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The Guardians Omnibus

Page 128

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “Umm, you know we could do that, right? In fact, I could fly to school every morning.”

  “Mmm…I’ll stick to driving for now. Besides, I thought you wanted normal? Go brush your teeth and get your winter parka, human teenager,” Dad said with a smile.

  Quinn grinned. “See? Clearly I need my dads to wake me up and make sure I get ready for school and stuff.”

  “Are you saying we’re nothing more than your alarm clock?”

  Quinn chuckled. “You said it, not me.” Then, he dashed to his bathroom and brushed his teeth.



  Blake’s anxiety was through the roof as he parked his BMW 8 Coupe in the school parking lot. He shut off the engine and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans.

  He took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly as he glanced at the gymnasium. It had been roped off and surrounded by construction equipment and several sections of scaffolding. Fortunately, it looked like the hole he and Quinn tore through the roof in their epic face-off had been repaired.

  That's good news.

  He watched students bundled in their snow coats, scarves, and gloves amble through the parking lot and make their way through the maze of plowed sidewalks to the school.

  Okay, I can do this. It’s just like any other school day, right?

  He took a deep breath, grabbed his backpack from the passenger seat, and climbed out of the coupe. As he walked away with the key fob safe in his pocket, the car beeped once and automatically locked. Like his peers, he trudged through the slush to the school building. At the entrance, he met up with the campus police officer and Agent Potter, who greeted him and then escorted him through the hallways to his locker.

  Students didn’t recognize him in his snow hat until he pulled it off and stowed it in his locker with his winter coat. A number of students gasped when they saw him, but he smiled at them and hoped they wouldn’t freak out. From what he had been told the night before, the principal used the school’s emailing system to deliver a message of hope and acceptance to the student body and its parents, communicating the same message the DHS and Camilla Brenhurst had scripted for the news. That didn’t mean every student got the message, but it seemed many of them did because no one screamed or freaked out.

  As he changed out his books for his first class, a few of his peers from the track team approached and made small talk with him. The conversation quickly switched to his dark alter ego and his teammates pressed him for details about the control The Order had over him. One student made a lewd comment and asked if it made him bang hot girls as well.

  Blake rolled his eyes and Agent Potter cleared his throat. The students took the hint and went about their morning. He closed his locker and led his escort to the cafeteria, where Ravone waved him over. Blake beelined toward her through the throng of gawking students, but his escorts remained near the cafeteria entrance.

  He lowered his book bag to the floor and sat down. Ravone smiled at him and took his hand in hers and squeezed it gently. “I’m sending you all the positive energy I can today. I know this must be hard for you.”

  He smiled and said, “Thanks.”

  “So, what was it like coming back to ground zero?” Loren asked.

  Blake chuckled and pulled his hand away from Ravone. “I wouldn't call this ground zero, but it's pretty intimidating to be back here. Also, I don't think my deodorant is working very well.” He unzipped his sweatshirt and revealed the sides of his T-shirt were soaked from his armpits down to his waist.

  “Ew, gross,” Ravone said with a smile.

  He winced briefly as he sensed Quinn approaching the cafeteria.

  Nice to know that still works. I thought I would have sensed him farther out, though.

  He looked around. “It hasn’t been that bad. I expected people to freak out or ostracize me. Maybe that’ll come later.”

  Loren shrugged. “The principal’s message was heartfelt.”

  “If you say so, I didn't bother reading it.” Blake said.

  “I do say so,” Loren replied, smiling.

  “You’re too close to it,” Ravone said, biting into an apple. “You wouldn’t be able to see it. But clearly, it’s true.” She waved her hand around the cafeteria.

  A moment later, Quinn and Keegan walked into the cafeteria, holding hands and appearing lost in love.

  “Aww, look at those two lovebirds,” Loren said, giggling.

  Ravone made a little fake vomiting sound.

  Blake chuckled. “Yeah they’re cute. I’m happy for them.”

  “They banged last night,” Ravone boldly asserted as she studied the boys.

