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Revenge has Come (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 19)

Page 12

by Morgan Kelley

  “Stall, son. I’m working on it. Give them the least info you can.”

  Zane held up his finger to the secretary. “Yes, dear, I got it. I’ll call you later, okay?” he asked. “Milk and eggs. I’ll pick them up.”

  Gabe laughed. “Great. I come back to work as a gay man. That’s some crazy skill.”

  Zane hung up without laughing.

  It wasn’t easy.

  “Marshals! How can I help you?” he asked, sending Jessifer on her merry way. Zane wasn’t fond of her. She was a spy for Director Lane. She was in his pocket, and if the rumors were right, he was in her pants.

  She was his roving eyes.

  “We’re here because of your victim,” he began. “We’ve been sent here to see if this is the work of one of our serial killers,” Dakota offered.

  “Who?” he asked. Zane was curious, and he was going to get as much intel for Gabe and then report back to him.

  “Have you ever heard of Bonnie and Clyde?” he asked.

  “Yes, Elizabeth Blackhawk went head to head against them, and Bonnie escaped. I do believe, if my memory serves me right, Clyde died. I didn’t handle the autopsies, my old boss, Doctor Christopher Leonard, did.”

  “You’re correct. I need to get your results, and then compare them to what we know.”


  It was time to stall.

  “Well, Marshals, I have to do trace, the team has to take pictures, and then we can talk about everything I’ve found.”

  He gave his head tech a look. Zane hoped she got it. He didn’t want this man getting anything.

  Dakota wasn’t happy.

  This didn’t work for him, but he knew he had to keep it cool and easy, or he was going to raise suspicions.


  “Okay, Doctor. What’s the timeline, if you don’t mind me asking?” Dakota asked.

  “Tomorrow morning, I will have it done. Right now, I have four bodies to work on for other agents.”

  “Can’t you move this one up? I really need it tonight,” Dakota asked.

  His fingers were crossed.

  He’d seen Elizabeth do that exact move, and it almost always worked for her.

  Then again, she had a great body and killer smile.

  He might be out of luck on this one.

  Zane leaned against the metal table as he pretended to contemplate the man’s offer. “Marshal, what you do for a living depends on me doing my job right. By rushing, I could miss that one thing that puts Bonnie away—if she was responsible for this.”

  He sighed.

  Yeah, next time, he’d have Sarah do the begging. With those big eyes and breasts, she might have better luck.

  Was that wrong?


  But he was desperate.

  “I guess then I’ll have to wait, Doctor. Can we meet tomorrow morning for an update?” he asked.

  Zane knew he was in the clear.

  “Absolutely. That would be good. Let’s say around nine. I’m pulling an all-nighter, but after our meeting, I’ll go off shift.”

  Dakota knew they couldn’t get blood from a stone. They were going to have to deal with the cards they were dealt.

  “What can you tell by looking at him?” he asked, pointing at the naked man on Zane’s table.

  “His head was cut off, and he’s very much dead.”

  Was he kidding?

  He could have figured that one out on his own.

  “Seriously? That’s how you’re playing it?” Dakota asked. He was infinitely grateful he didn’t work with MEs. Every single one was stubborn and didn’t like to give anything out. It was like you were asking them to predict the future.

  “Yes, because, again, I like to do my job right. Tomorrow, you’ll have it all.”

  “Okay, one question.”

  Zane waited for it.

  If this man thought he’d cave under a little pressure, he was crazy. He’d worked for Elizabeth Blackhawk, and she was the mother of all interrogators.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Can you recommend a hotel? We need to crash and regroup for the night.”

  Zane smiled.

  That was an easy one.

  “There’s one about a mile down the road. A lot of agencies use it when they have teams here to see us. They have a really nice restaurant inside.”

  “Thank you, Doctor. We’ll see you tomorrow at nine in the morning.”

  He simply nodded. He was waiting for them to leave, and then he was making a call.

  To Gabe.

