by Preston Paul
Cardozo, Harold 13, 38, 160–1, 175, 177, 418
Carney, William P. 22, 51–2, 64–6, 115, 149, 182
false reporting by 185–9, 346–7
and Herbert Matthews 64–5, 149, 153–4, 186, 366
political sympathies 185–6
Carrillo, Santiago 208–9, 212
Casa de los Sabios, Valencia 85
Casa Viejas 404
Casado, Segismundo 71, 295, 408
Catalonia 3–4, 8, 14, 50, 124–5
Catholic Church, censorship of 20–2, 148–9, 180–1, 362–3, 372–3
Catholic Mind (Carney) 66
Ce Soir 69, 322
in Madrid press office 36, 39–42
methods of avoiding 36, 67, 116–17, 169–70
in rebel zone 111, 159–60, 164, 169, 176–80, 372
of US Catholic lobby 21–2, 148–9
in Valencia press office 111
Century’s Ebb (Dos Passos) 56, 88, 99, 108
Chalmers-Mitchell, Peter 142, 168
Chamberlain, Neville 155, 257, 335–6, 429, 431
Chicago Council of Foreign Relations 365
Chicago Daily Tribune 21, 33, 342, 360, 367, 402
Chicherin, Georgi 257
Chilton, Henry 163, 321
Chudak 204
Churchill, Randolph 176, 190
Churchill, Winston 192, 297
Civil War 6–7
background to 3–7
foreign perceptions of 6–7, 13–1
Claridad 109, 225
Cockburn, Claud 49, 59–62, 208, 218–20, 229
Coindreau, Maurice 84–5, 101, 105, 107
Commission of Inquiry into Alleged Breaches of the Non-Intervention Agreement in Spain 167
‘Committee of One Thousand Mothers’ 270
Common Sense 105, 107
‘Communist Party and the War Spirit: a Letter to a Friend who is Probably a Party Member’ 105
communists 265–8, 376–8, 380–1, 407–8
and censorship 112, 287–8
and foreign correspondents 50, 60–1, 166–8, 208, 250–1, 427
influence in Republic 87, 105, 184, 188, 210–12, 241
rumours of control by 12–13, 15–16, 183–4, 427–8
Companys, Lluís 10, 15
concentration camps 156, 187, 376, 380, 410
Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas (CEDA) 4–5, 165, 404–5
Corcoran, Thomas G. 370–1
Correspondent in Spain 141
Cowles, Virginia 55, 57, 95–7, 115, 197–8
Cox, Geoffrey 33–5, 37–9, 43–5, 162–3
Crooks, Esther 101, 103
Curran, Edward Lodge 22
Czechoslovakia 235–8, 263, 299, 373
Dagens Nyheter 43
Dahl, Harold 186
Daily Chronicle 402
Daily Diespatch 310
Daily Express 8, 13, 30, 33, 70–1, 154–5, 158, 173–5
Daily Herald 125, 258, 263
Daily Mail 12, 13, 38, 150–1, 154, 160–1, 175–7, 183, 199, 313
Daily Telegraph 14, 31, 47, 59, 150, 159, 171, 182, 335, 337, 401, 404, 408
Daily Worker 60, 111, 122, 124–5, 235
Dancing Catalans (Langdon-Davies) 14
Davis, Frances 38, 177
Dawson, Geoffrey 330
‘Day in the Life of Trotsky’ 204
Day Will End: a personal adventure behind Nazi lines, The (Allen) 393
de Aguirre, José Antonio 217, 318, 322, 332–3, 337, 340
de Azcárate, Pablo 290, 299
de Cisneros, Ignacio Hidalgo 109–10, 239, 248, 270
de Herrero y Hassett, Margarita Trinidad 315, 319–20
de la Cierva y de Hoces, Ricardo 414–16, 422, 426
de la Mora, Constancia 290
autobiography 375–6
on correspondents reporting truth 115–16
correspondents’ views on 99–102, 151
and Jay Allen 377
and Rubio Hidalgo 46–7, 109–11
in Valencia press office 109–13
de Llano, Quiepo 165–6, 179–90, 183, 331, 344, 359, 404, 418
de los Ríos, Fernando 282, 284, 418
de Palencia, Isabel 341, 376
de Rivera, Miguel Primo 14, 344, 350, 364, 402
de Traversay, Guy 20, 44, 159–60
de Valencia, Luis see Gay Forner, Vincente
de Villegas, Mágara Fernández 80, 83–5, 96–7, 102–5
Deeble, Elizabeth 120, 144
del Olmo, Rosario 47, 69–70
del Vayo, Julio Álvarez 29–31, 39–40, 45, 48, 82, 86, 89–91, 96, 251, 254, 258
