A Weirdly Perverted Romance

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A Weirdly Perverted Romance Page 12

by Kitty Parker

  It was kind of nice for a moment, well, until another message came up.

  I want to screw you.

  I blinked and The Pervert, I mean, Remington was smacking a hand to his forehead "He is so dead, so, so very dead."

  "Well, that was nice. For the most part, I mean." I said, scratching my head.

  "Reese," he held out a ring and I kind of freaked out, he sent me an amused look "what? Did you think I was proposing to you or something? If you want me to-"

  "Alright." I said, seeing if he had enough daring to do such a thing. He just blinked at me.

  "B-but" He spluttered "I didn't even buy this; I made it in metalworks for you."

  I grinned at his expression "Weak."

  He frowned at me and crossed his arms "Oh really?"

  "Really." I smirked, crossing my arms.

  "Reese," he said sounding rather bewildered "You aren't serious are you?"

  I stayed silent.

  "Because if you are," he said "I'd have to give you a better ring then that I mean I'm no cheapass Reese, if you're serious I would get you whatever ring you wanted. I mean, I'm not extremely loaded, like a billionaire or something but-what am I talking about? You're not serious. Nevermind. Forget I ever said anything."

  I took the ring from his hands and slipped it on my finger "Reese, what are you doing?"

  He took my hand "Why is it on this finger?"

  I stuck up my left rude finger-which was, coincidently the place on which engagement rings go-and clenched my other fingers. He smirked for a second but then looked at me; I kind of went shifty eyed though.

  "Reese what-"

  I did the only thing I knew of to shut him up-well, apart from kick him in the shins or other, ahem, places-I kissed him. Not like he didn't want to kiss me, he totally kissed back. But then he stopped "Reese lets talk-"

  I kissed him again. But he just kind of smirked and bonked me lightly on the head "Hey you, stop that."

  "I meant it." And surprisingly, as I said those words I found out I actually did.

  "You mean you-" he blanked "You want to marry me?"

  Although this was a bit weird, considering we just worked out our problems. But really, I don't see myself falling for anyone else. Besides which, I had already started this, I wanted to see if he would actually do it.

  I sent him an annoyed look "Look, I am not saying it again I-"

  He clamped a hand over my mouth "Why don't you shut up and let me ask you. Reese, will you marry me?"

  "Nope." I said with a straight face and he took on a confused expression "But I'll be your fiancé. I'm not marrying you until I can support you."

  He blinked and then burst into laughter "Haven't you got the roles reversed there my dear? I am supposed to say that."

  "Hey, time for the roles to be reversed Romeo. It's called feminism," I poked his chest "you womanizer."

  "Hey, I resent that." He protested "The definition of it is pursuing 'women' lecherously. I only pursued one."

  "And Reese," he said quietly "If you're serious about this, I suggest you say three words before I go out and buy you a ring."

  "I don't want one," I said "I like this one. Because you made it and I-" I never thought I would say these words to anyone, honestly "I love you."

  He broke out into a grin "Your wish is my command, but Honey, it's getting late. I should get you home."

  "It's 7:30 pm." I said looking at my watch in confusion.

  "Yeah, but you have a big day ahead of you." He said patronizingly "I'm taking you out."

  I rolled my eyes, whatever.

  But it turns out; we wouldn't be getting home just yet. Because as he was kissing me goodnight I heard a voice come from behind us "Well, isn't this sweet."

  I paled.

  "Reese, who is that?" Remington asked me, drawing me closer to him protectively.

  It was my Dad.

  Chapter 16: Owned by Garbage Can Lid


  "Pervert Boy," I said clutching at his shirt and looking up at him pleadingly "We got to get out of here."

  I probably shouldn't have called him Pervert Boy, I mean; he was my fiancé, who calls their fiancé Pervert Boy? But at the time I was kind of scared out of my wits, scratch that, I still am.

  "What?" he said frowning "Why? Just ignore him Reese, get to bed."

  At another time I would have lectured him for ordering me around but I didn't really have the time for it "Where's your car?"

  My eyes darted around anxiously, I didn't have much time.

