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The Wanted Virgin (Cowboys & Virgins Book 3)

Page 3

by Alexa Riley

  “You going to tell them about me?”

  “Nope.” The word flips out fast. “I like having you all to myself.”

  “I like it, too,” I admit. It’s nice. I feel like we’re lost in our own little world, and I want to stay here, not thinking about anything else.

  “What do you do with your land? My father mainly grows corn for feed and raises some hogs.” I stiffen, realizing what I just revealed. I don’t know if it’s anything I should or shouldn’t say. I’m still not sure how far I’d gotten from my father’s farm, but I have a feeling it wasn’t far enough. Or maybe it was. Most of yesterday is still foggy.

  “I won’t dig. You give me things when you want to.” He places another kiss on my neck. “I have a few animals here, but they aren’t for any real use. We have oil. I watch over the rigs, but they don’t really need much tending to. We have a company that works them, so I more or less watch over them. Make sure nothing big happens.”

  “Sounds boring,” I admit, and I feel his body shake, giving off a soft laugh.

  “And what would you do if you had a farm?” he asks.

  “Probably not a lot. I’ve always wanted to have my own little garden, maybe a few chickens and even a cow. I like the idea of cooking using stuff I grow myself, or with what my animals give me. I guess I’m not any more exciting than you,” I admit.

  “I think it sounds nice. Simple and nice. We’d really never have to leave then, would we?”

  I turn to look at him, and he’s got one of those dimples showing that I keep noticing. Without having to ask, he leans down, taking my mouth in a kiss. It’s soft and slow, like we have no place in the world to be. Nothing but us matters in this little world we’re in.

  “I think I can live off this,” he says against my mouth before placing another kiss on my lips.

  “I didn’t know kisses could be so good,” I say, licking my lips.

  “I didn’t know anything could be so good.”

  I stare into his eyes, wondering how my life has changed so much in such a short time. “Don’t say a word, baby doll.” Trace places his fingers on my lips in a hush gesture as his head pulls up from mine. I turn to see where he’s looking but don’t see anything.

  He slides from the horse, putting the finger to his own mouth now and letting me know to remain silent. He looks me dead in the eyes and whispers, “Don’t move. I’ll be right back. Promise me.”

  I mouth the words, still not wanting to talk, worried about what’s going on, but I can tell by his face now is not the time to make a scene and grab on to him like I want to. I watch him jump over a fence and walk through some high bushes.

  I wait for what feels like an eternity. When I finally see him again, I feel like I can breathe. He slides on the horse, and neither of us says anything as we take off. This time when the horse sets off, she moves faster than before. She keeps a steady pace until we reach the back porch of the house.

  Trace jumps off and helps me down, placing my bare feet on the porch.

  “Go inside. I’ll be right in.” I do as he says, not uttering a word. I’m worried about what happened out there, and my mind races. Not even two seconds later, Trace is back in the house and I’m still standing right inside the doorway.

  Trace picks me up and I wrap around him, really starting to freak out.

  “What’s wrong? You’re scaring me,” I say into his neck as he sits down.

  “I saw some lights flashing, so I went to go look. It was the sheriff.” I pull back to look at him. “There was a car stuck on the edge of my land, and they were pulling it out of the mud, talking about the missing girl named Addison, saying she’d stolen it.”

  “I didn’t steal it. I just needed it for a second. I had to. I wanted to leave and he wouldn’t let me. I didn’t mean to steal it.” My eyes start to burn, and I know tears are about to come. I don’t want to cry. I haven’t even thought about crying since I got here. The feeling was nice.

  “Hush, baby doll. I don’t care if you did or didn’t steal anything. I just wanted you away from there. I didn’t want any of them seeing you.”

  “Am I going to get you in trouble?” I ask, knowing he probably lied for me.

  “The only person who’s going to be in trouble is whoever made you run.”



  I hold Addison in my lap for a long while, petting her hair and listening to her heartbeat. At one point I thought maybe she fell asleep, and I didn’t move because I didn’t want to wake her up.