  “Safe journey,” he offered when they reached the door.

  Then they were gone.

  Zane grabbed his cell and he made the call.

  It was time to spill all the details.

  They had something brewing.

  Even he could see it.

  Out in the hall, Dakota didn’t look all that happy. In fact, he looked pissed off.

  Sarah let him stew in his own juices. She knew better than to poke the angry man. She’d seen him irritated over a case before, and it never ended well.

  Bonnie was the thorn in his side.

  On the way upstairs in the elevator, Dakota finally spoke, “We might as well check in for the night. Tomorrow, when the police are off the scene, I want to head back to the victim’s home and nose around.”

  “Works for me. We’re breaking in, I assume?” she asked, knowing her partner.

  “Yeah, we won’t be able to do it on the up and up. That Detective will ask too many questions. I want to sweep the place and see if Bonnie left anything they missed. Then we’ll meet the ME to get the information on the autopsy. I want to start working this case, and the sooner the better.”

  She didn’t argue.

  After all, she didn’t want to be a baby. She wanted to be badass. Dakota was the king of hunters. He could find anyone, and she was going to let him lead.

  She’d follow.

  God help her, but she’d follow him anywhere.

  Gabriel Rothschild’s answered his private line on the second ring, and he already knew who it was going to be.

  “Well, Doctor?”

  “He wanted all the autopsy results. I don’t think a Marshal needs that in order to decide if the cases are connected. He didn’t even ask what his head was removed with,” he stated. “He’s up to something.”

  Oh, Gabe didn’t doubt it.

  “Yeah, his name sounded familiar. I pulled the last Bonnie and Clyde case file. He was the same US Marshal who was working that one. He showed up and tried to takeover.”

  “What should I do?” Zane asked.

  “Do the autopsy, get the results logged, and copy me. I want only two people to have access to those files for the time being.”

  “Who?” he asked.

  “You and me. I’m going to make sure this US Marshal learns a valuable lesson.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “Don’t fuck with the FBI.”

  It was one lesson he would never forget.

  * * * B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x * * *


  Ten P.M

  They were climbing into bed when Elizabeth’s phone began ringing. She glanced at the display, and it was Gabe’s private cell number.

  That was odd.

  Instead of answering, she hesitated.

  Ethan patted her leg. “He’s likely checking in on you, or he’s checking to make sure you didn’t kill me and hide the body,” he teased.

  She laughed.

  “Answer it,” Ethan offered.

  Callen heard the ring as he came out of the bathroom. “Uh oh. That ring always makes me nervous. He doesn’t call this time of the night for shits and giggles.”

  That was very true, but this time, Elizabeth figured Ethan was right. He had destroyed his work phone, and that meant no one could reach him.

  Elizabeth went with it and put the call on speaker. “Hey, Gabe. How’s tricks?” she asked. “Are you feeling better?”

��Hello, stranger. I missed you, and yes, I’m nearly back to one hundred percent—thanks to your husband.”

  Gabe had his fingers crossed regarding those two. He really hoped they would work it out. Elizabeth, Ethan, and Callen needed to be together.

  They worked.

  “I missed you too,” she admitted.

  Truth be told, Elizabeth did check in on him, having Tony give her updates. “I wish I could have been there for you.”

  “The giant basket of porn was more than enough,” he stated, laughing. “You’re a sick woman, Elizabeth. I had to explain that to the delivery guy, my security staff, and Livy. All were very amused at my embarrassment.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t help herself. Even though she’d been down and out with her marriage issues, she couldn’t let Gabe slip through the cracks.

  They had history.

  That mattered.

  “I figured if you were home in bed…?”

  “Anyway,” he said, cutting her off. “This is NOT a social call. I wouldn’t be bothering you at this time of the night unless something came up.”

  They all looked at Callen when he sighed. He’d pegged that one on the dot.

  ‘Told you so,’ he mouthed.

  “What’s going on?” Elizabeth asked.