  “Eew, gross!” Blake said. “I didn’t need to know that.” He looked at the boyfriends as they approached. “Wait, how do you know?”

  “They have a glow about them. I can just tell these things. Quinn wears his emotions on his sleeves, too. Look at the way he adores Keegan, and how Keegan smiles back at him.”

  Blake grinned. She’s right.

  Quinn and Keegan joined them at the cafeteria table. Blake didn’t notice too many heads turning toward them, which was a good sign. I guess the student body accepted Quinn pretty quick. That’s good.

  They made small talk for a few minutes and double-checked to make sure their schedules hadn’t shifted. Then, Ravone changed the subject.

  “Hey, so after school, we’re all going to Blake’s mom’s house to clean out the booze, right?”

  “We are?” Keegan asked.

  “Yup, we are,” Loren replied, smacking Keegan’s shoulder with her hand.

  “Right, we are,” Keegan responded. “Sorry.”

  Quinn nodded. “You can count on us, Blake. My dads will be there with crates and a U-Haul truck. Should make the job much easier.”

  “Seriously?” Blake asked, stunned at the McAlester’s generosity.

  Quinn nodded. “You didn’t think we were gonna carry all that to the recycling station in buckets, did you?”

  Blake shook his head. “Didn’t know what I was gonna do, to be honest.”

  Ravone spoke next. “Well, that’s settled. I need to go swap out my books for my first class and powder my nose.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Loren said.

  “I got the wrong books, too,” Keegan said. He looked at Quinn, who nodded at him.

  “I’m good. I’m gonna hang here with Blake until the bell rings,” Quinn said.

  “Okay,” Keegan said, smiling. Then, they kissed.

  Ravone made her fake-vomiting sound again as she and Loren got up from the table. The boys laughed and Keegan followed suit. Blake and Quinn watched them cross the cafeteria and enter the hallway.

  “Thanks for hanging back with me.” Blake said. “It’s really weird to be here today.”

  “At least the gym is mostly fixed, right? Won’t be long and people will forget.”

  Nearby, Darien passed by and waved, a massive smile on his face. Kyle and Tony, still in tow, glared at them.

  “Something’s not right,” Quinn mumbled.

  “What do you mean?” Blake asked.

  Quinn took a deep breath and shook his head. “I just have this ominous feeling that he’s up to no good. He’s bullied me for years and suddenly he's acting like we’re best friends.”

  “People change.”

  Quinn shook his head. “Not him. He’s nasty to his core.”

  “Maybe he’s working for Victor now,” Blake quipped. That would be horrible.

  Quinn laughed with him. “Oh my gosh, don’t even suggest that. He’d be so much worse than Dark Flame ever was. That boy has no conscience.”

  “No shit.”

  Okay, I gotta know.

  “So, weird question.”


  “Did you and Keegan, you know, do it last night?”

  Quinn blushed and smiled. “Yeah.”

  Blake chuckled and rolled his eyes. She was right.

  Then, they both paused and looked up at the same tim
e. Overhead, they sensed Ana Maria fly over the school. When she didn’t stop, they both exhaled a sigh of relief as the bell rang.

  “Thank gawd,” Quinn said. “I just want one normal day. Tomorrow, the world can fall apart again.”

  Blake nodded. “Thanks again for not giving up on me. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”

  Quinn looked deeply into his eyes. “I told you. You’re the brother I never had. I love you, Blake.”

  Blake fought tears and smiled at his best friend…his brother. “I love you too, Quinn.”

  5-31 | Epilogue


  MY NAME IS BLAKE HARGREAVES, formerly known to the world as the super villain Dark Flame, but as you know, I’m Helion now. When Quinn asked me to contribute my part of the story, I had no idea how cathartic it would be to journal everything that happened to me. Yes, cathartic is a big word for a seventeen-year-old kid but I learned it as part of an English assignment for Mrs. White.

