Men of Alaska 2: Sterling Sunshine

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Men of Alaska 2: Sterling Sunshine Page 6

by Cheryl Dragon

  “We’re going to have Ross come and pick you up. You’re shaken up. You won’t get anything from the rest of the day,” Tony said.

  “Sorry. Guess maybe I’m not like most Alaskan girls around here. I just couldn’t stop looking at it.” She tried to shake off the feel of those predator’s eyes on her.

  “The police officer was right there. I’ve got a gun. Tony has a gun. No reason to panic,” Tiff said.

  “You carry a gun?” she asked him.

  “It’s Alaska. Assume that everyone is carrying a gun. A bear can turn up in your yard or you find a lone wolf on a hike. That wolf could’ve been overly aggressive because it’s injured or protecting pups. You never know what you’re walking up on. Good thing you’ve got three men to protect you.” Tiff walked away.

  “Be nice,” Tony shot at his partner.

  “She’s right. I choked and could’ve made it worse. All I had to do was walk away.” Gretchen shrugged.

  Tony hugged her. “Most wolves would’ve run at the shot. This one might be educated to people and testing us. Some animals learn that a shot means hunters, and there might be something to go scavenge. Animals are smarter than we give them credit for. Lone wolves can be a little more aggressive when they’re trying to build their own pack. But he didn’t look right and they’ll take the body to the vet so he gets checked out.”

  “He’s dead?” she asked.

  “Yes, a wolf that’s sick or that aggressive this close to town is a danger. The officer probably put it down so it’s not our problem. We didn’t hear any pups. It could’ve been wounded after being attacked by another predator. It happens. Ross is better at talking about this stuff but we don’t get a lot of wolves around here.” Tony sighed.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “He’s part Native. It’s part of a natural cycle, and he explains it better. Using all the animal, taking what you need, and honoring animals. I deal with emergencies. I don’t overthink. Blood attracts predators so we have to be quick and on guard when you’re in the wilderness. If I had to shoot it, I would’ve. That’s a big animal and it can rip you to shreds in minutes. If you get surrounded by a pack, you better have a lot of ammo and be a quick shot. I know Michigan has wolves and bears, but I bet you don’t run into them daily.” Tony grinned.

  “I lived in the city. The odd wolf report, but police and animal control went after them. You can go camping or into the woods to see bears. I know the drill. Keep garbage inside and tight lids when it’s out for pickup. But carrying a gun everywhere?” Her hands shook. “Can we go to Ross’s now? I want to get out of your way.”

  “He’s coming to get you.” Tony nodded. “There he is now. And he has a gun as well. You’re not in any danger.”

  She nodded. “Thanks. I’m sorry I freaked out.”

  “You didn’t. It was your first wildlife encounter with something that could kill you. Honest reaction. If you want to stay, it won’t be the last time you spot a wolf.” Tony kissed her forehead.

  “Tony, we got a call. Cuddle later,” Tiff shouted

  Gretchen felt helpless. Ross walked up and she turned and headed for his car.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I might not be cut out for this,” she said as she closed herself up safely in his car.

  Chapter Six

  Small towns had their benefits. Matt always felt good when he was back in Sterling or Nome. He’d get the good scoop fast. Word of a wolf getting too close and Gretchen being there reached Matt shortly after lunch. He didn’t have any tours in the afternoon, so he headed home.

  He made a favorite stew of his and tripled the batch. It was done and stored in the freezer before he pulled out the steaks for dinner tonight. He baked some bread. On the way home, he’d picked up fresh potatoes and corn. The vegetables were washed and ready to go on the grill when Ross came in with Gretchen.

  “What smells so good?” she asked.

  “Fresh bread.” Matt nodded to the big basket. “I heard you had a rough day.”

  “It was my fault. I asked for the ride-along, then I froze up. Don’t give Tony a hard time,” she said.

  Matt looked at Ross. “I just made dinner. All ready to throw on the grill. I picked up some of Mrs. Andrews fresh berry sorbet for dessert.”

  “You didn’t have to go to any trouble.” She sat down. “Thank you though.”