  It was all he had to say. That one word stopped the merriment and joking. She’d been warned that it was coming. Oracle had spoken to her and given her the heads-up, and while in Delta Falls, she’d also heard from Timothy.

  Of course, this bitch was going to strike now.

  They were a hot mess.

  “What now?” she asked, as Ethan took her hand in his to offer his support.

  “She left a victim, a note, and she’s ready to play the next round of the game with you.”

  “Jesus,” muttered Callen.

  He knew what that meant. Even though they were just getting their family back together again, they were going to take this case.

  There was no doubt in his mind that his wife wouldn’t walk away from it.

  Elizabeth had been preparing for this day, and it looked like it was here.


  He hated this.

  There was no doubt in his mind that this was going to go wrong. How could it not? This was a grudge match in the making, and there was no way Elizabeth wasn’t going to suit up for battle. Bonnie had left her one hell of a note after the last case.

  She’d threatened to take her family down.

  If there was one thing Elizabeth didn’t tolerate, it was nonsense like that. Her kids were off limits, and she’d fought for them before, and she’d do it again.

  “What do we know?” she asked.

  “There are a few disturbing things that have come to light. First, the US Marshals are sniffing around, and by US Marshals, I mean your old buddy.”

  “Dakota?” she asked. “Seriously? He knows that anything that gets flagged as a Bonnie kill was supposed to be directly sent to me. It’s all over the electronic case file.”

  Ethan wanted to know. “He’s trying to circumvent it, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, I was alerted when he started digging around in the case. In fact, he has shitty luck. I didn’t hear it from Miles Lane. I heard it from Doctor Gaines.”

  “What?” Elizabeth asked. “How did she get involved in this mess?”

  She didn’t like their friend in this. Bonnie was a sicko, and she’d hurt them for shits and giggles.

  Gabe told her how Callie had gotten a call from her husband.

  “Well, that worked in our favor,” she offered. “We got lucky, and Dakota screwed up.”

  Yeah, they did.

  Elizabeth owed the detective one.

  “Detective Gaines has control of the scene, even though Doctor Legend has the body. It’s being held up until the autopsy is done, and we know where to put this case. Is it local jurisdiction or is it ours?”

  “And the US Marshals?” Ethan asked.

  “Shit out of luck. They aren’t supposed to be investigating. They have a warrant for Lottie Tipton’s arrest, but if she’s killing again, Elizabeth is up to bat.”

  No one said anything.

  So, she opted to take her chances.

  “Perfect. We can work with that. Now that I know he’s lurking, I can handle Dakota. He’s easy.”

  Elizabeth was waiting for someone to stop her. Neither of her husbands were saying a word.

  That was…odd.

  Ethan was calm.

  Callen was silent.

  This was a sure sign the universe was ending.

  “I hope you school him LaRue style,” Gabe teased. “Rakin and Valley tried to get information out of Zane, but he is stalling and keeping the files locked. As far as the US Marshals know, he has no time to do the autopsy until tomorrow. Director Lane was also curious. He said he called Ethan, but he didn’t answer.”

  Yeah, about that.

  “My phone got wet,” Ethan offered. “Besides, I was on vacation and I meant actual vacation.”

  Gabe laughed. “That’s funny. You clearly forgot who owns your damn soul.”

  No, he didn’t.

  He was staring at her.

  Elizabeth was holding his hand, and Callen was watching him. He knew what he was thinking.

  This case…would it hurt them?

  Or help them?

  “Who needs a vacation anyway?” Ethan offered for his wife. He knew she was taking Bonnie on. There would be no way to stop her.

  Apparently, his time off was over. It was a nice day, while it lasted. Still, he would be with his family.

  “I want him off that scene,” Elizabeth stated. “He’s volatile, Gabe. He’s all about revenge and that’s not good.”

  “And you aren’t?” he asked.

  “Hell, yeah, on a normal basis I am, but I’m not a loose cannon.”