  Returning to school has been interesting. Most kids chose to forget what I did or don’t understand what happened the day I called out Blue Spekter in front of the student body day. A few remember but they leave me alone, which is fine because I don’t need to be everybody’s friend. Peter and Loren have been instrumental in making me feel welcome and spearheaded an unofficial support group for teens who were/are afraid of me. I think they started dating, too, which is kinda cool.

  When all this started, Quinn had all those crazy ideas about helping and saving people. I scoffed at him and thought I could do better. Of course, I had no idea what dark path my decisions would lead me down. But the past is the past…I can only remember and look forward.

  He and I train a lot with Ana Maria and my powers are stronger. I can fly almost as fast as Quinn, and I can mask my presence and hide from them if I want to. I also figured out how to channel my energy into laser beams like Quinn and Ana Maria can do. Mine, of course, come with intense heat. I also figured out how to use the perception shift power that Nightmare and his thugs used against us. Speaking of Victor, if I ever see that twisted, two-faced asshole again, I’ll rip him apart and incinerate the motherfucker. I don’t forgive him for what he did to me—rather, what horrible person he encouraged me to become and unleashed by eliminating my inhibitions.

  Working with the Guardians has been way cooler than I expected. I thought it would be lame, but Quinn and I have responded to a few local incidents and helped salvage a capsized cargo ship in Boston Harbor. It was weird to be back there, but the news didn’t connect the dots.

  Captain David Prett and his team of nerds have gone back to wherever they come from, but Quinn knows how to contact them. Alex the Librarian switched sides; I introduced him to Agent Hartman, who agreed not to arrest him on sight. Today, he works for The Order as a mole for the Superhuman Task Force. With his level of access, he feeds David and Agent Hartman with information about The Order, which we review in hopes of finding another reactor core to destroy. We found a few office-like locations and provided support for military operations, but no superhumans—or Nightmare—showed up to take over. Unfortunately, it seems killing off the Archimandrion Council didn’t hinder The Order at all. Whatever Victor is doing, new information confirms a new Archimandrion Council, but its membership is a tightly encrypted secret.

  Perhaps the most interesting ally we have is Dr. Madison, though I suspect she’s a mole for Victor. She’s helped the STF by developing initial plans for a SuperMax, a prison that can hold superhumans so we don’t have to kill them. I’m not convinced holding evil villains is wise, though. If SuperMax existed back when I was Dark Flame, I would have done anything to get out. And with that chip in my head, I wouldn’t have cared who I hurt to reclaim my freedom.

  What else…

  Chief Applegate has made me her bitch and reminds me every weekday I report to her that I must atone for my sins. I think I’ve done enough atoning…when does the forgiveness come?

  Speaking of forgiveness, I’m trying really hard to forgive my sister, Elizabeth, for blowing off my dad’s funeral. I reached out to her several times on social media, but she either blocked or ignored me. I get that she’s pissed at my parents, but what about me? I’m stuck dealing with my sick mom, even though she’s still in the psychiatric ward. I gave up trying to find her. If Elizabeth doesn’t want to be involved, she can stay uninvolved. I don’t need to deal with any more disappointment or hurt when it comes to the Hargreaves family.

  Quinn’s dads invited to move in with them, but I declined. I like my space, and I like the freedom of not having parents. It’s not like I had parents when I lived at home—I had drunk, angry, adult housemates.

  However, I’m rethinking my decision. Living in the condo is great, but I moved in when I was Dark Flame, a chapter in my life I’d like to close. I’m afraid that if I move in with the McAlesters, my friendship with Quinn will change for the worse because we’ll be around each other a lot. And then, rules…will Tim and Aren impose rules?

  I guess change is inevitable, right?

  We still want to be college roommates, so I don’t know what I’m afraid of. Maybe I’m afraid of allowing something good to happen in my life. Quinn will have read this when he integrates my chapters into the story he’s writing, so I’m sure in a few weeks Tim and Aren will have converted one of their spare rooms into my bedroom. Funny, I’m grinning as I type this. Maybe I’ve always wanted this. Actually, I know I’ve always wanted the loving family Quinn has. Even if it’s just until the end of high school, I want to know what it’s like living with people who love you…and want you in their life.


