Book Read Free

Racked and Stacked

Page 21

by Lorelei James

  “Riss?” Abe prompted.

  “Dude. I don’t have a freakin’ clue.” She sipped her margarita. “Did Ike ask Holt about putting his house on the market? Ike mentioned it was one of the first homes Holt built when he started his own business.”

  “Nope. Ike asked Holt for a job.”

  Riss’s jaw dropped. “A job? Doin’ what?”

  “Honest work.”

  “Honest work. That’s it?”

  Abe nodded. “When we tried to get Holt to tell us more, he got pissy and warned us not to harass his newest employee.”

  “So any light you could shed on Ike’s strange behavior would be appreciated,” Renner said.

  Asking why they believed she had answers would just bring up more questions. Best to keep her mouth shut. She shrugged. “Sorry.”

  Riss’s gaze connected with Tobin’s. She recognized his attempt at keeping his expression neutral. Come to think of it, Tobin hadn’t grilled her on Ike’s recent life changes and choices.

  That’s because he knows the truth. He’s here to make sure you’ve got Ike’s back too.

  “You stayed with him after your accident,” Abe pressed on. “Did you notice—”

  “Ike doin’ lines of blow with high-priced call girls as he called in his horse-racing bets to Vegas? Nope.”

  “No need to be a smart-ass,” Renner cautioned. “We’re wondering if you saw anything that’d help us help him. Maybe he talked about—”

  “Stop right there. If Ike would’ve felt comfortable enough to tell me personal things in confidence, I sure as hell wouldn’t break that confidence and tell you guys.”

  So much for keeping her mouth shut.

  Then three sets of eyes focused on someone behind her.

  Jade had arrived.

  Riss turned and said, “Thank god that you’re here.”

  Except it wasn’t Jade.

  Ike had stopped several feet back. But he wasn’t looking at her.

  “It’s odd seeing the four of you together lookin’ like you’re planning a funeral,” Ike drawled.

  Just then Jade raced from the opposite side of the bar, making a beeline for Riss. “I’m sorry! I didn’t know they planned to ambush you for information about Ike until Tobin texted me.”

  Talk about awkward silence. No one knew where to look.

  Then Ike said, “My friends ambushed you?” as he moved in behind Riss’s chair.

  Riss had no problem throwing them under the bus. “Yes. It was ugly, Ike. A total shakedown. Abe held me upside down by my toenails while Renner beat on my cast with a stick and Tobin blocked the door. But I swear I didn’t tell them about our secret you-know-what.”

  Renner and Abe were confused by her outburst. Tobin snickered and Jade took two steps back. But the only reaction she cared about was Ike’s.

  It seemed an hour passed before Ike smiled at her. “Ain’t fun bein’ a piñata, is it?”

  “Ay, caramba.”

  He laughed. “I missed your crazy alternate realities.”

  She knew the look on her face said, but did you miss me?

  His eyes softened. “Yeah, darlin’, I missed you too. Now c’mere and gimme a damn hug.”

  Relieved, Riss stood and faced him. “You’re still a pain in my ass.” Then she slipped her left arm around his waist and pressed her cheek against his chest.

  Ike’s heart pounded beneath her ear as he pulled her in closer.

  She took a moment to breathe him in. And maybe she indulged in another moment, enjoying how securely and gently those strong arms of his held her. And maybe she figured what the hell, and turned her head in to the curve of his neck to feel the warmth of his skin on her lips.

  When Riss raised her head, she felt Ike’s friends’ curious stares boring into her back, but her full attention was focused on Ike. Specifically on the sexual heat darkening his eyes.

  Holy hell, the guy gave good smolder.

  “This is gonna be intense, sweet cheeks, you sure you’re ready?”

  God. He had the cutest freakin’ dimples. She just wanted to nibble on them.

  “Fuck yeah, I’m takin’ a rain check on that look,” he murmured. Then after bestowing that charming smirk, he kissed her nose.

