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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 3

by Magenta Phoenix

  “What do you want us to do about it?”

  “Well, maybe you could call her and ask her nicely to return all the files.” she stated dryly. “What do you think I expect you to do?!” She shouted.

  “Don’t worry. She won’t get out of this facility with that information.” Turning away, Wyatt was half way to the door as Malca’s voice stopped him in his tracks.

  “No,” Taking a calming breath, she ran her fingers through her hair in aggravation. “I think it is time we retire Dr. Vega.”

  “Retire? Are you sure, Doctor?” Turning around, Malca narrowed her eyes at his questioning tone.

  “Yes! Retire her and make it clean. We have enough to worry about without extra messes to clean up around here. Let her think she’s pulled the wool over our eyes, then track her to her apartment in the city. Get that laptop back and you better pray that she doesn’t get that information into the wrong hands or I will have to retire you as well.”

  Wyatt nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it personally and make sure the job is done right.”

  “It better be.”


  Wading out of the river running a short distance from his camp site, Robert happily clutched his catch in his hand. Lifting his face to the late afternoon sun, he sighed with contentment. This was what he’d waited all year for. Peace, solitude, and quiet. For the next two weeks he was unreachable and unavailable.

  Dropping his catch as he stepped onto shore, he bent to pick up his discarded clothes. Using his t-shirt, he wiped away the lingering river water that ran from the turfs of his short hair and down his face. Jerking up his pants, he bent to retrieve the two fish at his feet. Tossing his damp shirt over his bare shoulder, he followed the worn dirt path leading to his camp. He’d always loved the outdoors. Both he and his bear felt at home here. He’d never felt like he belonged among humans or even his own kind. He never was able to find a balance between both worlds like many shifters did; like Doyle did.

  A smile spread across his face at the thought of his brother. He was happy that Doyle had found his true mate. Although Aria was a mystery, she seemed to keep his brother in line—which was all the more entertaining for him. But that wouldn’t be his future.

  His smile slowly fell into a grim line. Unlike his brother, Robert knew he never would have a mate. What woman would want to be with a man that preferred the absence of others and who preferred utter solitude? He wasn’t the charming man that his brother was. Most of his experiences with the opposite sex began and ended with him struggling to find something to say. He didn’t possess the words that women liked hearing. To that effect; he was better off alone.

  Nearing his camp site, his head snapped up as he caught the scent of a shifter. Taking a second whiff, he knew instantly who awaited him. Circling around his tent, he tried not to show his disappointment as his eyes fell on the one person he wasn’t in the mood to see.

  As though sensing his presence, Doyle turned around to face him with a smirk. “Hello brother.”

  Striding past him, Robert dropped his catch down by the fire pit. “Whatever you want the answer is no.” He stated, retrieving his filleting knife from his supply bag.

  Watching his brother as he did his best to ignore him, Doyle tapped the tan file clutched in his hand against his leg. “I have a job for you.”

  Crouching down by the fire pit, Robert began going through the motions of cleaning his dinner. “What part of “I’m on vacation” or “The answer is; no.” was too hard for you to understand?”

  “This isn’t pack business, Robert. You are the only one I can trust.”

  “Then call me in two weeks.” Setting one cleaned fish aside, Robert lifted his head to see Doyle staring firmly down at him. Sighing he tossed his knife aside as he rose to his feet. “What’s in the file?” he asked grudgingly.

  Stepping closer, Doyle held out the folder for Robert to take. Jerking it from Doyle’s fingers, Robert quickly flipped through the thin file. His eyes quickly scanned the contents. Much of the file was information on a Dr. Vega; a research scientist that worked for Dr. Helen Malca; the same doctor that they’d been struggling to find over the past months. Snapping the file closed, he shook his head.

  “What the hell is this?” he sighed, holding up the file with a lack of interest.

  “That’s all the info Aria and Raoul were able to pull together. I need you to leave tonight for New York.”

