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Big, Bold & Bearing (Grizzly Affairs Book 2)

Page 10

by Magenta Phoenix

  It was a pure miracle that she wasn’t stripped and claimed by him already. The walls of his mind felt like a scratching post for his foul tempered bear, but he intended to stick to his original plan. Get rescued, dump Dr. Vega in Aria’s lap as promised and be done with it all. So why did he suddenly feel like he was mortally wounded?

  After setting the false trail for their hunters, Robert had returned to their camp. He had been prepared to remain aloof, refusing for their shared kiss to change his mind. But to his surprise it was Gabriella that wished to ignore what had happened between them. After splitting a protein bar between the both of them, he made a bed for her out of his spare clothes as a silent peace offering. How did she respond to his thoughtfulness? By simply uttering a harsh goodnight and ignoring him ever since.

  Sighing loudly with irritation, Gabriella began to shift on her pallet once more. Unable to take it another minute, Robert couldn’t remain quiet any longer. “Settle down already.” He grumbled.

  Settling onto her side to face him, Gabriella shot him an exhausted glare. “Forgive me, but I’m not used to sleeping in the dirt like some animal or like you.” She bit out.

  “Ouch. That hurt.” He responded dryly. “You may need to check me for wounds later. Your tongue is sharper than any knife I’ve seen.”

  When she rolled her eyes at his sarcastic tone, he couldn’t help but smirk as she growled something under her breath before promptly turning over onto her opposite. Staring at the smooth line of her back, he felt his lips spread into a full blown smile. Though she would most likely deny it; he’d rattled her cage earlier with their kiss. She didn’t know to act around him and it seemed like she’d chosen to flash her sharp tongue at him once more. Even if he did find it adorable, it made no difference to him.

  Rising to his feet, edging around Gabriella’s curled form, Robert made his way over to the crest of the hill. Looking down, his eyes cut through the darkness with little effort and took in everything in sight. Luck was on their side for the moment. Malca’s soldiers had yet to discover their location and if they were lucky, they would remain hidden until they were rescued.

  Stepping back, he turned with his eyes immediately seeking out his little human. With her eyes squeezed shut, her balled up fists were clenched against her chest as small tremors racked her limbs. Crouching down next to her, he felt his concern growing. Was there something wrong with her?

  “Are you alright?” He asked gently.

  Not bothering to even open her eyes, she simply replied, “I’m fine.”

  His eyes darkened. Even if he couldn’t smell it, her words were obviously a lie. Reaching out, his large hand gently touched her face. To his surprise, her skin was cold to the touch. Her big brown eyes jerked open at the touch of his fingers against her cheek. Narrowing her eyes at him, she brushed his hand away.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  “You’re cold.” He said with realization.

  Scoffing, Gabriella shook her head at his assessment before she moved into sitting position. “I’m lying on the cold ground. It stands to reason that I wouldn’t be toasty warm, idiota.” Shrugging off his concerned gaze, she mumbled softly, “I’m fine, don’t concern yourself.”

  Inside his mind, Robert could feel his bear snarling in rage. Not at Gabriella—but at himself. Shifters naturally could withstand virtually even the harshest of temperatures better than the human body could. With the sun set, the warmth of the day had faded. He could feel the slight chill in the air around them, but he hadn’t even noticed it until now. He gritted his teeth at his own stupidity. Why hadn’t he considered that she’d need some extra warmth?

  Standing, he moved under the ledge where he’d stored their bags for safe keeping. Sifting through his bag, he could find nothing that she could use to cover up with, not unless he took away what she was laying upon. Tossing his bag aside he snatched up Gabriella’s bag from earlier. Beyond some personal items and toiletries, there was nothing. Gabriella was in for an uncomfortable night unless there was something he could do.

  There is something we can do…his bear whispered knowingly.

  Grimacing Robert tried to ignore the way his body enflamed at what his bear was suggesting. It would keep her warm through the night, but could he trust himself to not claim her if he did? What choice did he really have? Even with the slight chill, she could still get sick. There was no choice.

