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Nebula Nights: Love Among The Stars

Page 252

by Melisse Aires

  "Where did the medic team come from? Were the Gorium that attacked us working for Gatewood? If they were, why didn't we see any of them while we were on the asteroid base? Why did nothing happen when Mack and I touched? What's going to happen now?"

  The questions rushed out of Maddie, making the Commander chuckle.

  "One at a time. The medical team was dispatched after you and Seth left the base. Thankfully, the base didn't sustain heavy damage, only casualties."

  What a strange thing to say, Maddie thought but decided not to say anything.

  "I sent the medical team to the asteroid, thinking they would come in handy. Looks like my instincts were right or we would have lost Agent Gray. As for your questions regarding the Gorium, we're still looking into it," he admitted.

  "What about Mack and me?" she asked.

  "We had always assumed the agents and their counterparts could never touch. Physics dictates the same matter can't occupy the same place, and you were created from Mack. But we believe something may have happened in the cloning process with you. I'm not sure yet if it happens every time or if you are an anomaly."

  "An anomaly?" Maddie questioned, raising an eyebrow.

  "Yes. You both should have been destroyed if your DNA was the same, but it's not. Somehow, your body has introduced different markers in you."

  "So I'm not exactly like Mack?"

  "So it would seem," Mack said, looking like she was trying to suppress a smile.

  "It's interesting, to say the least," Commander Westlake nodded.

  "Okay, so now what?" Maddie asked.

  Commander Westlake shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

  "We haven't come to a decision about that. I would like to study you, to learn more about this anomaly," he said.

  "Study me? I am not a science project!" Maddie snapped.

  "You kind of are, Ms. Rhodes. You are still the property of the United States government. What we could learn from you might help us perfect our cloning process."

  "She's not property. She's a person," Mack spoke up.

  "Agent Rhodes?" Commander Westlake questioned, turning his attention to Mack.

  "She's a person. She may have been made from me but she has become her own person. That's not an anomaly. That's evolution."

  "A scientist is boasting about evolution?" Commander Westlake questioned.

  "Evolution is a scientific fact." Mack looked at him in surprise that he questioned it. "Her eye color is different, which isn’t a side effect of the cloning process. When she was brought here, we all expected her to curl up in a ball on her bed, unable to deal. We were ready to sedate her. We thought we would only have to watch her from the camera in her dorm. But look at her, Charlie. She has adapted to this situation. In fact, I would say she's thriving. She saved Jackson's life on that asteroid. Probably Seth's, and mine too. What does that tell you?"

  "She acted in defense," Commander Westlake stated.

  "Exactly, and based on what we know, clones aren't supposed to do that. Did you know that she destroyed several enemy ships on the way to the asteroid belt? Maddie has fallen in love, Charlie."

  "I understand what you are saying-" the Commander started before Mack cut him off.

  "Forgive me, Commander, but I'm not sure you do. Clones are not supposed to be able to do any of those things. Maddie has shown us she is more than that."


  "Charlie, clones are not supposed to form attachments other than the ones that were mentally programmed before they were...initiated. With Maddie, that would be Mallory and her, er, our family. But she has formed friendships with several members of my team. They don't look at her as my clone. She has often been referred to as my sister. She's... Maddie. She's her own person."

  Maddie was taken aback by Mack's words. Nearly the entire time Maddie had been at the agency, Mack had kept her distance. But now, she was fighting passionately for her clone. Maddie tried her best to suppress the smile threatening to tug at the corners of her mouth.

  The Commander thought about what Mack said for a few minutes before turning his attention back to Maddie.

  "I must confess, I thought there were only two options here. But if what Mack says is true, we may need to rethink things."

  Maddie gulped and slowly nodded.

  "Commander, I implore you. The second option isn't an option, in my opinion. I would be willing to write a report if you wish. Several others have voiced the same thoughts I have. You can't destroy her," Mack insisted.

  Destroy her! Maddie gasped in alarm.

  "Calm down, Ms. Rhodes. No decision has been made. You have to understand my point of view: you were created as a security measure so no one would find out the real Madison Mackenzie Rhodes' involvement. This is still a top secret organization, my dear. Personal feelings aside, your involvement could cause problems we can't afford. But rest assured, we will hear the other agents' views. I am sure the Agents Brooks both have strong opinions," the Commander said.


  "What do you think he's going to do?" Maddie asked once they were dismissed.

  "Well, if you had a choice, what would you like to do?" Mack asked.

  Maddie blinked wildly for a moment. She hadn't anticipated being asked. She just assumed the choice would be taken out of her hands.

  "If I had a choice?" Maddie repeated.

  "Yes. Would you want to stay here and work with me, or would you want to go back home?" Mack asked.

  Home. The mere thought made Maddie's heart swell. But the thought of leaving everything here...she wasn't sure.

  "If it were to make your decision any easier, you wouldn't remember anything that has happened in the last month," Mack told her.

  "They can do that?" Maddie asked, her eyes widening.

  "Of course. You wouldn't remember me, Jackson, any of it."