  “No.” Robert shook his head with anger. “I’m not working, running errands, or doing you any favors for the next two weeks. And I most definitely am not going on a wild goose hunt for your little defective mate.”

  Snarling loudly, Doyle’s eyes glowed with rage. “Don’t you ever refer to my true mate as that!”

  “It’s true in a way, I suppose.” The soft voice had both of their heads turning toward the tree line behind them, just as Aria stepped out into the open.

  Turning away from Robert, Doyle moved to meet his mate as she drew closer. “I thought I told you to stay in the truck.” He gently scolded, his hand coming to smooth a strand of golden hair behind her ear. She smiled at his demanding tone. Only Doyle could find a way to be controlling and tender at the same time.

  “Since when have I ever done anything you told me to do?” she countered. Turning her attention to Robert, who stood a few feet away, brooding, she cast him a friendly smile. “How have you been, Robert?”

  Scoffing at her ploy to sweet talk him, he crossed his arms over his bare chest with a frown. “Don’t think you can sweet talk your way into ruining my vacation. Running off to hunt down some wayward henchman of Dr. Frankenstein isn’t part of my vacation plans.”

  Huffing, she rolled her eyes before taking a step forward. “Trust me it wasn’t our plan to drive down here to hunt you down, only then to watch you doggie paddling—naked.” Aria pointed out indicating toward the lake behind them with a shiver of revulsion.

  Blush stole up Robert’s face as he realized that Aria and Doyle had seen him indulging in his guilty pleasure. Glaring at her, he cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment. “First off,” he began holding up a single finger at his brother’s mate. “I wasn’t doggie paddling, I was swimming and enjoying the peace and quiet until you two arrived bent on ruining my vacation. Secondly, I said no to Doyle’s little favor, so wrap your enhanced brain around that, Sis.” Turning back to the fire pit, Robert picked up his knife, crouching back down to pick up his dinner.

  Sighing, Aria approached him. “Robert. I-We need you to do this for us. It shouldn’t take longer than a couple of days. This could help us track down Malca and put an end to what she’s doing.”

  Rising to his feet, Robert narrowed his eyes at both of them as he shook his head. “Forget it. I get fourteen days of vacation a year, this is my time and I’m not doing zilch. Just call the wolves; they’re the cops and make it their problem. Beside’s why should I care?” Before he knew what hit him, Robert found his brother’s hand around his throat shoving him against a tree so hard that he felt the bark give under his back.

  Snarling in his face, he watched as his brother’s face partially shifted between that of a bear and a man. Closing his mighty jaws, with a calming breath Doyle forced his bear back down. Opening his eyes, he watched as his brother held himself still in the presence of his Alpha’s anger.

  “Now you listen to me,” The words surfaced with a rumbling growl. “This isn’t a favor nor is it me asking you as your brother. This is an order from your Alpha and if you fight me on this I will personally kick your brown bear hide from here to Antarctica. This person we want you to track down helped terrorize and hurt people like what they did to my mate. As long as they are out there; my mate will never be safe. You will do this for me.”

  “That’s enough!” storming up to the both of them, Aria attempted to shove between Doyle and his need to make Robert submit to his will. Alphas could be so dramatic.

  Jerking his hand away he let his brother slid arou
nd him until Aria stood between the both of them. Turning his glowing eyes on his incensed mate, his lips peeled back in a snarl. “Don’t interfere, Aria. This is—”

  “So help me, Doyle; if you say “This is none of my business because I’m just a delicate female”, I promise you I will make you walk down to that river and drown you myself!” panting, she jerked away from Doyle as he tried to lay a stilling hand on her. Rage and worry was burning a hole through her every minute they delayed. She knew she must be remembering Doctor Vega for a reason. She had to have information on Malca’s whereabouts. But she refused to allow her need for answers to cause issues with Robert and Doyle. “Forget it.”

  “Aria…” Doyle began as he gently reached out to her.

  “No.” she shook her head, shrugging off his comforting hands. “This was a bad idea, Doyle. I’ll just go myself.” She stated stubbornly.