  Last but not least, the thing you’re all wondering about.

  Yes, Ravone and I are dating. We’re officially a couple and Quinn would probably say she’s mellowed me out—but honestly, she’s such a good listener. She’s realistic, doesn’t put up with my bullshit, and she helps me manage my emotions when I’m getting depressed or overthinking my mom’s situation. Quinn and Keegan have those boyfriend rings, and I know Ravone pretended to vomit when she saw them, but I’m going to get her a heart necklace; I’ll wear one half, and she (hopefully) will wear the other half. For all the strength and support she offers me and portrays to others, I know she’s got a big romantic heart buried under all those layers of toughness that probably comes from having five older brothers.

  Anyway, I’m rambling.

  I’m just gonna stop writing now.



  My name is Quinton McAlester—known to the world as Blue Spekter—but my friends call me Quinn. Thanks for reading my story, a tale of unexpected teenage superheroes and villains. I wouldn’t have bothered writing the account of what happened if my mentor, Ron St. Germain, hadn’t pushed me into documenting this historical event for posterity.

  After all, it’s not every day you wake up and realize you have the amazing ability to make a difference in the world for good. But, let’s be honest—you don’t need super powers to be awesome…you need a good and kind soul.

  It’s been a few months since the Guardians defeated Nightmare. I turned seventeen a while back and my dads bought me a lapis blue pearl Subaru WRX STI Limited for my birthday. They wanted to put white racing stripes on it and get the vanity plate SPEKTER, but thankfully they had the common sense not to turn my car into a homing beacon. My dads are cute, and I love them so much.

  Keegan and I are doing really well, and I’m pleased to report his counseling helped him deal with the abductions and he’s more comfortable with Blake. Pretty soon, you won’t be able to tell something bad happened between them. I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but one day I want to call him my husband and adopt kids, just like my dads did with me. I would love to wake up next to him every day and smile at his crazy bed head, knowing he was mine and I was his.

  Blake has been busy and has softened quite a bit. I blame that on Ravone—whom he officially started dating. I’m glad it worked out
between them because he’s much friendlier and doesn’t carry the burden of anger on his shoulders anymore. I like seeing my best friend so happy.

  Marcie, his old boss, welcomed him back to Kaffee VonSolln. Even though he doesn’t need the money, he does it to keep busy when he’s not running errands for Chief Applegate. She’s totally made him her personal errand boy in the name of community service. Honestly, though, I think Blake likes it. He’s not used to having routine and a firm hand in his life—and whether Chief Applegate realizes it or not, she’s been more of a parent to him in the past few months than Ralph and Stella ever were. We attended Ralph’s funeral, by the way, but Stella still hasn’t made it home. We cleaned out the house with Blake, but his mom’s mental breakdown set her back quite a bit. Blake dismisses it, but I know deep down it hurts him a lot.

  My dads invited Blake to move in with us, but after the funeral Blake decided he wanted to remain independent and kept his condo. Though I was sad he wouldn’t move in, our friends and us all have a parent-free place to hang out at if we want to.

  What else…

  Blah, the future. Everyone wants me to focus on school work and get good grades for college. I still want to major in English and then get an MFA in creative writing because I want to be a novelist. As for the dating cute boys part I wrote at the beginning of this tale, well, I’m dating the cutest one of them all.

  That said, I still find time to put on my super suit and fly around the city. Crime is down, and Chief Applegate couldn’t be happier. Actually, crime fighting is pretty boring right now, which I guess is good. My dads keep reminding me that I finally have the chance at normal life, but sometimes I miss the excitement of the fall and winter.

  Blake and I train with Ana Maria several days a week, and Blake’s powers have improved. Even though I’m still super-charged and have surpassed many of Ana Maria’s capabilities, I still don’t have telekinesis or mastery of heat and fire like Blake does, and that's fine with me. That’s why I believe we’re supposed to fight evil as a dynamic duo; our powers are balanced between us.


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