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Time After Time

Page 56

by Elizabeth Boyce

  “I shall tell them we are here.”

  Jonathon chuckled at the obvious warning and opened the door. Andrew ran up and the look of relief on his face was touching.

  “Em, are you all right?” he asked, running to the bed. “We have been so worried.”

  She hugged her brother, “Yes, I am well, Drew, except for my leg.” Ruefully she pulled back the covers to show him the splint.

  “Another group has a wagon and they are not far from here,” he answered.

  Randy had followed him in and scrutinized the cabin. Grunting in satisfaction, he gave Jonathon a long, cold look that Jonathon returned.

  • • •

  Joanna and David hurried out of the house when the party arrived. Tears streaming down her face, Joanna ran up to the wagon where Emily lay on the tick mattress and pillows. Then she looked at Jonathon.

  “Are you two all right? It frightened us so when Shadow came charging in last night. Emily, what has happened to you?” she cried.

  Emily explained the accident as the men dismounted. Jonathon strode over to the wagon and put down the back. Tenderly he lifted her into his arms, their eyes meeting briefly.

  “She needs rest. Randy went for the doctor,” he explained.

  “Emily, I shall fix you some tea while Jonathon takes you upstairs,” Joanna said, looking closely at the two of them. “Then we shall visit and you can tell me all about it.” She turned and swept into the house.

  Jonathon carried Emily to her room where the bedclothes had been folded back.

  “I am beginning to feel like a lecher with the looks people are giving me,” he said softly to Emily.

  “You are one, Captain Brentwood,” she teased.

  As he gently laid Emily down on the crisp, fresh sheets, he noticed how drawn her face was. The trip had been difficult for her. He stroked her forehead.

  “Em, what can I get for you? Dare I suggest more brandy?”

  “Heavens, no!” she protested. “The doctor will be here soon and I can wait until then.”

  Joanna entered with a tray. “Now, Jonathon, I shall take over from here until Dr. Anderson arrives.” She paused. “I would like to speak with you when he arrives, though.”

  Jonathon winked at Emily as he answered, “Yes, Joanna.”

  When he left, Joanna turned to Emily. “Dulcie will be up to give you a soothing sponge bath soon. Have some tea, Emily?” She handed her a cup. “Are you… all right, Em?”

  “I am well, Joanna, really.”

  Joanna’s wide, brown eyes, so much like Jonathon’s, searched hers. Finally she smiled, “I believe you are, Emily.”

  Jonathon was in his study when Joanna came to speak to him.

  “Jonathon, what have you done?” she asked.

  “I am not sure I understand what you mean, Joanna,” he replied.

  “The two people who left yesterday are not the same two people who came back today.”

  Jonathon looked at his sister. She had always been intuitive and she knew him so well.

  “Well, I did not rape her if that is what you mean. It all just… happened.”

  “Jonathon, I know you have not led a celibate life, but Emily is not a… well… loose woman. Jonathon, good Lord, you are her guardian!”

  “Damn it, woman! Do you not think I know that better than anyone?” he yelled. “George Wentworth, my dearest friend, entrusted his daughter to me and I took her to bed!” His voice softened, “But, Joanna, it was not like that.”

  “Do you love her, Jonathon?” she asked quietly, holding her breath.

  “I… I do not know. I care very deeply about her — and Andrew. But for so long I have been trying to put my feelings into perspective, trying to act the proper guardian. Yes, I love her, but affectionately — until last night. I am confused, Joanna.”

  “You will marry her, of course.”

  Jonathon stared at his sister. “Would that be fair, Joanna? Two lovers claim me already — the sea and Brentwood Plantation. I am spread thinly enough between the two as it is. Would it be fair for Emily to have one–third of me at best — probably less?”

