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Page 2

by Marilyn Campbell

  “I’m not sure what’s funnier,” she said breaking into his thoughts, “the fact that you’re still wearing a tie or that you just now thought to lock the door. Though I’ve gotta say, those legs of yours sort of make the tie thing forgettable.”

  He turned back to her with an unembarrassed smile. God help him but just looking at her made his head fuzzy and his cock twitch as though he hadn’t just had one of the greatest climaxes of his life. He could finally stare right at her like a horny adolescent without worrying about being caught. His gaze took a leisurely trip down her luscious curves and back up to the eyes now watching him like he was the hottest man on earth. It made him feel…invincible.

  As he returned to her, however, he couldn’t help but notice that her dress was back in place and, if not for the rosy tint on her cheeks and his being naked from the waist down, he’d wonder if he’d simply fantasized the whole thing. On the other hand, the total contentment he was feeling from his head to his toes assured him that he had not imagined a second of it.

  He cupped her beautiful face in his hands and placed a slow, sensual kiss on her lips. “Thank you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Thank you for putting me out of my misery.” He kissed each cheekbone. “Thank you for threatening to quit rather than go on like we were.”

  She smiled a bit shyly as she wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him back. “It wasn’t a threat. I meant it. But I think I should thank you. I guess you know I wasn’t expecting you to react quite like that.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair and brushed his lips back and forth over hers. He always wondered how she smelled so sweet without using perfume. Now that he was free to be this close to her he realized the tantalizing fragrance came from her hair. He gave in to the long-time wish to fill his lungs with it.

  Cory leaned back a little. “But I do think it was pretty stupid of us to leave the door unlocked.”

  That made him chuckle. “Maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing we’ve ever done together but it wasn’t as dumb as pretending we didn’t want more than a working relationship either. But while we’re on the subject of not being smart, we missed the part where we discuss protection.”

  She shrugged. “Not much to discuss. Neither of us sleeps around and you know I can’t get pregnant.”

  “Right. But this, us finally getting together, makes up for all the not-so-smart stuff. I’m just sorry it took so long to get here.”

  She drew his head down and French-kissed his mouth while her body molded to his. When she released him she asked, “What about those ramifications?”

  He laughed out loud. “I think that issue has been taken off the table. Are you satisfied that my response had nothing to do with a fear of losing you as my assistant?”

  She giggled. “You definitely put that concern to rest…very convincingly I might add. However I am a little confused about how badly you’d been behaving lately. I really thought you were tired of having me around.”

  With a smirk, he took her hand and led her around the desk. “I’ll need to set the stage before I explain.” He took off his tie and shirt and tossed them onto his discarded pants. He watched her gaze slide from his chest to his cock and when she licked her lips blood rushed to his aid.

  Grinning at her blatant look of appreciation, he turned her around so that he could unzip her dress. He wanted to take his time, to slowly unveil his unexpected gift and savor each inch of silky skin as it was exposed to him. His lips planted a trail of kisses across her bared shoulders as he unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. Those sexy shoes, however, needed to stay right on her pretty little feet. He could hardly believe she was his to taste, his to touch…his.

  Cory gasped as Jeff’s hands eased around to the front of her body and cupped her naked breasts for the first time. She couldn’t help but notice that the real thing was so much sexier than her fantasy of his doing this had been.

  He sat down in his big executive chair, pulled her sideways onto his lap and held her in a snug embrace.

  His intention to “set the stage” before explaining himself made her giggle again. “If this is the stage, I can’t wait to see the show.”

  “Be patient, Ms. Servwell, good things come to those who wait.”

  Her nipples puckered in response and he grinned. His head lowered and she leaned back to give him room to do whatever he wished to her.

  His tongue flicked over one peak then the other. While one hand caressed her hip, the other played with her sensitized breasts as he began his explanation. “I was attracted to you the first time I saw you but you were happily married, or so we both thought. I swear, I hired you solely on your abilities. You probably didn’t notice but I couldn’t even let myself touch you.”

  “I noticed. And assumed you were just one of those bosses who observe the sexual harassment laws very strictly.”

  “Hmmph. The ramifications I mentioned had nothing, well, almost nothing to do with laws or corporate rules. No, the real problem was that I knew I couldn’t casually touch you and not need more.” He gave one tit a little squeeze. “Anyway, I managed to keep the attraction out of my head until your husband walked out on you last year.”

  Cory was truly shocked by his confession but she found it very hard to think about that as his fingers trailed down her abdomen and began grazing her thigh, inching closer and closer to her pussy without giving it the attention she now craved.

  “Your ex had you so upset, I figured the last thing you needed was another man jumping into the vacancy before you had a chance to be single and independent again. But as the months went by, I have to admit, it got harder and harder to pretend disinterest. I guess I got a little cranky.”

  “Cranky? That’s sure putting it mildly. So you’re saying I’m the one to blame for your foul moods?”