and Koltsov/Martinez 207–8, 211–13
and Robles family 103–4, 106–7
del Vayo, Luisi 103, 155, 259, 376
Delaprée, Louis 18, 43–5, 173–4, 429
Delegación para Prensa y Propaganda 172, 185
Delmer, Sefton ‘Tom’ 8, 30, 43, 54–6, 115–17, 99–100, 140, 147–8, 173–5
Deutsche Zentral Zeitung 220–1, 231
d’Hospital, Jean 159, 164
Diario de la Manhã 179
Diario de Lisboa 179
Dick, Alan 171, 182
Dimitrov, Georgi 281, 287
Djhordis, Mink 98–9
Dos Passos, John 46, 82–3, 85, 119
feud with Hemingway 74–5, 84, 87–9, 91–2, 93–4
Dos Passos, Katy 87
Doyle, Bob 187–8
Durango 135, 309, 280, 320, 325, 328
Duranty, Walter 122–3, 301
Ebbutt, Norman 330
Ebro, battle of 150, 408–9
Ediciones Ruedo Ibérico 413–5, 422–3
Ehrenbuerg, Ilya 57–8, 120
El Debate 145, 296
El mito de la cruzadao de Franco (Southworth) 396, 413, 415, 422, 427
El Socialista 265, 268
El Vendrell 154, 291
elections (1933–1936) 4, 183–4, 345–6, 405
English Review 181
Esquire 367–9
Ethiopia 52, 310–15
‘Evidence of the Trotskyist Treachery’(Koltsov) 224
Falange en la guerra de España: La unificatión y Hedilla (Venero) 422–3
Falange Española 5, 63, 316, 402, 492–23
‘Farewell to Europe’ (Dos Passos) 105
fascism see Antifalange (Southworth); Falange Española; Franco; Nazis
Feigenberg, Yevgenia 226, 243
Fernsworth, Lawrence 11–14, 50, 144
Fiesta, for XV Brigade 93–5, 105, 108
Fifth Column, The (Hemingway) 95–6, 438
Figaro 164
Fight 124–5
Figueras 154, 410
Fischer, Bertha ‘Markoosha’ 252, 257, 263, 269–70, 291–3, 301–2
Fischer, Louis 17, 19–20, 24, 30–1, 43, 47–7, 262–3
books by 257, 282, 304–5, 307
contacts and influence of 249–51, 254–7, 261, 264–6, 279
criticisms of Caballero 273–7
on disappearance of Robles 82
early life and career 251–3
ethics of 62, 271, 277–8, 284–6
on Franco’s victory 293–4
in Germany and Russia 253, 255–6, 281
lectures/lobbying in United States 282, 291, 294–6, 200, 305
and Negrín 113–14, 249, 251, 259–60, 269, 280–1, 283–4, 296
on non-intervention policies of Britain and France 279–81, 288–9
political sympathies of 250–1, 254, 258, 264, 276–7, 287–8, 304
private life 252, 257–8, 269–70, 292, 301–3, 305–7
on Russian policy in Spain 268, 292
whether Soviet agent 298–9
writing for The Nation 284–5, 301, 304
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway) 24, 105, 141, 218, 228, 241
Forbes-Robinson, Diana 303, 374
foreign correspondents 11–12, 24
dangers face
d by 20–21, 68, 152–3, 194
ethics of 11–12, 22–3, 49, 62–7, 181, 278
exclusion of 17, 25, 35, 176, 284
expulsion of 28, 33, 43, 115, 125, 162, 170, 174, 178, 190, 317–9
and foreign perceptions of War, 15–16
and non-intervention policies 19, 86, 114, 279, 288–90, 331, 377, 429–30
portrayed as fictional characters 24, 56, 88, 93, 93–4, 218–9, 228, 241
sympathies of 17–20, 24, 50–5, 97, 211
treatment in rebel zone 157, 174–82, 196–8
Forrest, William 35, 37, 50, 138, 151–2
Fragga Iribarne, Manuel 414, 422–3
France, non-intervention policy of 86, 114, 279–81, 288–90, 331, 429
Franco, Francisco 6–7, 25, 63–4
African columns of 6–7, 18, 25–6, 62, 78, 158, 173
changing military objectives of 109
interviews with 63–4, 350–1
pamphleting campaign of 315
treatment of foreign correspondents under 157–60, 169–71, 174–82, 195–7, 317–18
and Troskyists 229–30
Franco, Nicolás 165
Franco’s Mein Kampf (Southworth) 418
Frankfurter, Felix 371, 380–1
Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade 188, 294–5
Fry, Varian 382–4, 386–7