  “Anything for you. If you wanted a look at the real Alaska, you got a start today.” Matt glanced at the clock. “I’ll throw those on the grill now. Tony should be here soon. Get her some wine.”

  Ross nodded. “I’ll slice up the bread too.”

  Matt went out onto the back porch and fired up the grill. He didn’t want to fight with Tony, but they did it so well. Making up was even more fun, but Tony was fixated on Gretchen. All of them were. They wanted her to stay with them and in Alaska. She seemed happy here until today. Newcomers took time to adjust, and she wasn’t some survivalist.

  When the grill was hot, Matt tossed on the meat. He heard Tony pull up but stayed put and kept his eyes on the food. Sometimes he felt like no one listened to him still. As the youngest in his family and the only boy, he’d rarely gotten his way.

  Even when Matt’s dad was around, he spoiled his girls and pushed his son to be tougher. Ladies’ choice was great but he just wanted a turn. A vote. You had to be tough in Alaska, but Gretchen had wanted to go. Still, Matt felt like Tony could’ve let her stay in the ambulance until he was sure it was a case she should see up close. Sure, the wolf might’ve come up during the case, but Matt couldn’t shake the protective urge and frustration.

  Removing the food from the heat, he took a deep breath. He flipped off the grill but left the lid up so it’d cool. A nice dinner without fighting was what Gretchen and everyone wanted. He slid the door open and carried the tray inside.

  Ross closed the door behind Matt. “Beer on the table for you. We’re ready to eat.”

  “Thanks for cooking,” Tony said.

  “Sure. I can be domestically useful.” He served up the food.

  Gretchen sipped her wine. “I feel bad. I made today weird.”

  “You’re overthinking this. We all get spooked by a predator now and then. You have to be ready. You’ll learn. It takes time. We’ve all lived here our whole lives. It’s not the same for you.” Ross set the sliced bread and some honey butter on the table.

  They settled in and dinner was quiet. Matt dug in and watched Gretchen finally eat. She nodded at him.

  “It’s really good,” she said.

  “Thanks! Alaskans have to be able to do everything. Cook, repair things, shoot, and build a fire.” Matt smiled.

  Tony rolled his eyes. “We’re not mountain men out in the bush living in a shack with no one else for miles. We’re in a town with jobs and paychecks. Except for you.”

  “Tony, don’t,” Gretchen said.

  “No, it’s okay. I don’t have a regular job. I make more than you do in a year doing my odd jobs. I help people too, but I’m not quite conformist enough.” Matt shrugged.

  “I never said you didn’t help people. The ride-along was good for Gretchen. She’s going to have those encounters at some point. Better that one of us was with her. Or Mel’s guys. We can’t be there twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week,” Tony said.

  “That doesn’t mean she has to be ready to take on a grizzly bear tonight. If she’s ready, we can help train her with a gun and target practice. Take her out on some wolf and bear watches to desensitize the fear so she doesn’t freeze up. Nature hikes can be educational. She has to be ready for it,” Matt said.

  Ross nodded. “I agree. It’s up to her when she’s ready to take on those things. But that doesn’t mean wildlife encounters won’t happen.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I just didn’t think with five people there a wolf would even get that close and growl. He stood his ground. It’s not like what you imagine,” she said.

  “You’ll get the hang of it. Just hav
e to be prepared for whatever. An injured animal will be far more aggressive. Or a mother, she’ll go after you to scare you off,” Ross said.

  “Just don’t go out into the wilderness alone. Until you’re more comfortable with a weapon and your surroundings, you have plenty of people to help whenever you need it. Except for Matt,” Tony said.

  “Really?” Matt shot back. He noticed that she’d eaten well even if she was still a bit uneasy.

  “What? You may not be around tomorrow. We know it. So we have to plan around you. That’s nothing new.” Tony cleared his place

  Matt stood up and squared off with Tony. “Quit dumping your guilt off on me.”

  “Guilt? No one got hurt. We all did our jobs. She’s fine. My patient is fine. The officer made the call, not us. If you want a guarantee of safety and an easy life, you don’t move here. If she can’t handle it, she might as well know it now.” Tony glared at Matt.

  “So we shouldn’t help? Just let stuff happen?” Matt asked.

