A Weirdly Perverted Romance

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A Weirdly Perverted Romance Page 11

by Kitty Parker

  Chapter 14: The Suckiest day that ever Sucked


  I woke up the next day, as you know, people generally do. Thinking about yesterday and how it sucked and then thinking about today and knew it was going to suck. But I had no idea how right I was as I got up and brushed my teeth that morning, grumbling about the newspaper being thrown into the thorn bushes again. Today, lets just say, was going to suck so bad 'suck' wasn't even a word that should be used to describe it.

  And I thought I was already having a bad day, after having health-where the teacher was going on about Waiting Till Your Married like Back in The Old Days-and info-where the nerds and geeks were talking in a language I didn't even understand, what is halo 3 by the way?-which were both majorly boring. The only thing that vaguely made up for it was textiles where I made myself these new-totally rad, if I do say so myself-jeans.

  Luckily it was my last day in detention, as they only would make me come for the rest of last week and this week. But it was no party either; he just played this video on drugs that we have seen about a hundred times already in health.

  But now it was lunch time, I had skipped on the food because I really didn't feel like eating much and instead took to wandering around the corridors. Until I heard music coming from, well, the music room. It was piano too, and they played fairly well. And you know how I feel about piano. They were playing My Heart Will Go On.

  I was like a dog to the smell of meat; I headed towards that sweet tune. But when I found what was at the receiving end, my jaw dropped. It was The Pervert playing on a beautiful set of electronic keyboards, and I don't mean the computer ones.

  Boy, could that boy play. I forgot all about being mad at him and just stared through the window at him. What was he doing playing such a feminine song? I don't know, couldn't care less. It was beautiful.

  After a while he stopped playing and just kind of buried his face his hands, tearing at his hair. I kept on staring, I had no idea he could play that way, or at all, really. I must have staring a bit too intensely because he suddenly looked up from his hands, shooting a glance behind him and his eyes stopping to rest on me.

  I kind of stammered, trying to think of an explanation and not remembering he couldn't hear me from where I was. I sent him a meek embarrassed look and waved, forgetting I was mad at him. He just stared on confusedly at me as I jogged off into the halls 'Reese Anderson, come to the Principals office now. It's your Grandmother.'

  Oh crap, she had probably found out about the teabags! I was dead, I was a goner, I was-why does everyone look so, well, utterly miserable in here? I walked in through to the principles office, giving the secretary an odd look.

  "Who died in here?" I kidded and Principal Oakley just stared blankly at me, gaping like a fish. What? Was my shoelace untied? The secretary in the next room let out a sob and I gave Principle Oakley a startled expression.

  "I really didn't mean to get the home-brand teabags I swear it, I mean, I accidentally put them in. Ok, that's lying, I did it on purpose! But I didn't know she'd phone up the school about it!" The Principal sent me a baffled look "Um...is this about teabags?"

  "No..." She said shaking her head, looking forlornly at me "No it's not Reese."

  Well, ok then. Up goes the idiot scale.

  "Reese, your Grandmother she's..." she sighed, running a hand through her hair "She's, she not...She's not with us."

  I blinked; I probably should have got her meaning like any normal person would have. But I just looked like her like she was insane.

  "Um," I started intelligently "I can see that."

  "She's gone to a place in the sky." She told me, ushering upwards.

  And I still didn't catch her meaning "What? Has Grandmother escaped the country on a plane? She always said she wanted to bring back one of those drop bears from Australia and keep it on our front lawn so it could maul people, well, she'd train it to maul certain people anyway. I'm sure it wouldn't maul you Principal Oakley."

  I tried giving her a reassuring look but she just sent me an exasperated look.

  "Reese," she said flatly "She's dead."

  Blinking back her I was all 'huh?' you know like how Scooby does it when he's confused and one of his ears flop down? I was all like that 'Huh?'

  "Are you freaking serious?" I hissed, giving her an odd look, she sent me a wobbly smile. I stood from my chair "Um, I gotta go."

