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A Knight's Quest (Falling For A Knight Book 1)

Page 27

by Lana Williams

  “What is it?” she asked, those brown eyes gazing up at him.

  “A vision.” He shook his head, surprised at the strength of it. “Just when I thought it was gone forever.”

  “What did you see?” Her brow rose in curiosity.

  He drew her closer. “Us. I saw us and our children.”

  She gasped in delight. “Oh. Children?” With a laugh, she reached up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Tell me more.”

  “There were several, but I’m not certain they were all ours. I have a brother and a sister. Some of them might have been theirs.”

  “How many were there?” Her eyes were wide, whether in surprise or concern, he wasn’t sure.

  “I don’t know. I only had a glance.” She scowled at him. “Truly, I don’t know. Three perhaps?”

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her smile one of satisfaction. “I would love to be blessed with children. With you.”

  “Sophia.” An aching tenderness filled his heart, leaving him no choice but to kiss her again. Only his worry for Braden caused him to ease back. “I would love nothing more than to continue this, but I am anxious to see how Braden fares.”

  “As am I. Let us hurry toward the cottage, though I would guess that Ilisa is tending him well.”

  Her tone had him studying her closer. “What do you mean?”

  She lifted a shoulder. “If I had to guess, I’d say something might be brewing between the two of them.”

  “Truly?” Garrick offered his elbow as they continued down the street. “I had no idea.”

  “’Tis difficult to tell with Ilisa. Her distrust of men, particularly English knights, runs deep. But she seems to have at least a tolerance for Braden.”

  “Interesting.” He pondered her words. He certainly hadn’t noted any affection between the pair, but he hadn’t seen them together.

  “Or mayhap she simply feels guilt that he was injured helping to rescue us.” She shook her head. “Do not say a word to Braden about this.”

  “Nay. Of course not.” The idea of watching to see how his cousin fared with Sophia’s sister had him smiling.



  “How soon can we marry?”

  He patted her hand that rested on his arm. “Not nearly soon enough. I believe my quest here has been filled in more ways than I expected.”

  Her answering smile lit his heart.


  Three days later, Garrick and Sophia said their marriage vows before a priest in the clearing near Hilda’s cottage. Spring flowers danced in the grass, and budding trees and evergreens sheltered them, providing nature’s own church.

  Garrick could hardly catch his breath as he looked at Sophia. She was radiant in a pale blue and cream kirtle the sisters at St. Mary’s had provided for her. Her dark hair fell in soft curls down her back. The smile gracing her face caused joy to burn brightly inside him.

  Knowing that she was his, from this moment on, made him the happiest man alive.

  Though he’d wanted to marry in the church, Sophia and his cousins had convinced him to remain hidden. Lord James still thought him dead, and Sophia was adamant they keep it that way.

  Ilisa, Alec, Braden, and Chanse witnessed the simple ceremony. Eleanor was staying at her sister’s for at least a fortnight, which eased everything. Braden had been recovering at Hilda’s cottage, much as Garrick had only a few short days ago. Braden’s shoulder was a far cry from allowing him to wield his sword, but it was healing.

  Sophia, he, and Chanse would begin the journey back to England after they’d shared the meal Hilda had prepared for them. Garrick intended to pass Lord James’s name to the man who’d sent him on this mission so that additional plans could be made. Braden would remain here, both to continue healing from his injury and to keep watch over the Sentinel’s activities. Chanse planned to return soon with further direction as to how they should proceed.

  All those details fell away when Garrick held Sophia’s shimmering gaze.

  “With this ring...” As he slid the simple gold band onto Sophia’s finger, saying the words that bound them together, he wondered if she knew how much he loved her. He intended to spend the rest of their lives showing her.

  The love shining in her eyes as she repeated the vows made him believe she felt the same.

  They sealed their vows with a kiss. Garrick did his best to show both gentleness and passion as his lips met hers.

  “Let us feast,” Hilda declared, cutting short the desire rising in Garrick.

  The table had been set outside to accommodate the group. Rare sunshine graced the day, adding to the celebration.

  As far as Garrick was concerned, the meal couldn’t pass quickly enough. Though it was unfortunate they’d be spending their wedding night on the road, he intended to make the best of it. He couldn’t wait another day to make Sophia his in full.

  “You are certain you will be all right?” Sophia asked Alec and Ilisa as they said their goodbyes.

  “We have Sir Braden nearby to watch over us,” Alec reminded her as he smiled in admiration at Braden.

  “We will be fine,” Ilisa agreed. “You’ll visit in a few months when Garrick returns with the wool, won’t you?”

  “Of course, but that seems a long time from now.”

  Sophia’s tears reminded Garrick how brave she was to leave all that was familiar to make a life with him.

  “Perhaps you’ll both consider returning with us to England for a visit then.”

  His new wife’s enthusiastic agreement as well as that of her brother and sister had him smiling.