  With a plan in mind, he moved back toward Gabriella who watched him warily as he approached. She wasn’t going to like him in a minute, but she would have no choice if it meant staying warm. Never breaking eye contact, Robert quickly jerked his t-shirt over his head before allowing the material to drop at her feet. He felt a strange level of satisfaction as Gabriella’s eyes widened and her mouth parted in a gasp.

  Things were about to get interesting…


  Frozen, Gabriella watched as Robert began stripping in front of her. Fighting against the blush that began to heat her face, she struggled to control her racing heart. Robert smirked down at her with amusement as he obviously was enjoying her embarrassment. Narrowing her eyes, her mouth parted as she was prepared to scold him for whatever he was doing, but she found herself speechless.

  Without uttering a word she watched as he strode towards her sleeping pallet. Dropping down beside her was all it took for her flight response to kick into gear. Startled, she quickly edged away from him. She didn’t know what his game was, but she was for certain that she wouldn’t like the outcome.

  “Lay down.” He said, patting the very thin space between them. Not willing to trust the combination of his amused smirk and that strange warmth within his eyes, Gabriella shook her head as she slid towards the opposite side of her pallet.

  “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you can find your own bed, Mr. Mackenzie.”

  Without so much as a blink, Robert’s hand shot towards her in a blur of motion. She gasped in surprise as his hand fisted at the back of her shirt before she was jerked down onto her back. Her wide eyes looked up at him as he settled on his side to face her. Roughly, he slid one arm beneath her shoulders, his other hand then curled over her hips as he moved her to onto her side until she was nose to nose with him.

  Holding her close, Robert detested how she held her body stiff against his own. “Relax.” He whispered, drawing her closer into in arms. He couldn’t say he wasn’t surprised to feel her hands shove between them as she struggled to push him away.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She gasped out when her efforts got her nowhere.

  “Hush.” He said in a clipped tone.

  Gently his hands moved up and down her back in a soothing caress, leaving her trembling. To say that she had no idea what he was doing would be a lie. Just as with the kiss from earlier, his gentle touch stirred a reaction from her. This was a reaction that she had never felt before and one that she shouldn’t allow either. She wouldn’t allow some man she barely knew; much less her kidnapper, try and take liberties with her.

  “Let me go.” She hissed out, shoving experimentally at his solid chest once more. Dang, it’s like pushing a mountain!

  “Stop squirming and calm down.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do.” She said, trying once more to twist out of his arms with no success. Breathing heavy once she’d tired herself out, Gabriella met at his hard gaze with one of her own. “What do you think you are doing?”

  His nose bumped along hers as his face dipped closer. “What’s it feel like?” his question whispered a mere inch from her lips.

  Somehow, Gabriella found the self discipline to prevent her eyes from dipping to his hovering mouth. The memory of their earlier kiss was seared into her brain and like a burn, leaving behind a pulsing ache that couldn’t be ignored. She refused to allow herself to soften towards him.

  “It feels like assault.” She bit out, pursing her lips in anger.

  Much to her surprise, Robert threw back his head as laughter shook his ches
t. As his laugher faded, a heavy sigh escaped his lips. “If things were different, I may consider keeping you.”

  “Why?” She scoffed.

  “Why your playful and entertaining banter; of course,” He replied mockingly.

  Rolling her eyes, she shook her head at him. “Go find someone else to converse with, I’m not interested.”

  All at once, the playful glimmer in his eyes vanished and was replaced with a look of sad acceptance. “Don’t you worry about that,” he sighed. Pressing her face against his bare chest, his chin rested against her head.

  Quickly, her body began soaking up the warmth of the body she was pressed against. Beginning to warm up despite the chill around her, Gabriella felt herself softening in his embrace. While the silence stretched on between them, she no longer tried to break free from his arms.

  “Why are you holding me like this?” She finally asked when she could abide the silence between them no longer.