  “Perhaps you should have thought of that before giving in to your passion. Tell me this, Jonathon. What husband would you have for her now? And what will he do to her when he discovers on his wedding night that she is not his alone? I understand your love for the sea, but the sea is a fickle lover. If you leave her, other men will take her to their hearts never expecting her to be theirs alone. But if you leave Emily now, I do not know what you will be condemning her to. Think long and hard about this, Jonathon. Ask yourself how Emily feels right now.” Silence fell between them.

  Finally Joanna walked over and kissed his cheek. “She could do much worse, you know. And so could you.”

  “Joanna, I have made plans for a brief voyage next week to Massachusetts for the Committees.”

  “I see,” she said thoughtfully. “Jonathon, ten men were on that search party, including Andrew. I do not know how long you can take to make a decision. Randy is a good friend, as are the others, but news has a way of spreading, and they all know you were there together all night. I suggest you think long and hard about this and ask the Lord for direction.”

  She left him silently staring out the window.

  • • •

  Dr. Anderson had given Emily a sleeping draught and wrapped her leg. He announced that it was not broken, rather a severe sprain, and Emily was confined to bed. She slept all afternoon and as the lamps were lit, she roused. Andrew sat with her while she ate a light supper; she soon dozed again. She was vaguely aware of people coming in to check on her, but the moon was high and the house quiet when she became aware of a tall figure beside her bed.


  “I am here, Em,” he said quietly. Slowly she lifted her hand to him. Taking it, he sat down beside her and placed a kiss on her forehead. She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed it.

  “I am so sleepy,” she said.

  “I know. The rest is good for you,” he stroked her hair.

  “Jonathon,” she murmured and pulled his arm to bring him closer. “Hold me.”

  He leaned down, gently pulling her toward him, his arms slipping behind her back. Her arms went slowly up around his shoulders and she sighed. He buried his face in her hair and held her close.

  “Em, what have I done to you?” he whispered.

  Hearing her even breathing, he slowly laid her back on the pillows. She was sleeping soundly; her lips parted slightly, dark lashes against her cheeks. Jonathon wanted to crush her to him. Instead, he placed another kiss on her forehead, covered her, and slipped from the room.

  • • •

  It was late morning when Emily awoke the next day. The bright sun splashed in through the chintz curtains and gleamed off the highly polished floor. Joanna was just setting a tray on the bedside table and noticed Emily stir.

  “Good morning,” she said brightly.

  “Good morning, Joanna.”

  “How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?”

  “Well, and yes, in that order.” Emily laughed. “My, it must be almost noon!”

  “Do not worry. You needed the sleep and the freedom from pain for a while. Andrew would like to come up now. I shall tell him you are awake.”

  Andrew and Emily spent the remainder of the morning talking about his plans to attend William and Mary College after the Christmas holidays. Emily always enjoyed chats with Andrew, but, throughout their conversation, she kept listening for Jonathon’s footsteps in the hall. Twice when Dulcie entered her room, Emily’s eyes shot to the door in anticipation, but then showed only disappointment.

  She slept a bit in the afternoon, but lay staring at the canopy for the hour before supper. She could not understand w
hy Jonathon had not come in to see her. Perhaps, as she had on the Destiny, she was taking what happened between them more seriously than he. Perhaps he considered it only another “little incident.” But she had seen the look in his eyes — the tenderness, the passion, the caring. And she thought about how tenderly he had held her just last night. Then where was he?

  “Perhaps I have been a fool. I was warned about his reputation with women. Maybe I only believed what I wanted to believe.”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks and she ached with longing for strong arms to enfold her, for gentle kisses to excite her.

  Joanna brought in a tray and she and Andrew ate supper with Emily. David was tending some business at a nearby plantation and would not be back until late. Joanna noticed how quiet Emily was and guessed the reason.

  “Jonathon had to go into Williamsburg today,” she said casually, pouring more tea into Emily’s cup. Setting the silver teapot down, she looked up at the younger girl. “He came in early this morning to say good-bye, but you were sleeping so peacefully that he did not want to disturb you.”