  “Take care of yourself,” Garrick ordered Braden as he pulled him aside. “I only wish I could do for you what you did for me.”

  “No worries. I will be back to my old self soon enough. This has been a good reminder of why I have the gift I do.”

  “Use it cautiously,” Garrick warned him. “I don’t want to return to find you’ve been declared a worshiper of Satan or some nonsense.” Though he spoke lightly, he hoped Braden heeded his words. People were superstitious and found evidence of both angels and demons everywhere, especially in anything unusual.

  “I’ll return before he can get into too much trouble,” Chanse promised and gave his brother a hug.

  Garrick knew seeing his brother injured had bothered Chanse more than he cared to admit.

  Before the sun had passed midday, Garrick, Sophia, and Chanse called their final goodbyes and rode out, following the River Tweed toward their new life in England.


  Sophia took in the small abandoned crofter’s cottage Chanse had found as evening neared. “’Tis perfect.” Where she spent her first night as Garrick’s wife didn’t matter, only that she was with her husband. But Chanse had been so pleased with his find that she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “I can see why it was abandoned,” Garrick said as he eyed the rocky hills nearby. “Growing anything here would be less than ideal.”

  After the men made certain no unwanted guests occupied the cottage, Garrick brought in their bedding and placed it on the straw mattress in the corner. Sophia stepped aside, realizing how odd it felt not to have to worry about anyone else, but instead, have people tending her. A heavy weight had lifted from her shoulders, but it would take time to grow used to it. Knowing Braden was watching over her family made the release of the responsibility easier to bear.

  Chanse saw to the fire then left to see if he could find any meat for supper.

  Nerves fluttered in Sophia’s stomach as she turned to face Garrick.

  With a groan, he drew her into his arms and kissed her passionately. “At last. We are alone,” he muttered.

  “Aye. At last,” Sophia agreed breathlessly. The nerves swiftly changed to desire. Her entire body hummed with it. “Garrick, I love you so very much.”

  “As I love you.” He placed both hands gently along her cheeks. “I am very grateful you agreed t
o be mine.”

  She smiled. “I’ve never been so happy. Never thought it possible.”

  “Will your brother be displeased that you’ve married an English knight?”

  “Not once he meets you and sees you for the honorable man you are. I only wish my parents still lived so they could’ve met you.”

  “I would’ve liked that too. My family is going to adore you.”

  “They will be shocked that you’ve returned from Berwick with a wife,” Sophia said, unable to hide her worry.

  “Oh, I’m certain they already know.” At her questioning look, he added, “My father will see it first. He’ll tell my mother, for he hides nothing from her. Soon my entire family will know.”

  It took a moment for his meaning to dawn on her. “Your father has the sight just as you do?” At his nod, she said, “That’s both convenient and awkward, isn’t it?”

  He laughed. “Well put, my dear wife.”

  She reached up on her toes and kissed him, reveling in the knowledge that she could do so whenever she wished. Made bold by the thought, she sought his tongue with hers and desire speared through her, turning her insides molten.

  “Good news,” Chanse called from outside.

  Garrick drew an unsteady breath and released her but kept her hand in his as he moved toward the door. “What might that be?”

  Chanse held up his find as Garrick opened the door. “Roasted rabbit for supper.”

  They ate well, at least the men did. Sophia found she was too nervous about the night ahead to eat much. The idea of Chanse sharing the cottage with them and hearing everything they did heated her cheeks with embarrassment.

  “Is something amiss?” Garrick asked.

  “Nothing at all,” she denied. “I suppose I’m a bit tired from the journey.”

  Chanse rose and stretched. “I am not, so I’ll keep watch this night. Sleep well.”

  Sophia breathed a sigh of relief as he shut the door behind him, filled with gratitude at his thoughtfulness. Before she could rise from her place by the fire, Garrick pulled her into his arms.

  His kiss was hot and demanding then slow and gentle, bringing forth the same feelings in Sophia. At last he stood, her hand in his, then lifted her into his arms. He said nothing, just held her gaze with his as he took her to the bed. He slowly released her so her body slid down his, making her pulse with need.

  She couldn’t catch her breath. Not when Garrick combed his fingers through her hair, releasing it from the braid she’d put it in for the journey. Next he loosened the laces of her kirtle, easing it off her shoulder to place a kiss there.

  She wanted to do the same and pulled at the laces of his tunic until she could lift it over his head. The wiry hair along his muscled chest felt marvelous against her hand. She leaned forward to kiss him, and he groaned in delight.

  “God’s teeth, Sophia,” he ground out. “I want to see all of you.”

  He helped her remove her kirtle, leaving her in the thin white chemise that left little to the imagination. With roaming hands, he explored her curves through the fabric.

  What at first felt sensual soon felt like a barrier. She eased back to remove the chemise, wanting to feel his bare skin against hers.

  But Garrick held her at arm’s length once she’d done so. “You are so perfect,” he whispered as his gaze took in her body.