  I speed walked out the door, a huge lump forming at the back of my throat. The bell rang through the corridors, but I couldn't go to class. I hadn't cried in 13 years, at all. But now I was close to it.

  So I just grabbed my bag, slammed my locker and started heading towards the girls toilets. But I didn't quite make it, someone grabbed my hand and held me back "Reese, you are not skipping again. Come on."

  "Pervert Boy," I said shakily "Just let go ok?"

  I heard him suck in his breath "Reese, what's wrong?"

  "Let me go." I said, my voice trembling. My tone was so soft that I barely recognised it as my own voice, but there it was, coming out right through my lips. I tried tugging on my hand but it didn't work.

  "I won't," he said defiantly, but gently all the same "Not until you tell me what's wrong."

  "Pervert Boy...My Grandmother she's..." I sighed heavily "She's..."

  I just couldn't say it, but The Pervert seemed to understand anyway. He turned me around, a pained expression on his face "Do you really not feel like going to class?"

  Sending him a sharp look I was about to say something rude but then he just nodded "Ok, if something happens, run out of here ok? I don't want you getting in trouble. Look after yourself."

  I nodded, a bit confused. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I might as well just stand here and wait. He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead "It's go time."

  Then he jogged off and about 5 minutes later a loud siren filled the halls and classrooms. He had set off the fire alarm. Deafening screams were heard among the classrooms, things like 'Oh my God, my hair!' and 'This mascara was supposed to be water proof!' and then The Pervert came up, sending me a thumbs up and hissing 'Run!'

  So I did. I ran right up to the school gates before glancing back. I went to go out but then something clicked and I doubled back. In front of the hallways exit The Pervert stood, kissing Trinity Vanderholse.

  * * *

  "Can I have a latte?" I asked handing the counter lady 5 bucks, she nodded and then quirked an eyebrow.

  "Why aren't you at school young lady?" she eyed me suspiciously, but I waved a hand.

  "It's a long story." I sighed, even though it wasn't. A long story, I mean. It was actually kind of short.

  I had run all the way here, accidentally knocking a few bikers off their bikes with my bag. Really, it was intentional. I mean, unintentional.

  Staring depressively at my latte as she gave it to me, I decided on going early to work.

  When I arrived I sat myself down in King and Hana's enclosure, letting them attack me all over as I stared into space, sipping at my latte. I didn't think it was possible that my Grandmother could just, well, die. She always seemed like an invincible force to me, like nothing or no one could take her away, no matter how hard they tried.

  Seriously, unless it was girl scouts I don't think anything would have scared her. I swear if she got taken on by a lion she'd be all 'Jesucristo! Has he been grooming properly? Look at all that dirt-stained fur; he won't make a good floor rug!'

  In the movies, when stuff like this happens, the main character gets to go to the hospital and the person miraculously recovers, or tells you that they loved you and that they would always be a part of you. No matter what. But in real life, you don't get to say goodbye and the persondoesn't miraculously recover.

  "Reese," I heard Dave's voice "What are you doing?"

  I sighed and told him, he opened the enclosure door and came to sit down next to me.

  "Life sucks doesn't it?" he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders and giving me
a squeeze. I nodded, yup. That pretty much sums it up.

  "Dave," I said and he looked at me expectantly "why are you here this early?"

  "Oh," he said "Well, today was sports day. I didn't go."

  He always had days off, the lucky duck.

  So we just sat in silence, well, until we were interrupted by a cough. I looked up to see The Pervert and I glared up at him "Who are you?"

  What? What kind of question was that? He knows who I am he-oh wait; I think he's talking to Dave.

  Dave blinked and then narrowed his eyes "Who are you?"

  It was weird; they just kind of eyed each other and glared. Like a snake and a mongoose. It become a little awkward so I just rolled my eyes and ruined their moment by going "Uh, this," I pointed to The Pervert "Remington. Him," I pointed to Dave "Dave."

  "Huh." The Pervert glared at me "Sorry for interrupting you two."

