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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

Page 133

by Melisse Aires

  Just as he was about to withdraw from her mind, he noticed images of Pextur. His hearts tugged when he saw her covered in blood. A second later he saw the face of her lost friend, and he knew he wanted to be available to her. The images shifted again into a dark room, and Yatrell could feel her anxiety. Her mind raced through the events in that room, and he became enraged. He searched her mind for the Dentonian interrogator, and swore to her that he would deal with it himself. By the time he withdrew from her mind, he knew he had been connected far too long. This was someone he cared about, not an enemy.

  Hurt, angry and exhausted, Yatrell finally drifted to sleep.

  When he woke hours later, he was still unable to shake the images of what Kala endured. He knew there would be no opportunity to get to her in the near future, but there was something else he could do. He diligently worked through the day and part of the night, stopping only when he absolutely had to. He repaired the shuttle enough to fly. There were many modifications yet needed, but those would wait for another time. Yatrell had someplace to go.

  He contacted his warship and verified that repairs were continuing. He informed the acting overseer that his entire crew had shore leave for another two days. Once he confirmed his orders, and checked in with the surface based warship engineers, he was ready to take off. He knew where he was going. After packing a few items, including his uniform and basic short-term supplies, he boarded the small ship, and sealed it for flight.

  Yatrell initiated the extension chute. The chute extended from the underwater garage to just below the surface. Only a thin one way shield held back the ocean water. The newly extended tube was also see through, making the image breathtaking. Next, he began the pre-flight and flight processes and took the ship out of the docked garage. When it pierced the surface, water splashed like a larger mammal emerging from the depths.

  Once he was in the sky, he made a few more required adjustments, and set course for Pextur. Putting the small ship on autopilot, he took a moment to put on his uniform. In minutes, the ship was informing him of proper authorized landing locations on the base. He sat back down at the controls, set his request, and landed at the base supply location. Evidently, that was currently the only usable landing space. He knew the highest ranking officer on the base was still his subordinate by rank. Confidently he stepped off his ship, crossed the shuttle pad, and entered the building.

  All of the individuals he passed stopped to pay him proper respect. He acknowledged them, but didn’t slow down. Following both the images he saw from Kala, and the minds he heard from the current ranking officer, he left the supply building. Without hesitation, he continued across the field, past several duty stations, and into the prison building.

  The first officer that was not clearly assigned to the clean up and repair efforts, he stopped. “Ensign.” When the man saluted, he returned the gesture quickly. “There’s more done here than the report indicates.”

  The ensign nodded. “Aye, Commander. The Xenonians only brought psionics. One of them was a pyro. At one point, half the prison was on fire.”

  Yatrell tried to size up the ensign before he asked, “Did you get the prisoners out in time?”

  “Aye, sir. At least we saved the ones that didn’t escape.” He stood a little straighter as he spoke to the commander, “Most of the Xenonian prisoners were freed by the Xenonian team. We believe that was their mission here, sir.”

  “I see.” Yatrell paused briefly. “Ensign, show me to your interrogator’s office.” Without delay, they began to walk. They exited the charred entrance and prisoner detention into a darkened hallway with few windows. At the end of that hallway was a door barely standing against the hinge. “They did extensive damage here, too.”

  The ensign shook his head, “No sir. That was the Lieutenant Commander. We found him in a cell, and had to cut him out. By the time we did, he was just beginning to regain the ability to speak to us. Once he received the full report, he was justifiably upset.” The ensign gestured to the door. “That’s the most obvious result that we’re aware of, sir.”

  “I see.” Yatrell inspected the door briefly. “Ensign, get me the most recent records of the Xenonian people. Yes, I realize that you’ll need to seek out the chips, due to the computer issues.” The ensign nodded, and without further word, he left to obtain the information. The moment he saw the ensign disappear around the corner, Yatrell opened the interrogator’s door. It slipped in his hands slightly, and fell off the hinge completely. “Xenonians did a lot of damage to this place.”

  The Lieutenant Commander stood, and saluted, then stumbled, “Yes, sir. They did, sir...We were not expecting inspection so quickly, sir. We’ve not had time to execute repairs, sir.”

  Yatrell took his most confident stance. “I’m not here to inspect your facility Lieutenant Commander. I’m here to review the information on the Xenonians you allowed to escape. The fleet will be sending any ships with light ride engines further out on patrols. We need every bit of information we can get, should we encounter them again.”

  Senior Lieutenant Commander Wix stumbled over his words. “Umm, of course, sir… I’ll get that right away.”

  “I’ve had an ensign manage that for me. Show me around.”

  Yatrell maintained an authoritative command presence as the man left his office and began a tour of the facility. Wix provided Yatrell with several updates, and informed him of the progress being made to avoid that problem again. They walked through offices, supplies, shuttles, and other non crucial areas before entering the prison section once more. Yatrell was shown the holding area, then recreation, and the cafeteria. All of it was untouched by the strike team that brought ruin to sections of the facility.

  “How many prisoners do you have left, Senior Lieutenant Commander?” The ensign found them and handed Yatrell the data tablet and then he was dismissed.