  Rather than embarrassment at his perusal, she felt only heat. He trailed the back of his fingers from her neck down, circling the tip of her breast until at last he touched her nipple, causing her to tremble in response. He moved down once again to the valley of her waist, the flare of her hip, before brushing the apex of her thighs.

  Liquid heat filled her and she stepped forward to take his mouth with hers. She wrapped her arms around him tightly as they kissed before beginning an exploration of her own. Her hands took in his broad shoulders, the bulging of his biceps, the sculpted muscles of his chest, tweaking his nipple as she went. He moaned against her mouth.

  Taking that as a sign of encouragement, she continued down to his chausses, running her fingers back and forth just inside the top of them.

  He broke their kiss to remove his boots then his chausses to stand naked before her.

  “Oh, my,” she whispered, amazed at the sight before her. “You are so strong.” With passion making her brave, she touched him, first his chest and his belly, moving slowly down until she wrapped her fingers around his manhood.

  He gasped in response and grabbed her hand. “Not yet, wife. Not yet.” He placed her hand on his waist and lifted her to lay her on the bed. His body was hot against hers as he leaned over her, pressing kisses along her jaw, down her neck, toward her breast.

  Feeling wanton, she arched, wanting him to kiss her there. As though he read her mind, he licked the tip then suckled first one breast and the other. His hand drew circles on her belly, filling her with even more heat.

  When she whimpered with need, he answered yet again, touching her intimately, his fingers working magic on her very center.

  “Garrick, please,” she demanded, her hips shifting with need.

  “Yes, my sweet. My wife,” he murmured as he moved to brace his arms on either side of her, his legs between hers.

  The weight of him felt so right. Then the tip of his erection touched her center, giving her pause at the unfamiliar sensation.

  He eased forward and into her, and she caught her breath at the invasion. “Garrick?” Panic threatened at the strange feel of him.

  “Sophia.” The need in his voice caught her. With one thrust, he filled her, holding there.

  The sharp pain was brief, flowing away as her body adjusted to him. The intimacy of the moment surprised her. To be joined as one brought tears to her eyes.

  He frowned at her tears. “Does it hurt so much?”

  “Nay. Nothing of the sort,” she assured him. “We are one now, you and I.”

  He smiled. “Indeed, we are. But there’s so much more,” he promised. Then he moved slowly, back and forth, watching her closely as he did so.

  “More, please,” she demanded as her eyes drifted closed, her hips matching his rhythm in an age-old dance.

  His kiss was lovely, but when he shifted to touch her center once again, her eyes flew open. Her toes began to tingle.

  “Fly, Sophia,” he urged.

  She moaned in response as tightness filled her until at last it burst, lifting her higher.

  Garrick moved faster until he gave a sharp cry of his own, his body rigid as it convulsed.

  The feeling was marvelous.

  After he caught his breath, he rested his weight on his elbows and looked down at her. “You are wonderful, Sophia. I love you so much.”

  “How much?” she asked as she wiggled her hips.

  Immediately his body stirred, causing him to chuckle. “That much. And so much more.”

  “’Tis exactly what I wanted to hear. And feel,” she added with a smile. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but I want more. I have waited a lifetime for you.”

  “My quest to Berwick gave me more than I expected.” He bent his head to kiss her fully, deeply, his body hardening as he did so. “You are far more than I ever dreamed of.”

  “We don’t have to leave at first light, do we?” she asked as she arched beneath him, loving the feel of him on her, inside her.

  “We have all the time we want.”

  “Perfect,” she said as she wrapped her legs around him. “We’re going to need it. This is the ideal way to start our new life together.”

  He smiled down at her, passion burning brightly in his blue eyes. “Aye. A lifetime with you won’t be enough.”


  Other Books by LANA WILLIAMS

  Medieval Romances:

  A Knight’s Christmas Wish

  Falling for A Knight Novella, Book .5

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  A Vow T
o Keep, Book I of The Vengeance Trilogy

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  A Knight’s Kiss, Book 1.5 of The Vengeance Trilogy


  Amazon UK:

  Trust In Me, Book II of The Vengeance Trilogy

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  Believe In Me, Book III of The Vengeance Trilogy

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  The Vengeance Trilogy – Boxed Set

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  Victorian Romances:

  Unraveling Secrets

  Book I of The Secret Trilogy

  On Amazon:

  On Amazon UK:

  Passionate Secrets

  Book II of The Secret Trilogy


  Amazon UK:

  Shattered Secrets

  Book III of The Secret Trilogy


  Amazon UK:

  If you liked this book, I invite you to sign up to find out when the next one is released:

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  Thank you for reading A Knight’s Quest, the first full length book in the Falling For A Knight series, which follows the next generation of the de Bremont’s. If you haven’t yet read Rylan’s story, I invite you to read A Knight’s Christmas Wish, the novella that begins the Falling For A Knight series.


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