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Page 6

by Rayne,Amber

  “I don’t really give a fuck if she wants me there or not, I’m not coming” he said and then he hung up the phone and tossed it on the large mahogany desk before he took a seat in his chair and leaned back. When he looked up, I was hugging the door frame.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  He made an attempt at a smile but didn’t quite make it. “Good morning.”

  He was so in control, even our lovemaking—I mean, fucking, was controlled chaos. But the look on his face was uninhibited raw emotions.

  “Your dad?” I asked, hesitating for a moment before slowly coming into the office.

  His eyebrow raised, “How did you come to that conclusion?”

  “Just based on some of the things you’ve said, I gather you and your dad have a lot of fucks said between you.”

  He had come to his feet, like a tenebrous wave, a lithe graceful movement and met me just as I had gotten closer to his desk. He urged me toward it and wrapped his hands around my waist as he pushed me back against the desk until I was sitting. I moistened my lips as he wedged his way between my legs.

  “Is that right?” he asked in low rumble.

  “Why don’t you two get along?”

  His face nestled in the curve of my neck and then kissed it. Before I could answer another question, his cellphone vibrated, he looked at the number than tossed it aside. A few minutes later, his office phone rang. Aiden sighed and answered it.

  “Yes, Dad?”

  He was so close to my face, I could hear the other voice on the phone.

  “I will be a little late to the fundraiser,” said the deep voice on the other end.

  “How late?” Aiden asked in a dry voice.

  “About two hours.”

  “Are you still going to match the amount raised, Councilman?” asked Aiden with a breezy tone.

  “Of course,” his tone just as cool.

  “I will see you there.” And then he hung up, moving the phone aside.

  When I opened my mouth to speak, he kissed me. The tension remained and I could feel it in his kiss. Hungry urgent lips pressed against mine, his tongue caressed mine hungrily, his fingers entwined in my hair pulling me closer. Aiden was raw, unfettered sexuality but this felt different. Aggressive. He yanked my panties off and pushed me back hard against the desk, looped his arms around my leg, dropped his pants, and started to enter me. “Stop,” I said softly. He was distracted, barely paying attention. Before he rammed into me I pushed into his stomach. “Stop!”

  He came to a stop, pulled up his pants, his stiff cock still jutting out. He crossed his arms over his chest as inquiring eyes laid on me. “What’s the matter?”

  I rolled off the desk, taking several steps from him, grabbing my ripped panties. “You said if I didn’t like anything to let you know. I didn’t like that.”

  Nodding slowly, he turned to look out the window admiring a view that he’d probably seen hundreds of times. It was breathe-taking. Looking at the city even on the clear fall day, the skyline was still breathe-taking. It made everything seem quite small.


  His arms crossed, a sign that his guard was up and I didn’t know how to change it. “I didn’t know you had an event planned for tonight. How long will you be gone?”

  “We have an event. We won’t stay long and I think you will enjoy it. It’s a silent auction.”

  I’d never been to silent auction. “Sounds fun.”

  When he turned, reading his expression was difficult because there wasn’t an expression, and his eyes were clear amber and impassive. “Does it?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “No, not at all.”

  Clearing the distance between us, his hands went around my waist and he spoke into my cheek. “You don’t have to go I’ll only be gone a couple of hours.”

  “No, I want to go.” The experience was nice, but I wanted to meet his father. I was curious about the man who could evoke such response from him. A person who could make someone who is always in control, reckless.

  He looked at me, I thought that he would have been happy but his face settled into a small frown. “You don’t know how to be selfish do you?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t think getting all dolled up and joining you at a nice event for a good cause is going to qualify me for the Noble Prize or being canonized,” I teased.

  The deep rumble of his laughter seemed to lift the mood that a conversation with his father had placed him in.

  I looked at the different dresses that Lorraine presented to me and couldn’t decide; they were all beautiful. Aiden stood at the door, a drink in hand, his lips spreading into a salacious smile each time I undressed to change. This time I picked a deep purple dress with a neckline that would make it difficult not to have a wardrobe malfunction.

