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Bad for You (Dirty Deeds)

Page 23

by J. Daniels

  I watched Shayla drop a menu, pick it up, and slam it down on the stack she’d just straightened. Her face was flushed. It looked like she was panting.

  I looked at Nate’s door.

  What the fuck did he say to her?

  Knowing Shayla was clearly upset about something pissed me off. And I could’ve waited until she walked over here and gotten answers out of her, but I went straight to the fucking source instead.

  Like an idiot.

  “What the fuck is she pissed about?” I demanded, storming into Nate’s office without bothering to knock.

  Phone pressed to his ear, he stared at me, then muttered, “I gotta call you back.”

  I waited until the phone hit the desk before I asked again, “Shayla. What the fuck is she pissed about?”

  Nate leaned back in his chair. “You wanna rephrase that question, since you’re speaking to the man who could fire you?” he asked.

  “No, I really don’t. She’s pissed, and I wanna know why. What’d you say to her?”

  “She came in here telling me to give you a raise.”

  Hearing that, my head jerked back. “She what?”

  Nate nodded. “Telling me to give you one, not asking me, which wouldn’t have made a difference. I said it wasn’t any of her business what I paid you, and that she was out of line. She didn’t like hearing that. I’m assuming that’s why she’s pissed.”

  I stood taller and brought my arms across my chest. “I didn’t ask her to do that,” I said quickly, needing Nate to know this. I didn’t want him thinking I’d send Shayla or anyone else in here to speak for me.

  “Yeah, I figured.” Nate pulled off his glasses to rub at his eyes, breathing heavily, then he slid the frames up his nose and peered at me again. “Any reason why Shayla would come in here demanding I double your paycheck?”

  I blinked. “She said double?”

  Holy fuck. What the fuck?

  “Yeah. She also told me I needed to reach out to the local paper and get them to feature you. Then she blasted me for not having a billboard up already with your face on it.”

  “Jesus,” I mumbled, shaking my head.

  What the fuck was she thinking? Why would she do that?

  “I don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t want to know,” Nate said. “Everyone signed the same employee handbook when they got hired on, so they know, personal lives stay out of this building. If that becomes a problem, I’ll call people in here. Is it going to be a problem, Sean?”

  I looked at him, promising, “No, I’ll handle it. She won’t do that shit again.”

  “Good. Because if you’re not happy about something here, I expect you to come to me about it. I thought I communicated that to you already.”

  “You did. I don’t know why she came in here. I got no clue what her deal is.”

  I was sure as fuck going to find out, though.

  Nate nodded, accepting my response. “So, everything’s good then? With J.R., the schedule, your pay. The fact that your face isn’t on a billboard.”

  “Yeah. Please, don’t do that,” I rasped.

  Jesus. I would hate that fucking shit.

  “Wasn’t planning on it,” he informed me, then he sat forward to pick up the phone. “All right. You done?”


  “You come in here yelling at me like that again, you’ll be out of a job.”

  “Got it.”

  Getting my cue to leave, I turned and moved out of Nate’s office, pulling the door closed behind me and getting Shayla’s attention when I did it.

  She was standing at the bar filling a cup with ice and immediately went stiff seeing me and the office I was coming from. Her eyes widened.

  I shook my head and moved into the kitchen.

  “I’m heading out. You got this?” J.R. asked.

  “Yeah. Go.”

  “Cool, man. Later.”


  He moved past me and stepped out.

  Nothing was cooking or needing my attention, so I went to the counter and watched Shayla take the drink to the one patron we had. He was eating now. After saying something to him, she turned and locked eyes with me, flattening her hands to her stomach and looking regretful. Then she walked over.

  Slow. As. Fuck.

  “What’s your problem?” I asked when she finally reached the counter. “You went in and told Nate to double my pay? What the fuck, Shayla? Did I ask you to do that?”

  She shook her head.

  “Explain. Now.”

  “I’m just…not in the best mood today,” she said quietly.