  Doyle’s eyes hardened at her words. “Malca is searching for you every day. I’m not about to let you out of my sight for a second.”

  “Refresh my memory; who was stupid enough to get captured by Malca last time you didn’t listen to me?” Opening his mouth to argue, Doyle paused before snapping it shut. “That’s what I thought. Look; there has to be a reason that my memories are pointing towards Doctor Vega. We need information, because I’ll be damned if I’m going to hide from Malca for the rest of my life.”

  “I’ll do it.” Robert bit out, breaking the conversation between the two in front of him. Rubbing his neck absently, he glared at Doyle before turning his softening gaze on Aria. Catching the demons of her past was important, not just for his new sister but for the others that were still within Malca’s clutches. Grinding his teeth together he rubbed his hands over his short hair before taking a step toward Aria.

  “You don’t have to, Robert.” She said softly.

  Grinning, he huffed out in humor. “Yeah, I do. Cause if I don’t, your good-for-nothing mate here will never leave me alone to enjoy my vacation.” He grouched, hiking a thumb towards Doyle.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. I have a condition to doing this, Aria.”

  Ignoring Doyle as he snarled at Robert’s tone, she tilted her head in acknowledgment. “What would that be?”

  “This is strictly a UPS job. I will grab this guy, bring him to you two and then I get back to my two weeks of nothing. Deal?”

  Glancing toward Doyle, Aria waited to see if he would have any argument to Robert’s terms. Shrugging his shoulders, Doyle waved his hand slightly in silent agreement. Turning back to Robert, she nodded. “As long as I never have to see your naked man parts again, we have a deal.” She smirked at him as Doyle snickered from behind them.

  “Great.” Bending down, he retrieved the file from the ground. Holding it up, he flashed his new sister a wolfish grin. “Time to go hunting,”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Unfolding herself from the back seat of the taxi, Gabriella jerked her purse and laptop bag over her shoulder. Barely stopping long enough to acknowledge the taxi driver’s words as he wished her good night, she rushed toward the door of her two story apartment building. She was so consumed by her thoughts that she barely remembered hitting the elevator button or getting inside. As the elevator chimed and the doors slid open, she found herself jerking to attention.

  Stepping out onto her floor, she couldn’t help but recall what she’d done. She’d finally done it. Though there was no way for her to stand up to Malca without risking her life, she’d struck back at her in her own way. Her hand tightened on the strap of her laptop back to reassure herself that it was still there. She had finally worked up the courage to do the right thing. Her heart raced with terror as she imagined what Malca would do once she found out. Malca wouldn’t risk her going public with the truth; that much she knew to be true. She needed to act fast.

  As her apartment came into view, she made quick work of the lock before shoving the door open. Carefully, she entered her apartment before closing the door behind her. Reaching out, she turned on the lamp that sat on a table by the door, chasing the shadows of her living room away. Turning around, she hastily flipped the bolt lock on the door. The sound of the lock engaging gave her little comfort. Though Malca hadn’t shown any hint of knowing what she was up to, Gabriella wasn’t about to sit at home and wait for her. Moving across the small space to the short hall, she shoved her bedroom door open.

  Tossing her bag and purse onto the unmade bed, she moved to the closet. Grabbing her old book bag from its dusty corner she began ripping clothes from their hangers. Shoving them inside the bag, she moved toward her dresser. One after another, she went through each drawer. Taking only what she absolutely needed.

  Closing the last drawer, her eyes were drawn to the framed picture that sat on top. It was a picture of thirteenth birthday party. On either side of her were her mom and dad, smiling at her reaction to her gift. It was the last picture that she had of her mother. Gripping the photo she added it to the bag without hesitation.

  Moving back to the living room, she deposited her bags near the door, leaving them ready for her urgent departure. Turning back, she strode to the coffee table to pick up the cordless phone she’d left there the day before. Dialing the number of a local taxi company she made plans to get out of the city as quick as possible. After confirming that her ride would arrive within fifteen minutes, she tossed the phone aside.

