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Handfuls of Shattered Pieces

Page 21

by Kerry Taylor

  “Thankyou Love. What you did for me was amazing. You saved my life.” He added, more gently.

  “I didn’t Kade. You guys are all being dramatic now. I just did what needed to be done…..what any of you guys would have done if you were there.”

  “Yeah, but we’re all twice your size, at least, and know how to drive.” Matt laughed.

  “Are you ok? You weren’t hurt were you?” Kade asked as he started looking me over.

  “I’m fine.” Kade, ignoring me, looked over me to Cole for an answer.

  “She was just shaken up and exhausted. We’re getting her home after this.” Cole replied.

  “Kyle said he’s staying with you. I want to stay too. You scared me, I’m not ready to leave you.” I argued, trying hard to fight yet more tears. Kade took my hand again and pulled me up. I went willingly and laid on the bed beside him when he pulled me down. I lay my head on his chest and just took a breath.

  “I’m going to be just fine, Love. I’ll be home tomorrow and back to normal. You need to take care of yourself. You’re pale and you’re trembling badly. You don’t want to end up sick because of this.” He said as he stroked up and down my back soothingly. I squeezed around his waist, wanting more than anything to stay with him. “I need you to go home with the guys and rest, ok? I need to know my idiocy hasn’t hurt you too.” He sighed and I knew, from the tone of his voice he felt guilty about what had happened, even though it wasn’t at all his fault.

  “Ok,” I agreed, knowing he needed me to give in on this one. If I was honest I knew I would struggle to keep on going much longer anyway. They were right, I was exhausted, more so than I ever remembered being.

  “Good. Thankyou Olivia.” He whispered and I felt him place a kiss on top of my head, very gently.

  “Thank you for not dying.” I whispered back, so grateful to have him safe beside me. My feelings for him, for all of the guys were confusing and at times, overwhelming. I was struggling to understand the way I felt for them all, especially after I kissed Cole earlier, but one thing I knew for sure was that I cared for each and every one of them very much, and I needed them all more than anything else at that time. I would never have survived losing Kade that day.

  “I’m not going anywhere Love.” The arm around my waist squeezed me tightly against Kade’s body, as if he too was reluctant to let me go.

  “Come on Carina. Let’s get you home and into bed.” Matt interrupted.

  “Go on Love, get home and sleep.” Kade agreed as he released his hold enough for me to turn and get my feet back on the floor. “I’ll be home in the morning.”

  I pushed up from the bed, Kade’s arm still loosely around my waist, steadying me. I was even more shaky by now and as soon as I got fully up, I felt lightheaded. I swayed and slammed my eyes closed in an attempt to stop the room around me from spinning.

  Hands grabbed me, two on my waist and two on the tops of my arms. I knew Cole was behind me, holding my arms by his aftershave which I knew well now, a mix of sweet and spicy. When I dared to open my eyes I found Kade leant out of the side of the bed, steadying hands around my waist.

  “Sorry.” I whispered. “I’m ok now.”

  “Yeah, I think I might just keep a hold of you in case, ok beautiful?” Cole laughed as his hands moved down and wrapped one around my back and one around my front, holding me against him tightly.

  “Get home guys. I’m good. Just take care of Olivia, yeah?” Kade said as he let me go and laid back.

  “We got her.” Matt agreed as he gave Kade a chin lift.

  “You get some rest too Kade. You have a concussion, you need to sleep.” I told him, remembering what Xander had said.

  “I will. Stop worrying about me now. I’m good, thanks to you.” He smiled and it comforted me to see his usual cockiness back in place.

  We all said our goodbyes and Cole all but carried me through the hospital and to Kade’s car. He climbed into the back and sat me in the centre seat. As soon as I was fastened in and cuddled up against his warm body, my eyes fell closed and sleep finally got to claim me.


  Three days later and things had calmed down and were pretty much back to normal. Kade took two days at home to rest and let the concussion pass, but returned to work that morning. Keira, who refused to return to work until she was sure Kade was recovered, also returned to her office that morning too.