  "Reese," he said flatly ushering to the road ahead of my house "I walked, my car isn't even there. Haven't you noticed that already?"

  "No." I hissed "On the count of three, 1-2-"



  I started running and Remington, confused as he was, ran after me. Once he caught up I grabbed his hand and hissed "It's my Dad" between breaths, I wasn't stopping for anything. I could hear my father's footsteps thundering from about ten metres behind us.

  Remington let out a noise of realisation and sped up, squeezing my hand "I know a short cut, hopefully we will be able to outrun him."

  Shortcut to where? I didn't even know where I was running to, all I knew was I wanted to get away from my father, and fast.

  Remington seemed to know what was on my mind because he said "To my house, that is."

  We ran for what seemed like forever, my Dad lagging behind somewhat, you know, being an old bitty and all. I bet Grandmother could have outrun him though.

  "Reese," Remington slowed turning into an alleyway "Go through there." He directed towards an air vent and I froze.

  "I can't." I said, eyeing it.

  "What? Reese," he rolled his eyes "Yes you can. You're not fat or anything and if I can fit through there-"

  "That's not it." I said shaking my head at it, don't worry, you're not the only one who thinks I'm crazy, Remington is looking at me like I'm insane too. You're probably thinking 'Uh, Reese, doi, go through the air vent. Do you want to be dog's meat?' but it wasn't like I didn't want to go through there, I totally wanted to get the hell away from my Dad. It's just; I have this thing with small spaces.

  "Reese," Remington said sounding kind of mad "Go through it. Now."

  "I can't!" Oh God, I think I am starting to cry again.

  "Why?" he wanted to know, he shot me an irritant glance.

  Because of that day, because of that day so long ago I cannot go through small spaces. I can't, and I don't think I ever will.

  * * *

  "You stupid woman!" I heard my Dad scream from the lounge from where I sat at the kitchen bench, eating a bowl of ice cream. Of course he was talking to my Mum; he was always yelling at her, he yelled at me too. But mainly, he just ignored me like I wasn't there.

  My Mum, as per usual, lacked a response. She was probably sitting there twiddling her thumbs or something, ignoring him. It was fun to watch most of the time; I love it when my Mum infuriates him.

  But this time I think she went to far, as I heard a loud 'thwap' noise come from the lounge. My Mum soon fled from there, dashing to the door. I raced to meet her.

  "Where are you going?" I looked over her for any injury marks, but she didn't seem to have any. I guess she was the one who did the injury, any other time I would have laughed. I was a sadistic kid, with the added fact I hated my father and well, what can I say, my Mum bought me fruit loops.

  "Kiddo," Mum waved Dad's wallet in my face "Mummy is leaving now. You should hide or run, hmm?"

  She ruffled my hair and ran out the door, I was left to blink and scratch my head.

  My Dad let out a scream of frustration and I knew it was my cue to get the hell away or hide myself, I wasn't about to be used as a human punching bag. I went and hid in the toy box, but it felt like I was suffocating. I was kind of claustrophobic, but not enough to keep me from coming out.

  "Reese," my father said manically, like a psycho off a movie "Reese, come out."

  I fi
lled with dread and wrapped my arms around myself, trying not to breathe too heavily.

  "Reese," he laughed "I know you're in here."

  I tried to tell myself I wasn't scared, but I was. My Dad was mental; he used to be a wrestler and still had the muscles to prove it.

  "Don't be afraid," I told myself shuddering "I'm not afraid. I will not be afraid."

  "Reese," his voice was getting closer "Ooooh, I know. Are you in the toy box Reese?"

  "I'm a goner" I whispered, tears trailing down my cheeks.

  Police sirens were ringing; I could hear my Dad curse.

  "Goodbye little one." He said with a sinister voice and I heard him lock the toy box, then I heard him run right of the house and I started to panic, I couldn't get out. Policemen went into the house and I tried to grab their attention, but they didn't hear me. No matter how hard I banged on the walls of the chest or screamed, they were paying attention to other things.