  “Yeah, I picked up on that when I saw you assaulting the menus like they personally did you wrong or somethin’.”

  They just wouldn’t line up properly.”

  I stared at her.

  Her shoulders dropped on a sigh. “I went to my parents’ house last night to visit, and I finally got to ask Dominic about your dad.”

  There it was—the reason she was pissed.

  “And it just made me so angry,” she continued. “Him leaving you with that horrible woman and then going to make another family…how could he not take you away from her? How could he not go and at least check on you? I don’t understand that. He’s just as much of a monster as she is. He’s just as bad.” Cheeks burning, she shook her head. “I left my parents’ house pissed off, then I went to bed pissed off, I came in here pissed off.” Her eyes softened. “I don’t know what I was thinking going to Nate, though. I shouldn’t have said anything. That isn’t my business.”

  “No, it isn’t,” I agreed, drawing my arms across my chest.

  “I just want you to have the best of everything, Sean, because you deserve it, and that includes this job. I want people knowing how talented you are. I thought the advertisement thing was a good idea.”

  “You think I’d want that? My face on a fuckin’ billboard?”

  “I don’t know. It might be kinda cool.”

  I glared at her.

  “Okay, okay,” she huffed, looking down. “Maybe I went a little overboard in my suggestions. To be honest, though, I only gave him two of the six ideas I had. I was also going to recommend we change the name of this place to Sean’s Grill or something equally awesome.”

  I felt my mouth twitch.

  This fucking girl. Christ.

  Going to Nate was just another way of her having my back. And I knew Shayla—she would’ve done that shit even if I had known about it ahead of time and asked her not to. That was just how she was.

  And I did not hate that about her.

  Still, she didn’t need to be doing it again. I wanted to keep working here.

  “I got a good setup here, Shayla. I’m good with this job, all right?”

  She lifted her head.

  “You bringing me food and swapping tacos for furniture is one thing. But going to Nate behind my back when I did not ask you to step in? Don’t fuckin’ do that.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” She pressed her hands to the sides of her face. “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “I ain’t mad at you. I’m not sure I know how to be,” I told her, and hearing that, she lowered her hands to the counter and began to smile, then lost it. Her nostrils flared, and a second later, her face tightened in rage. “What now?”

  “I’m remembering why I was pissed,” she muttered.

  “I don’t think about him. You shouldn’t either.”

  “I can’t help it. Today is a lost cause. I’m going to stay aggravated, I just know it.”

  Seeing the front doors open over her shoulder, I told her, “Maybe this will help,” then I met her eyes, gestured with my head, and watched her slowly turn around.

  She gasped, then looked back at me and grinned. “Oh, my God,” she whispered.

  “Daddy! We’re here!” Caroline yelled, running past the tables with Val behind her carrying Fiona.

  The girls had been to the house a couple times now, but this was the first time the
y were coming to see me here.

  Before I’d had to deal with that shit in Nate’s office, I’d been looking forward to this all morning, knowing Val was bringing them in today for a special treat since schools were closed. I wanted them seeing where I worked. And knowing Shayla would get to experience this with me was something else I’d been looking forward to.

  I knew she’d love every second of this. Anything that made me happy, she celebrated.

  Moving out of the kitchen and into the restaurant, I bent down at the bar and scooped up Caroline when she reached me. “Baby girl,” I murmured against her cheek, kissing it as I stood.

  Caroline wrapped her arms tight around my neck and squeezed.

  I looked down the bar.

  Shayla was watching me with emotion shining her eyes.

  “Hey!” Val greeted me, then she put her attention on Shayla. “Hey, girl! It’s good to see you.” Val set Fiona down so she could get to me, then walked to the end of the bar and gave Shayla a hug.

  “You too,” Shayla said, still wearing that grin while she reciprocated the embrace. “Your hair looks great.”

  “Oh, thanks. I have this awesome stylist. She rocks.”

  “Is that right?”

  They both started laughing.