  “We managed to keep twelve.” Wix extended his hand to lead Yatrell into the prisoner lock down section.

  “Twelve? And your cameras and other monitoring equipment are still down? How can you operate at such horrific levels? You’re asking for more trouble.” Yatrell scolded him while reviewing additional details included in the report.

  “Yes sir. We are working on those sir. Engineering crews have been mobilized in round the clock shifts attempting to repair the damage, sir.” Senior Lieutenant Commander Wix hurried through the statement hoping to avoid the Commander’s displeasure.

  As Yatrell stepped into the prisoner row, he stopped in front of one of the first cells. Inside the cell was a large, green Xentue male sitting on a chair. Sitting down he was already Yatrell’s height, but this one had something very familiar about him. Wix attempted to explain what was going on with the prisoner, but Yatrell remained focused elsewhere. Instinctively he projected to the Xentue man. ~We know each other.~

  ~We do. For years, as children, you were my big brother.~ The Xentue stood and walked to the bars.

  ~Why are you here?~ Yatrell projected back to the man, still ignoring Wix as he continued to clamor on about issues they have had with the man.

  ~I left my clan. Things could not be understood when this happened to me. I had to find the people who would understand. The baby girl was here last week … or was it two now?~ The man’s voice was deep but gentle. ~She’s far from a baby now though. For a humanoid, she’s quiet fetching to gaze upon.~ He paused, and stood at his full height, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling. ~I entered your space, in a one man vessel. Although I explained my desire to vacate your space, on the same side I entered your people would have nothing of it.~

  Yatrell’s features became more frustrated as he listened. ~I see.~

  Commander Jae looked over at Senior Lieutenant Commander Wix and demanded, “Release this man.”

  Wix began to protest loudly.

  “I gave you an order. Release him. This man has done nothing more than be unusual to you. Release him. Now!” Finally, with anger apparent, Wix released the Xentue. “You
will not address him as anything other than his given name, is that clear Senior Lieutenant Commander?”

  “Aye, Commander.”

  Yatrell turned to look at the Xentue as he stepped out of the cell and stood at his full height, “Well, Brax, we have one more thing to address.” Brax nodded, and Yatrell turned to the Senior Lieutenant Commander Wix again. “Show me your interrogation room.”

  Without hesitation, Wix walked down the hall, past the remainder of the cells, and into a hallway that was much darker. At the end of this darker hallway was a room without windows or light. He entered it and turned to the Commander. “Sir, this is the most disconcerting design I could come up with. It sets people of most species into an uncomfortable state of mind. This makes it much easier to interrogate them.”

  “Interrogate, or assault, Wix?”

  With confidence and without a hint of hesitation in his voice, Wix responded, “Interrogation, sir.”

  “I saw what you did to the Xenonian girl that was in your care before the attack. You call molesting an innocent, interrogation?”

  Wix feigned innocence. “You saw nothing of the sort. It didn’t happen.”

  The mere fact the man protested further enraged Yatrell. He entered the man’s mind, and retrieved the images. “You enjoyed scaring her. You wanted her to do your bidding and satisfy your twisted desires!” he growled. As Yatrell spoke, the pain in the man’s head increased until he was reduced to tears and crumpled on the floor. “She was innocent of that kind of behavior! That is not acceptable. She had no right to suffer at your hand! You will suffer for what you did to her!” As he spoke, his intensity, and rage surprised even him.

  Wix’s face contorted with the pain being inflicted upon him.

  Brax gently laid his large green hand on Yatrell’s shoulder. “Brother, she took care of him. She is strong.”

  Yatrell turned away from the broken Lieutenant Commander on the floor and withdrew his attack. He projected to Brax, ~Yes, she is. More so than I could have ever imagined.~

  Brax reached over, and picked up the broken man. Holding him well off the ground he explained, “For what you did to my sister, you deserve much worse than my brother gave you. You will be left wondering many things from this.” Brax entered the man’s mind, and erased all knowledge of himself, and of Yatrell’s visit. Then he discarded the man.

  Brax projected to Yatrell, ~He will sleep and not know of your visit or my being brought here. This will create enough question that he will deal with the situation over a long time.”

  They walked out of the security center and back to Yatrell’s shuttle. Brax huddled low to enter the shuttle and crouched to follow Yatrell into the cockpit. “Xentue ships are altered to fit us. Your people are like the small chirping beetle.”

  “When you’re the size of a mountain, we would be. Try not to break anything.” Yatrell sat at the control panel, and began to download another command into the already crippled computer system. “You can stay at my house. I won’t be using it anyway.”

  Yatrell entered the commands, and set the shuttle to head back to Dentonia. Along the flight, Yatrell took a moment to send a message to his new senatorial friend regarding the condition of the POW prison on Pextur. In the following flurry of messages he explained that a friend of his was wrongly arrested and held. Just before they landed, Yatrell turned back to Brax. ~The authorities won’t bother you now.~

  ~Thank you.~ Brax looked at his childhood friend. Many questions went through his mind. He found himself struggling to select just one to ask, so he remained quiet.

