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When I Fall in Love

Page 16

by Bridget Anderson

  She shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. You’re right, though. I see it on the news all the time.”

  “Yeah, well, I still shouldn’t have said it.” He stood up. “I guess I’ll go, if you’re okay.”

  “I am, and thanks for everything today.”

  “Not a problem,” he said, walking out of the kitchen.

  Jamie and Katie darted past him, running down the hall.

  “So, how much longer are you going to be in town?” he asked, dodging the kids.

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure yet.”

  He played with his keys. “Yeah, I’m gonna hate to see you go. I looked forward to our morning rides. You’re good company.”

  “Thanks Kevin. I miss them, too.”

  He blushed. “Maybe we’ll get another morning in before you leave, right?”


  “We’ll make the best of it, if so.”

  Tayler let Kevin out and went into Rollin’s bedroom and exchanged her gown for a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that wasn’t extremely big on her, then returned to the kitchen.

  For once the house wasn’t quiet. Jamie and Katie had pulled out one of the board games in the library and turned on the radio. Tayler welcomed the noise. It was past everyone’s bedtime, but considering the situation, she let the kids stay up until Rollin returned.

  She decided to surprise Rollin and have dinner ready when he walked in. Tonight he’d sample her cooking skills for the first time. Before she could finish dinner preparations, the back door opened and Rollin walked in. His shirt was pulled out of his pants and his tie hung loose. Tayler smiled at him, needing to see those big dimples to know that everything was okay.

  He smiled. “How you doin’?”

  She nodded. “I’m good. I thought I’d fix us some dinner,” she said, pointing to the mess behind her.

  He sighed. “You didn’t have to do that. I’d have gone out to get some chicken or something.”

  “At this hour? Everything’s probably closed. How’s Corra?”

  “She came through surgery with flying colors. She’s out like a light now.” He walked over to her, cupped the side of her face in his palm and kissed her softly on the lips.

  He caught her hand as she brought it up and kissed her knuckles.

  “Uncle Rollin, where’s Mama?”

  They turned to see Katie standing in the entrance. Jamie stood behind her.

  “I’ll have dinner ready in a few minutes—why don’t you guys go talk,” Tayler said.

  Rollin let go of Tayler’s hand and went to them. He looked back over his shoulder. “We’ll be in the library if you need some help.”

  “I’ve got it.”

  Tayler whipped everything together in no time then set the table. She could hear laughter from across the hall as Rollin played a game with the kids. She had to admit it sounded good. She felt like a mother and it was her family in the other room waiting on her to call them to dinner. This was the kind of family life she’d always dreamed of but never had.

  When she walked into the library to let them know dinner was ready, all three of them were sitting on the floor working a puzzle.

  “Dinner’s ready.”

  The kids jumped up and ran to the dining room table.

  “Hey, go wash your hands,” Rollin said.

  They changed directions and ran off to the bathroom.

  “Sorry about that,” he said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m enjoying them so much. I just hope they like dinner.”

  He walked over to Tayler and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “You look good in my sweats.”

  She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her earlobe.

  After dinner, Rollin put the kids to bed while Tayler cleaned up the kitchen. She waited around for him, but after almost twenty minutes she decided to retire to the library and listen to a little music.

  Thirty minutes later, Rollin walked in.

  “Here you are. I’m sorry I took so long. They wanted a bedtime story, and of course I didn’t know any, so I had to make something up.”

  She laughed. “Oh, no, what kind of story did you come up with?”

  He came over and sat down beside her. “I don’t know, something about a little girl going to visit her grandmother and running from a big bad wolf.”

  “You’re kidding? Little Red Riding Hood?”

  He shrugged. “It’s the only one I partially remember, and it did the trick. They nodded off before I could finish.” He put his feet up on the coffee table and leaned back onto the couch. “Thank God we don’t have any guests right now.”

  “Yeah.” She joined him and laid her head back on the couch. “Rollin, I hope you aren’t still considering closing the B and B. I think it’s a lovely house, and you, Rita and Kevin are a great team.”

  He took a deep breath. “Corra talked to me about that tonight. I know I make it sound like it’s all about money, but there’s more to it than that.”

  “Do you mind telling me what? Because I told you about all the potential I see here.”

  He sat up and rubbed his palms down the front of his slacks. “Every time I have a house full of guests, I think about my mother all day. She loved this place full of people lounging in the library and sitting in the gardens. She lived to wake up and fix breakfast for a house full of people. It’s hard to get over her death when I keep doing things that remind me of her.”

  “Even if you closed it, you would still live here, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yeah, I’m not letting go of the house. One time I thought about letting Corra and the kids move in, but then I’d have to buy another place and I can’t afford to do that. Besides, she’s never liked living out here.”

  “It’s nice and quiet. I like it. But I see why it can be painful for you.”

