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When I Fall in Love

Page 10

by Bridget Anderson

  “I’ve got two kids. I don’t need a shy man.”

  Tayler laughed. “Yeah, but men like the woman to be the aggressor every now and then—that way he knows you want him. Men risk rejection all the time.”

  “I guess you’re right, but...”

  Tayler listened to Corra, but her mind drifted off to Saturday night and the way she’d run out on Rollin. The way she’d rejected him after he’d made her feel as if she was on top of the world. She hadn’t thought about it from his perspective before now.

  Corra and Tayler were deep in conversation when the doorbell rang. Corra answered it and in walked a middle-aged man, a woman and two little boys. They were passing through Danville and wanted to know if there were any vacancies.

  “Sure, come on in,” Corra said.

  Tayler knew the other guest rooms were being repaired.

  “Have a seat and I’ll get you all checked in.” Corra stepped back into the library. “Tayler, I’ll be right back.”

  “Corra, do you have another room ready?” Tayler whispered.

  “There should be,” Corra said. “We have four rooms upstairs,” she added in a whisper.

  Tayler shook her head. “Rollin’s making repairs in the other three rooms, so none of them are guest ready.”

  “You’re kidding.” Corra turned around to see the family had stepped out to get their luggage.

  Tayler followed Corra to the front door.

  “Shoot, what do I do now? They’re bringing their bags in.”

  Tayler had an idea. “Are the upstairs bedrooms the only ones in the house?”

  “No, the family quarters are down here, but they’re small. Besides, Rollin would kill me if I put them back there.”

  “I’ll move. We can get my room cleaned up for them. Tell them to go get something to eat and when they return the room will be ready. It has two full-size beds in it—it’s perfect.”

  Corra turned to her. “No, I can’t ask you to move.”

  “You didn’t, I volunteered.”

  Corra grabbed Tayler’s shoulders. “You’re a godsend, you know that?”

  “I’ll run and pack.” She winked at Corra.

  “And I need to find Rollin.”

  Tayler ran upstairs and threw her clothes back in her suitcase. She never fully unpacked her suitcase regardless of how long she stayed anywhere.

  A few minutes later, the bedroom door swung open and Corra walked in. “Okay, we’ve got an hour before they get back. Wow, you’re almost packed already?”

  “I never really unpack,” Tayler said before going into the bathroom for her toiletries. “What did Rollin say?”

  “I haven’t found him yet. He’s not answering his cell phone, so I just left a message. I’ll go grab some stuff and start on the bathroom.”

  Together they cleaned the bathroom, changed the linen and vacuumed the floor.

  Corra stopped working and looked around the room. “My mother used to love when guests showed up. She lived for this stuff. All she wanted to do was decorate these rooms and cook for people. She was good at it, too.”

  “That’s what Rollin said. Did she do most of the work herself?”

  “Yep, whatever she couldn’t get me and Rollin to do, anyway. We were little innkeepers in training. She taught us how to properly make a bed, and we baked cookies every day, it seemed like. Most of the time I hated it because I’d rather be out with my girlfriends.”

  “And she still doesn’t like it,” a deep voice interjected.

  Corra and Tayler turned toward the sound of Rollin’s voice. He took up the entire entrance and looked mad as hell.

  “I got your message. What the hell are you doing, Corra?”

  “I knew you’d be a little testy, but Tayler and I have everything under control.”

  Rollin turned his enraged look toward Tayler. “You’re a guest. You don’t have to move out of this room. I’d like to have a word with my sister.”

  “Rollin, it was my idea,” Tayler offered.

  He looked taken aback. “What do you mean, it was your idea?”

  “I remembered you saying the other rooms were being repaired, so I suggested my room. I don’t mind moving at all.”

  He crossed his arms and tilted his head toward Corra. “And where is she moving to?”

  “The second bedroom downstairs, where else? And you need to get these rooms up here completed. Rollin, I know what you’re trying to do, and you are not closing this B and B. If I have to quit my job and come work here myself, we’re not closing.”

  Tayler detected the pissed look on Rollin’s face and decided it was time to leave. “I’ll step out and let you guys talk,” she said and backed out into the hallway. She eased on down the steps and into the foyer, holding her bag of toiletries. She hadn’t expected such an eventful vacation. One thing was for sure, she’d have a story to tell when she returned home.

  A few minutes later, the door upstairs swung open and Rollin came down the steps with her suitcase and laptop case in hand. “Follow me. I’ll show you to your room.”

  He proceeded down the hall toward his bedroom, which gave Tayler a flashback of their night together. They walked past his room to the next door. He held it open for her to enter.

  “This is the family guest room. I’m sorry that it’s not as brightly decorated as the one upstairs.”

  She looked around at the room decorated in warm gold and burgundy colors with a four-poster mahogany bed. It had everything the other room had, except a desk for her to work on.

  “Where’s the bathroom?” she asked.

  “Through here.” He walked over and opened the door to the bathroom. “It’s an adjoining bathroom.”