  There’s a knock on the door, and she startles in my lap, clinging to me. I can see the terror in her eyes, and I hold her face in my hands to try to calm her down.

  “Go to the bedroom. I’ll get rid of whoever that is. I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you. Okay?”

  She looks at the door and then looks at me, biting her lip. After a moment of hesitation, she does as I ask, and I stand in the living room, watching her until I see my bedroom door close.

  I walk over to the front door and look out the small window to the side and roll my eyes. I pull the front door open and look at my brother Blake.

  “What?” I say. I don’t have time for niceties.

  “You missed a meeting this morning, and Dolly said you didn’t pick up your pies from MJ. You okay?”

  “I’m fine, Blake. I didn’t get the messages, and I’ve been riding fences.”

  He looks like he doesn’t want to be here as much as I don’t want him here. He nods, needing no other explanation, and waves goodbye. “Sounds good. I’ll get out of your hair.”

  He takes off a lot quicker than I’d have thought. Normally my family wants to poke around and stay awhile. But him leaving so soon is a gift I’m not about to refuse.

  Closing the door, I realize it’s gotten dark. It’s probably close to dinnertime. I walk back to the bedroom and find Addison sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “It’s all good, baby doll. Just my brother Blake stopping by to check on me.” She hops off the bed and runs to me, and I scoop her up to hold her in my arms. “God, I love how you come to me.”

  She giggles and places a soft kiss on my neck.

  “You want something to eat?” I’m hungry for other things, but I want to make sure she’s taken care of.

  “As long as I can sit with you again.” Her cheeks flush scarlet, and I hold her tighter to me, thinking about what we did this morning.

  Placing my lips on hers, I kiss her slowly at first and then get deeper. I take over, sweeping my tongue into her mouth, and she moans when I do it. I grip her ass with both hands, rocking her against me. The hard ridge of my cock nestles between us as she moves up and down.

  “Baby doll,” I grunt as her mouth moves to my neck. She licks me there, and then her teeth graze the sensitive spot under my ear.

  It’s enough to snap my control, and I’ve got her pinned on the bed under me in half a second. She lets out a breath and a giggle as I reach between us to her jeans.

  “I need another taste of you, and I don’t want it off my fingers. Let me taste that barely legal pussy with my mouth this time.”

  She moans and raises her hips, helping me work the jeans off of her. I watch as her hands go to the button-up flannel, undoing it and exposing her naked breasts to me. She leaves the shirt on, just opening the front.

  I start below her neck, running my palm down between her breasts, to her naked pussy. She spreads her legs, showing me her wet folds, and I lick my lips as I inhale the scent of her.

  “Trace,” she moans as she reaches for me.

  I entwine my fingers with hers, and we lock eyes as my mouth closes over her cunt. I have to break the contact when I close my eyes, groaning with desire at her taste. It’s even better than when I’d tasted her last time. It’s more delicious than I could have ever imagined.

  I’ve never done this before, but I listen to her sounds and feel her body as I lick her clit and work my finger inside her. I’m so absorbed in her pussy that it t
akes me a moment to realize that the front of my jeans is wet. I must have cum when I first tasted her, but I don’t remember it happening. I was too lost in her body to care about my own needs.

  Slipping a second finger inside her, I try to be gentle as I stretch her, getting her ready for my cock. She may not be getting it right this second, but she’ll be getting it soon enough. And when she does, I want to be able to fit in as much as I can.

  With my free hand, I unbutton my jeans and let my cock out of its restraints. The sticky cum on me is no indication of relief because he’s still rock hard and an angry shade of red. I don’t touch him, just let him hang there fully hard and pointing at her, his desired target clear.

  After that’s done, I reach up and cup her breast, then move back and forth between them, pinching each nipple. She writhes on the bed as I do everything I can to heighten her arousal and give her the best orgasm possible. This time when she cums, I want it on my mouth so I can eat her pleasure. Devour it into my body.