  Kyle had been working from home tirelessly, trying to get a lead on The Shadow, looking for similar cases, checking property holdings around the area I was found, and a ton more research he refused to discuss with me. He had been glued to his laptop night and day, determined to get a lead.

  Cole and Matt had been good at entertaining me and helping me keep up with my school work, distracting me from the stories still flying through the media about me and their stupid theories about where I was during my disappearance, and what I went through. The guys hadn’t been spared either, with more stories of their pasts and speculation about which, or how many of them I was being taken advantage of by. I refused to read the stories, not wanting to find out about the guy’s pasts from some misinformed reporter. They would tell me the truth, if they wanted me to know, when they were ready.

  “Olivia, leave that now Chica. Come and eat.” Matt said as he appeared at the door of the office, where I was finishing up an English Lit paper not due for a few weeks. I had to admit, I was really happy with how far ahead I had gotten with my schoolwork so far. I had struggled a little to begin with, but with help from the guys and a lot of hard study, I was now pretty far ahead and feeling confident I would catch up to the grade I should be at, in the next month or so.

  “Happily.” I agreed with a smile. I hit save, then closed the laptop with a sigh of relief. I had been working on the paper for hours and I needed a break.

  Matt held his hand out to me as I stood, and I took it easily and followed as he pulled me through to the kitchen where he had laid out sandwiches, chips and some cupcakes he’d been making earlier that morning, at the island in the centre.

  Cole, who already had a plate piled high with food, and a half eaten sandwich in his hand, motioned me over to sit in the chair beside him.

  “Finished your work early did you?” I asked with humour. He too was supposedly working on an assignment, but from his clothes. I knew he’d been in the gym instead, as usual.

  “I’ll get to it later.” He cried defensively, making me laugh. He hated doing school work and always put it off as long as he possibly could before actually getting it done at the last minute. Lucky for him he was smart enough that he managed to stay on top of it all.

  “That’s what you said last week, then I ended up staying up until 11pm helping you with your math paper.” I pointed out with an amused smile.

  “After lunch, ok? I’ll get it done after lunch.” I nodded my approval, but remained sceptical.

  Kyle arrived, taking a seat opposite me. He looked tired and stressed and I worried he was working way too hard. I had barely seen him sleep in the last three days.

  “How’s it going?” Matt asked as he looked to Kyle with concern too.

  “Slowly!” Kyle barked. “Whoever this fucker is, he’s like a fucking ghost.”

  “You need to take a break Kyle. You’re working too hard.” I looked across to him pleadingly, needing him to slow down. I didn’t want him to run himself into the ground because of me.

  “No. What I need is to catch this fucker before he comes looking for you again!” He growled.

  Just the thought that The Shadow could come to the house, looking for me, had me shaking. What if he saw Evie first, or hurt one of the guys to get to me? I would never forgive myself if any of them were hurt, or worse, because of me, especially Evie.

  I dropped the sandwich I was picking at and dropped my clenched hands to my lap. I looked down, studying them as I fought to breathe through the panic rising within me.

  A large hand dropped on top of both of mine, wrapping the
m in warmth. I knew it was Cole before he spoke.

  “You ok?” He asked. I looked up into his dark grey eyes and nodded shakily. I tried to reassure myself Kyle was just stressed, that he didn’t mean what he said, that The Shadow would not come for me again.

  “Shit! I’m sorry Princess. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Kyle sighed as he studied me. “I just need to catch this fucker.”

  “I’m ok.” I looked across and forced a smile to reassure him.

  “Come on Brains, eat up. You can help me with my maths after lunch.” Cole joked, making me smile and relax a little. He always seemed to be able to do that for me.

  I started eating the sandwich, tentatively, while the guys dove into their food like a pack of wild dogs.

  “Cole and I, we were invited to a party tonight. It’s a guy from school who does the same party every year. We were wondering if you felt like coming? It should be fun.” Matt asked, taking me by surprise. I dropped the half eaten sandwich and tried to process the idea. I had never been to a party before, not since my friend Sarah’s mermaid themed, ninth birthday anyway.