Fuqua, Stephen O. 75–6, 80, 92
Gabinete de Prensa 157, 189
Gallagher, O’Dowd 70–1, 154, 311–12
Gandhi, Mahatma 304–5
Gay Forner, Vincente 172, 195
Gellhorn, Martha 18–19, 23, 50–1, 58, 68, 72, 87, 94, 131, 303, 393
Geopolitics 193
Germany 179
activities in Spain 21–1, 196–7, 253, 328–9, 339, 348–9, 429
Gernika see Guernica
Gide, André 227, 244–5
Gil Robles, José María 165, 346, 404
Giral, José 6, 112, 169, 206–8
Glasgow Herald 323
Gnedin, Evgeni 245–7
Gorev, Vladimir Efimovich 45–6, 75–6, 80, 211–13, 213, 214–17, 241, 267, 278
Gorrell, Henry T. ‘Hank’ 26–8, 161–2, 351
Grepp, Gerda 142, 269, 303
Greßhöner, Maria see Osten, Maria
Grigulevich, Iosif Romualdovich 78, 211–13
Gross, Babette 48–9, 278
Guadalajara, battle of 86, 109, 169, 180, 181, 406
Guernica, bombing of 63, 68–9
rebel denial of 185–6, 195–7, 280–2, 366–7
Southworth on 416, 424–5
Steer on 308–19, 322–3
Guerricabeitia, José Martinez 413, 423
Hanighen, Frank 17, 20
Havas Agency 159, 164
Hemingway, Ernest 368–9, 371, 409
in Barcelona 150, 153
at battle-front 56, 148
on Catholic lobby’s censorship 22
feud with Hemingway 74–5, 84, 87–9, 91–2, 93–4
lobbying 24, 294, 347, 380–1
in Madrid 55–8, 72–4, 138
political sympathies of 19, 24
private life 87
and Spanish Earth 87–8, 119
For Whom the Bell Tolls 4, 105, 141, 218, 228, 241
Hemingway, Pauline 87
Hendaye 162, 188, 217
Herbst, Josie 72–4, 87–95, 104–5, 408, 431–2
Hidalgo, Luis Rubio 27–8, 30, 30–1, 35–6, 39–43, 109–11
Hitler, Adolf 155, 253, 389
Holme, Christopher 69, 322, 322–3, 331
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell) 223
Honolulu Star-Bulletin 139
Ibárruri, Dolores 135, 207, 225, 404
Ideal Room 80
Il Messagero 180
Imprecor (International Press Correspondence) 61
Informacciones 157, 172
International Brigade 231, 26, 43, 47–50, 56–8 72, 92–4 187, 277, 289, 294, 298, 300, 391
Irún 178, 181
‘Ispanskii dnevnik’ 231
Italy 6, 17, 26, 157, 179–80, 267, 270–1, 280, 310, 406
Ivens, Joris 55, 83, 119
Izvestiya 223–4, 232, 234
James, Edwin L. ‘Jimmy/Dressy’ 22, 149, 186
Jarama, battle of 109, 221
Jews 203, 219, 242, 251, 330
Johns Hopkins University 74, 79, 81, 101, 103
Johnson, Hewlett (Dean of Canterbury) 135, 290, 332
Jordan, Philip 118, 120–1, 332
Journey Between Wars 105, 107
Juventudes Unificadas Socialistas 103, 212
Karmen, Roman 215–18
Katz, Otto 48–9, 60, 112–14, 165, 169, 250
Kemp, Peter 170, 316–17
Ken – The Insider’s World 235, 368–9
Khochu letat (I want to fly) (Koltsov) 204
King, Norman 10, 12, 14–15
Kirchwey, Freda 253, 260–2, 285, 304
Kirkpatrick, Ivo 297–8
Knickerbocker, Hubert Renfro ‘Red’ 38, 174, 189–91, 296, 311
Knoblaugh, Edward H. ‘Doaks’ 35, 141–4, 366–7, 393
Koch, Stephen 89, 92, 94, 223, 250
Koestler, Arthur 50, 60, 164–9, 328
Koestler, Dorothy 169
Koltsov, Boris Efimovic Friedand 210, 216–17, 226, 233–4, 239, 245, 247
Koltsov, Elisabeta 220, 243
Koltsov, José ‘Jusik’ 226, 248
Koltsov, Mikhail Efimovich Frieldand 24, 39, 58, 61–2, 203–38
advisory role, in Spain 206–8, 216–17, 223
arrest 203, 235, 240, 244–7
awards received 203, 239
and censorship 208
character of 218–19
on Czechoslovakia 234–8
early life and career 203–4
ethics of 277
History of the Bolshevik Party (lecture) 203, 239–40
as Jew 242
as Karkov in For Whom the Bell Tolls 24, 218, 228, 241
and Miguel Martínez 210–13
political activities of 203–5, 223–4, 234–6, 247
private life 220–2, 226–7, 231, 238–9, 243, 245–6, 248