  “Tonight with the kids running around, and you in the kitchen, it kind of reminded me of what the house used to be like when I was growing up.”

  “Rollin, you won’t ever be able to escape the memory of your mother and father, and you shouldn’t want to. It doesn’t have to be painful, though. You’ve improved on the farm in your father’s memory, and improving on the B and B will pay homage to your mother. Neither of those should be painful.”

  “Do you really like this place?” he asked.

  “I love it here. You’ve seen how I’ve gone from not being comfortable in someone else’s home to acting like I live here.” She laughed.

  “Which brings us to another subject,” he said. He placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. “Didn’t you say something earlier about being in love with the proprietor of this little B and B?”

  “I did, and I faintly remember a certain farmer admitting he was in love with me, too.”

  “I am. So, what do we do about that?” he asked.

  “We make love,” she said and pulled out of his embrace to turn around and kiss him.

  Chapter 21

  “The kids are asleep,” he whispered.

  “Yeah, in the room next to yours,” she whispered back.

  “But not next to yours.”

  Tayler pulled back and met his gaze. “I don’t have a room here anymore, do I?”

  “Upstairs, first room on the left.”

  “What if the kids come looking for you?”

  “They won’t.” He kissed her forehead. “I want to make love to you tonight. I miss you. Can you understand that?”

  “Yes, I’ve missed you, too.”

  Holding her hand, he stood up and brought her to her feet. He turned off the lights as they left the library but stopped before going upstairs.

  “Wait a minute. I’ll be right back.” He dashed down
the hall to check on the kids and grab something from his room before he returned seconds later.

  Tayler took his hand and they walked upstairs to the room she’d occupied for weeks. He opened the door and followed her inside. He didn’t know if tonight would be their last night together or not.

  He closed and locked the door behind him. Before his eyes stood a perfect, beautiful and intelligent woman that he thanked God for allowing him the pleasure of having. A chill ran through him when he thought about how badly he needed to hold her.

  He walked over and took her face in the palm of his hands. “I love everything about you,” he whispered.

  “You don’t know everything about me,” she said in response.

  “Then tell me. Tell me everything tonight. I want to know what makes you happy,” he said and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “That does.”

  “What makes you sad?” he asked and kissed her on the lips.

  She poked out her bottom lip. “Having to leave you.”

  “What did you look like in elementary school? Did you wear braces, or glasses, or both?”

  She started laughing.

  “I want to know what, more than anything, gives you the most pleasure in life.”

  “Being right here with you in your arms,” she whispered.

  He slid one hand up the nape of her neck and pulled her mouth to his and kissed it.

  “I also want to know what causes you the most pain.” He bit her bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth before kissing her again. He pulled back when he felt a tear roll down from her cheek onto their lips.

  “The thought of having to leave you causes me more pain than you will ever imagine,” she whispered.

  He wiped away the tears with the pad of his thumb and she wrapped her arms around his neck before offering him her mouth. They played a long and slow game of exploration until he wanted to explode.

  She kissed him with an urgency that said she was ready to make love. If tonight was their last night together, he wanted to make it memorable.

  * * *

  Tayler held onto Rollin as he lifted her into his arms, with her legs wrapped around him, and carried her over to the bed. He lowered her onto her back and leaned over to plant a soft kiss on her forehead.

  She loved the way he held her as if she was light as a feather. She wanted him to caress her all over in that delicate way of his. No man had ever made her feel so wanted or special before.

  “Look at them lips,” he said before covering her mouth again. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  Her body ignited at his touch. She returned the kiss, raising her head to meet his.

  Every time his hands touched her skin, a shiver ran through her body. When Rollin’s fingers found their way under his shirt, she held her arms up until he slipped it over her head.

  He slid his sweats over her hips with ease. She had on black string bikini panties. He traced the hem of her underwear before pulling them past her hips and onto the floor.

  He backed up and stared down at her as though he was taking a picture with his mind. One he never wanted to forget. She loved the longing way he stared at her, making her feel sexy.

  “You are so beautiful—did I ever tell you that?”

  She giggled. “I don’t mind you telling me again, and again, and again.”

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, hands down. And I’m not just talking about your body. Baby, I love everything about you.”

  “Even my prissy little ass?” she asked rolling her eyes.

  He grabbed her butt with both hands and squeezed. “Especially your prissy little ass.”

  He unbuttoned his white dress shirt. Underneath he had on a white T-shirt. Tayler helped him out of the dress shirt before she pulled his T-shirt out of his slacks and over his head.

  His body was so finely chiseled she couldn’t stop herself from leaning forward and kissing the center of his chest. He stopped unbuckling his belt and let her kiss him before pulling her up to taste her mouth again.