  “I like that one,” Aiden had finally spoken, seven dresses later as he enjoyed the show and part of me did too. I took each dress off slowly, keeping my eyes steady on him sometimes slipping off my bra if it were a strapless dress. And when I was ready to try on another I always turned my back to him, arching my back and bending over to give a perfect view of my butt barely covered by my lacy cheeky panties.

  I looked in the mirror; the deep neckline was accentuated by a crisscross fabric, and it cupped my breasts enough that I didn’t need a bra. It was a sexy sleek dress that flattered my body, even the hips that I had a new appreciation for.

  Lorraine held up a pink strapless dress that she was particularly fond of. I liked the garnet-colored single strap Prada that was a little more reserved than the other two. But I didn’t want conservative. It was Aiden’s party and if he didn’t mind me in a dress that barely concealed my breasts, why should I?

  “Really?” I said lifting my chest, giving him a view of the potential mishaps that may happen at the event.

  The devilish smile lingered, “Lorraine, I think we like this one.”

  Her smirk made the small lines around her face, which were the only thing that gave away her age, deepen. “Of course you do dear.” She laid the her favorite one the bed and left with the others.

  “Don’t. I want her to have them.”

  “Of course,”

  My mouth opened, I was hesitant about taking the one, but I felt weird about taking five dresses that easily cost five figures each, if not more.

  “I can’t take these,” I said.

  “Of course you can,” he said, finishing off his drink as he rested against the dresser, his deep penetrating gaze fixed on me, his supple lips kinked into a small smirk. “I want you to have them.”


  “Because I doubt you would ever buy them for yourself,”

  Laying the dresses on the bed, “Of course not, because I can’t afford them.”

  “That’s why it’s my gift to you.” He stated.

  Aiden guided me into the building; he held me close as I took glimpses of myself in the mirror. The long brunette hair draped in voluminous cascading waves over my shoulder complemented my make-up. They highlighted my jaws that never looked so defined before, and the mascara add length, creating a thick black veil over my jasmine eyes.

  “I need a favor,” Aiden said with a miscreant smile.

  “And that is?”

  “There are four things I need you to bid on. Don’t bid more than three times and I need you to get them to a nice six figures.”

  “So you’re cheating? You’re rigging a fundraiser” I asked incredulous, with a teasing grin.

  “Of course, how else can I get these cheap bastards to give to my cause? Of course Councilman Matthews said he would match whatever I raised, so let’s make sure the shelter gets as much as possible.”

  I stopped and asked, “Why don’t you call him dad?”

  “Because he’s not here as my dad, but as Councilman Matthews and for all the free publicity this little stunt will get him. He’ll come late, mingle with a few guests that he believes will help him get into Congress and then he will leave,” he said. �
��That is my dad. It’s what he does.”

  We were just a few feet from the building and I knew it wasn’t the right time but my curiosity got the best of me. “What’s with you two? Seriously?” I asked. At the mere mention of him, Aiden could barely hide his contempt and the frown furrowed his brow at the very mention of Councilman Matthews. My curiosity couldn’t let it go.

  He stopped and stared at me for a long time as though he was debating whether or not to answer me. “I love my father,” was all he offered as he ushered me toward the door. His hand pressed firmly against my back, I couldn’t help but feel odd noticing many couples hand and hand as they entered the room. But we weren’t a couple. We were two people enjoying each other for a week. But I hated that I had to keep reminding myself of it.

  Pedant lights hung from the ceiling giving off an ambient glow, the paintings that covered the walls were genric traditional bland pictures, nothing like the ones in Aiden’s home that covered the sand-colored walls and added a little color. Waiters moved gracefully through the crowd almost invisible as they kept the alcohol coming, in order to keep the bidding higher.

  Ever present of Aiden’s fingers pressing into my back I let him guide me through the room. We were stopped by an older woman. When he greeted her, I thought I heard her say something, congress and a gentleman’s name, Mark, maybe. But Aiden dismissed the conversation as he seamlessly moved into a different subject.