  “It’ll be busy, right?” I asked nervously, thinking of the teenage parties I had seen on TV. Could I really handle being surrounded by people like that?

  “It will, but we’ll stay with you the whole time. We’ll keep you safe.” Cole promised and I had no doubt they would. It was tempting. I was sick of being cooped up in the house and it might be nice to do something kids my age do.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea. That kidnapper is still on the loose and if the press gets wind, they’ll be there in minutes trying to get pictures of Liv.” Kyle grumbled.

  “It’s at Charlie’s place. You know how secure that house is, and we will not leave her side. She needs to be allowed to leave this house occasionally Ky.” Matt countered with a look of determination across his face.

  “You want to go?” Kyle asked as he turned to me. I was unsure, but one look to Cole and Matt, seeing the hope and excitement in their faces, and I knew I had to try.

  “Yes. I’d like to see what it’s like to be a regular teenager for once.” I admitted.

  “Ok fine. But you two stay by her side the whole time, and if she gets anxious or wants to leave you bring her straight home. Am I clear?” Kyle ordered.

  “Yes Dad,” Cole joked, making me smirk.

  “And no drinking. Not when you have Olivia to take care of.”

  “Of course not.” Cole agreed. “I can’t wait. This is going to be awesome!” Matt nodded his agreement, a big grin on his face.

  I really hoped I didn’t freak out as soon as we got there, and let them both down.


  “There. All done.” Keira said as she fluffed my hair up in the back. As soon as she found out about the party, she insisted on helping me get ready. She had already applied a little makeup and neatened up my shoddy haircut for me. She had just finished curling my hair with her curling iron.

  “You look really pretty Honey, just beautiful.” She gushed, a huge smile on her face as she stood before me, looking me over.

  “Go and change into the outfit we picked out, then you can see what you think.” She added. I had not been allowed to look in a mirror so far, Keira suggesting it would be better for me to wait until I could ‘get the full impact’, whatever that meant.

  I nodded and walked through to the closet where the clothes Keira helped me pick out hung at the front. She had suggested a dress, but I wasn’t feeling confident enough for that, feeling I was no longer a dress kinda girl. Instead Keira had picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a really pretty black chiffon layered, floaty top that had just thin straps and a low, but not too low, neck line. It was one of the many beautiful items Keira had chosen for me when she bought me clothes before I even arrived. I pointed out I would freeze, but Keira also pulled out my flat back knee high boots and cute grey leather jacket, assuring me I would be warm enough at the party.

  I was unbelievably nervous about the whole thing, scared I would do something to embarrass Matt and Cole, but I was also pretty excited. It was nice to get all fancied up, and to have something normal to look forward to. It didn’t hurt knowing I’d get Matt and Cole all to myself for the night too. Nothing had happened between Cole and I since our accidental kiss, but I did feel myself watching him around the house in a whole new way. Every time I saw him, the kiss replayed in my head and butterflies danced in my stomach.

  “Are you alright in there Olivia Honey?” Keira called and I realised I was taking too long, lost in daydreams. I hurried to pull on the top, then grabbed my boots and jacket and ran out.

  Keira was sitting on my bed and when she looked up she beamed at me.

  “Perfect, just perfect.” She clapped her hands together excitedly and I couldn’t help but smile. “Go take a look,” She ushered me over to the mirror across the room and I hurried over, wanting to see how I looked. It was the first time since my mom got me ready for school that last morning, so many years ago, that I had felt attractive and I was eager to see if my reflection mirrored the strange confidence I was feeling.

  As soon as I looked in the mirror I smiled. I couldn’t help it. The girl looking back at me looked so whole and happy. I was convinced it couldn’t really be me. Keira had cut my hair in bangs around my face and they softened the harshness of my too thin face. She had cut it a little shorter, so it just sat off of my shoulders and it was all curled, looking really pretty and feminine. The make up she had applied was subtle, just giving me a little more colour on my cheeks and emphasizing my eyes with a little liner and some mascara. The outfit was perfect too. All of my scars were hidden, my figure looking at its best yet, in the tight jeans and the loose, but short top. I may have felt like a scared child, but I looked like a woman and it gave me a much needed boost.