  I held Fiona with my other arm, her butt sitting on the inside of my elbow while she tugged at the hair on my chin.

  “Daddy, can I get some mac and cheese?” she asked.

  “Me too! I want mac and cheese!” Caroline said.

  I looked between my girls. “You got it.”

  “Yes!” Caroline pumped her fist in the air. “Oh, wait, Daddy, we have something to give you.” She wiggled so I’d set her down, then ran over to Val and started digging through the bag hanging off her shoulder.

  “Here,” Val said, stopping Caroline from searching and reaching inside the bag herself. She pulled out a pink ticket and handed it to Caroline, who ran back over to me the second it was in her hand.

  “Now you can come to our recital, Daddy,” Caroline said, handing me the ticket. “You’re coming, right? We’re saving you a seat!”

  I smiled at her.

  “It’s next Friday,” Val said. “We just got the tickets last night. The girls couldn’t wait to give you one.”

  “Daddy, are you coming?” Fiona asked. She was playing with my hair now, her fingers weaving through the ends sticking out of the tie I’d secured it with.

  I was already on the schedule to work Friday night, but figured I could get J.R. to switch with me. I didn’t think it would be an issue.

  “I gotta work somethin’ out, but I’ll be there,” I told Fiona, kissing her smiling cheek.

  Carolina started jumping up and down. “We’re dancing to The Lion King and Swan Lake! We’re gonna look like princesses, Daddy!”

  “Oh, that reminds me.” Val turned to Shayla. “Do you think you could do their hair for the recital? I can manage basic ponytails and braids, but beyond that, I’m terrible. And Little Ms. Caroline is requesting something fancy.”

  “Princess hair!” Caroline shrieked.

  Shayla laughed. “Absolutely. I specialize in princess hair. I even have some pink we can put in, if that’s okay with everyone.” She looked from Val to me.

  “Pink? I can get pink in my hair?” Caroline clapped a hand over her mouth and started squealing. Her face turned bright red.

  “I want pink hair too!” Fiona cried.

  “Oh, uh…” Val stammered, appearing unsure.

  “It washes out right away. It’s not permanent,” Shayla explained.

  Val visibly relaxed. “Okay, yeah. That sounds great. Pink hair for everyone!”

  “Even Daddy!” Caroline pointed up at me and giggled.

  “No, baby girl. Not me.”

  “Aw, come on,” Shayla teased.

  Holding her eyes, I shook my head. She bit her lip and smiled.

  “All right, why don’t we get a seat?” Val suggested. “Daddy can’t cook your mac and cheese if he doesn’t get in the kitchen.”

  “I’ll grab some menus. Sit wherever you want,” Shayla offered, stepping away.

  I watched her walk toward the front, then I followed behind Caroline, who ran ahead. She picked a booth by the window.

  “I’m so glad you’re coming to the recital. The girls will be so happy,” Val said, walking over with me.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  She smiled and touched my arm.

  “Princess drinks, right?” Shayla asked, sliding menus on the table as Val took a seat on the vacant end.

  I let Fiona down and she climbed in next to Caroline, who was leaning over the table and staring at Shayla with wide, curious eyes.

  “What’s a princess drink?” she asked.

  “Well, it’s pink, of course,” Shayla answered. Then she looked to Val and whispered, “Strawberry milk.”

  “Ooh, yum!” Val said. She glanced between the girls.

  “I want a princess drink!” Fiona cried.

  “Me too! I want one so bad, I’m gonna die!” Caroline shouted.

  We all laughed.

  Knowing what they wanted already, I bent to give the girls both a kiss on the head before I turned and headed for the kitchen so I could get started on their food.

  “Two princess drinks coming up,” Shayla said behind me. “Mom? What would you like?”

  “I’ll just have a water.”

  “You got it.”

  Quick footsteps brought Shayla to me when I’d gotten halfway to the back of the restaurant. She looped her arm through mine and leaned in close.

  “Watching you with your girls is now my favorite thing to do, ever. And that includes hair,” she whispered.