  I suck her clit, and her legs tighten around my face as her back bows off the bed. I keep my fingers inside her cunt, strong and steady as I fuck in and out of her, my mouth covering her clit. I pinch her nipple and curl my fingers up to her sweet spot inside, and then she explodes.

  She screams, not in fear but in absolute passion. She holds nothing back as her orgasm takes control of her body and she is a slave to my touch. I don’t change pressure as I work her higher and higher until she collapses onto the bed.

  Slowly, I love her pussy, giving her small kisses and touches as I pull my fingers out and move my tongue to her entrance, tasting her cum and licking her clean. I moan at the sweetness of her orgasm, rubbing my nose and chin against her. Wanting to coat every part of my face in her honey.

  “Trace,” she breathes and reaches for me.

  Reluctantly I pull myself away from her cunt and move up her body, kissing her curves along the way so that I don’t miss an inch of her.

  My cock is hard and thick between us, and I have to hold my hips back so he doesn’t find her warmth. If my cock touches her wetness, I won’t be able to stop myself from pushing inside. And I know the tip won't be enough. I’ll have to take one inch, then another, then another. He won’t be satisfied until I’m balls deep in that virgin pussy and wearing it out.

  “I’m going to go to the kitchen and get you something to eat, baby doll. You fed me, now let me feed you.”

  She closes her eyes and smiles, completely sated. I give her lips a small kiss before I stand from the bed and look down at her. She’s so beautiful in my bed, and my heart aches to crawl back on top of her, her small naked body with all its curves on full display for me. Her legs are still spread wide open, and I can see her wetness glistening on her thighs.

  After a second of staring, I realize I can’t just walk away like this. So I reach down and stroke my cock looking at her. Her eyes are still closed, and her breathing is even. She’s fallen asleep after the orgasm I gave her, and she looks like an angel.

  Cum leaks from my cock with every stroke of my fist, and after a few hard pulls, I cum. Long spurts come out and land on her soft belly. As soon as the thick stream hits her, her eyes startle open and she watches me. The sight of her bright green eyes has me cumming all over again, another wave of my cream shooting from my cock to coat her thick thighs and pussy.

  I grunt out the last of it, shaking my dick and letting the last few drops fall on her. I should have made myself wait, but seeing my cum on her is enough to sate my beast, to hold me over for a little longer before I fully make her mine.



  “What are you doing?”

  I look up to see Trace leaning on the door frame and staring at me as I sit on the floor of his bedroom. His big body takes up most of the space in the doorway, and he’s got a crooked smile on his lips as he watches me.

  “I was just making myself something to wear. I hope you don’t mind.” I hold up a piece of the dark blue bed-sheet I’d cut up.

  “You can do anything you want around here, baby doll,” he drawls. I smile at that.

  I knew he wouldn’t mind me cutting up the sheet. Trace doesn’t get upset about anything I do. It’s nice not having to worry about my every step. I used to always try to be unnoticed, but with Trace it’s not like that at all. In fact, I’m always trying to get his attention.

  “I thought you had stuff you had to do?” I ask as I cut the end of the thread and tie it off. He said he had a few things he needed to take care of out in the barn, but he’d only been gone maybe thirty minutes.

  “I don’t like being away from you for too long.” I look back up at him and see he’s taken a step into the room. Moving closer to me.

  “I don’t like being away from you either, but I know you have stuff to do. Plus, I don’t really have anything to wear to go with you.” It’s why I hadn’t gone to the barn with him.

  His sister had only left two pieces of clothing here, and both of them were dirty. Thanks to Trace. I feel myself blush remembering it.

  “I ordered you some stuff. Should be here tomorrow.”

  “You ordered me stuff when you were in the barn?” I ask, unable to hide my shock.

  “No, last night when you were sleeping. I did it on my computer. I had it overnighted, and if you don’t like what I got, you can send it back and get something else.”

  “I’m sure it’s perfect.” I don’t care if it’s a paper bag, I’ll wear it if he got it for me. I can’t even remember the last time I’d gotten new clothes. Mine were all a little small because my father would never get me anything new. Being given anything was rare, so I’d learned how to make my own.

