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The Guardians Omnibus

Page 33

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  The man fired again.

  A second hole appeared in Blue Spekter’s sweatpants, but it didn’t hurt as much. He put his free hand on his leg to check for wounds, but he felt none.

  “Enough is enough!”

  Quinn glared at the man and shoved him backward with enough force to knock him over and embarrass him. Then he addressed the rest of the officers and agents. “It’s been fun, but I’m out, guys. Oh, and here’s a tip, from one decent citizen to another; don’t ever do this again.” Then, he walked to the doors and pushed them open. The officers and soldiers gathered on the other side of the door aimed their weapons at him but didn’t shoot.

  “I’m not the bad guy, okay?” he said. They looked at one another until their leader lowered his weapon.

  “Thank you,” Quinn said. He flew toward the front doors of the hotel. Halfway there, he spotted Lieutenant Doral. Quinn paused momentarily, ready to scold him.

  Doral sheepishly raised his hands in surrender and looked at Quinn. “I’m really sorry, I had to follow orders. There’s a lot of pressure at HQ to take you down any way we can. Watch your back, Blue Spekter.”

  “Thanks for the tip,” Quinn said, his anger fading at Doral’s unexpected gesture of kindness. He tossed the radio Doral had lent him back to the lieutenant. “It’s time I become the superhero I need to be, once and for all.”

  Then, he made his way out of the hotel. Outside, he flew up and away from the Sheraton as reporters snapped his picture, flying away from downtown in case he was being watched or recorded. When he thought it was safe, he flew low over the buildings to the 100 Club Roof to grab his gym bag and change out of his bullet-torn clothes.



  Blake peeled his eyes open, but the bright lights made him blink several times.

  His body ached, and he felt disoriented, dizzy, and nauseous—he didn’t know if he was sitting, standing, or lying down. His head throbbed at the back and he tried to move, but he couldn’t.

  “Hello?” he tried to say, but his voice failed him.

  He heard a woman’s voice speaking somewhere around him. “I need to know if the implant is going to work. All of Project Genesis II is riding on our success here, and the investors are very interested in the control chip should he become a liability.”

  Is that Mother Superior? Shit, I could really use Quinn’s help right now…

  A moment later, the voice faded, and his mind surrendered to the darkness that encroached on his consciousness.

  2-17 | Coming Out


  INVISIBLE, BLUE SPEKTER STOOD ON the lookout of the largest pier, waiting quietly for Camilla Brenhurst and Phil, her cameraman to finish their late-night report for the local news regarding the hostage situation earlier in the afternoon. No one else was in Prescott Park at that late hour.

  “Police say they have the suspect in custody and that the unidentified phenomenon known popularly as the Blue Spekter remains at large and should not be trusted.”

  He rolled his invisible eyes at her comment, then looked down at the river beneath the pier, confirming that high-tide was in. This should be fun.

  “In addition, Chief Tina Applegate asked news outlets to remind citizens that should anyone come face-to-face with the unidentified phenomenon, they are to call 911. Reporting live from Portsmouth, I'm Camilla Brenhurst for News Nine.”

  With one hand, Phil silently counted her out and Blue Spekter focused, the sound of rushing water surrounding them. Camilla and Phil stared at the rushing Piscataqua River water around the pier as it mysteriously bubbled and frothed.

  “I think we should go,” Phil said nervously.

  “Go?” Camilla asked, astonished. She pointed at the water churning around the deck. “Are you filming this?”

  “Hell no, it sounds like this thing is going to collapse. Let’s get out of here.”

  The news crew turned to leave, but they stopped short as Blue Spekter raised a thick wall of water from the harbor. The water flowed up and over the wooden walkway, cutting off their only escape route to the park.

  “What the hell?” Phil asked.

  Blue Spekter continued to raise a wall of flowing water around the entire lookout deck. It surrounded them and prevented any prying eyes from witnessing their conversation. At least, assuming no one saw the glowing blue wall of flowing water that shouldn’t have been there.

  “Oh my gosh, he’s here. Get the camera ready.”

  “Don’t,” Blue Spekter snapped. “The only way you talk with me is off camera, for the moment. Set the camera down, Phil.”

  Camilla nodded, looking around for Blue Spekter and waving her hand at Phil. He lowered the camera and set it on the deck.

  Blue Spekter appeared where he had been standing, eyes and body shimmering with bright blue light. For added effect, he wore the same bullet hole ridden sweatpants and sweatshirt he had worn earlier during the failed capture attempt at the Sheraton.

  Camilla and Phil took one look at him and stepped back, unsure of how to proceed.

  Blue Spekter raised his hands in surrender to reassure them. “Relax, I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here to set the record straight. If you have questions for me, you should ask them now.”

  Camilla nodded and glanced at Phil, who shrugged. He looked down at his camera, then he folded his arms in frustration.

  “What do you want?” Camilla asked.

  “To help,” Blue Spekter answered. “I’m not here to hurt or hinder. I thought I made that abundantly obvious, but the police think otherwise.”

  “Will you turn yourself over to the police?”


  “Why not?” Phil asked. Camilla glared at him and he shrugged.