  She looked up at him.

  “Yeah, that means we’ll have to share. I wish Corra had told you that before you volunteered to give up your room.”

  “That’s okay, we’ll make it work. This is turning out to be more of an adventure than a mere vacation.”

  He walked back into the bedroom and to the door. “I’ll let you get your stuff all settled, then.”

  “Rollin, one of the reasons I volunteered to move is that I agree with Corra—you shouldn’t close the B and B. The growth potential is phenomenal. And with Rita being out, I thought I could help out a little bit. It’ll give me an opportunity to test out some of the ideas I spoke to you about yesterday.”

  He arched a brow, then let out a deep sigh. “We can discuss your ideas, but don’t worry about helping out. Corra’s gonna do that, since her mouth got you into this.”

  She glanced down for a moment. “Ah, can we tackle the elephant in the room before this goes any farther?”

  He crossed his arm and gave her a slow, appraising glance. “And what would that be?”

  “I don’t want you to think I’m down here because of what happened Saturday night. I’m not trying to send mixed signals or anything.”

  He widened his stance and tilted his head. “Okay.”

  “I don’t want you to think I jump in bed with just anybody, because I don’t.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t make assumptions about you anymore, remember. Not that I consider myself just anybody, anyway.”

  “Well, that was the first time I’ve ever done anything that spontaneous and reckless. You don’t have to worry about that happening again.”

  He nodded. “Let me see if I’ve got this right. You don’t want me to think you orchestrated this whole thing just so you could get closer to me in hopes of me making love to you again, is that right?”

  She slowly nodded her head. “Yes. That’s the elephant I was referring to.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Thank you for clearing that up. For a minute there I thought the other night might have meant someth
ing to you, but I see I was wrong.” He turned around and walked out.

  Tayler opened her mouth to say something, but changed her mind. Whatever she’d say, he’d find a way to twist her words around. Saturday night meant more to her than he knew, but she couldn’t let him know that.

  Chapter 13

  That night Tayler climbed into bed knowing Rollin was on the other side of the bathroom door. She rolled over and pulled the cover close to her body. She could still picture him kissing his way down to her breasts and could feel the heat building inside her. Why had she let it go that far? Did she need a man that bad?

  The other side of the bathroom door opened and she turned back over. She could see a light at the foot of the door frame. Rollin was in the bathroom. She wrapped her hands around her pillow and stared at the light thinking about the way he’d kissed her while holding her face in the palms of his hands.

  The shower came on and she squeezed her legs together. He’d taken his clothes off. After days of speculating what he was like in bed, she’d found out. The only problem was, now she couldn’t get him out of her mind.

  As good as the sex was, Tayler knew it could never happen again. They had merely filled a need for each other. She hadn’t been with a man in quite a while, and he possibly hadn’t had a woman in a while. She rationalized the whole situation until she made herself feel better. Now she had to make sure Nicole never found out or she’d never hear the end of it.

  * * *

  Rollin stood under the showerhead and let the water cool him off. Tayler’s presence on the other side of the bathroom door made sleep almost impossible. He turned his face up into the water and tried to let it wash all thoughts of her out of his mind. He grabbed a washcloth and bar of soap. The more he thought about her, the harder he scrubbed.

  He could still see her lying on his bed, legs spread, displaying her love, and he wanted her. Being near her and smelling her perfume caused his body to react in ways he didn’t want it to. He squeezed himself, thinking about how bad he wanted her. He wanted her tonight, tomorrow night and every night until her departure.

  He quickly finished his shower and stepped out. After air-drying he pulled on his pajama pants and found himself at the door leading to Tayler. He wondered what she would do if he went into her room tonight. Would she let him make love to her this time until she screamed his name? He reached out and grabbed the knob.

  * * *

  Tayler bit her bottom lip as she stared at the shadow at the foot of the door and saw the knob move. Rollin was out of the shower and coming to her. Her brain said, no! Her body screamed, yes! She needed—no, she yearned for—complete, uninhibited sex with this man who penetrated her every fantasy.

  Too soon the shadow moved away and the bathroom light went out. She rolled over, grabbed the extra pillow, and shoved it between her knees.

  * * *

  When Tayler woke the next morning, Rollin had already used the bathroom and left. She showered and dressed, eager to meet the Evans family and test some of her ideas for the B and B. Most of all, she was glad to have other people in the house.

  After they were informed Rita had the flu, Corra returned with her kids and played host the entire weekend. Tayler persuaded Corra to let her help with the meals and a few other chores. They took care of the house, while Rollin spent most of his time on the farm. It was all exactly the type of diversion Tayler had hoped for.

  Tayler made Rita’s lemonade every afternoon, while Corra baked the cookies. Although Rollin reminded her on several occasions that she didn’t have to do anything, she wanted to.

  Corra’s children played with the twins, and when the Evanses weren’t in town, they roamed through the gardens or lay in the hammocks out back. The whole family joined Tayler and Kevin for morning truck rides to pick vegetables, and they loved it.