  “Not fair,” Ross said.

  “Like I knew that would happen?” Tony shot back.

  “Don’t jump to conclusions. Give her time.” Matt drummed his fingers on the counter.

  “Stop using me as an excuse to fight and talking about me like I’m not here or a child,” she snapped.

  The room got quiet for a moment. The fear in Tony was obvious. He didn’t want Gretchen to leave and Matt wanted her to stay as well. Not being flexible could get you killed. They needed to teach Gretchen when she was ready. They could start off small, not a wolf…and build from there. If they didn’t gauge where she was, she might stay stuck in fear of the unknown.

  Gretchen stood up. “Please. I don’t want you two fighting about this. It was just my first serious and unexpected encounter. Most of my time has been in town. I’m sure I have a lot of things to learn about living here, and I won’t be great at everything. I’m glad I didn’t see the wolf get shot. I don’t want to do or see that sort of thing.”

  “When you’re ready, we’ll show you whatever you want. Except that Matt might not be around,” Tony said.

  “Seriously, guys. Stop it.” Ross cleared the table. “This petty shit doesn’t help.”

  Matt nodded. “You’re right. I should leave.”

  “No! No one is leaving,” Gretchen said.

  ONCE SHE HAD their full attention, she knew she had to say something persuasive. She just didn’t know what.

  “If someone has to leave, it’ll be me. I’m making it worse,” she said.

  Ross shook his head. “I didn’t mean that. They’re just not willing to compromise as much. Males showing off for a chance to mate with the desired female. Law of nature. Grizzlies will fight one another over mating opportunities.”

  “Well, I’m not a bear, a moose, or a wolf. I’m a woman! I get to pick and you guys are the ones in a group relationship. This is your tradition. If you can’t handle it, don’t offer this to women. No one is leaving. No one will beat out the others. It’s all or nothing,” she said.

  The men exchanged looks and didn’t say a word.

  “I know I need to learn some more skills to live here. I’ll let you know when I’m ready. I won’t go shooting for fur or fun. But I understand that it might be a self-defense skill I need. You guys hunt for food, we need food. I know that. I’ll get there. I’m not running back to Michigan. I have a job to do for my friend. Plenty of work that’s normal for me.” She went to the freezer and found the sorbet.

  “No one is pressuring you.” Ross got some bowls and spoons.

  “Good. Then no one is leaving.” She dished out the dessert.

  “Let’s watch TV. We all need to forget about today and distract ourselves.” Tony picked up a bowl then headed for the living room.

  They all followed and settled on the couch. Matt and Tony were at either end, but she and Ross sat in-between them.

  The mindless sitcom helped her tune out the events of the day. Life was much more real in Alaska. She had to get over freezing up if something bad happened. Matt was tough with some things but ready to run from this. She wanted to find out what made Matt so easily driven away.

  As they ate their dessert, she snuggled with hot guys who’d been arguing about the best way to protect her.

  Kicking off her shoes, she rubbed her toes over Tony’s crotch on one side of her while her hand wandered into Ross’s lap. He smiled at her as he groped her curves.

  “Easy. Maybe I just want something to suck on,” she said.

  “I think we’ve got a few volunteers. But you better get naked first,” Matt said.

  She shrugged. “Well, maybe you all don’t want me to be naked.”

  “The hell we don’t.” Tony grabbed her ass.

  “You three can agree?” She winked at Ross.

  “Damn right. Get naked.” He nudged her with his leg as he reached over and began stroking the other guys’ dicks through their pants.

  “Then I want your shirts off,” she said.

  “Sexual negotiation, I love it.” Matt tugged his shirt off and opened his fly.

  Ross and Tony were bare-chested in seconds, and Tony’s hand was down Ross’s pants as well.

  She shimmied out of her clothing and unclipped her hair. Three men hard for her and waiting patiently. This relationship and the sexual power might go to her head. They didn’t seem to mind. But most men didn’t complain about blowjobs.

  Kneeling by Tony, she took her time. Feeling and tasting his dick. The subtle curve and the uncut tip. Such an intimate part of the body and so unique. So far their sex lives had been great. She wanted more and more, but so did they. This time, she wanted it to go a little slower and everyone to appreciate one another since Matt seemed to be sticking around.