  Maddie remembered John's words from several days ago. She had been too scared to ask him to go into details.

  "John had said something similar before. He mentioned to me that it would be like a dream," Maddie said.

  Mack nodded. "That's right. You wouldn't remember me, the attacks, and your relationship with John. You wouldn't recall any of it."

  Is that what she wanted? To wake up in her own bed with Mallory in the next room and going to work at the call center, as if nothing had happened? The thought made her feel lonely and unsure.

  "Hey." Mack wrapped her arms around Maddie's shoulders.

  "What did you mean when you said that about me falling in love?" Maddie bashfully asked.

  "I think it's obvious you and John are in love with each other."

  "I wouldn't say that..." Maddie blushed.

  "Yeah, right." Mack rolled her eyes. "Maddie, it's plain as the unbroken nose on your face how you feel. It's as obvious as the broken nose on my face how John feels about you."

  "It's that obvious?"

  "What I don't understand is why you aren't taking advantage right now, girl."

  "Because it's all temporary, isn't it?" Maddie responded sadly.

  "It doesn't have to be. Besides, you don't know what could happen tomorrow which is why you've got to jump on it while you can." Mack nudged Maddie's shoulder, making her blush.

  "You certainly have become more touchy-feely now you know you can touch me and not die,” Maddie pointed out.

  "Well, that's certainly a good enough reason, isn't it?" Mack asked.

  "Is that why you were so scarce before the attack at the agency?" Maddie asked.

  "Partly. I was also working on a special project," Mack admitted.

  Maddie nodded and didn't say anything.

  "Charlie may say anomaly, but I say different," Mack said, shaking her head.

  Maddie chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before deciding to ask Mack something that had been bothering her.

  "Do you think it was weird that Commander Westlake made the comment about evolution?"

  Mack looked slightly taken aback by her question but then nodded

  "Very odd," she concurred.


  Charlie had ordered a series of tests so Maddie could demonstrate how alike or different she was from Mack. The first series focused on physical attributes. The first day, the tests focused on strength and agility. The second day focused on weapon usage and conditioning. Maddie was thankful on the third day, she was in a lab for most of it, getting scans and blood drawn.

  Jackson was still very weak but recovering well. He joined her in the medical lab while a medical team evaluated both of them.

  "How's it going?" he asked.

  "Mentally draining. Physically, it's going good," she told him.

  "That's what I'm hearing. It's encouraging." He smiled.

  "I guess so. I'm not sure doing well is a good thing," she admitted, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Say I exceed their expectations. What happens next? Will they think I'm too much of a security risk to live? Or maybe I'll just be some science study, picked apart until there is nothing human left."

  "I wouldn't worry too much about that, Maddie. We're all going to fight for you." Jackson winked.

  Maddie had been expecting another series of tests the next day but instead she was led into a small conference room that had a pane of glass, serving as a wall.

  "This is a one-way mirror. Today, we're going to listen to testimony from several people regarding you. They do know they are being recorded and watched but do not know that you are here," one of the agents told her.

  This should be fascinating, Maddie thought. The unfiltered, unabridged thoughts of Mack and several others.


  "What are your thoughts on Madison Rhodes?" an agent asked Mack.

  "I think she's an incredible person. And I'm not just saying that because she was created from me. That's all blood and tissues. There's more than that makes her up. There is something about Maddie that draws people to her. Jackson has been protective of her from the moment they met. John changed almost as soon as he met her. Logan Brooks gave his life to protect her."

  "Wasn't that his job?" the agent asked.

  "Technically, it was just to guard her. We've watched the security cameras from that attack, and we've talked with Seth as well. There were a few other things that could have been done...but what Logan did was assure that Seth and Maddie would make it to the hangar and escape. He could have climbed up and joined them or gone the other way. Instead he chose to give Maddie and Seth extra time. Logan did it because he cared for them."

  Hearing Mack's words about Logan made Maddie's heart swell with affection. A single tear rolled down her cheek. One of the agents in the room seemed to take note of her reaction.

  "What do you think should happen to your clone, Agent Rhodes?" the agent asked Mack.

  "There's that word again. Clone. She may have been created from me, but she's not a clone. Maddie should have an opinion about what will happen. If she wants to go back home and forget, then we should honor her request. If she chooses this life though, I think the agency has gained another invaluable agent."

  If Maddie could, she would have jumped through the glass and hugged Mack. She beamed proudly and nodded in agreement.


  "What are your thoughts on the clone?" the same agent asked Jackson.

  "The clone? Oh, you mean Maddie," Jackson responded.

  "You are the second person to correct me on it," the agent pointed out.

  "And I won't be the last either. Maddie is more than what you think of her."

  "What is she?"


  When the agent rolled his eyes and sighed, Jackson became agitated.

  "Look, our clones are supposed to be frozen in time. Your clone is supposed to be exactly like you were the day before you joined the agency. Yes, Maddie is a lot like the way Mack used to be but she's grown and changed, too."

  "How so?"