  The relief was evident on Emily’s face. “I see,” was all she could say, trying to stifle a cry of joy. Composing herself she asked, “When does he expect to return?”

  “Tomorrow evening. He has to prepare to sail next week,” Joanna replied.

  “I am to go with him, Em,” Andrew exclaimed.

  “Oh, Drew, you will not do anything foolish this time, will you?” she pleaded.

  Joanna looked from sister to brother. “Did something happen on the voyage from England?” she asked. Together they told her of the incident aboard the Destiny during the storm and Jonathon’s daring rescue that saved Andrew’s life.

  “I stopped asking Jonathon about his voyages long ago,” Joanna laughed. “If I had not, my hair would be pure gray by now!”

  The rest of the evening was spent pleasantly playing cards and chatting.

  Emily tried to read a book the next day, but at every sound she looked up, listening for Jonathon’s step, her heart pounding furiously until the sound faded or proved to be someone else entering her room. Then she would have to reread the page, forcing herself to concentrate.

  The dinner hour passed, the lamps were lit and still there was no sign of Jonathon. Emily waited far into the night, staring at the fire in the hearth and reliving those wonderful moments in Jonathon’s arms. Slowly her eyes began to get heavy and she could fight sleep no more.

  • • •

  Jonathon looked down at the slumbering girl, her hand tucked beneath her cheek, light breath whispering between her parted lips.

  “So beautifully peaceful,” he thought.

  He bent and gently brushed her cheek with his lips. Slowly her eyes opened. He saw the happiness there when she awakened and realized he was beside her. A sleepy grin spread across Emily’s face, and he felt a responding one on his.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he teased. “Is this what a lady of leisure does all day and night?”

  “Only when she is left to her own resources, sir.”

  He sat on the bed beside her. “I had to go into Williamsburg, Em.”

  “I know. Joanna told me. When do you sail?”

  “In six days. It will be a short voyage to Massachusetts, a fortnight, perhaps a month.” He brushed a curl from her cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  “Confined. The weather has been marvelous they tell me, and I can only glimpse the sunshine.”

  “I shall carry you down to the veranda tomorrow. Will that lift your spirits?” he asked.

  “Oh, Jonathon, could you?” she exclaimed, impulsively throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss on the cheek. She lay back on the pillow, but kept her arms around his neck. They looked steadily into each other’s eyes for a long moment. Emily’s heart beat wildly. Jonathon reached to her nightgown and slowly pulled the ribbon, untying the bow at the bodice. He gently opened it revealing the deep valley between her breasts. He kissed her softly, and lowering his head, traced a line down her throat to the full curve of her breast. She sighed softly and pressed his head closer with one hand, loosening his shirt with the other. He rose and quickly shed his clothes and Emily saw his handsome figure outlined in the moonlight that streamed in the window. He slipped into bed beside her and Emily felt the hardness of his body against hers. His hands roamed her body, exploring, teasing, caressing, bringing a passion in her that she never expected. And she did the same, delighted at the reaction in Jonathon. Soon they were moving in a frenzied rhythm that signaled the climax of their union before slipping into that peaceful exhaustion that overwhelms lovers and enfolds them in a warm afterglow.

  Cradled in Jonathon’s arm, her head resting on his shoulder, Emily caught curls of matted hair on his chest and wound them around her finger.

  “I shall miss you, Jonathon,” she said softly.

  “I shall miss you too, love.”

  Emily thrilled at that name. She traced the line of his jaw with her fingers, then around his chin up to his lips. He kissed them and she turned his head toward her. He leaned down and kissed her and she traced his lips with her tongue. He leaned back on the pillow.

  “You are an enchantress, Em.”

  “You are a rogue, Captain Brentwood,” she pulled a hair on his chest. He gently tugged her nipple in return and she giggled softly.

  “I must leave you now; it will soon be dawn and Dulcie will be shocked out of her senses if she finds me here.” He kissed Emily gently and rose from the bed. Quickly dressing, he bent and pulled the covers up over her.