  “Eww. What am I? A puppy?” she said, letting him face her forward.

  Ike kept his arm draped across her shoulders. “Still got questions?”

  Renner and Abe, who had been so concerned for their buddy’s state of mind, each wore a silly grin.

  Renner said, “Nope. Now it makes sense.”

  Abe just said, “Yep, total sense,” and pushed to his feet.

  Riss had never felt more flustered. But not in an embarrassing way.

  “This don’t mean you’re off the hook, Palmer,” Abe said. “Call me next week when you’re more . . . settled into these changes and we’ll catch a beer.”

  “I’ll try.”

  Renner stopped in front of him. “We need to schedule a conference call with Hugh to hash this stuff out.”

  “I’ve made my decision. I’m only interested in fair compensation. You’ve always been up-front with me. Do I need to worry that’s changed?”

  “No.” He clapped Ike on the shoulder. “I’ll be in touch.”

  When Riss glanced over at Tobin and Jade, Jade mouthed, “Call me,” and blew her a kiss as they took off.

  Once they were alone, Riss said, “Why aren’t you surprised by this ambush?”

  “Because I ambushed the ambushers. Come on. Let’s sit.”

  Ike chose a table for two in the farthest corner. He situated Riss and sat across from her. “Is your arm all right resting there?”

  “Yes. Now would you please—”

  “You drinkin’ the usual, Ike?”

  He glanced up at Susan. “I’m on a budget these days, so PBR.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Riss said, hoping to hurry her along.

  “You seem impatient,” Ike said.

  “Ya think? I don’t hear from you for over a week. I’m waiting for girl time with Jade to pump her for information about you, only to be ambushed by your buddies, who inform me you tossed in the reins for JSC, you ditched your few broker clients and you’re working construction.”

  Ike smiled at Susan but didn’t respond until she left. “You’re surprised?”


  “The ‘life-changing’ conversation ringing a bell?” He sipped his beer, but those intense blue eyes never left hers. “Or didn’t you believe I’d follow through with it?”

  “I hoped you’d take action. A text letting me know what was goin’ on with you would’ve been nice because I was worried.”

  “Sorry to make you worry but I wanted to have this conversation in person.” He threaded his fingers through hers. “How was your week?”

  “Not as exciting as yours.”

  He smiled and swept his thumb across her knuckles.

  Gooseflesh broke out and she suppressed a shiver. “So construction, huh?”

  “Holt complains about guys quitting all the time so I figured he’d have immediate work. It’s part-time for now, but I got a couple other things on tap. I’m mostly doin’ gofer and grunt work. That’s about all I’m qualified to do at this point. But . . . I like it. Feels like I’ve accomplished something at the end of the day.”

  Wasn’t a hardship to study Ike’s handsome face looking so happy and content. “You look good.”

  “It’s a start.” Ike lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the inside of her wrist. “You are a menace, Larissa Thorpe. I think about you all the damn time. I like that you crack me up, piss me off, force me to look deeper, not only at myself, but everything around me.” His gaze roved over her face with reverent leisure, as if he was seeing her for the first time. “You make me want thin

  “What kind of things?”

  “Everything-about-you things. I wanna hear your laughter, earn your trust, hold onto your secrets, your brain and rock your body.” He briefly closed his eyes. “Fuck, do I wanna feel that body of yours all over mine.”

  She could barely breathe when Ike leaned even closer.

  “I want every sweet, dirty, funny, sassy, mean, sexy part of you. I will prove to you that I’m the man you need. So as of right now, you and me are dating.”



  “You’re telling me we’re dating. You’re not asking.”

  “Nope, because you don’t date. I’m giving you something no other guy has.”

  “And what’s that, cowboy?”

  He grinned. “No choice.”


  “Exciting, isn’t it? Us officially being a couple.”

  Tell him to shove his dating edict. What right does he have to take away your choice?