  “I haven’t done anything wrong, and I’m not about to let them capture me and do experiments.”

  “Are you human? Where are you from? How did you get your powers?” Camilla asked.

  Blue Spekter chuckled. “Yes, I’m human. I grew up and live around here. A freak accident gave me my powers.”

  “What happened today at the Sheraton? Why didn’t you save those people?”

  Blue Spekter sighed. “This is the part they lied to you about. There were no hostages because it was a total set up.” He explained how the DHS and the local authorities worked together to create a trap for him.

  “Did anyone get hurt?” Camilla asked.

  Blue Spekter shrugged. “Not really, except maybe their pride. However, they shot me up and they ruined my clothes.” He gestured toward the bullet holes in his outfit.

  “Wow,” Camilla exclaimed, looking over the holes in his glowing sweatpants and sweatshirt. “But, you’re not hurt? Are you…bulletproof?

  “Something like that,” Blue Spekter answered.

  “How old are you?”

  Blue Spekter hesitated. If I tell them my real age, they’ll come for me at school…and that will put my classmates in unnecessary danger.

  “I’m old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.”

  “Do you think you’re a superhero?” Phil asked, his tone flat, but curious.

  Blue Spekter smirked, but his bright eyes prevented them from seeing his face clearly. “A superhero dedicates his life to fighting crime, helping keep people safe, and battling super villains. Thankfully, there aren’t any super villains to battle. To answer your question, yes, but it doesn’t matter what I think, does it? What matters is what people think; what you think.”

  “And the police?” Phil asked.

  “They’ll come around, I have faith.”

  “In what?”

  “In humanity. Despite our numerous flaws and aggressive tendencies, I believe we can rise above our faults and failings and become something better.”

  “You’re getting philosophical.”

  “You asked the question.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Camilla raised her hand, and Phil backed off. “Why did you choose to speak with me, Blue Spekt

  “I heard you two talking after the Homeland Security briefing at the police station.”

  Her eyes opened wide. “You were there?”

  “Of course I was there.”

  The news crew looked at each other with surprise. “But there was no one around us when we were talking!” Camilla exclaimed, surprised.

  Blue Spekter pointed to his ear with is left hand. “Super hearing. I didn’t need to be next to you.”

  “So, you eavesdropped?” Phil asked tersely.

  Camilla waved her hand again. “Phil!”

  “It’s okay, he’s right to be annoyed. These powers can be used for good, or for bad. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but when I heard you talking about me, curiosity got the best of me. I’m sorry.”

  “I understand,” Camilla responded.

  “While I’m sad you selfishly think talking to me will boost your career, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, Camilla. I’ll trust you were serious when you told Phil I could speak with you and that you would help get my story out.”

  “And that story is?”

  “Everything I’ve been telling you; that I’m a good guy with good ambitions. I hope you’ve been paying attention.”

  Blue Spekter floated off the ground, signaling his intention to fly away.

  “Wait, how can I reach you?” Camilla asked.

  “You can’t.”

  “Why won’t you turn yourself in?”

  “For the same reason you can’t arrest Superman; you know that’s not how this works. Have a good night.” Then, he rocketed away into the night, the blue trail of light fading behind him as he flew up and over the harbor and headed inland toward Dover, purposely flying away from his house so they couldn’t track him. Behind him, the water walls flowed and splashed down into the harbor, leaving the stunned news crew to discuss their next steps.



  At first, there was nothing, only blackness.

  Then, there was a sensation…then another…and another.

  Slowly, Blake pieced together the sensations he felt; rushing cool air, his hair flapping in the breeze, the extended fingers of his outstretched hand cutting the air like the nose of a supersonic fighter jet.

  I’m flying, holy crap, I’m flying!

  He opened his eyes and saw the horizon in front of him, the green forest below him whipping past.

  It was daylight, and he was flying through the air.

  Laughing, he rolled, soared, and executed various tricks in the air, always bringing himself back to level flight. His super vision provided clarity of sight and he saw the earth beneath him in exquisite detail.

  And then, far in the distance, he saw the faintest hint of a blue light.


  Blake accelerated and tried to catch up, only to find himself pulled downward.

  No, I have to get to Quinn…

  “Quinn!” he shouted.

  He fell—no, he was pulled—to the ground.

  Come on, dammit, fly!

  He shut his eyes and screamed when the ground rushed up to meet him, expecting a painful end.


  Blake screamed and sat up, his eyes blinking at the bright overhead lights. Nearby, people gasped and cried out in surprise.

  Out of breath and struggling to breathe, he clutched his chest, his hand slapping something plastic. He looked down and examined his body. He was shirtless on a medical bed. A white cotton sheet covered his legs and waist. Several electrodes and sensors—one of the plastic things—ran from his torso to various medical equipment next to the bed he sat on.

  “Where am I?” he asked, his eyes noticing motion nearby. He looked around and recognized the white walls of the workroom.

  Dr. Madison stood and walked over to the right side of the bed. “Hi, Blake, you’re still with us here at the Orgonon facility.”

  “What happened?”

  “What do you remember?”

  “I…I was…finishing running…no, I had just climbed out of”—he craned his neck and pointed at the titanium heating chamber—“that thing when…Mother Superior had her men jump me.”