  She heard moans other than Tony’s and looked over. Matt was sucking Ross’s cock.

  “I thought you wanted me to suck you off,” she said.

  “We’re all not above giving to get some. You want it, get over here,” Matt said.

  “So impatient. You don’t get rewarded for that. Ross, we might need some protection and lube. Unless you guys just want to come here and keep watching TV. Leave me alone?” She reached over and stroked Ross’s balls.

  “Fuck no. I’ll go grab stuff.” He kissed her, then Tony.

  Matt moved over and offered his cock to her. She sucked it slowly and Tony gave in. She knew the tension with them would evaporate with sex. Tony ran his teeth along Matt’s shaft as she slid down and sucked Tony’s erection.

  “You two like it harder?” she asked against Tony’s balls.

  He slapped Matt’s ass. She saw the pleasure register on Matt’s face.

  “Nothing too kinky, though. Just a bit higher tolerance for it.” Ross dropped condom packets on the couch. “What are you in the mood for?”

  She pulled him close and sucked his cock. “Matt on the floor so I can ride him.”

  Matt slowly pulled away from Tony. He pushed the coffee table to one side and lay down on the bearskin rug. She slid a condom on his cock and straddled him. That big dick felt so good in her pussy but she wanted to pace herself.

  “I wanted to eat that pussy,” Matt said.

  “It’ll be over too fast then.” She rocked on his dick. “Tony, I think Matt needs to suck your dick.”

  Tony happily knelt next to Matt’s head and rubbed his cock over those lips. Matt grabbed the shaft and nibbled. He played with the foreskin and Tony moaned. Ross slid up behind Tony and kissed his neck. “Fuck his face.”

  “That sounds good. Then Ross can fuck Tony,” she said.

  “You don’t want two?” Ross asked.

  “I’m happy to share this round.” She rode Matt hard and he lifted his hips to meet her.

  Ross pushed Tony to bend over. Minutes later, protection and lube were in place. She didn’t know if either of the other men liked getting fucked but Tony sure did. Watching his face and how his hips rocked back and forth…he gagged Matt then backed up to tak
e Ross’s dick.

  “Like it?” Ross asked as he worked Tony’s ass.

  “Yes,” Tony moaned.

  “Very much,” she added.

  Tony grabbed one of her breasts and she bounced faster on Matt’s erection.

  “Ride that dick. You look so good,” Ross said.

  She loved watching them. The idea of being watched made her a little self-conscious but that hard cock in her pussy reassured her they liked the show. Leaning down, she kissed Tony and snapped her hips on Matt.

  “Fuck,” Matt said with his mouth full.

  Tony released her breast and rubbed her clit.

  “Harder,” Ross encouraged.

  Tony backed up faster and worked her sensitive nub rougher.

  “Please,” she gasped. Her eyes rolled back as the climax gripped her. It seemed like her pelvis was the only part of her that functioned right as she rode Matt through the orgasm. She couldn’t hug Tony or kiss him. Her jaw clenched, and the pleasure vibrated into every muscle she had.

  Then she realized she was holding her breath and squeaked as Matt filled her again. Sucking in air, she ground her body on him until he cursed and smacked her ass.

  Maybe a little rough was good? She kissed Tony and her body went from tense to so loose; she wanted to flop on the floor and let them ravage her.

  “So good,” she said against his mouth.

  “You’re going to be begging for more later,” he said.

  “Come all over Matt and I’ll beg now. I’ll even try the rough stuff if you’re nice about it.” She wanted to share it all with them or at least try it all.

  “Different strokes are okay,” Ross said.

  “I know. But I’m sure you’ve tried it.” She reached back and stroked Matt’s balls.

  “Fuck!” He pushed her off then yanked the condom off.

  She’d thought he’d come but clearly not. She sucked his cock and stroked him harder than she would most men.

  “She’s good,” Tony said.

  “The trick is to be rough enough. I don’t like thinking I’m hurting anyone.” Ross grabbed Tony’s hair and tugged his head back as Ross fucked faster.

  “You can’t hurt me,” Tony said.


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