  All three men laughed.

  She pointed at her husbands, her breasts, and then she shook her head.

  They got it.

  They stopped laughing.

  “Elizabeth, she threatened your kids.”

  “Yeah, she did, and I’ll catch her, but with Dakota, he’s made this into a grudge match. He’s been chasing a ghost for over a year. Plus, I wasn’t practically raped by the woman or had my partner killed. My revenge isn’t personal. I want her to fry for the people she hurt—not my own personal satisfaction.”

  He got it.

  That was what he wanted to hear.

  Had she said otherwise, he would have benched her. Technically, she was on the wounded list. She was sporting a cast. He had his excuse in play—if it was needed.

  “Well, if you want in, it’s yours. Bonnie was flagged for you anyway. In the morning, I’m calling Dakota’s boss. I’ll get his ass yanked. I’m sure Marcus Hunter has no idea his guy is playing ‘kiss me-fuck me’ with Bonnie.”

  She had a better idea.

  “Let me teach him a lesson. My old buddy is getting a little too big for his britches. It’s better I slap him down than his boss.” She didn’t want it on his record.

  Elizabeth got it.

  She was going to school him but protect the man too. They had history. Plus, she’d broken his heart.

  “He’ll never do it again. Messing with me is something you never forget,” she offered.

  “If you want to handle it, I trust your judgment.”

  Then, he asked the question everyone was thinking but afraid to say.

  “Ethan, are you riding along, or are you still quitting your job? I got your very impersonal note on my desk, and it was riding shotgun with your badge and gun.”

  He looked at his wife.

  Here’s where he drew the line.

  “If you won’t let me work this case with Elizabeth, then yes, I’m leaving the FBI.”

  She watched him.

  He was dead serious. Ethan wasn’t bullshitting Gabe on this one.

  “She needs me on this case. Bonnie is a lunatic.
If Elizabeth is going to fight her, she needs me to profile. If you want me riding a desk, then I’m sure Miles Lane would love the shot at Deputy Director of the FBI.”

  It hurt saying that, but for his wife, he’d quit.

  Gabe didn’t speak.

  “I guess this is as good a place to say this as face to face,” he admitted.

  That didn’t sound good.

  “What?” Ethan asked.

  “I want you to help her. You held the FBI together for those seven weeks, so I didn’t have to worry. I got to heal, and I owe you one. So, I’m going to cover for you so you can play cowboy with your wife. As for Miles Lane, he wasn’t meant to ride your desk. That position is outside his scope. The man is decent at FBI West, but he’s not you. No one can replace you, Ethan. I wish you’d see that.”

  He was shocked.

  Gabe was being…nice.

  Holy shit!

  It was the end of the universe.


  Ethan knew there had to be more. A leopard didn’t change its spots.

  “But?” he asked.

  “But, I need you to come back. When this is over, I need to know I was right about you. You’re vital to my success. I need a partner too.”

  Ethan wasn’t sure.

  He opened his mouth, but his wife answered for him.

  “He’s coming back,” Elizabeth stated. “We all are. I’m off the injured list on Monday.”

  “Yeah, about that. You’re sporting a cast. That’s not going to play well.”

  She laughed. “Is plaster bulletproof?” she asked.

  Callen stared at her. “Really? You think that comment alone won’t make me stroke out?”

  She snorted. “Bonnie won’t come directly at me. She’s going to mess with me. She’s going to want to screw with my head, until I’m frazzled.”

  She was right.

  Ethan agreed.

  “She’s going to go into this with the intention that she has nothing to lose,” Ethan offered. “Once she can mess with your head, she’s going to win.”

  “She won’t be able to. I’m safe. I have my team, and I also have my family.”

  “Ethan, I want your security detail back in play. I don’t care what your wife says, I want it handled.”

  “We need to keep it low key,” Elizabeth stated. “If we want Bonnie to play, she has to think I’m at a disadvantage. I need security, but they can’t be seen.”


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