  Aiden presented coming to the event like it was a chore but he seemed to be in his element, speaking with people, introducing me but he was very careful with it. Most people ignored me, I was used to that from going to events with Jason except Aiden made sure he involved me in the conversation. Each time I excused myself to go bid, he smiled. I was making my third trip to the tables when the world shifted. No, my world shifted. The room closed in, the crowd of people seemed to have doubled and there wasn’t enough oxygen in the room.

  I stood, frozen and unable to move as Jason approached, hand in hand with the tall slim blonde that I had known for years as the woman he had passed off as his assistance. Long nights working with his assistant. And now his assistant had on my engagement ring and a band. And he wore a wedding band as well.

  It felt like all the air was siphoned out and I stood paralyzed trying to find just a little of it. My mind was fuzzy as I tried to do the math but I was too unfocused to do so. How many days had it been since I had dinner with my mother and gave her the ring? When did he leave me? What date was it that he asked me to move out? How many days ago was it that he slept with me and then texted messaged me asking for his ring back?

  “Hello Ella, I didn’t expect to see you here.” The jackass spoke as though we were old friends, not recently ex-fiancés. My mouth dried and I couldn’t find the words to speak. I kept glancing at their linked fingers and the band on his finger and my ring on her finger. The room whirled. Air, I needed it so badly. I needed some of the people to spread out, to give me more room just so I could breathe.

  “It’s nice seeing you again Ella,” said his new wife. I couldn’t remember her name. Slut. No that wasn’t it. Bitch. Might as well have been. But I shouldn’t have been mad at her and tried to put the feeling aside. She hadn’t made a commitment to me, Jason had. He was the one that had promised me fidelity and his heart.

  The fake smile plastered on his face, he said, “You remember Rebecca, my wife.” The words fell from his lips effortless as though he had said it a thousand times. I took the hand she extended to me and shook it, mechanically, politely. Working on autopilot pulling from the way my mother taught me to suppress my feelings, be polite, keep a smile on your face, be genteel. I wanted to make a scene, smack him in the face and scream but I didn’t. Instead I stood there having a civil conversation with my ex-fiancé as of less than a month ago and his new wife.

  “Who are you here with?” he asked looking about for my potential date.

  “Aiden, Aiden Matthews,” I said, my voice still parched making it hard to speak.

  His eyes widened, “Aiden Matthews of Kline Industry,” he blurted shock.

  “I don’t know what Kline Industry is, but he works for KMedia,” I offered.

  “He doesn’t work for them, he owns them,” he asserted, seemingly appalled that I didn’t know that information.

  As if he saw the situation clearly, he smiled. “Well I hear he does like to have fun.”

  I didn’t have a response. I wanted one that would sting just as much as his poorly veiled insult of considering me Aiden’s new toy. My mind was still clouded; the insult didn’t come, the words so restricted that I could barely move my tongue around my dry mouth. But it wasn’t far off. We were each other’s play things for the week.

  “There you are,” Aiden’s deep voice said against my hair. His kissed me lightly on the cheek. He turned slightly to acknowledge Jason.

  Extending his hand to Jason, “Hi, I’m Aiden Matthews.”

  Jason took it and he quickly switched to the mode I’d seen so many times as he attempted to claw his way up the corporate ladder. “It’s good to see you again, you probably don’t remember me. We met briefly during about a year ago. Jason Daniels.”

  Aiden gave him a once over and then looked at me. He slipped his hand over mine and then linked his fingers through mine and gave them a squeeze. “Sorry. Don’t remember you.”

  “I’ve been meaning to set up a meeting with you, we should talk.”

  “Perhaps, but it won’t be tonight. Hate to be impolite but I’d rather spend my night talking to Ella. You have a good evening and don’t forget to bid on something nice for your wife.”