  "Clones are supposed to be subdued with no defensive skills. They are supposed to run for cover when there is danger. Did you know she pulled a can of pepper spray on me when we first met? Maddie has used guns and used them well. She ran into the fight instead of cowering. If it wasn't for her actions back on the asteroid base, I certainly would be dead. I'll always be in her debt for saving my life. She's full of passion and zest. Have you ever heard of a clone being described the way she has?"

  "No, I have not," the agent admitted.


  Seth repeated much of what Jackson and Mack stated. He also told the recording agent he felt like Maddie was like a sister to him.

  "And if my brother has anything to say about it, she probably will be," Seth smiled.

  "There is no way the clone will be allowed to marry. And agents are forbidden," the agent sternly said.

  Seth leaned forward, his brilliant green eyes flashing.

  "I'd like to see you try and stop them."

  Maddie couldn't help but giggle a little at Seth's intensity.


  Maddie was witness as Will, Grant, Nick, and Tamma gave testimonies as well as several other agents Maddie had barely interacted with. Will spoke passionately about his childhood friend.

  "We used to play until the street lights came on. We lost touch after high school. But when we talk now, it's like no time has passed between us. She's...Maddie. It's strange. It's like talking to two different people. The feeling I get when I talk to Maddie is different than when I talk to Mack," Will said.

  "How so?" the agent asked.

  "Mack is professional. When we talk, it's ISC business. But with Maddie, it's like talking to the girl I used to go roller skating with. Mack is a squad leader. Maddie is my friend," Will explained.

  Maddie was moved as people she hardly knew had strong enough feelings about her to voice their opinion. Each one spoke about how her passion and strength that was beyond what the agency thought was capable.


  Maddie held her breath as John took his seat at the table. He lit a cigarette and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on the table. It was the first time Maddie had seen him smoke since the evening at the bar.

  "Relaxed?" the agent asked, raising his eyebrow.

  "This is a complete waste of time," John told him, blowing a puff of smoke toward the agent.

  "I'm just doing my job here, Agent Brooks."

  "Yeah, yeah. I'm aware. So, I guess you are going to ask me about my thoughts and feelings regarding Maddie. You probably want to know what I think of this situation and my suggestion as to what to do," John sarcastically said.

  "Pretty much, yes."

  "I'm not going to waste any more of your time, repeating what I'm sure fifteen other agents have told you. Truth is, Mack doesn't compare to her."

  "To whom?"

  "Maddie. Don't get me wrong, I love Mack. She's one of my best friends. But Maddie…" John paused, choosing his words carefully. "Maddie is magical. She really is. I have never met anyone, including Mack, as beautiful as she is inside and out."

  John sat up straight in his chair, removing his feet from the table. He blew out another puff from his cigarette then placed it in the ash tray. He ran his fingers through his unruly copper hair, attempting to convey his thoughts correctly.

  "She's someone I have been waiting my entire life for. I just didn't know it until recently. Well, that may not be a hundred percent true. I used to watch my clone on my apartment monitor, hoping I would see her. The idea I might not be able to hold her soon…" John paused, running his fingers through his hair again. "That is more than I can stand. She may have been created in a lab but she's more real than any other woman I have ever met. She has a light inside of her that illuminates an entire room. You can't help but be drawn to her."

  "You sound like you love her."

  "With every ounce of me." John breathed deeply.

  "And you believe she loves you?"

  "I hope so."

  "You hope so?"
br />   John closed his eyes and shook his head.

  "It's hard to believe someone that unbelievable wants to be with me. You've seen my file. You know my background. I'm a pretty fucked up person. But I want to be better. I want to be the man that she deserves. But I can't tell her that. Because she might be leaving me, either of her own accord or by force. Maybe that is what has kept me from giving in fully to my emotions when it comes to her. No, I haven't told her yet. It's a measure of self-preservation."

  "Agent Brooks..."

  "I can completely understand if she wants to go back to the way things were. She did have a safe, albeit meaningless, existence. And I'll know she'll be okay. But it should be her choice. Don't take that away from her. And don't kill the light that so many of us love."

  The agent wiped a tear from his eye at John's words. "Thank you, Agent Brooks. You have given us a lot to consider." The agent's voice cracked slightly under the weight of his emotions.


  Maddie paced in her room, shaking the nerves out of her system. She had made up her mind that Mack was right. The time she had remaining at the ISC could be just a day or two. And she knew she wanted to spend that time, however short, with John. She was going to tell him her feelings. Even though she heard him tell the other agent how he felt, she was still nervous.

  What if he turned her down? She didn't doubt his feelings, but they were both scared of what the future would hold. Maddie wondered if Commander Westlake ordered her memory to be altered, if he would alter the memories of everyone else on base, John included. That seemed like a lot to undertake. Maybe John would ask that he forget her and everyone else could pretend that nothing happened...

  Maddie pushed the thoughts aside. Whatever the future held for her, she wanted it to be with John. She gave herself a quick check in the mirror and headed out to John's apartment.

  "Hold on!" John called to the knock on his door.

  John was throwing on a t-shirt as he opened the door. His hair was dripping wet, fresh from a shower. He looked surprised to see her.


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