  Her body was on fire and brimming with anticipation for what was sure to be the new best night of her life. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and clung to him like a woman desperate to be satisfied. He reached down and wrapped his arms around her body, repositioning her on the bed. When he let her go, she was dizzy and thought she might faint. She shivered from the coolness of the room.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  “I’m actually burning up, only from the inside out.”

  He smiled down at her and unzipped his pants. Before he dropped them on the floor he removed a condom from his back pocket and pitched it onto the nightstand. “Then let me see if I can put that fire out.”

  As he stepped out of his shoes, she slid, naked, back onto the bed until she reached the bedspread and pulled it down underneath her.

  If she was an artist she’d want to paint him. She wanted a photograph or something to help her remember him always.

  Then he slid out of his briefs and came for her. She spread her legs as his hairy thighs settled against hers, sending a tingling sensation throughout her body. She pulled him around the waist, wanting to feel him closer against her skin. His broad shoulders and firm chest leaned over her as his mouth dipped down and captured one of her nipples. His hot mouth caused her to arch her back and let him feed on her breasts, one at a time.

  She caressed his head with both hands and felt him suckling down to her toes. How this man excited her.

  “Your breasts are perfect. Did I ever tell you that you have the prettiest breasts in the world?” He leaned over and flicked her nipple with his tongue.

  She groaned and contracted her pelvic muscles while trying to keep her cool. “How would you know? Have you seen all the breasts in the world?”

  “Nope, just my share. But these are perfect for me. They fit my hand,” he said as caressed one breast. “And they fit my mouth,” he added before bending over and sucking one breast into his mouth.

  She’d fantasized all week about making love to him again. Her legs began to tremble when her hands moved down his stomach between his legs to caress him. He was hard and enormous in her hands. She needed to feel him inside her.

  He groaned from her touch and released her breasts to look down at her caressing him. He watched her stroke him and then looked up into her eyes. Tayler bit her lip as he reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom. While he opened the wrapper she opened her legs wider, needing to feel all of him inside her. He clasped his hand over hers to stop her.

  “Hold on, baby.” His fingers had found their way between her legs, where he caressed and stroked her with two fingers.

  “You’re so wet,” he whispered.

  “You do this to me.”

  He thrust his fingers deeper inside her and she let go of him and came up off the bed. When she came down, she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him closer to her. Her body quivered from a deep need for him.

  He rose onto one hand and loomed over her, looking down into her eyes. He withdrew his fingers and spread her thighs wide. She opened up like a blooming flower for him. At first, he slid inside her slowly. Then he pulled out and went back in, this time stretching her a little more. She relaxed every muscle in her body until he’d filled her with himself and started thrusting in and out of her. She moaned from the sheer pleasure of being filled to capacity with him.

  After a few seconds, he slid out of her and back in, harder this time. She moaned louder.

  “Shh.” He bent down to cover her mouth with his.

  She wrapped her arms around him and held on for dear life. He thrust his love inside her with such intensity that she met him thrust for thrust and wrapped one leg around him, not wanting him to leave her. The body heat between them grew until it reach
ed inferno status.

  Rollin reached back for her leg and held it up as high as he could, allowing him to lay his love deeper inside her.

  Tayler couldn’t catch her breath.

  He grunted again as he found his way even deeper inside her. In a nice and slow rhythm he worked himself in and out of her until Tayler thought she would scream. She reached down and grabbed the sheet, clutching it between her balled fists.

  He leaned over and massaged her breasts until she started to throw her head from side to side. His hand slid down over her sweat-soaked chest and stomach until his fingers played in her hair.

  The sensation inside her was building and almost bubbled over when he found her clitoris and positioned his thumb, then massaged her into an absolute frenzy. His thrusts increased as he now hammered in and out of her, looking down at her body with hooded eyes and his mouth wide-open, as though he couldn’t catch his breath, either.

  Tayler grabbed the pillow and bit down into it when the volcano inside her began to erupt. He moved his hand and groaned as he ground his release into her, letting go of her leg. Their bodies shook together as they gasped for air until their bodies went limp.

  It took a few minutes for Tayler’s breath to steady and her head to stop spinning. She lay there with Rollin’s sweat-soaked body pressed against her. His hard body almost cut off her breathing.

  “Rollin,” she whispered, because that’s all she could do.

  He slowly rose up on one elbow and looked at her.

  “I can’t breathe.”

  He smiled and eased off her.

  “Wait a minute.” She grabbed him by the butt, not letting him pull out of her. She closed her eyes. “Not just yet.”

  “Baby, you might want to rethink that and give me a minute.”

  She laughed and let go. He rolled over onto his back.

  “Whew,” he exhaled. Without saying a word he quickly went to dispose of the condom, then returned to lay next to her.

  She rolled over, kissed his chest and then laid her head on his chest. “I have a confession to make.”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “Sex with you is better than butter-pecan ice cream.”


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