  “Not for the reason you are thinking. I am simply sharing body heat with you; nothing more.”

  “Why would you care if I was cold?” Pulling back, Robert gazed down at her with a torn expression. Deep down, Gabriella could see he wanted to say something to her, but something prevented him from doing so.

  Squeezing his eyes close, he shook his head. When his eyes opened again, they held their familiar guarded look about them. “What’s it matter?” Sighing he rested his head against the ground. “Get some sleep, tomorrow we’ll be out of this mess and you won’t have to see me again.”

  Relaxing against his chest, Gabriella couldn’t help but feel a twinge of regret at his words. Despite everything that had happened, she felt safe with Robert. Safer than she’d ever recalled feeling before and it drew her to him. Even if it was just simple survival instincts, she felt connected to him in a strange, unexplainable way.

  “A while back, you said that when you returned that you would answer any questions I had about you.” Instantly, she could feel Roberts arms tighten around her as his heart began to gallop against her ear.

  “Not now.”

  Tilting her head back, she looked up at his guarded expression. What was he hiding? Unwilling to back down from her pursuit for answers she pressed. “You gave me your word, just as you promised you would protect me for however long I needed you. Perhaps your word isn’t worth much in the end.”

  Offended at her assumption, he glared down at her. “I keep my word.” He hissed out between clenched teeth.

  She shrugged her shoulders, unconvinced. “Then prove it. Answer a few of my questions.” She argued.

  Groaning, Robert’s arms fell away from her as he rolled onto his back. Keeping his eyes on the dark outstretched tree limbs above, he sighed. “One question and one answer for tonight,” He bartered firmly. Inwardly, Robert groaned at what he’d just offered. What if she asked about what she’d saw? Rules about revealing the secret of shifters was forbidden and would put Gabriella’s life in danger.

  Not unless we claim her as ours… his bear whispered with temptation. Before he could argue with his bear’s logic, his focus was jerked as Gabriella’s hand slapped gently against his hard chest.


  With his stomach tied in knots with apprehension, Robert nodded. “Alright, ask your question.”

  “Why did you kiss me?”

  His brows drew together as his eyes narrowed with confusion. “That’s your question? Why did I kiss you?”

  Nodding, she raised an inquiring eyebrow while smirking at him. “Yes. I want to know, so—out with it. Why did you?”

  Reluctant to answer, Robert found himself pondering the same question. Why did he kiss her? Of course there were the obvious reasons; but it wasn’t the real reason. He supposed the real reason was because deep down, he knew she was his and the draw of a true mate was nearly impossible to ignore.

  Then don’t ignore it, idiot. His bear grumbled.

  We’re not meant to have a mate; especially someone like her. It would be a mistake and you know it. Robert replied grimly.

  Your logic is your shield. You can’t hold onto the past if you want to reach for a future.

  Robert found himself shocked at his animal’s wisdom, but he found that he couldn’t accept it. No future awaits us, my friend.

  Pushing his beast away, he turned his focus away from his jumbled emotions and back to Gabriella who awaited his answer. He couldn’t tell her the real reason, but he could tell her something.

  “I’m drawn to you.”

  Drawn to me? What do you mean? A few days ago you probably didn’t know I existed. How could you be drawn to me?” She reasoned.

  “You’re a flame, Gabriella.” He began. “And like a moth, I am drawn to you; to your light, your sass, your inner strength and your beauty. That’s why I kissed you. For a moment, I could pretend that things were different. But you are a dancing flame to me and to be touched by you would only bring pain.”

  Unable to speak, Gabriella simply stared up at him in silence. She had her answer. But instead of it easing her curious mind, it only made her want to question him more. Instead of charging at him with more questions that pressed on the edge of her tongue, Gabriella laid her head against his chest once more.