and the purges 214, 233, 239
relationship with Stalin 204, 208–9, 211, 213–14, 225–7, 232, 239, 243–4
on role of Soviet security services 223–4
Spanish Spring 207
Kork, Avgust 233
Kremlin and the People, The (Duranty) 301
Krokodil 204
Kuh, Frederick 257–9, 599
Kulcsar, Ilsa 42, 46, 50, 65
Kurzke, Jan 122, 133
La destruction de Guernica! A Study of Journalism, Diplomacy, Propaganda and History (Southworth) 309, 423
La Petite Gironde 196
La revolución nacional-socialista (de Valencia) 172
La Stampa 179
Lambarri y Yanguas, Manuel 182, 199
Lancaster, Henry Carrington 79, 81, 84–5, 101–2
Lance, Christopher ‘Spanish Pimpernel’ 164
Langdon-Davies, John 13–16
Langer, Elinor 88–90
Lardner, Jim 150
Le Journal 184, 315
Le mythe de laos croisade de Franco (Southworth) 423
League Against War and Fascism 124
League of Nations 281, 312, 331
Leahy, William D. 387–8
Lenin, Vladimir 30, 305
L’Espagne ensanglantée (Koestler) 167
Lestchenko, Tatiana 252, 303
Leviatán 259, 264, 348
L’Hoste, Hubert 221, 248
L’Humanité 22, 328
Life and Death of Lenin, The (Fischer) 305
Life and Death of the Spanish Republic (Buckley) 401, 412
L’Intransigeant 20, 44, 72, 159–60
Lister, Enrique 210, 213, 404–5
Literaturnaya Gazeta 231
Litvinov, Maxim 204–5, 242, 243, 246, 249, 257, 281, 422
d George, David 257, 290, 293, 329
London Evening News 175, 181
London Evening Standard 193, 296
Lunn, Arnold 176, 180–1, 424
MacCaw, Raymond 22–3
McConnell, Francis J. 328
McCormick, R.R. 345, 360, 362
McNeill-Moss, Geoffrey 159, 363
censorship 36, 38–42, 67, 71
evacuation of government 31–2, 36–7, 113
fall of, rumours 38
last correspondents in 70–1
living conditions in 32–6, 56–8, 64, 69–71
press office 25, 34, 40
siege of 29–74
Malet-Dauban, Henri 164, 196
Malraux, André 18, 243–4, 246, 298
Manchester Guardian 67, 125–6, 129, 144, 159, 255, 323, 335, 345, 437
Mangan, Kate 61, 83, 84, 85, 99, 104, 110, 112–13, 119, 122, 128, 131–3, 138–42
March of a Nation, The (Cardozo) 418
Martínez, Miguel 212–15
Marty, André 12–30, 240–3, 278, 438
Mason-Walstra, Suzanne 427
Matthews, Herbert Lionel 22–4, 36, 43, 46, 51–3, 117–18, 148–8, 430–1
and William Carney 64–5, 149, 153–4, 186, 366
Men and Politics (Fischer) 305
Menschenopfer Unerhört (Koestler) 167
Merriman, Robert 139
Merry del Val, Pablo 182–3, 193–5, 197–9
Miaja Menant, José 71, 76, 215
Milicia Popular 213
Miller, Webb 25, 70, 159–61
Minifie, James M. 9–10, 21, 64, 140, 161–2, 351
Mink, George 99–100
Miravitlles, Jaume 124, 145, 160, 436
Modesto, Juan 293
Mola, Emilio 5, 7, 160, 320
Mollet 8–9
Molotov, Vyacheslav 216, 225, 235
Monks, Noel 68–9, 158–9, 169–70, 311–12, 316, 322–3
Monnier, Robert 322, 331
Morocco 6, 12, 60, 157, 179, 382–3, 390–1, 412, 420
Moscardó Ituarte, Luis 161
Moscow Daily News 134, 139
Mourir à Madrid (film) 431
Mulliner, Mary 147
Mundo Obrero 210
Münzenberg, Willi 48, 167, 250, 278–9
Murray, Basil 131–2, 141–2, 146–7
My Trouble with Hitler (Allen) 390, 393, 396–7
Myth of Franco’s Crusade, The (Southworth) 422
Nation, The 33, 43, 47, 245, 253, 260, 261, 284–5, 304
Nazi Conspiracy in Spain, The (Katz) 167
activities in Spain 20–1, 167, 253–4, 328–9, 339, 248–9, 429
in Czechoslovakia 234–8, 373
in North Africa 390
and Russia, pact 381
Negrín, Juan 48, 249, 284, 381, 403
coup against 71, 295
and Fischer 113–14, 249, 251, 259–60, 269, 280–1, 283–4, 296
Nervión river 321
Neves, Mario 350, 361
New Masses 124–5
New Republic 90, 92, 106