  Yatrell piloted the ship back into the Dentonian atmosphere, and toward the house in Hel. When he neared the coast he asked Brax, ~Not afraid of water, are you?~ Brax shook his head. ~Good.~

  He smirked with amusement, and set the controls to activate the entrance way while he flew the shuttle under water, and into the docking point. The landing location pulled the shuttle through a one way shield that held the water back. Once inside, the shuttle came to a stop, and the hard door closed over the entry. Yatrell popped up, and Brax uncomfortably followed him out of the craft.

  Once they were standing in the garage again, Yatrell asked, “Will your ship’s logs verify that you complied with our patrol’s orders and instructions as well as offered to leave the area?”

  “Yes. If they can access the information.”

  Yatrell felt relieved. “Good. If anyone asks, you reached me telepathically after you realized you could, and were being held not far from Dentonia. Our unique history should answer why that was possible.” Brax nodded with understanding. “Dinner?”

  Yatrell walked to the lift and slid over as much as he could to allow Brax the space to squeeze in. Once inside, the two moved to the next level.

  Yatrell walked down the main hall while Brax took the moment to squeeze through the door. He looked around the kitchen trying to figure out what food there was available. “Hey Brax, what do you eat anyway?”

  Brax chuckled as he walked into the room, “Food not always comfortable for the Dentonian palate.” He paused and gazed out a window. “Anything with a green tint to it should be acceptable.”

  Yatrell opened the refrigerator and looked around at what was in it, “Hmmm… something tells me that if it is growing its own path out of here, it’s not the kind of green you’re looking for.”

  “Do you not cook often?” Brax looked over his shoulder at Yatrell.

  “Nope. Normally, I’m on a ship, but it’s being repaired after the Ven battle. That, and I only just got this house a few days ago. In theory, I moved in not too long after….in theory.” Yatrell shrugged ,and looked in the freezer.

  Brax frowned. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Confused, Yatrell looked up at him. “Yeah, well that’s what war will do to ya. More so when the Ven are involved.”

  Brax nodded, and considered his next words carefully. ~You don’t hear my thoughts?~

  ~I hear your projections but no, the surface thoughts are not heard. I like that about your people, typically. Although getting used to hearing your voice in my head……I’ll get there.~ Yatrell responded, still distracted by his search for dinner.

  ~Odd. It is a strange thought that I may have an advantage you do not.~ Brax considered the implications of the current situation. ~From what I’ve learned, you were designed to have many advantages.~

  Yatrell found some frozen food in the top of the refrigerator, and reviewed it for edible quality. ~Maybe we should see if there is delivery in Hel.~

  After several contacts to various local eateries, Yatrell was finally able to convince someone to bring them a vegetable plate, and another plate that included a local delicacy. After they had the dishes, the men sat down on the back porch and looked over the sandy path that led to the road just barely in sight. When people walked by, the odd looks at the two became entertaining conversation.

  As the evening wound down, Yatrell walked through the house with Brax and identified areas he was welcome to rest in. ~I need to get back to my ship tomorrow. I still have no idea who the new captain will be, so I have to be sure things are in order.~


  Both men retired for the evening. Both had more questions than answers, but they knew time would enable them to catch up on the history since they last spoke.

  Chapter 16

  Kala walked into the conference room with Zaren with a focused intensity many had only seen in the moments of great need. She spoke the moment she entered, “What do you mean we have to do this now? The Cybernetic base is crawling with soldiers, and they are in the middle of an amalgamation cycle. How do you expect us to just rush in there?”

  “Kala, I expect you to do your job. You, of all people, know that it is crucial to take advantage of a situation in our favor. Right now, they are distracted by their own means.” Palrion’s tone was authoritative, and hinted at anger. “You have a team depending on you. You will fulfill your task.”

  Kala could fe
el the surprise from those in the room around her. Her jaw set solidly and she looked from one face to the next. “We aren’t ready to invade a Cybernetic base. I do not want to bury another member of this team.”

  Knowing the pain his friend was in, Merx spoke up. “Kala this is what we’ve been preparing for. There was no way to know the Dentonian mission would have the hang-ups it did, but this was a primary target. This is not a surprise to you, and Phil would be disappointed if he heard the way you’re speaking right now.”

  Kala looked away, and muttered under her breath, “Fine.”

  “Good. Everyone suit up. Meet in the staging area in 5 minutes. One shuttle. Cyrin will be flying it. Rouen is staying here to provide cover and another distraction. You know your orders. Dismissed.”

  As everyone walked out of the room, the captain watched Kala specifically. His concern for her state of mind, and its effect on the upcoming job below weighed heavily on him.

  When the room had cleared of everyone except the Captain and First Commander, Maddux turned to Palrion. “You don’t think she’s ready to be down there yet, do you?”

  “No. I don’t.” Palrion looked at the now closed door as if she still stood there. “She’s not been herself. She’s training relentlessly to better her channeling, and improve upon her combat skills. I know she’s reported to her shift daily but the moment it’s over, or she can break, she’s training. She’s doing something and has been since his death. She can’t let it go.”

  “She will. She’s stronger than most think she is. I believe she’s stronger than she even knows she is.” Commander Rouen Maddux spoke every word with absolute certainty. “She’ll pull it together.”


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