  I felt like I was dying, like I couldn't breathe. But I was left in there for hours, so many hours. Until I finally heard a little boy's voice, he had noticed me. But his father didn't believe him, he wasn't letting me out and I-

  * * *

  "I'm scared!" I screamed "Save me!"

  I curled into a ball on the ground "Don't make me..."

  The little boy looked down at me, though he was not little anymore. But he was still intent on saving me, just like before.

  He kneeled down and grabbed my hand "Please..." I looked up at him, hating myself for being so weak as to wig out like that "Don't make me..."

  "Ok," He said and leant down to peck me on the lips "I won't...But you have to get up Reese..."

  I nodded and got up "Look, I'll distract him, you, stay here and call the police, ok?"

  I frowned at him, I wasn't going to stand back, he could get hurt. I was about to say so when he just clamped a hand over my mouth "Listen, I know what you're going to say. But don't, ok?"

  I glared at him, how could he know what I was going to say? He shouldn't even be mixed up in this mess; it was my problem, not his. I should have just told him to go home.

  "Reese," he gripped my hand "Do It."

  What gives him the right to tell me what to do? Why should I even put up with that?

  "Because I'm your fiancé, and you wouldn't have me any other way." He said, handing me his phone "I promise to look after myself ok?"

  Damn it all, I must fix that stupid thinking-out-loud thingy.

  He shoved me further into the alleyway "Stay. Here. Or. Else." He narrowed his eyes at me and flicked me on the nose before dashing off out of the alleyway.

  Sighing, I called up the police "Hello Ma'am how may I help you?"

  "My friend, well, my fiancé and I are in a bit of er, trouble." I said into the phone awkwardly "Do you know Julius Anderson?"

  The lady gasped "Oh my, I told them they shouldn't have said anything to him. I begged them."

  I blinked "Are you Reese honey?"


  "Where are you right now dear?" she wanted to know.

  "Uh" I looked around and saw the sign for the shop next to me and reddened "Uh...in the alleyway next to er..."

  Stupid sign, why did I have to be next to that kind of shop.

  "Um...the you-know-what store..." I said with a cough and the lady promptly told me she didn't know what kind of impatiently "The..." Oh, God, do I have to say it? "You-know-what toy shop."

  "The wha-Oh. Oh." She giggled into the phone, kind of unprofessional isn't she? Cops these days, what are we going to do with them?

  "Be right there."

  Then she hung up on me, and then I couldn't resist, well, checking up on Remington. I poked my head out the side of the alleyway to find my Dad about to full on bash the crap out of my man. I was still scared, I was horrified, but my anger well...it kind of overpowers things. I cannot be blamed for what I did next.

  My Dad let out a very, very rude word. Well, before he collapsed unconscious on the pavement. Whatever, I was satisfied; I wanted to do it again though.

  "Nice weapon choice, very sophisticated."

  I tried to stay mad at him, really I did. But him imitating me hitting my father over the head with a garbage can lid wasn't helping me any.

  "Why was your so-called shortcut next to one of those stores?" I glared at him, trying hard not to grin, it was kind of funny.

  "What?" he blinked and looked in the direction of the store "Oh, not intentional. I swear."

  "Uha." I raised an eyebrow and police sirens broke the silence that ensued after it.

  "Hello Ma'am" a familiar voice said "You best be getting home, or, other places."

  She giggled and went over to handcuff my Dad, see? Unprofessional.

  "Son," a police man walked over to Remington "good job, and er, fiancée?"

  "Yes! Fiancée!" the lady clapped her hands, I recognised her as Remington's Mum, was she a cop? She tilted her head at me "If you're wondering, no this isn't my job. Darling didn't hear the phone go off."

  Oh, well, that makes sense. I think.

  "Reese?" I looked over at Remington and shot him an inquiring glance "You're staying with me tonight."


  Woops, there goes the Scooby Doo thing again. And if the way he's looking at me right now is any clue, he wasn't going to listen to any of my arguing. Nor was his Mum for that matter.

  So I just let him grab my hand and drag me into his Dad's police car and I had to hand it to his Mum and Dad for ignoring the noises we were making in the backseat on the way home.

  Kidding, kidding!