  He shrugged lightly. “Considering our current position, I’d say we were both to blame. You see, there were all these times that I’d be sitting right here, trying to work, and suddenly I’d see us both naked, with you sitting on my lap. Sort of like this.” His fingers finally made their way between her inner thighs to stroke her cunt.

  She inhaled sharply as her clitoris twitched awake within its folds. “Sort of?” She detected a distinct twitch on the part of his sex as well. “Why don’t you tell me exactly how you imagined us in this office?”

  “You first,” he said with a sparkle in his eyes. His middle finger wiggled its way between her labia and toyed with the swollen button he found there.

  She was amazed that he could make something feel like torture and pleasure at the same time. She squeezed her thighs around his hand then parted them to give him better access. In quick response, his cock swelled beneath her bottom. “Actually, we just played out one of my favorite fantasies. It was almost as if you knew what I wanted.”

  Leaving one hand to play in her valley, he used the other to draw her head closer for a long, seductive kiss. His tongue snaked in and out of her mouth, his teeth nipped and sucked her lower lip then he kissed her as though her lips were the sweetest taste he’d ever known. “I know you pretty well but, as usual, I followed your lead all the way. I’ve never been kidding when I tell people that you’re the real boss here.”

  “Okay, then it’s about time for you to boss me around a little. Tell me what image has been making you so very cranky.” When he still hesitated to share, she slithered off his lap and knelt on the floor beneath his desk. “Am I getting warm?”

  His grin was adorable. “Oh, you are definitely way past warm.” His penis lengthened and gave her a nod.

  “I see. So, here you are, working away, unaware that I’ve been hiding beneath your desk just waiting for an opportunity to surprise you.” When he gave a little cough and shifted in his seat to make her job a little easier, she knew she was on target.

  “Then I would probably run my hands up your legs and unzip your slacks.” She tiptoed her fingers up his legs and roamed around a bit as though performing the service
she’d mentioned before palming his balls in one hand and stroking his stiffening cock with the other.

  His erection was completely firm again within seconds. “Oh my. Now this is impressive. I wonder what you were thinking about that got you so big and hard all by yourself. I don’t think it was that report you were supposedly working on. I bet you were thinking about this.” She extended her tongue and licked his cock from bottom to top then circled the tip and gave it a tiny bite. She gazed up at him, wanting to see his face as she opened her mouth to take full possession. His expression was one of adoration, gratitude and relief, all combined. It was no less than she’d hoped for.

  Continuing to tickle his testicles, she took his entire length into her mouth and held it against the back of her throat as she swallowed and slid her tongue from side to side. Rhythmically squeezing and relaxing her hold on the base of his cock, she slowly sucked her way back to the top of the shaft, swirled her tongue around the cap and poked at the tiny hole in its center. Down her mouth slid again, then back up, down and up again and again, determined to give him the best blowjob he’d ever had on top of fulfilling one of his fantasies.

  She planned to keep her pace slow until he begged her to finish but she found herself getting aroused by her own performance. Playing out this fantasy for him was turning out to be one of the sexiest things she’d ever done in her life. She started sucking faster because of her own building need and was momentarily bewildered when he gave her upper arms a tug.

  “Up,” he said simply and she stopped mid-suck. “Different fantasy.” He gave her another tug and she released her hold on his sex.

  It was easy to envision the next scene of his fantasy because it was another of her own secret desires. She climbed onto the wide chair with one knee on each side of his hips and poised herself so that her pussy was tickling the top of his penis.

  Jeff used his thumbs to open the passage door and her wetness allowed her to completely envelop him in one easy downward slide without any further assistance.

  “Dear god, Cory, this is exactly how I imagined us, only I could never have imagined it feeling this good. I think I could stay like this—”

  His thought was aborted as she raised herself upward, tightening her muscles around him as she moved. “Are you sure?” She swiftly lowered herself on him again. “Wouldn’t you rather I do this?”

  A guttural groan was his first response. But then he took back a bit of control by lifting her lush mounds and suckling each nipple ’til she was grinding her hips into his, seeking her own pleasure as much as stirring his.

  Having already burned off the built-up tension allowed them to go more slowly this round. As she relentlessly fucked his shaft, their hands explored wherever they could reach and their mouths tasted and nipped at will.

  But when he pressed his thumb against her clit and rotated it in one direction then the other, she quickly gave up all thoughts of making it last. Her body seemed to take over in an attempt to release the increasing tightness. Her vagina tensed around his thick cock then relaxed and tensed again, challenging him to a game of who can hold out the longest. That ploy only served to make him work harder to drive her to lose control. As he rubbed her nerve center faster and faster, she rode him harder and harder.

  The heat began at her base but fingers of flame quickly spread out until her entire body was burning for him. As though it would keep her from completely incinerating, she clung to Jeff with all the passion he aroused in her. But there was only one way to put out this fire and that was to give in to it.

  It was impossible to tell which of them began to climax first but they clearly finished together.

  Several minutes passed simply holding each other in sweet silence before Jeff spoke. “You must be hungry. How about I take you to dinner at that Italian place you like?”