  Aiden started to turn but Josh made another effort to prolonged the conversation. “Mr. Daniels, I think I’ve made myself clear. I’m here with Ella and there and I would rather spend the evening with her than discussing anything with you. If you would like a meeting with me, contact my office, Aaron will get you a meeting. Have a goodnight.”

  He turned, pulling close to me; his arm slipped around my waist. I started to look back, I wanted to see Jason’s face. “Don’t look, keep walking. You look back he will think you needed to. Don’t give him that.”

  I kept walking forward, pass the crowd of people, down the long hallway until we came to an elevator.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, we were a good distance from Jason and his new wife and the urge to look back was still there. As we waited for the elevator my gaze inched over my shoulder. I’m not sure why I was so compelled to look, but I was.

  “Upstairs. Don’t you dare look back at him,” he said in a tight voice.

  “What’s upstairs?”

  “My office.”

  “Why do you have an office here?”

  “It’s my building. I have an office in all my buildings,” he said in a curt tone. He really didn’t like questions. I kept my gaze fixed on the elevator door and the moment it arrived and I stepped in he guided me into the corner. His lips covered mine in a heated kiss as he secured my hands over my head with his. Planting a light kiss, his lips trailed along my jaw; warm breath pulsed against my skin, his hardness firmly against me. “Do you still want him?” his rough voice asked; his tongue brushed against my ear as he spoke.

  I shook my head. “No,” I whispered. But it wasn’t entirely the truth. I didn’t want him, I just didn’t want him to be married, to have chosen another woman over me, to have cheated on me, to have moved on so quickly. There was a pang in my chest and I wanted so desperately not to feel the hurt anymore. Aiden’s hands slid under my dress and rested on my thigh and I focused more on his hands gently caressing my skin than on Jason and his new wife.

  “Don’t give it to him. Do let him have that control over you,” he whispered. But it was easier said than done. Jason was married. I was still trying to get over him breaking the engagement and he was already married. Anger should have trumped all feelings but it didn’t. I was consumed with sadness and tears began to well and several rolled down my face when I tried
to blink them away.

  When the elevator stopped, Aiden’s hand took my hand and started down the hallway walking so fast, the six inches of height difference he had over me made it difficult to keep up and I felt like I had to run to do so. Midway down the hall he stopped and unlocked the door to the office, backed me to the desk and lifted me. The room was dark but the lights from the street illuminated the room.

  “Right now, he’s the one that is sad and you dodged a bullet. You were miserable with him and when you finally accept that, then he’ll be easier to get over,” he whispered against my lips.

  Still having a hard time finding the words, I simply nodded.

  “I’m right. Can you honestly say he made you happy?”


  “Then get him out of your mind. Screw him.”

  “No thank you, he wasn’t that good at it,” I said. The laugh felt just as good as the kiss Aiden gave me. Simple and sweet.

  Kisses with Aiden rarely remained that way. He was raw, hot, blistering sexuality. The heat of it pulsed and ignited me. My panties wet and my body aching to feel him inside me. I clawed at back of his shirt pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, his tongue teased mine as he jerked me to him and with a simple graceful move he pulled my panties off. When he finally pulled away, I was panting hungry for more as he slid into me. His strong fingers gripped my thighs as he thrust his hips into me: hard, powerful, commanding movements. It overtook me in waves, pulled into the carnality of Aiden I closed my eyes and let the quick rise of ecstasy sweep over me. Warmth nicked at me, heat unraveled, and the incipient orgasm caused a slow tingle. I opened my eyes to warm amber watching me as I unfurled, panting as my body spasmed. My heat clenched him as I came harder than I ever had with him. I collapsed back on the desk, panting. My body humming with satisfaction as he planted a kiss over my delicate sensitive parts.

  I went to the bathroom to fix my hair and freshen up but it wasn’t working. There was always a distinctive post-orgasm glow that couldn’t be hidden with touching up foundation and lip gloss, or brushing through the hair. I did what I could, running my fingers through my hair to straighten it out and then reapplying my make-up.


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