  “You’re a magician.”I laughed as I turned back to Keira, unable to hold in my smile. “Nonsense. It’s easy when I have such natural beauty to start with. You’re stunning Olivia, never doubt that.”

  “Thank you.” I knew I was glowing red, embarrassed by her comments.

  “No thanks needed. I had fun having some girl time. We need to do it more.”

  “I’d like that.” I agreed. I hadn’t seen that much of Keira or Grant because they worked a lot, but what I had seen I liked a lot. They were good people with big hearts. There was nothing they wouldn’t do for their family, including me. They had made me a part of their home and their family with no reservations and it had really helped me begin to heal. I just hoped one day I could show them how very grateful I was, for everything.

  “Go on Honey, you head out now. The boys will be waiting for you downstairs.” She ushered me out and gave me a wave from the door of her room, as I headed down the stairs nervously.

  The guys were standing in the entrance hall, leant against the wall on their cells, waiting for me. They both looked good, Matt in dark jeans and a black, close fitting button down that showed his toned body. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows showcasing his muscular arms and I couldn’t help but follow them up to his ripped biceps and wide chest.

  “Holy shit!” Cole gasped, and when I looked at him, he was staring up to where I stood on the last step. I blushed, hoping I didn’t look stupid, all made up as I was. “Olivia…… look fucking amazing.” Cole gasped, making me turn even redder. He looked pretty amazing himself, dressed in light grey chinos and a charcoal grey polo tee. His wild hair had been tamed, swept back off of his face and the grin on his face just completed his handsomeness.

  “What he means to say is, you look beautiful carina.” Matt laughed as he too looked over me with a smile.

  “Yeah, what he said.” Cole agreed, still staring at me.

  “Thank you. You both look really good too.” I agreed as I took the last step and approached them.

  “We scrub up alright.” Cole said with false modesty, as he ran a hand through his hair supermodel style.

  “You re
ady to go, Chica?” Matt asked while shaking his head at Cole’s antics.

  I bent down to pull on my boots over my jeans, then shrugged on my jacket.

  “Ready when you are.” I agreed as I checked for my cell in my jacket pocket, where I put it earlier. I knew the guys promised to stay with me and I was sure they would, but if I got seperated I wanted a way to contact them.

  “Hold up!” Kyle’s voice boomed as he came running in from the kitchen.

  “Here we go.” Cole muttered under his breath.

  “We know Kyle. Keep Olivia with us, bring her home if she wants or needs to, no drinking and drive carefully. You told us like a million times today.” Matt moaned, but Kyle wasn’t listening. He was just staring open mouthed at me.

  “Fuck Princess. You look amazing.” He whispered as he stared right into my eyes. “Fucking beautiful.” He added, making me blush yet again.

  “Thanks.” I whispered shyly. He stared at me for a moment longer, then seemed to shake himself out of it and looked back to the guys.

  “Keep her close. Every guy in there will be all over her in a minute if you leave her alone.” Kyle growled. If I wasn’t so naive I would think he was jealous?

  “Not happening.” Cole’s reply was a growl too and I wondered what the heck was wrong with them.

  “Come on. We need to get going.” Matt declared, taking my hand.

  “You got your cellphone Liv?” Kyle asked. I nodded and patted my pocket to prove it. “You need me, you call and I’ll be there in minutes, yeah?”

  I pulled my hand from Matt and hurried over to Kyle, hugging him tight, but briefly.

  “I’ll be fine.” I told him as I held him.He nodded once, so I let him go and returned to Matt. Cole appeared at my other side and took my other hand, then we were on our way.


  We Had to get access through some huge metal gates into the grounds of the house where the party was. As Cole drove through them I gasped at the monster of a house before us. It was literally a mansion, at least three times the size of Grant and Keira’s, which, by the way, I already thought was huge!


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