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Love's Ride (McCallister's Paradise Book 4)

Page 20

by Rhondeau, Chantel

  “Shane, I already told you, we can discuss appliances next quarter.” Matt looked across the table and raised one eyebrow. “Unless you keep pestering about it, in which case I won’t be willing to talk about it until first quarter next year.”

  Shane clamped his lips together and nodded, causing everyone to laugh.

  Everything was light and fun, and Brad truly enjoyed being with his family in a way he never had before. There was only one problem.

  Chelsea had been quiet all evening, not speaking to him on the car ride over. He hadn’t been too concerned about that, figuring it was her fear of cars causing her to be nervous, but her outlook hadn’t improved since they arrived. If anything, it had become more tense and strained. Sydney and Sierra hovered around her as if she were a wounded bird they had to protect.

  Something was going on with his lady, and Brad hated that he didn’t know what it was. He was sure she’d tell him when she was ready, but in the meantime, he wished they could slip away to talk without everyone wanting to hear it. One thing about having a big family who wanted to make sure each member stayed happy—they meddled and thought it was within their rights to know everything.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered in the middle of Quinn telling a story about one of his gallery’s patrons. “I’m worried about you. Is your neck hurting?”

  She shook her head. “Larissa’s doing a great job. I’m not really in any pain anymore.”

  That was a relief. He hadn’t yet told her, but surgery on his rotator cuff was finally scheduled for the last week in May. He’d need her healed, because he hoped she’d agree to stay over at his place and help take care of him while he recovered. The doctor had cautioned that it would be critical to follow postoperative instructions exactly, or Brad could reinjure it and find himself needing a second surgery.

  At least his other shoulder was doing better, allowing Brad to function normally for the most part. All in all, he continued to be grateful for whatever gave him the strength that day to pull Chelsea up. A few weeks at home, and already he couldn't imagine his life without her.

  “Hey, everyone,” Sydney called, getting their attention when the laughter at Quinn’s story died down. “The newest member of our family has already become an important part of it. It’s obvious how happy Chelsea makes Brad and vice versa. I just want to say how much we love having you here and we hope you stay. You are part of the family no matter what.”

  Beside him, Chelsea stiffened and her eyes went wide. She shook her head vehemently. “What are you doing?”

  Sydney leaned forward so Chelsea could see her from the other side of Brad. “I’m not doing anything. It’s just that no matter what your future brings, I hope my brother isn’t stupid enough to let you slip through his fingers.”

  “Oh, trust me,” Brad said. “I’m not. Chelsea will be around for a long time.”

  He thought that would make her smile, but Chelsea’s frown only deepened.

  Across the table, Quinn exchanged a knowing look with Larissa. What in the world was going on? Although Brad wanted to force Chelsea to talk to him, he had a feeling whatever was going on shouldn’t be discussed in front of his entire family—even if some of them seemed to already know.

  From her spot at the head of the table, Susan clinked a fork against a glass, getting everyone’s attention. “We’re happy to have Chelsea here too. I think she makes a great addition to our family. That said, you’re going to have to keep the traditions of family dinners going on your own. Maybe you can have them out at Parker and Sierra’s house.”

  “What?” Brad exchanged a wide-eyed stare with all his siblings.

  Quinn leaned forward, shaking his head. “What does that mean? Why can’t we have dinners here still?”

  “We’re leaving,” John announced to the astonishment of his children. “Mom and I have booked a tour of Europe, and we’ll be gone for a month.”

  “We want to be here when Larissa gives birth,” Susan explained, “but you all know Dad and I want to travel more. The island has been our life for such a long time, but we feel like you’re ready to take over without our interference.”

  “I’m proud of you,” John continued, looking each of his children in the eyes. He saved Brad for last, holding the gaze. “Especially you, son. You’ve finally found your place in this family. With the way things have been going lately, what with Matt helping in the office and everyone pulling their weight in other areas, I finally feel like I can fully retire. No more babysitting to keep you kids from squabbling at one another.”