  Tayler couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed playing innkeeper. There were no presentations to prepare, no metrics to adhere to and, best of all, no long boring meetings to attend. Once when Corra left to take care of fund-raiser business, Tayler pretended the B and B was hers. She was having the time of her life.

  Every night Tayler heard Rollin in the bathroom and watched the light underneath the door until it went out. Instead of memories of their night together fading, they strengthened. She crossed his path in the hallway several times and tried her best not to touch him. The smell of him was orgasmic. His touch sent her body into a quivering state. Thank goodness the guests had shown up when they did.

  When Monday afternoon arrived she hated to see the Evans family leave. Corra went home, and Tayler was alone with Rollin again.

  Later that evening, she stood in the bathroom mirror taking off her makeup when the door opened and Rollin walked in. He stopped short once he saw her.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here.” He backed up.

  “That’s okay. I’m finished.” She zipped up her makeup pouch. “You can come on in.” She tossed her tissue in the wastebasket and moved away from the sink.

  “You know, you really don’t need to wear makeup,” he said.

  “Oh, I need it, all right. I feel naked without any on.”

  He stepped over to the sink to wash his hands. “Millions of women wish they looked as good as you do without makeup.”

  “Thank you,” she said as she reached for the door to her room. Then she turned around. “Rollin, Corra and I made some small purchases for the B and B this weekend, but I’d like to go over some of my more expensive ideas with you. I can show you on my computer when you have time.”

  He reached for a hand towel and dried his hands. “Seeing as how you two are ganging up on me, sure, why not. How about after dinner tonight?”

  She smiled. “Great.” She went back into her room and closed the door. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized they would be having dinner alone again tonight.

  For dinner Tayler changed into a simple white summer dress and flat silver sandals. The minute she left her room, she could smell onions sautéing.

  When she entered the dining room, the low light and soft music from the stereo in the library had created a romantic ambience. The door that led to the kitchen was propped open. She walked through.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?” she asked.

  He turned around and stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head. “I’ve got it. Help yourself to a glass of wine, though.”

  She stepped over to the counter, where an opened bottle of red wine and two empty glasses sat. She remembered what happened the last time she drank his wine, so she poured herself a small glass. “What are you preparing?”

  “Lamb, with some couscous and vegetables.”

  “It smells wonderful.”

  He joined her and poured himself a glass of wine. “You smell wonderful, too,” he said.

  “Thank you.” Tayler didn’t want the evening to get off on the wrong foot, so she avoided eye contact with him at all costs. Every time he looked into her eyes it weakened her determination not to have sex with him again.

  “Since you have everything in here under control, I’ll just grab my computer for after dinner.”

  “Sure,” he said and returned to the stove.

  She left the kitchen and returned seconds later with her laptop. While Rollin finished dinner, she sipped her wine and glanced at a few work emails but didn’t feel the need to respond to anything. She was enjoying her vacation. Minutes later, Rollin emerged from the kitchen with platters of food.

  After dinner and some small talk, Tayler opened her laptop again. “You know I’ve only been here two weeks, but I see room for improvement.”

  “It’s only been two weeks?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Wow. It seems like you’ve been here longer than that.”

  “Yeah, it does. So don’t take my suggestions the wrong way. Part of my job is working on process improvements. So, I’m always trying to figure out how to do things better and more efficiently.”

  “Let’s get to it, then.” He moved from his side of the table to the seat next to her.

  Tayler could smell the spicy scent of his cologne and feel the heat from his body and almost lost her train of thought. In response, her body tensed up.

  “First, I think you need a new website. Something that will take you into the future. You can offer discounts in connection with some local events, festivals or family reunions.”

  He nodded. “I agree with you.”

  “I don’t see any business cards. They’re inexpensive and—”

  “I have some.”

  “Okay, then you need to set them out—that way your guests can take them home and pass them out to family and friends. And businesses that you partner with should have them on display, as well. I don’t remember seeing any around town since I’ve been here.”

  “I’ve been too busy to follow up on that.”

  “Okay, well, that’s simple to fix.” She had more ideas, but with him so close she found it difficult to concentrate.

  “Is that it?” he asked, looking at her computer screen.

  “No, let’s see.” She glanced at the screen but could feel his eyes on her. The sensual music didn’t make the situation any easier. She tried to ignore it and tapped on her computer screen.

  “We purchased a coffeemaker and a few other very inexpensive fixes. Also, in regard to repairs... Yeah, uh, you might want to hire a handyman, or keep one on a short leash. Your rooms should be available and preferably booked at all times.”

  He leaned back in his seat. “I agree with you again.”

  “And I think you need some help other than Rita and Wallace.”

  He shook his head. “Can’t afford it. Corra steps in when I need her.”

  “And she does a great job. I noticed that this week. But what if she hadn’t been available? Say one of the kids got sick or something—what would you have done?”

  “I would have handled everything myself.”


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