  “You mean like a date?” she countered with a smile and an eyebrow wiggle.

  “We may have done it backward but, yes, I’d like to take you on our first date.”

  Chapter Three


  Cory blinked at him across the table. “Excuse me?”

  “Okay,” Jeff said, dropping his napkin over his dinner plate. “What’s wrong with this picture?”

  “What picture?” She knew what he meant but wasn’t quite ready to talk about it.

  “The us picture. The fact that we are both sitting here sans underwear should be enough to have us acting like teenagers but we’re not even talking. I’m happy. Really happy about what happened. So I don’t think this awkwardness is coming from me. Be honest now, are you regretting—”

  “Heavens, no! I finally got what I wanted. Much more actually. But I guess since I never thought it would happen, I never considered what I would do afterward.”

  “Oh.” He gave that some thought. “I guess I should’ve realized you’d need some sort of reassurance—”

  “Stop,” she pleaded gently, holding up a hand between them. “I’m not worried about you making an honest woman of me.”

  “Then what is it? Why aren’t we holding hands and whispering about what we’re going to do to each other as soon as we’re alone again?”

  Cory took a slow, deep breath as she organized her thoughts. “I’m sorry, but I had to figure something out first and I know you’re not going to like my conclusion.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair then reluctantly sat back in the chair. “Don’t keep me in suspense. What am I not going to like?”

  “I need you to accept my letter of resignation.”

  His confusion was evident. “I thought we, uh, satisfied your demands. Pun intended.”

  She smiled and covered his hand with hers. “And you did a damn good job of it too. But now there’s no way I can keep working for you.”

  “What? No, that’s not the way this is supposed to go. You said you couldn’t keep working for me because there was something more you wanted. That’s no longer a problem.”

  She sighed. “Yes, but we created another one.”

  “It might be a little tricky at first but we’re both intelligent adults—”

  “Who won’t be able to keep their hands off each other for a long, long time. And after what we just did in your office, it will be nearly impossible for us to get any work done together in there without picturing…what we’d rather be doing.”

  “I don’t agree,” he retorted though his tone lacked conviction. “Okay, it might take some adjustment time but if any two people could make it work, we could.”

  She arched one brow in disbelief but said nothing.

  Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes for a moment. “Gain a girlfriend, lose my right arm.” He pouted like a little boy and muttered, “You’re right. I don’t like it.”

  She slipped out of one of her sandals and ran her toes up and down his leg. “I guess I’ll just have to convince you to see it my way.”

  A little twinkle appeared in his eyes. “I don’t know. I am really disappointed. It could take you all night to demonstrate the merits of your decision.” He brought her hand to his mouth and placed a wet kiss on her palm.

  A shiver raced up her arm and shot straight to her core. Concerns about the future were instantly replaced by an image of his naked, aroused body. She crooked a finger at him and he leaned closer.

  “I could slide under the tablecloth and start convincing you right now…”

  Jeff paid the check and they were out the door in a flash. The decisions to leave her car in the office parking lot and spend the night at his place were made along the way to his car. In spite of knowing they would be there in minutes, neither could wait quite that long to sample the dessert they really wanted.

  As soon as they were in his car, he pulled her close and covered her mouth with his. With a hunger that belied the amount of time that had passed since they’d last kissed, she sucked his tongue into her mouth and moaned her relief at having a part of him inside her. In no time the kiss became hotte
r, more demanding, until deep kissing was not nearly enough.

  His hand captured her breast and teased her nipple into a hard nub. Seconds later he had her dress unzipped with one shoulder pulled down so that he could get his mouth on her hidden flesh.

  Her need was aroused so quickly she had to clench her thighs to ease the ache. In a frenzy of desire her hands roamed over his hair, groped his back, his shoulders and arms. Her fingers made short work of the buttons on his shirt so that she could tweak his nipple before continuing on down to his crotch.

  Then headlights shone in the window and they forced themselves to remember where they were.

  Fifteen minutes later they were inside his condo and well primed to pick up where they’d left off. His mouth crashed down on hers as he pressed her back against the door. She felt his cock, thick and hard against her abdomen and she knew she wanted that organ ramming into her, right there, right then. “Fuck me, Jeff. Fuck me like your life depends on it.”

  His answer was an animalistic growl followed by the tearing of her dress. She gasped in shock…not at his aggression but by how it excited her. Her bra was on the floor a heartbeat later and he pinned her arms against the door as his mouth went straight for her neck. He licked and sucked then gave her a nip strong enough to be surprising and yet it caused her juices to gush between her thighs.

  Invisible hands held her immobile as his mouth traveled down her body, building her sensitivity with every suck and bite he delivered. By the time he reached her pussy she was already in a red haze of arousal and he clearly knew exactly what he was doing to her. Leaving her no time to think or act, his mouth assaulted her core with another primitive growl of possession. She would have moved against him, rubbed her clit on his teeth, begged for release if only she could. But her mind and body were totally under his spell.


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