  “I see them gears grinding, Riss. You want to tell me off. But it bugs you there’s a bigger part of you that wants this because you know we’d be dynamite together. And not just in bed.” Ike dragged his mouth back and forth across her wrist. “Although I cannot wait to test that theory.”

  The damp heat of his soft lips teasing her skin sent electric shocks through her entire body.

  “God, it’s a fuckin’ rush when you look at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like a dare. Gets me hard instantly.”


  “Larissa. I know what you’re gonna say next. And it’s okay that dating scares you. It’s healthy to admit that I scare you.”

  “Whoa. Back up. I’m not scared of dating. And I sure as hell am not scared of you.”

  Ike blinked those baby blues at her.

  “I’m serious, Palmer.”

  He said nothing. Just studied her, exhibiting patience as he waited for her to confess.

  “It won’t work. This whole reverse-psychology scheme.”

  “What scheme, sweetheart? Talk to me.”

  Argh. Gentle, understanding Ike was as goddamned sexy as she feared.

  Riss froze.

  Feared? Her subconscious piped in with the word feared? Because maybe . . . possibly . . . there was some truth about the being-scared thingy.

  Fuck. That.

  “The scheme where you taunt me about bein’ scared, and you expect me to deny it—which I absolutely am—and then you challenge me to prove it by dating you.”

  His expression didn’t change one iota. But he did sigh.

  “Busted you, didn’t I?”

  “No. But he warned me not to get my hopes up.”

  “Who warned you?”

  “He said you live to deliver the smackdown.”

  “Who told you that?” she demanded. It wasn’t like she had other boyfriends that Ike could swap “the trouble with Riss” stories with.

  “Your brother.”

  “My brother? Which one?”


  “You were . . .” She took a breath. “You’ve been talkin’ to my brother Lonnie. About me.”

  Ike bestowed a dazzling smile. “Well, now, darlin’, that is a little egotistical. Lonnie and I have a lot in common. But yeah, I did talk to Lonnie about you.”

  This wasn’t happening. Ike and Lonnie almost came to blows! Two times. And she hadn’t heard from Lonnie that “Ike was an okay guy” or anything. In fact, she hadn’t heard from her brother at all.

  Because apparently he’d been spending time with Ike.

  Riss let go of Ike’s hand and sucked down half of her beer.


  No. “What did you say to Lonnie about me?”

  “I asked him if I could date you.”

  She dropped the bottle.

  Which Mr. Lightning Reflexes caught before it hit the table.

  “Careful, darlin’. Don’t wanna get that cast wet. Beer on it the next few weeks would stink to high heaven.”

  Spots danced in front of her eyes. Her hearing went wonky.

  “Riss,” Ike said sharply. “You look like you’re gonna pass out.”

  She managed one nod.

  Then Ike was next to her, right in her face, his hand curled around the front of her throat. “Breathe, Riss. Lemme hear you.”

  Her reflexes kicked in and she inhaled deeply.

  “Good. Let it out.”

  Keeping her eyes on his, she exhaled.

  “One more in.”

  And she returned to a normal, functioning, breathing human being. Jesus. What kind of person is so idiotic they forget to breathe?

  A person who is scared.

  She, Larissa Thorpe, was scared.

  Of dating.

  Specifically of dating Ike Palmer.

  Shit. Ike had nailed it.

  What was wrong with her?

  “Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don’t panic. Riss, please. Focus on me.”

  Her focus immediately fell to his mouth, which was moving. But why wasn’t it moving on hers? She could totally focus on that.

  So she leaned forward and kissed him.

  Ike didn’t freeze up, or take over. He just made a deep hum and kissed her back.

  Riss swept her mouth back and forth over his. Tasting beer on his lips. Tasting him as her tongue ventured in to lick the underside of his upper lip. She’d never kissed a guy with lips this full and lush. She could feel his pulse pounding as she pressed her lips harder against his.

  While she explored his mouth and reveled in his restraint, Ike kept his fingers around her neck.