  Brad smiled across the table at Quinn, knowing his prior animosity for ‘the Golden Child’ had been something their dad often worried about. “Sorry for being such a pain,” Brad said when he looked back at John. “You and Mom should have been able to take this trip long ago.”

  Sydney raised her hand, getting their dad’s attention. “What about the idea I had? You said you’d think about it. Now you’re leaving without even telling the others?”

  “It’ll be up to your fiancé and your brother now,” John said. “But I think they should consider it.”

  “What idea?” Brad felt like he’d been left in the dark, or perhaps he’d been too wrapped up in his new relationship.

  “I want to hold a contest,” Sydney explained. “Families around the world can enter for a chance at the trip of a lifetime, an all-expenses paid vacation on McCallister’s Paradise this December when the Adventure Palace is finished. I think a contest is a good way to spread the message that our island is more family friendly. When most of the people find out they didn’t win, they still might plan to come here. If we do it for December it’s slow then anyway, so we won’t have to turn away paying customers to give the winning family one of the bungalows.”

  Brad looked down the table at Matt. “You already knew about this?”

  “Yeah. I’d planned to speak to you about it next week at our budget meeting. Sometimes Syd gets overly anxious.” He kissed Sydney’s cheek.

  She sighed heavily. “I guess it can wait for one more night. Tomorrow, we’re talking.”

  Beside him, Chelsea hadn’t spoken a word. She still seemed too tense and he had to figure out what was going on with her. While everyone wanted to hear about the things their parents would do while in Europe, Brad stood, tugging Chelsea up beside him. “We have to talk.”

  * * *

  Chelsea followed Brad from the dining room. Both Sierra and Sydney had given her stern looks as she walked past them, and Chelsea knew they wanted her to tell him the truth. She just didn’t know if that was a good idea. She couldn’t handle it if all her fears were realized and Brad left her. Being in love had been the best thing to ever happen to her, and she didn’t want to lose it.

  Brad led the way through his parents’ house, stepping through the backdoor and leading her around the porch to the side of the house facing the ocean. “Sit down, love,” he said, indicating the wicker furniture against the house.

  Doing as he asked, Chelsea sat on the couch, unable to stop her hands from trembling. The sounds of waves crashing against the beach usually calmed her, but tonight it felt as though they might spell the end of everything good she’d experienced the last month.

  Sitting next to her, Brad took her hand, raising it to his mouth and kissing the back of it. “I know something’s going on. Sydney and Sierra are acting as strangely as you are. Heck, even Quinn and Larissa are being weird. Tell me what’s up?”

  Squeezing back a few tears, Chelsea tried to bolster her courage. It was silly to think Brad would actually leave her over this, but then again, they had yet to discuss their future and make plans. He hadn’t said anything about wanting to live together or anything of that nature. Having a baby meant jumping steps in their romance. She wished she could keep things quiet just a while longer. Everything would change once he knew.

  Seeming to realize her reluctance to talk, Brad put his arm around her shoulder and cradled her to his side, staring out over the oc
ean while the sun sank toward the water. “It’s beautiful out here,” he said. “A perfect setting to spend with the woman I love.”

  “I love you too,” she said softly. “I love you so much, Brad. I don’t ever want to lose you.”

  “You won’t,” he assured her.

  That was easy for him to say, but he didn’t know how much things had changed in the last few hours. She should have been as careful about using condoms as he was, but at the time she honestly hadn’t thought about it. She’d wanted to be with him and nothing else had mattered. Now, she had this wonderful news, but he might not see it that way.

  “You know what your attitude tonight reminds me of?” he asked, stroking her shoulder with such tenderness it nearly made her weep to think she might lose that.


  “You are acting sort of like you did after stealing that satellite phone. You seem distant and secretive.” He looked down, holding her gaze. “I thought we weren’t going to lie to each other anymore.”

