He’s right. Lucas has nothing to do with me not making Tripp my girl. I’d steal her from him in a heartbeat without giving a shit. It’s the loss that scares me; the loss that we’d both feel if things didn’t work out and we had to move on from each other. I never want to be hurt by her and I sure as fuck would never want to hurt her. I care about her way too much.

  “I know, man. I don’t know. It’s some shit I’ll have to figure out. Until then, I’ll just have to do my best to keep my hands to myself. No more sexual shit between us. Strictly friends.”

  Memphis snickers. “That won’t last long.”

  “It’ll have to.” I finish off my beer and stand up, ready to go home and jump in the pool to cool off. “Or I’m fucked.”

  “You want Lyric to talk to Tripp and see how she’s feeling about all this shit?”

  I shake my head and toss down some cash. “Hell no. That’s the last thing I want right now.” I throw my arms around Lyric and squeeze her as she attempts to sneak up on me. “You’re not that smooth, doll.”

  “Damn you, Alex!” She slaps my chest and pulls away. “Why won’t you just let me scare you once? Just one time and I’ll be happy, dammit.”

  I can’t do that.” I tease. “Well, I’m out of here so you guys can enjoy dinner. I have food waiting at home for me.”

  “Lucky dog you.” Lyric teases. “Tell her to send dinner my way sometime. She’s got skills in the kitchen and I’ve been dying for her homemade dumplings.”

  “Alright, man.” Memphis looks up at me, before wrapping his arms around Lyric and pulling her against him. “I’m here if you need anything. I mean that shit.”

  “What’s going on,” Lyric questions, looking between the two of us. “Something I should know?”

  “Not right now, doll.” I wink and start walking backward to get away before she can get it out of me. “Later.”

  As soon as I get out to my truck, I strip out of my shirt and pull out of the parking lot. I need to hit that pool at full speed to blow off steam, and quick.

  Before I blow off steam in the one place that I can’t. Between Tripp’s thighs . . .


  I don’t know what made me think that this tattoo was a good idea. I have to be stupid to think that I’d be able to handle his hands on me after last night. I can’t. I couldn’t, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to again.

  Ever since I left his room at the shop today, I’ve been imagining the feel of his strong, tattooed hand holding my breast. Every time I looked down and saw his hand there, flashes of him between my legs invaded my mind. I couldn’t see anything else. I couldn’t seem to shake the image off. All I wanted was to feel what I was I was imagining. I wanted to feel him filling me.

  “Babe . . . damn, you’re somewhere else tonight. Hello . . .” Lucas snaps his fingers in front of my face, saving myself from the dirty thoughts of Alex that I’ve been drowning in the whole night.

  Even at a party I can’t seem to keep my mind straight. There are over thirty people here, yet the only person I want to talk to is Alex; the one person that isn’t here.

  “Lucas . . .” I warn. “Don’t snap your fingers in front of my face. You know how much I hate that.” I push my way out of his arms to go make myself another drink. “I’m just tired. It’s been a long week and I’ve got a lot on my mind with the bar and stuff.”

  Lucas pushes up behind me and wraps his arms around me, squeezing my breasts and jiggling them. Ugh . . . I fucking hate when he does that.

  “Let me wake you up then, baby.” He rubs his lips up the side of my neck, before biting. I slightly pull away, before he can leave a mark.

  “Alex . . .”

  Shit . . .

  My whole body becomes heated in embarrassment from calling Lucas by the wrong name. I seriously just cannot function tonight. This is so not good. I’ve never been this distracted in my entire life.

  “Alex, huh? Is that who’s on your mind?”

  Just as I think Lucas is about to pull away and get pissed at me for calling him by Alex’s name, he pulls me closer to him instead and slips his hand up the front of my dress, sliding his finger through my folds.

  “Close your eyes, baby. I can finger fuck you as Alex if you want.” I lose my breath for a second at the mention of Alex finger fucking me. “You’re so fucking wet and warm. Fuck me . . .”

  Just as he’s about to slide his finger inside me, I open my eyes and quickly push his hand away. He’s not Alex, and this shit with him pretending that he is, is beginning to fuck with me. “What the hell is it about Alex and me together that turns you on so much? Huh? Tell me.”

  He grabs my arm and holds me in place as I attempt to walk past him. He’s making me so damn angry and uncomfortable right now. “You act as if I’m the only one that gets turned on by it. I think we both know that’s a lie.”

  “Let go.” I yank my arm away and walk through the crowded kitchen to find a quiet place in the hallway. I really don’t want his friends to hear this. Lucas follows behind me with his arm around my waist, as if I’m going to run away from him. I should, because right now . . . I want to.

  Lucas pins me against the wall and gets close to my face, with his hips pressing against me. “You don’t think that I’ve seen the way you and Alex are together? You guys sleep in the same damn bed. The two of you cuddle and shit. He even sings to you and plays the guitar to calm you down. He protects you. You protect him and look out for him. You guys are the perfec
t fucking couple without being an actual couple.”

  He stops to brush his lips over mine. “There is so much sexual tension between you and Alex that even I can feel it in my balls. Watching two people that have wanted to fuck for as long as they have known each other finally break down and do it is by far the sexiest thing a man can witness, so yes, it turns me on. It makes me so fucking hard that it hurts, and it makes me even harder to know that I get to be the one to fuck you when he can’t anymore. Soon, I will be the only one between those sweet thighs of yours, and Alex will be left with a small taste that he can never sample again.”

  Anger floods my body and all I want to do is knee Lucas in the fucking balls. I should have known there was an ulterior motive. “Lucas, you can be such a dick.” Placing my hands to his chest, I shove him backward and rush down the hall toward the back door. He can be such a little bitch sometimes when he drinks.

  “Whoa! Baby!” Lucas follows at my heels, not getting the hint. “Stop, please. Come here.”

  I turn around, stopping him dead in his tracks. “What? Just leave me alone, Lucas! You’ve had too much to drink and you’re acting like a straight up ass.”

  He reaches out and runs his hands up my arms to soothe me. “I didn’t mean for it to come out as harshly as it did. I’m sorry. Okay? I’m jealous of what you guys have. I’m human. I’m really fucking jealous, and I thought that after you guys realized how awkward it would be together, that it would change, but it wasn’t awkward at all.”

  Swallowing hard, I look up to meet his desperate eyes. I almost feel sorry for him, but not enough to lie and tell him that I want him more than I do Alex. “I don’t really know what to say right now, Lucas. I’m pretty pissed and just want to go home.”

  “I’m leaving in the morning, Tripp. The bank wants to fly me out to New York to see how I do running one of the biggest branches that they have. I’ll be gone for a week. I think when I get back that we should discuss making us exclusive. It’s been long enough, and I’m ready to make you mine.”


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