  “I’m going to miss seeing you in my clothes,” he says, eyeing me in one of his oversized shirts. It could nearly be a dress.

  I raise my hand for him to help me off the ground, but he bends down, placing his hands under my arms and lifting me. He puts me on my feet and kisses the top of my head.

  “I do like sleeping in your shirts, so you’ll get your fix then.”

  “I changed my mind. I hate seeing you in my clothes. You’ll have to sleep in nothing.”

  Shaking my head, I tug his shirt I have on now over my head and toss it on the floor. I stand naked before him. His eyes roam over me, going straight to my breasts, and he makes a grab for me, but I jump back.

  “Let’s see if it fits.” I bend down and pick up the makeshift dress. I know if I let him get his hands on me, I won't be trying on the dress anytime soon.

  “Let me,” he says, reaching out and taking it from my hands. “Arms up.”

  I do as he says, and he slides the dress down my arms and over my head. Once it’s in place, I look up to him with hopeful eyes only to see he’s angry.

  “You aren’t leaving the house in that,” he growls. I look down at the dress. I sewed little notches to bunch the material at the waist and to make the top fit tighter. The bottom flares out a little, but I know the problem. I’d cut it too short.

  “You don’t like it?” I ask, doing a little twirl that makes the dress fly up. Trace’s eyes go straight to my sex.

  He licks his lips, and I know what he’s thinking. It’s something he’s been doing to me pretty much constantly since yesterday. He loves to kiss between my legs. He’s done it four times in the last twenty-four hours. I could lie in bed forever and let him do that to me. That’s kind of what I did this morning until he pulled me from the bed saying I had to eat.

  “Oh, I’m going to fucking love it when it’s on the floor next to my shirt.” He growls again, and then lunges for me. I squeal, dodging his grab. “You wanna play?” He raises one eyebrow as I slowly start backing farther away from him.

  “Maybe,” I bait.

  “Baby doll, you know I’m gonna catch you.”

  “But what are you going to do to me when you do?” I lick my lips thinking about tasting him. About him making me taste him when he catches me. My breathing picks up just th
inking about it. A delicious thrill goes straight to my core.

  He growls again, and this time he really comes for me. I jump onto the bed and scurry to the other side. He puts both hands on the bed, leaning over it a little. “The likelihood of that dress making it when I get my hands on you goes down every second it takes me to catch you.”

  “This dress?” I twirl again, the dress fluttering around my upper thighs as he springs towards me. I scream, running through the bedroom door, into the hallway, and down the stairs. I can hear him behind me as I run as fast as I can through the living room into the kitchen, heading straight for the back door.

  I hear a loud thump and I know he probably just jumped down the stairs. Flinging open the back door, I barrel out of the house laughing and running straight into someone. Hands come to my shoulders, stopping me from falling on my ass.

  “What the hell?” the man says. My gaze travels up and lands on a man who looks to be about Trace’s age, but he’s not built as big as him. He’s got brown eyes that match his hair perfectly. A smile pulls at his lips, but he makes no move to let me go. I just stare up at him in shock.

  “Let her go.” Trace doesn’t even give him time to do as he demands as he pulls me from the other man’s hold. He places me behind him so the man can’t see me. All I can see is Trace’s broad back.

  “Fuck, Trace, I didn’t know you had a chick over here. Hell, I didn’t know you ever had anyone over here,” the mystery man says.

  “Watch your fucking mouth in front of her.”

  “That doesn’t make a lick of sense. You just dropped the F-bomb yourself.” I can hear laughter in the other man’s voice, but it doesn’t seem to be helping cool Trace down. I can see the tension radiating through his body.

  “I’ll say whatever the fuck I want in front of my woman. You, on the other hand, don’t have that liberty,” Trace bites out. I reach up, placing my hands on his back, letting my fingers rub small circles. He leans into it a little, as if trying to get my touch deeper into him.


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