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Abramson, Paulina 75, 205–6, 215, 217, 230, 231–2
Acción Española 134, 140
Action Française 140
Adams Kenyon, Mildred 325–6
Adventures of a Young Man, The (Dos Passos) 91
Agence Espagne 42, 76, 96–7, 143
Aguilera y Yeltes, Gonzalo 137, 147–9, 162–3, 167, 193
Akers-Douglas, Aretas (Viscount Chilston) 196
Albacete 37, 110–11, 214
Alfonso XIII, King 293, 342
Allen, Jay 54–6, 291–338
arrests/release 295–6, 300, 331–2
on Badajoz massacre 300–8, 318
books/research of 295–6, 332, 334–8
contacts/friends 293–4, 297–8, 308–9, 314–16, 321–3
criticism of 309–12, 330–1
early life/career 291–2
entertaining revolutionaries 294–5, 318
and Fry 325–7, 329–30
interviews of 310–11, 326, 328
lectures/speeches 311–12, 332
lobbying for Republic 17, 21, 314–16, 318–19, 321–4
on Nazis in Czechoslovakia 318–19
in North Africa 326, 328, 332–3
political sympathies of 18, 294–5, 318
private life 292–3, 296, 298, 313, 335, 337–8
and Pulitzer Prize Committee 294–5, 307
Allen, Ruth 292, 296–8, 313–14, 318, 324, 331, 335–8
Alliluyeva, Svetlana 306
Alving, Barbro ‘Bang’ 34, 43
Amariglio, David 188–9
American Emergency Rescue Committee 381–2, 384
Amutio, Justo Martínez 214–15, 237
Anglo-Russian Trade Gazette 192
Antifalange (Southworth) 398, 419, 422
Anti-Fascist Writers’ Congress 227, 283
anti-semitism 157, 172, 178, 190, 242, 298, 330, 351, 392
Antonov-Ovseenko, Vladimir 223, 241
‘Appeal to the Conscience of the World’ 328
Araquisatain, Luis 251, 259, 262, 263–4, 293–4, 299, 345–6, 348–9, 405
Arbeiderbladet 269
Arias Paz, Manuel 172, 195
Associated Press 141, 194, 271
Astray, José Millán 158, 171–2, 177, 195
Asturias 4, 32, 197, 217, 229, 347, 405, 424
Attlee, Clement 290, 300–1
Ayala, Francisco 75, 80–1
Azaña, Manuel 141, 145, 172, 190–1, 207, 259, 262, 268, 284–6, 293, 299, 361
Babel, Isaak 243–4, 246
Badajoz 7, 26, 63–4, 159, 179, 262, 215, 341, 348–63, 372–3, 395–7, 401
Barcelona 4, 7–14, 96–9, 146, 154, 186, 195, 207–10, 290–1, 293–4
press office 98, 103, 116, 148, 15
0–2, 155
Barea, Arturo 35–47, 68–70, 214
Barry, Gerald 162–3
Barry, Griffin 83, 162–3
Bartlett, Vernon 18, 54, 163
Barton, Sidney 310, 313, 319, 336–7
Basque 166–7, 229
blockade of Nervión river 274–5
Steer on 318–37
Bates, Ralph 127, 374, 379
Behind the Spanish Barricades (Langdon-Davies) 15
Belchite 148, 229
Beneš, Eduoard 237–8
Benicasim 114, 289
Bennett, Milly 133, 135, 139–41, 143, 144, 146, 367
Beria, Lavrenti 239–40, 243, 245
Bernanos, Georges 136
Berniard, Georges 196
Bertodano y Wilson, Frederick Ramón 195
Bethune, Norman 131, 133, 136–8, 143–4
Bibesco, Antoine 344, 347
Bibesco, Elizabeth 343–4, 347
Bliven, Bruce 90, 92, 94
Blum, Léon 6, 289, 429
Bocalari, Vincenzo 270
Bolín, Luis 28, 69, 109, 157–64, 195–6, 320, 328, 330, 338
and foreign correspondents 166–70, 175–7, 180, 317
Bolloten, Burnett 110, 113, 117, 426–7
Bolshevism and the Jews 242
Botto, Georges 196
Bowers, Claude 48, 51, 185, 188, 189, 259, 270, 288, 346–7, 429
Bowler, Kitty 100, 114, 122, 133, 408
Brenan, Gerald 349, 361, 367
Brigada Especial 78, 83, 93
Britain, non-intervention policy 15, 86, 114, 165, 167, 249, 279–81, 333, 429
Brunete 148, 284
Brut, René 159
Buckley, Henry 31, 39
assignments 401–5, 408–12
awards 412
early life/career 402
friends/contacts 403–5, 408–11
political sympathies 50, 403–5, 404–8
Bujaraloz 207
Bukharin, Nikolai 233, 237, 291
Bulletin de L’Entente Internationale contre La Troisième Internationale 351
Bullitt, William 295
Burgos 154, 163, 174–5
Caballero, Ernesto Giménez 171–2, 423
Caballero, Fransico Largo 5, 12, 190, 207–8, 264, 268–9, 272–3, 275–6, 283, 294, 348–9, 404, 405–6
Cable, James 333
Caesar in Abyssinia (Steer) 312, 314, 4315, 317–18, 320
Café Rambla, Barcelona 123–4
Camus, Albert 3
Capa, Robert 148, 153, 186, 408