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His Honey

Page 21

by Leah Sharelle

  “Stella said she heard his actual voice, right?” All of the men at the table nodded. “But when he calls us, he has a distorted voice. This tells me I have heard his voice, too, if I am supposed to know him, yes?”

  “Agreed,” Creed muttered. “Where you going with this, Pres?”

  I ran my fingers over my chin and thought for a moment. Yeah, this might work. “Ford, get onto Lincoln. Give him some of the recorded phone conversations we made, and see if he knows anyone who can undo the voice changer.”

  “Fucking brilliant, Pres,” Ford yelled, then got up and stumbled out of the room, his unlaced shoes tripping him as he went.

  “You sure this is a good time for you two to take off, Booth? We are stronger as a unit together, brother,” Deck said.

  I had thought about this. It was true we needed to stick together, but Stella and I needed to get away for a bit. Apart from getting married, which was number one on my to-do list, we needed to be us. Breathe us.

  “Yes. She needs this, and I need this. We are getting married on a beach, and no one will know where because I haven’t said which one. Just know that when we come back, my wife will be pregnant with my baby,” I informed my brothers as smiles graced their faces.

  “How the mighty have fallen,” Darth joked, making me laugh.

  “Fucking oath I have. You should try it, brother. It feels fucking great.” I held Darth’s eyes as I spoke. The man had to see that Vegas was waiting for him to say those words you’re mine. I’d said them, and I wasn’t ever taking them back. “Okay, then, we are leaving tonight, but don’t panic, brother. We will be back in plenty of time for your wedding,” I said to Deck. Stella was a bridesmaid, and she would cut my dick off if I made her miss it.

  Suddenly, Ford rushed back into the room, his lanky body moving faster than I had ever seen.

  “Jesus Christ, Ford. What the fuck?”

  “This was pinned to one of the SUVs in the car park,” Ford said, holding up an A4 piece of paper. I noticed he was wearing his black gloves and held the paper carefully by the corner.

  “Whose truck?” I asked as he placed a photo of Mia standing by her car, the wind whipping her long, brunette hair about her face. She looked sad. I saw the photo was taken at the Bar and Grill. I wondered for a second what she was looking at to make her look so sad, but that wasn’t the only thing to hold my interest. I peered closer and saw what looked to be the blue SUV that Rogue used when he targeted Charlotte and Shiloh and my honey.

  “Steel’s,” Ford answered quietly as he watched his VP and waited for his reaction.

  “The fuck.” A coffee cup went flying across the room and smashed against the wall.

  Jesus Christ, here we go again.



  There were only a few great occasions that stuck in my mind.

  My army graduation, becoming a commando, starting the MC with my best friends, Shiloh’s birth, and this, watching my wife as she sashayed towards me in her tiny, sexy-as-sin bikini with a smile that could light up the world. My world. I loved saying wife and got a thrill that shot right through me.

  We had been man and wife for five days. Five days of the best sex I had ever experienced. Five days of nothing but Stella—lying on top of me, sleeping, talking, eating and healing. We had to head back today. It had taken us four days of riding to get here because I took the long way, not only to enjoy each other but also to keep anyone off our trail if we were followed, but the club needed me back there. So far, Rogue had been quiet, so Steel updated me without pissing me off. I just wanted to enjoy this time with my honey. After everything we had both gone through to get here, I just needed to be alone with her.

  “Hello, husband. What has you smiling like you got the prize?” Stella asked as she literally threw herself down on top of me, her beautiful breasts smashed against my naked chest, making my dick stir in my swimming shorts. My arms instantly wrapped around her back, holding her close to me where she belonged.

  “I did get the prize, Honey. You,” I said and meant it down to my bones. I raised my head and captured her lips in a gentle kiss, which turned hot in one point two seconds. My hand moved down to her fine arse, covered by a tiny triangle of material, and held her hard against my erection as she writhed on my cock, and I groaned with appreciation.

  “You get another prize, too, Boothie poos,” Stella said against my lips. It made me smile when she called me that silly nickname. It brought up fond and not so fond memories.

  “What is my prize, Honey?”

  She sat up, and I mourned the loss of her heat. Stella pulled a piece of plastic out of her bikini top. Jesus, I was surprised she could fit her tits in the tiny scraps of material that barely contained her beauties. My eyes caught hold of the small white scar where the biopsy was done the night of her surgery.

  I was thankful every day that it turned out to be just a cyst. To think, she could have been taken from me in two completely different ways. That night was still my undoing when I was alone. I went to dark places on occasion, but the nightmares had stayed away for the most part. Thanks mainly to my counselling sessions and Stella.

  I looked closer at the plastic and noticed a small pink plus sign in a small window.

  “Now this is just an early test, but I think you knocked me up, Booth. We are going to have a baby.” A plastic stick thing was being waved in my face, but my mind was stuck on one word. Baby.


  “Yep. You called it, handsome. You knocked me up the night before we left for here. The test says it’s early, but I know it’s right. I feel it down to my bones, baby,” she said, purring against my lips.

  “Really, Honey? We are having a baby?” I didn’t wait for her to answer me because I knew it to be true, too. I flipped us so Stella was underneath me, our bodies pressed impossibly close. My lips hovered over hers, and our breaths mingled. My smile was firmly in place.

  “I am going to make you very happy, Mr Booth,” Stella promised, her smile radiant and full of love. For me.

  “You already have, Honey. You already have.”

  And that was it … for now.



  I must admit Booth made me nervous. He is such a big character, such a big part of the Wounded Souls I really wanted everyone to love him. Like I do. I had fears that everyone would see him as a cheater and felt a desperate need to put in a disclaimer at the front of the book claiming there was no cheating. But after talking to some very special people, I decided not to. I decided to let Booth tell you. And I am glad I did, anything else would have made him look weak. And Booth is anything but weak.

  To Colleen Snibson, my friend and editor: Thank you. Your ability to talk me off the ledge is very appreciated. To Rogena Mitchell-Jones, part of my editing team: We shall meet one day, and then I can hug you and apologise in person for the demanding Aussie that I am. Thank you, Yoda.

  Lila Rose, there aren’t enough words to express my thanks. Your support and encouragement and friendship are what dreams are made of. I am so glad to have found you.

  My kids—I love you girls more than that hamburger you won’t let me eat.

  Bronson Valpied, cover model, for being Booth. Because you were such a trooper making the photo shoot fun and relaxed.

  To my wonderful readers: You made His Sweetness such an amazing first release, and I hope you like this one just as much. I love hearing from you and hearing what you have to say about my men.

  And to handsome: Thank you, my dear friend. It’s nice knowing you are there, lurking in the background like the ninja that you are. I will always be your ‘have-a-chat.’ Copy that. Roger. Over.

  About the Author

  Leah Sharelle loves the idea of being in love. Since her early teens, when she first discovered Silhouette Desire novels, her life has been all about reading. She would find herself rewriting scenes if she wasn’t happy with them and then would hide them under her bed. That led her to writ
ing love stories of her own. They all ended up under her bed and are still there—where she says they will stay.

  Leah is a mum of three beautiful girls, living in Australian, and she has what most say is a weird sense of humour. She spends her free time doing movies, Sons of anarchy, and Friends marathons. And reading. She doesn’t do angst. In fact, it drives her crazy. She loves Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. There’s that weird humour.




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