  What? I blinked up at him, did he mean what I think he was meaning? Me and Dave? Ew! It was like, incest.

  "Are you on crack?" I spluttered, pointing at him "I don't feel that way about him, and vice versa!"

  Dave squirmed beside me, and The Pervert just said 'Whatever Hon' and walked out. I can't believe him, he goes kissing Trinity-not that I care-and he lays it onto me for that!? What a stupid jerk. I went to get up and give him a piece of my mind but then my arm was tugged "That's not the truth you know. He was right about one thing."

  Huh? I blinked at him.

  "I have crushed on you," Dave said simply "Since forever."

  What the?

  "Don't worry; I know you don't feel that way about me. And I not nearly like you as much as he seems to." He told me.

  I blinked at him, I swear, should I be worried about the town water?

  "Are you on crack?" I said for the second time in 2 minutes "Did you just see what he did? He doesn't like me."

  "Oy," he said slapping a hand against his head "You are one stupid smart girl Reese..."

  "What!???" I snorted and he just rolled his eyes and told me to go home.

  "But what about-"

  "Reese, just go. I'll take both our shifts, ok?" he said shoving me towards the enclosure door.

  So I crawled out, looking back to give him an odd look. On the way out I was still crawling, Nancy tripped over me and hit me on the nose, thinking I was a Dog.

  I am definitely not drinking any of the town water. So chocolate milk and juice ho for me.

  Chapter 15: I love you and other rude words


  I wonder why they call these nerds sour, I mean, they aren't even that sour. Well, the lemon is a bit. But the apple isn't that sour, it's just weird.

  So I flicked through channels, sitting there watching but not really watching. Then I decided to put on a tape, the tape had Pingu on it. I know I have talked-or thought, rather-about this before. But seriously, what language does that penguin speak? The word 'ickidiwickidi' seems to be in his vocabulary. Also the seal makes noises that sound like an ape.

  Fast forwarding I came across Dragon Ball Z, a picture of Trunks flickered across the screen and I tilted my head but got up from the couch as I heard the doorbell ring "Man, I used to have a crush on him when I was little."

  "Who is it?" I inquired with a sigh, opening up the door. I still had the flyscreen door closed so it was all good, but I wished I didn't even open one door when I did. Standing there, with his 6 foot something form, was The Pervert.

  "Reese can we-" he paused, squinting his eyes at me "You don't look so good."

  Well, considering I spent the entirety of the time upon reaching home and listening to my answering machine tell me things I didn't want to know and going to the bathroom and throwing up in the basin. Yeah, I guess I was kind of green still.

  "Considering things Holliday," I said coldly "I don't blame me for it."

  He blinked back at me "Come on Reese," he said pleadingly "I just want to talk."

  "You know what?" I said resting against the side of the wall "I don't care what you want."

  Only I did. Care, I mean. I was just too proud to admit it.

  "I think you do." He said mimicking my pose, only leaning on a pole.

  "Oh really?" I said, raising an eyebrow at him "How do you figure?"

  I swear, sometimes boys have too much confidence. They don't even stop to think that maybe they aren't right-even if they are-they just go ahead and say what they think. That's why Osama and Mr President are all for bombs and stuff, because they think it's the right thing to do. Because someone pisses you off you throw bombs and planes at them, honestly, tres immature much?

  "Let me in and I'll show you how I figure." He said, flicking a finger on the door.

  I just kind of glared at him, ignoring the double-meaning "Well at the moment I don't want to talk."

  "Yeah well maybe everything isn't always going to be about you-"

  "Oh? Do I make everything about me? I'm sorry; maybe I should just leave everyone else the –explicit- alone." I went to slam the door and The Pervert just kind of gaped at me, for swearing and everything.

  "Reese," he said, his voice shaking "Don't."

  "Why not? Huh?" I demanded angrily "My Grandmother just past away and I just got all these bloody messages on my answering machine describing me what the hell went on when she did, in detail. So I have spent every bloody minute practically since then throwing up into the sink basin and now you're bothering me, I do not need your bullshit right now Holliday."