  It was sexy, possessive and yet, oddly soothing.

  She ended the kiss with soft smooches and nuzzled his cheek.

  “You okay?” he said gruffly.

  “Never better.” She smiled against the corner of his mouth. “I like kissin’ you.”

  “And I haven’t even brought out my A tongue game yet.” He nipped her bottom lip. “Come on, sweet cheeks. Say you’re on board with this.”

  She laughed. “Fine. You win. Yes. I’ll date you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ike had been prepared to pull out every romantic feat he’d seen in movies and on TV to convince Riss they needed to take their friendship to the next level. But all his scheming wasn’t necessary.

  Suck it, Lonnie; your sister likes me for real.

  He kissed her again, just because he could.

  “Can I tell you something?” Riss said softly.


  She curled her hand around the side of his face and slid her fingers into his hair. “Even with zero dating experience, I can pretty much guarantee that I’m the kind of woman who fucks on the first date.”

  As his brain—and his cock—tried to process that, Riss softly blew in his ear, destroying any coherent response.

  Fuck yeah. More of that. Tons more of that.

  “I love that noise you just made,” she murmured as she licked the shell of his ear. “A sexy little growl that your cock would make if it could talk.” She sank her teeth into his earlobe and tugged. “Yet I imagine your dick has its own way to communicate.”

  “It does.” Ike turned his head and captured her sassy mouth in a teasing kiss, rather than the blistering soul kiss they both craved. He held her chin in his hand, forcing her to focus on his eyes. “But not here. What’s between us is only for us.”

  That surprised her.

  He didn’t explain. He didn’t care if she believed his resolve to keep even their kisses private was because of his shyness. He had to set this apart from what she was used to if he had a prayer of keeping her interest.

  That was when Ik
e noticed the odd look on her face. “What?”

  “You’re not banning PDA because you’re embarrassed to be seen with me?”

  “Nope.” He rested his forehead on hers. “I’m a selfish bastard. All your sexy noises, molten looks and fuck-me vibes . . . are now mine.”

  She shivered. “If this is what it’s like to date you, I’ll need to buy new underwear since those kinds of sexy promises are liable to set my panties on fire.”

  “Then you’ll have extra pairs I can tear off when I’m desperate to fuck you.”

  “Are you desperate to fuck me now?”

  He grinned. “Yeah, baby, I am. But—”

  Riss placed her fingers over his mouth. “Please don’t insist on some kind of dating rules.”

  “You’d hate that, wouldn’t you?”

  She blinked at him without answering.

  “There are no rules for what happens between us except we both have to be into it.”

  “So no minimum of ‘five dates before we can fuck’ or anything ridiculous like that?”

  “Not on your life, sweet cheeks.”

  She granted that flirty smile that made his heart race. “Good.”

  “How’s tomorrow night for our first date?”

  “Tomorrow night I’ll be in Sydney, Nebraska. I’m supervising Tito’s newest driver. But I’m not busy tonight.”

  “Of course you’re not, because I have to attend my niece Mikayla’s President’s Day program in”—Ike glanced at his watch and swore—“an hour. So I’ve gotta get goin’.”

  “Walk me out, then, so you can kiss me good-bye in private.”

  After donning their outerwear, Ike tossed some bills on the table and followed Riss outside.

  She stood next to a Jeep he hadn’t seen before.

  “Where’s your Toyota?”

  “Even though it was an automatic, I couldn’t drive it. Lloyd found this one for me in Denver.” She tapped the window on the passenger’s side. “Check it out.”

  Ike bent down and peered through the glass. “European style with the driver’s side on the right. Awesome.” Her brothers really did look out for her.

  “I know. Since it’d been used for rural mail service it has a ton of miles on it, but we got it cheap. I won’t keep it longer than I have to, but now I can drive myself again on my own. Which makes my brothers and Tito happy since they’re off the hook for ferrying me around.”


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