  Her questions could wait until tomorrow. Thoughts of learning what Robert really was gave her something to focus on other than his confusing words. Not willing to dwell on it, she closed her eyes and allowed the sound of his heartbeat and the warmth of his embrace to lull her to sleep.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Coming awake; the first thing Gabriella became aware of was the warm chest that her cheek rested against. The spicy male scent filling her lungs with each breath caused her eyes to jerk open as memories of the previous night came flooding back. Robert had held her all through the night in an effort to keep her warm, but with the sun shining over them, she found she no longer needed his warm embrace.

  Sneaking a look at him, Gabriella found herself smiling at the sight of Robert’s relaxed, sleeping face. Shifting her arms from in between their pressed bodies, she carefully moved her hands up to push against his chest. Even in his sleep, Robert’s arms still remained like steel bands around her, completely unyielding. At once she could feel the heat of his gaze as she attempted to shift out of his arms once more. Tilting her head back, she stared up into a pair of clear blue eyes that still appeared clouded with sleep.

  “Thank you.” She murmured.

  Blinking down at her, he gave her a bewildered look. “For what?”

  “For keeping me warm last night.” Shifting in his tightly wrapped arms, giving him a silent hint that she wished to be let go, Gabriella was confused when he still held her. “You can let go of me now.”

  Closing his eyes, a wince furrowed across his brow before he gently replied. “You make it sound too easy.”

  Arching a brow at him, Gabriella found herself thinking back on his words of last night. Swallowing against the sudden lump of nervousness in her throat, she asked, “Why shouldn’t it be easy?”

  Before he could respond the sound of a snapping branch broke through the silence. Acting on instinct, Robert quickly rolled Gabriella beneath him while reaching for his gun at his back.

  “Don’t even think about it.” a familiar voice warned. “Show me your hands.”

  Without needing to turn to look, he knew who had found them. He’d failed to protect her and now he had practically handed her over to Wyatt for slaughter. Looking down, his eyes saw Gabriella stare up at him with fear. Her breasts rose and fell in panicked breaths as her heart raced.

  For a moment, Robert considered ignoring the hard warning and defending Gabriella in any way possible. But the feel of the hard muzzle of a gun pressing into the back of his neck prevented him from pulling his weapon free. Realizing that there was nothing he could do, Robert slowly allowed his reaching hand to fall away from his back.

  Twigs snapped and the grass rustled as Wyatt bent over their prostrated bodies before taking p
ossession of Robert’s gun. As he moved with lazy and confident steps, Gabriella turned her fearful gaze on Wyatt as he came to stand at their side. Flashing a smug look, he tossed Roberts handgun aside.

  “Isn’t this sweet…” he mused mockingly while aiming his gun at Robert. Without his aim wavering, Wyatt then turned his attention on Gabriella. “I never expected to find you like this. It almost makes me want to cry.”

  “If you even try to hurt her—” Robert growled out as he hovered protectively over Gabriella’s small form.

  Scoffing, Wyatt cut off Robert’s growling words. “Or what? I though you said she was just a job? From this—” He sneered, waving his weapon at their present position. “I doubt it.”

  With a shrug of his shoulders, his free hand reached up to press against the small ear piece that he wore. Keeping his eyes locked on them, he said, “Target acquired. Eastern sector, before the river,” Dropping his hand, he motioned at them with a beckoning gesture. “On your feet, both of you,” Anticipating that Robert wouldn’t play along, Wyatt moved his aim to Gabriella; drawing a fearful gasp from her lips. “Try anything and she dies.”

  Carefully, Robert lifted himself off of Gabriella as she looked up at him fearfully. Gripping her wrist he pulled her up onto her feet with him. Before releasing his hold on her, while keeping his gaze averted from hers, he whispered, “Don’t say a word if you want to get out of this alive.”

  Without another glance or uttered word, Robert turned stiffly away from her. Looking up at his hard expression, Gabriella found that she couldn’t fight against the wave of hopelessness that surrounded her. Standing stiffly beside her, Robert made no effort to look towards her or even offer a gesture of hope in their bleak situation. If he had a plan to get them out of this, he certainly didn’t look like it. Instead he stood beside her like he was in court awaiting the judge’s decision.


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