  There was so much love in the way he looked at her, even though he knew she was evading the truth. Chelsea had to trust him, trust that what they had was strong enough to get through anything life threw at them. “I don’t want to lie, but I’m afraid.”

  “You never have to be afraid with me. Whatever is bothering you, I’m sure it isn’t as bad as you think it is.” He kissed her tenderly. “Please, love, whatever it is, share with me.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Brad froze, eyes wide with surprise. “Wh-what?”

  She blinked rapidly, heart pounding. “I’m pregnant.”

  Brad pushed out a loud breath, but otherwise gave no indication of his thoughts. “Pregnant? As in you’re going to have a baby.”

  A tear slid over the edge of her eye. He already thought of her as being alone in the situation. “We are going to have a baby. You’re the dad.”

  “Are you happy about it?” His voice was flat and emotionless.

  She glanced up, chewing on her lip. “Yes. Aren’t you?”

  A sudden grin spread his cheeks so wide, she’d never seen him look so radiantly happy. “I’ve always wanted to be a dad.” Wrapping his fingers around her neck, he pulled her close, smothering her mouth with his and holding her tight against his chest.

  After a breathless eternity, he broke away. “Marry me, doc. Let’s start this all off right.”

  She gasped, taken by surprise. “We can’t get married just because of the baby.”

  “It isn’t because of the baby.” He stroked her hair. “It’s because I love you, and I don’t want to waste another second. You’re my future, and I’m yours. It’s time we grab ahold of that and never look back.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, heart full to bursting. He wanted her and the baby. Chelsea knew she shouldn’t have doubted him, but she was still adjusting to the realization that Brad’s love wouldn’t go away. Despite what she’d believed about family and love her entire life, Brad wasn’t going anywhere. “A million times yes. I want nothing more than to be your wife. You’ve given me my life back and I can’t think of a better way to spend that life than with you. I love you.”

  Although it seemed impossible, his grin stretched wider. “How soon can we get married? I want you to be Mrs. Brad McCallister.”

  She winked. “How about Chelsea Taylor-McCallister? I’m used to being my own person.”

  He laughed. “Your name can be anything you want, just so long as you’re my wife. Let’s go tell everyone the happy news. I have a feeling Sydney and Sierra will be overjoyed to help us plan the wedding.”

  “Wait.” Some of her happiness ebbed away, wondering if he was about to get upset. “I have to tell you something else. The girls already know about the baby. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you first, but Larissa’s the one who thought I might be pregnant and she—”

  Brad cut off her explanation with another kiss.

  Once Chelsea relaxed fully and let herself be swept away by how wonderful he truly was, he deepened the kiss until she felt like her insides were made of jelly and all she wanted was to hurry back to one of their rooms and celebrate their engagement.

  He finally came up for air and backed off slightly from her mouth. “There’s no reason to be sorry. I knew something was going on between you girls tonight, and it makes me happy to see how much they care about you. You have a family now, Chelsea. Even if you don’t take my name, as my wife you get my family. You’re a McCallister from now on.”

  Chelsea nodded, squeezing his hand. “I never imagined I could be so happy. Thanks to you, I’ve finally realized that miracles are all around.”

  “We get to be each other’s miracle.” He rubbed her stomach, smiling once again. “And we’ve created this wonderful new miracle together.”

  Chapter 29


  Chelsea stood at the back of the wedding party, palms slick with moisture and stomach crawling with a hundred butterflies. She was about to walk down the beach, stand next to Brad, and become his wife. It was a dream come true. If only the morning sickness she’d been suffering with the last couple months would stay at bay for the duration of the ceremony. That was her only worry, but carrying Brad’s child was worth any amount of discomfort she might suffer.

  Sydney turned from her position in front of Chelsea, Matt on her arm. “Are you sure you don’t want Matt to walk you down the aisle?” she asked for the hundredth time. “I don’t mind going by myself.”