  “Right,” Dr. Madison said, giving him a look that encouraged him to continue.

  “And then they tased me and I blacked out. How long ago was that?”

  “That was Saturday around lunch time. It’s Sunday afternoon.”

  “Wow. So, what happened after I blacked out?”

  “The electrical taser reacted with you in a manner similar to the defibrillator we used on you and Quinn in the hospital after your hearts stopped beating. Only this time, the reaction was much stronger—I assume that’s because your powers are much stronger now, but we can’t be sure.”

  Blake raised his right hand and willed it to ignite.

  It did.

  Thank goodness for that.

  He put out the flames with his mind and then flung the white sheet off him.

  “Oh, sorry,” he exclaimed, frantically pulling the sheet back over his nakedness.

  “I’m a doctor. I’ve seen all that before,” she said, chuckling. She reached over to a side table and handed him a set of folded boxer briefs, gray sweatpants and a matching gray T-shirt, white socks, and a new pair of running sneakers.”

  “Go ahead and get dressed, I’ll let Victor know…”

  “No, don’t,” Blake said, turning his back to Dr. Madison as he dressed, pulling on the boxer briefs and sweatpants.

  “I need to know what happened after I blacked out. I have to know what Mother Superior wants with me.”

  “There are cameras in here, Blake. If Victor is watching, he’ll know you’re awake.”

  The implant…

  The memory slammed into Blake’s mind and he glared at Dr. Madison. “I heard something about an implant.” He turned around to face her, holding his T-shirt out in front of him.

  Dr. Madison’s left eyebrow raised with surprise and curiosity. Blake felt the back of his head and neck with his hands for signs of stitches or a band aid. “Did you put an implant in me?”

  With her left hand, she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear as she shook her head and sighed. “No, thankfully. You should know I disagreed with her mandate, but I’m sworn to follow her instructions. If I refused, they simply would have brought in someone else to try.”

  “So, you didn’t do it?” He pulled the T-shirt over his head and then put on his socks.

  “Oh, believe me, I tried. However, I couldn’t pierce your skin with a needle or scalpel. That brought the plan to a staggering halt. You’re lucky.”

  Blake nodded. “Tell me what else happened.”

  “Of course. The discharge that emanated from your body knocked us all off our feet. It took us a few minutes to process what happened—and to realize you didn’t get up. Needless to say, Mother Superior was not happy and she’s changing the plans.”

  “What does that mean?” he asked, standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Sorry, that’s more of an assumption than known fact on my part. What I do know is that Victor is in hot water, but none of us really know why. There are many layers of secrets in The Order, as you’ll come to find out.”

  “People better level with me if they want my help.”

  “It’s not your help they want, Blake, it’s your abilities. That said, they’ll take your help for now.”

  “What does that mean?” he asked, echoing his previous question. I think it’s time I got out of here for a couple of days. I need to figure out how.

  The door to the workroom slid open and Victor stepped inside the large room. “Blake! Glad to see you’re awake.”

  “You’ve got some explaining to do,” he snapped, gritting his teeth.

  Victor took a deep breath and nodded. “Indeed, I do.”

  “Is Mother Superior going to make an appearance?”

  “No, she’s not here today. She um…do you know what happened?” he walked in and approached where
Blake and Dr. Madison were speaking. The doctor returned to her desk so they could speak.

  “Yeah, she ordered her goons to tase me and it backfired, knocking all of you on your ass.”

  Victor chuckled. “Indeed, well, she’s got a nice bruise on her backside that’s going to be sore for a few days. I’m sure she’ll have kind thoughts for you whenever she sits down.” Then, he gestured with his hand that Blake should follow him. “Come to my office, bud, we have lots to discuss.”

  “I think that needs to wait, Victor.”


  “For starters, your people turned on me and tased me. If that’s not enough, it’s Sunday afternoon and I need to get home. People are going to wonder where the hell I am.”

  “By people, you mean…?”

  Blake looked at him with annoyance. “I’m in high school, Victor, so people means my parents and my boss, for starters. Eventually the school will take notice, too; I can’t keep taking days away from school and work, even though I really want to.”

  “What about Quinn?” Victor asked, regarding Blake with intense curiosity.

  “Sure, he’s people, too, but we both know he’s already figured out where I am.”

  “You could have a much better life within The Order, Blake. Let's face it, it's not like your mother and father are doing the best to parent you.”

  Blake became irritated. “It's one thing for me to talk about my dysfunctional parents, but it’s another for you to speak ill of them.”

  Victor raised his hands in surrender. “Fair enough, I apologize for crossing the line. I only want what's best for you and I think you could do so much for us.”

  “Victor, I have to finish school. Even you shouldn’t want a high school dropout with super powers running around.”

  The man nodded. “You have a point, Blake. I guess I'm getting ahead of myself; I haven’t been in school for some time and I forget what it’s like.”

  “Besides,” Dr. Madison interjected, not looking up from her workstation, “He's a smart kid. Don't you dare let that mind go to waste, Victor. Educate him.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Victor said, smirking. “Okay then, I suppose we could get you back home soon.”


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