  Something warm expanded inside my chest.

  Shayla being happy for me meant a lot—I knew it would. But it felt bigger today, more important, and I didn’t know if it was because my girls were involved or if it had to do with something else.

  I just knew I wouldn’t have enjoyed this moment so much if she hadn’t been a part of it.

  I wanted her around all the time now. Here and at my house and wherever the fuck I was going, I wanted her with me. I might’ve left to go pick her up to bring her here if she hadn’t been on the schedule today.

  Looking down at her, I smiled, and seeing that, Shayla grinned.

  Fuck that might’ve. I definitely would’ve left to bring her here.

  She gave my arm a squeeze, then headed for the bar to make drinks while I stepped inside the kitchen.

  I got to work on the mac and cheese and grilled up some burgers to go with it when Val and the girls finished looking at the menu. Then, because we were slow, I got to step out and watch my girls eat.

  I missed doing that.

  They enjoyed the food. I enjoyed them being here.

  And Shayla stood back and enjoyed watching it all happen.

  The next day, I opened at Whitecaps, getting off around four and then dealing with bullshit the second I got home.

  “Sorry, Sean. I don’t know what to tell you. I’m strapped. It is what it is.”

  Standing in my driveway, arms pulled across my chest and mood in the fucking toilet, I shook my head and stared down Logan, a guy I’ve known for a long fucking time and who I’d never once wanted to beat the shit out of until this very moment.

  Pretty sure it would be a good matchup too. He was my size, my height. Had a good fifteen years on me, but still.

  “What the fuck am I supposed to do?” I asked him. “Where am I supposed to keep my trailer? I can’t afford to store that shit somewhere. You got any idea how much that’ll cost me?”

  Too fucking much. I’d already priced it.

  Logan glanced from me to the house then back to me. “Uh, how ’bout you sell it? Since you don’t need it anymore.” He gestured at the house. “What the fuck are you keeping a trailer for when you got a house?”

  Jaw tight, I shook my head. “I ain’t sellin’ it,” I growled.
br />   I couldn’t. I needed that trailer.

  “You know I wouldn’t do this unless I had to,” he said.

  I knew that. Logan was always good to me. If he didn’t have reason to do this, he wouldn’t.

  I was just having a hard time understanding that reason right now.

  “Fuck.” I dragged both hands down my face. “Fuck!”

  “I’m sorry, Sean. I really don’t wanna fucking do this.”

  Shayla’s car pulled up in front of the house. I turned my head and met her eyes through the window, then watched her glare at Logan before quickly reaching into her back seat for something. The driver’s side door was flung open seconds later. Shayla stepped out with a can of hair spray tight in her grip and marched up the driveway, leaving the door open and the car running.

  “What the fuck?” Logan asked.

  Shayla’s glare intensified the closer she got.

  “What are you doin’?” I asked her.

  She looked pissed. That I didn’t get.

  But it was the hair spray that was really throwing me. She was holding that thing like a giant can of pepper spray.

  “I’m not doing anything…” Shayla replied. “Yet.” She stopped a foot away and kept her gaze trained on Logan. She had one hand on her hip while the other held the can at her side, her trigger finger ready on the nozzle.

  “What’s your problem?” Logan asked.

  “I don’t know. You tell me,” she countered. “What’s going on right now?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  “It involves him.” Shayla tipped her chin at me, but kept looking at Logan. “That makes it my business. You can go ahead and finish up with your conversation. I’ll just be right here while you do that. Armed and ready.”

  My brows lifted.

  “Jesus. Is she for real?” Logan muttered at my back.

  Going by the looks of her, I’d say yeah, she was for real right now. And I was officially confused as fuck.

  “Shayla, what are you doin’?” I asked again, my voice growing rougher and louder, which pried her eyes off Logan and got me her full attention. “Why do you look ready to take out Logan’s sight with that shit?” I gestured at the can.

  She shrugged. “I wanted to be prepared. You know, just in case.”


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