  “I’m okay,” she assured her soon-to-be-sister. “If you don’t walk with Matt it’ll throw the entire party off. Shane’s walking with little Ryan to carry the rings, Larissa’s walking with Quinn, Sierra with Parker, and you with Matt. That’s how Brad and I want it. I’ll be okay.”

  “But what about me?” a deep voice asked.

  Chelsea turned to see her future father-in-law standing behind her in a tuxedo with the purple cummerbund to match the bridesmaid dresses, just like all the other men wore.

  “You look great, Mr. McCallister.”

  “Mr. McCallister?” He quirked his eyebrows, looking a lot like Brad other than the streaks of gray throughout his thick head of hair. “I think it’s time you start calling me ‘Dad.’”

  Chelsea gulped and blinked away a sudden spat of tears. She hadn’t called anyone dad in such a long time.

  “And as your new father,” John continued, “I would love the privilege of standing in for your dad, who might not be here physically, but I know he's watching over us.”

  Without waiting for her to answer, John stepped forward. He reached out, gently straightening the cross around her neck before reaching behind her head and pulling the extra layer of veil over her face.

  She hadn’t planned to do that, as the tradition seemed rather silly considering Brad had seen all of her and she carried his child beneath the farce of a white dress for purity. However, once the veil settled around her and John took her arm, it felt like the most normal thing in the world.

  Beyond that, the feeling that her family was truly watching wouldn't leave her mind once the veil was in place. The reassuring weight of the metal cross against her neck also told her that her grandmother approved. She would have loved Brad.

  As the wedding music started, John smiled. “Are you nervous?”

  “Not about marrying your son,” she answered. “This island is like a matchmaking machine. From you and Susan all the way through your kids, it feels as though everyone finds the person they are truly meant to be with.”

  “But you know it’s up to you and Brad to keep your romance going, right? You have to work at it.”

  She smiled as John echoed the words Brad had told her the day before. “He already learned that lesson from you guys. Trust me, we won’t let our romance die.”

  Sydney turned, flashing a thumbs up. “Here we go, Chels. See you at the altar!”

  John squeezed her arm, leading her forward as strains of the bridal march floated through the breezes coming off the ocean.
He led her down the red carpet that wound through the sand.

  All the guests stood, turning to watch as she and John slowly made their way toward the water where Brad waited.

  Brad’s muscled arms filled out his suit well, and no one would ever guess that he’d had a painful recovery from their mishap on the lava rocks and subsequent surgery. His eyes locked onto hers and the smile gracing his face was enough to calm any nerves Chelsea might think about having.

  His lips were moving, and Chelsea finally figured out that he mouthed, “You’re beautiful, so damn beautiful,” over and over.

  Little Ryan sat on the ground near Brad’s feet, the pillow with the rings he was supposed to watch already safely held in Matt’s hand.

  John stopped walking and the wedding official smiled, knowing they’d decided to skip the part about who would give the bride away since Chelsea had no family left. However, John pulled back her veil, kissed her cheek, and smiled. “I’m glad you’re joining us, beautiful daughter.” He then placed her hand into Brad’s and backed away.

  “Ready?” he whispered.

  She nodded. Ready and the happiest she’d ever been.

  * * *

  Although Brad only had eyes for Chelsea, he couldn’t help but notice Larissa standing at the end of the line of bridesmaids. She kept holding her stomach, and the smile on her face throughout the exchange of vows was more reminiscent of a grimace.

  “The rings, please,” the wedding official said to Matt.

  Matt untied them from their pillow, handing Chelsea’s to Brad.

  “Repeat after me,” the officiate started.

  Brad shook his head. “Chelsea, I’m so sorry to do this, but I think we need to skip this part.”

  Her eyes narrowed for half a second before she smiled. “I’m sure you aren’t leaving me at the altar, love, so what’s going on.”

  He jerked his head toward Larissa. “Our niece is on her way.”


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