  He just clasped his hand around the flyscreen door handle and opened the door. Damn, I had assumed it was locked, as he did ask me to open it. His hand touched my face and I flinched stepping back from him "You're crying."

  I guess it had all finally got to me.

  "Get the hell away from me, you don't care about me. You care about Trinity." I accused, swiping an arm across my face.

  "What?" he hissed in disbelief "Like hell I don't care about you, and for the record, she kissed me. Not the other way around."

  "You know how cliché that sounds? That's why they all say!" I hissed back, hands on hips.

  "And you know why?" he said, I sent him an inquiring look "Because it's the truth."

  I might have thought about forgiving him if he hadn't added something else. That's another thing about boys; they never know when the right time is to shut up.

  "And what about that Dave guy?" he snorted "You seem to be forgetting all about your little fling with him."

  Little fling? Little fling? He did not just say that.

  "Dave," I hissed "Is nothing but a friend, I have never kissed him nor felt anything other then platonic feelings towards him. And you, why do you even care?"

  But I seem to have forgotten to mention some of the good things about boys; they always know how to make it up to you.

  "Because I love you, my Juliet." He leaned down and kissed me "Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged."

  He looked down at me, waiting for my response with a slightly anxious face. I was just kind of shocked. After a while he kind of went red and went "Oh um, well sorry about that. Bye."

  But I grabbed his arm to stop him "Then have my lips the sin that they have took?"

  Turning back around he kind of tried to stop the goofy grin spreading across his face "Sin from my lips? Oh trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again!"

  So I grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged his head down to mine, kissing him back this time.

  He grinned against my lips and pulled me up into his arms "Mmmnnn" he murmured happily. You'd think he'd be satisfied by now, but he went ahead and deepened the kiss letting me play with his-really soft-hair as he did so.

  Boys turn into puppy dogs, just baby them a little and you might even be able to slip a leash over their head. Although I guess maybe that's an exaggeration since when I slipped Taffy's dog collar over his head-he had been wandering around my lounge as he kissed me, trying to shove me up against walls-he just stopped kissing me and quirked an eyebrow "What are
you doing?"

  "Nothing." I lied, dropping the evidence.

  He eyed the leash but all he said was 'kinky' and then went back to kissing me for a bit before checking the clock and sweeping me up into his arms bridal style. He then rushed outside grabbing my keys and locking the door as he went. (Having to put me down as he did some of this, but I couldn't escape, he kept an arm tightly around my waist)

  And then he started running somewhere, for some odd reason. So I just played along and screamed out to neighbours that I was being kidnapped 'Help, he's thieving me! Make him stop!'

  He commented something along the lines of 'Please, you're already mine.' And I whacked him in the face for it. I wasn't his; honestly, it would go against my feminist principles.

  My principles, however, didn't stop me from feeling the frisson in my chest when he said it though.

  * * *

  "Isn't it big?" he inquired.

  "It's huge!" I announced, waving my arms.

  "I told you." He said proudly.

  "Can I touch it?" I asked eyeing it in amazement.

  "Sure." He said cheerfully.

  I ran a hand across the castle walls and wondered how I had never noticed such a building here before "Is it old?"

  "Dunno," he said with a shrug "My parents are doing it up though, come sit. That's not everything I brought you here to see."

  He sent me a cheeky look and patted his lap, gesturing me to come sit down. I eyed him suspiciously and sat beside him "What are you showing me and what-"

  "Holy crap!" I shouted, my nails digging into his arms in my shock. Right in front of me, in the sky, was a fireworks display going off. Was this even legal?

  "It was meant to be used as a backup," he told we with a grin "but I decided to show you anyway. I got my little brother to set it up."

  A flashing sign come up that said a rude word "Did you really?"

  "Oh that stupid little brat," he hissed glaring at the sign "I am never trusting him again."

  Another rude went up before The Pervert's-I should call him Remington now, shouldn't I?-actual message came up.

  I love you.


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