  Rubbing her shaking hands over her face, she began to pace the length of the room as her anxiety built higher. Nothing in that moment could calm the fear that flooded her veins. Once she was on a plane, far from Malca’s reach, she knew she’d be able to breathe easier.

  Fear began to get the best of her as she moved toward the locked door. Pressing her hands against the smooth surface, she leaned forward to look out the peep hole. From her view, she could see that no one lurked outside. She was safe for the moment, but for how long?

  Pressing her forehead against the door, she closed her eyes. She had to be brave. It wasn’t her best quality, but she had no choice. The robbed voices of the countless victims of Malca’s madness were what pushed her on. It was up to her to stand up and cry out against what Malca was really doing. But as much as she wanted to paint Doctor Malca as the villain, she knew that she wasn’t blameless. After all; it was her that had helped to developed the enhancement serum for Malca in the first place. There was as much blood on her hands as there was on Malca’s. She had to make things right somehow.

  The creaking of the floorboards behind her was the only warning she got as a cold voice rumbled out, “Keep your hands where I can see them and turn around.”

  The fine hairs at the back of her neck stood erect as her mouth grew dry and her stomach knotted. Her chest ached as her heart pounded out of control with fear. She was too late. They had come for her. Her mind rushed to think of something, anything that would get her out of this alive. There was no way she could outrun whoever was behind her and with no weapon to speak of; fighting back was not an option either.

  “Do as I said.” The voice demanded roughly as heavy footsteps echoed closer behind her. Seeing no other option, she complied. Releasing a shuttered breath, Gabriella raised her hands to the level of her face before slowly turning around. Coming face to face with the man that surely meant to kill her, she found herself surprised. He didn’t look like any of Malca’s soldiers that she’d seen before.

  Everything about him caused her to pause. He was dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt that lovingly molded to the solid muscles of his arms and chest. He possessed dark hair that was cut in a short style. A light dusting of hair ran along his upper lip and outlined the angles of his jaw. His eyes were bright hazel that seemed to glow in the low light. He held no weapon trained on her, but she could see a handgun holstered at his right hip. The way he held himself told her that he was no soldier, nor was he a killer, he was much worse. He was a dominate male. Unyielding strength and raw power poured off him in waves. If she ran or fought b
ack; he would make her sorry. There was no way she could win against such an opponent.

  “Are you done gawking?” he asked in a harsh tone.

  Mentally shaking herself, she scowled at her behavior. There was a possible, deadly killer standing in front of her and here she was taking the time to check him out? Ugh!

  The floor slowly creaked as the man took a slow step towards her. Watching him, dropping her hands to her sides, she shrugged her shoulders. “So what happens now? You just plan on shooting me?”

  He chuckled. Shaking his head, his hand patted his holstered weapon. “This is a last resort. I can do my job without it. Now; step away from the door. It’s time that you answer for what you’ve done.”

  The combination of fear and anger rose up inside her. She had to answer? How could this man talk about killing her like she was a child being scolded? “You won’t get away with this, you know. All I have to do is scream and my neighbors will be knocking down my door in a matter of seconds.”

  “Not if I gag you first.” He threatened.

  “How can you do this? Don’t you know the type of person you are working for? Do you even know how many people she’s killed?” she hissed out, ignoring his threat.

  “Bit judgmental aren’t you?” he asked, raising a brow at her. “Come on; don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be.”

  “You’re truly crazy if you think I’m just going to obediently do anything you say.” She hissed out, fighting the urge to run.

  His lips tightened with impatience. “If you want to make this harder on yourself—that’s your choice.” Quickly, he took the final three steps towards her. Gabriella recoiled as he suddenly stopped in front of her. His hand roughly bit into her arm as he jerked her away from the door. Not about to go down easily in her own home, she fought back. Never having taken a defense class in her life, her strikes did nothing but irritate him.


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