  “Good night, Jonathon.”

  “Good night, Love.”

  • • •

  The next day dawned sunny and mild. Emily’s spirits lifted at the thought of being outside. Dulcie bathed her and dressed her hair; putting in lavender ribbons to match her gown. It was one of her more revealing ones, cut lower in the bodice with demure lace edging that was merely for decoration.

  After breakfast, Jonathon arrived to keep his promise. Seeing her he stopped to take a long admiring look.

  “Perhaps we should stay up here, Em.”

  “I shall die if I stay up here any longer, Jonathon.”

  “Oh, I could keep you occupied, but if you must be outside, I thank you for the lovely view with which you have gifted me.”

  He lifted her up effortlessly and carried her down to the veranda. A chaise had been set out for her and Jonathon gently lowered her onto it, gazing down from an advantageous angle at her bosom.

  “Oh, Em, you tempt me sorely,” he whispered hoarsely.

  “Mind your manners, Captain,” she scolded.

  He placed a blanket around her lap and drew her shawl about her shoulders.

  “Are you comfortable, my lady?” he asked.

  “This is wonderful. Thank you, Jonathon.”

  Joanna appeared with a tea tray and they shared a lovely morning. At everyone’s insistence, Emily napped in the afternoon but was allowed to join them for supper.

  Jonathon came to her room again after the house was quiet. He slipped between the sheets and took Emily into his arms. They made love in the flickering firelight, speaking softly in the shadows. And they lay together quietly, sometimes talking, sometimes not needing to talk, until Jonathon slipped out of bed and left her room.

  Emily had never been so happy in her life.

  The days continued thus until the night before Jonathon left. Their lovemaking was especially passionate that night, each knowing it would be a long time before they could be together again. Emily held Jonathon close as he kissed her good night.

  “I shall miss you, Jonathon,” she said softly.

  “I shall miss you, love,” he whispered against her lips.

  • • •

Jonathon carried Emily to the veranda the next morning as Andrew carried the last of his own belongings to the carriage. Emily tried to swallow the lump in her throat and to blink back the tears that stung her eyes.

  “You will not let Andrew do anything foolish, will you Jonathon?” she asked as he stepped onto the veranda.

  “No, Emily. I shall watch out for him.” He set her down on the chaise. “And you will take good care of that leg, will you not? We shall be out riding again in no time.” He leaned close and whispered, “Perhaps we can ride back to our cabin.”

  Joanna and David came out to say good-bye. Joanna kissed her brother on the cheek, and David shook his hand and slapped him on the back.

  “Have a good voyage, Jonathon,” he said, “and be careful.” David gave him a long look. Jonathon nodded.

  “Ah, well, Andrew, are you ready?” he asked.

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” he shouted, then bent and kissed Emily’s cheek, then Joanna’s and shook David’s hand. “Take good care of my sister.”

  “We will, Andrew,” Joanna said. She glanced past him at Jonathon who was looking into Emily’s eyes. The look held everything he wanted to do at that moment — sweep her into his arms and kiss her long and hard. Instead he bent and kissed her forehead. Joanna let out the breath she had been holding. Jonathon caught her eye.

  “Remember what we discussed, Jonathon,” she said quietly walking arm in arm with him to the carriage. The two sailors climbed inside and waved until the carriage was down the drive. David kissed Joanna and turned toward the overseer’s cabin to attend to the business of the day.

  Joanna returned to the veranda and sat down beside Emily, appearing not to notice the young girl’s red-rimmed eyes. Joanna turned to a tray and instead of tea, poured a light amber wine into two cups.

  “I thought we’d enjoy a change of pace for today. No one need ever know,” she said lightly. “Of course we should not make a habit of this,” and reaching over she patted Emily’s hand affectionately.

  Emily looked at her in wonder, and then smiled in gratitude.


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