  Chapter 17: Ding Dong the Wicked Witch isn't Dead


  "Who is that girl anyway?" I muttered, rather disgruntled and squirming around angrily "Why is she here?"

  "Reese," Remington murmured into my hair sleepily "It's too angry to be early."

  I kneed him in the belly and he rolled off me in pain "Oh God, is that even legal? Are people allowed to knee their fiancé?"

  "Humph," I said, turning over on my side and ignoring him "You didn't answer my question."

  "Reese..." he said tugging on my waist "Honey...sugar...darling..."

  "You're my hunny bun, sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-umpkin.

  You're my sweetie pie.

  You're my cuppy cake, gumdrop, snoogums-boogums, you're

  The apple of my eye!

  And I love you so, and I want you to know that I'll always be right here.

  And I love to sing these songs to you,

  Because you are so dear!"

  He sang the lyrics to 'Cuppy Cake' into my ear, but I would have none of it. I was a rock, I was a brick wall, I couldn't be moved nor manipulated, and I-

  "Hon," he whispered "I'll cook you pancakes for breakfast..."

  I will not be manipulated, I will not be manipulated.

  "With maple syrup?" I asked meekly, peeking over my shoulder slightly to look at him.

  He kissed my nose "With a cherry on top."

  "I don't think maple syrup would taste nice with cherries." I replied flatly, a horrified expression coming over my face "I don't think it would at all."

  "Why won't you tell me who she is?" I frowned, wriggling away from him

  "What? Don't you trust me?" he demanded huffily, crossing his arms.

  "It's hard to when you keep hiding things from me!" I snapped, glaring at him. He just sighed and rolled his eyes at me, making my glare intensify.

  "Hiding things? Reese, she's just a friend of the family." He informed me dryly, rolling his eyes once more.

  Mhhm, really now Mr Holliday? Is she just that?

  "Uha, so that's why she was in your bed when we arrived." I scowled, prodding his stomach.

  "Reeeesseee" he whined cuddling me and burying his head back in my hair "She does stupid things like that all the time, she's crazy. Even more so then you."

  "Oh," I said, sitting up "So if some guy was in mine you would find it perfectly ok?"

  He grumbl
ed and muttered to himself "See?

  "Reese, I'll have a word to her about it ok?" he mumbled, sitting up himself.

  "Pssh" I grumbled "Whatever."

  He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen; I looked on at it with hopeful eyes and shot Remington a look. Unfortunately he just sent me his you-are-insane look and said "No, Reese."

  I pouted at him, clasping my hands and sending him puppy-dog eyes. He turned his gaze from mine and dragged me over to a chair in the corner of the kitchen "I'll have none of your tricks, Anderson."

  Whatever was he talking about? Me? Tricks? Que innocent eyelash battering.

  The night before when we arrived home the first thing that happened was that Hana-his little sister-bowled me over in a kind of tackle hug. Upon landing she giggled in to my ear "Hiya Reese!" and her little arms tightened around me, seemingly afraid to let me go.

  Her little face looked at me, a forlorn expression replacing her previous joyous one "Remmy said you two had a fight, I was a-afraid I wasn't gonna see you again 'cause you were mad at him. I really like you, do you like my brother?"

  I had smiled gently at the little girl, giving her a squeeze and whispering "Yes, I really like your brother." Into her ear. After that she brightened and sent me a grin, telling me she was going to go tell her Mr Jellybean-her teddy bear-all about it.

  Eddie just tilted his head at me and said "Ding Dong watch out The Wicked Witch is here."

  My jaw just kind of dropped at that, I mean, yeah I could be kind of scary at times, but Wicked Witch? After spotting the look on my face he just grinned, shook his head and said "Not you." Then walking off somewhere in the house, so I scratched my head and was done with it. Well, until Remington lead me to his room and there was a girl there curled up in his bed.

  There were multiple ways I could have responded to such a thing, such as:

  a) Ripped her hair out, stapled her hands to a space rocket about to take lift and made sure it was one that wasn't about to be coming back for a while.

  b) Dug her an early grave and shoved her in it.

  c) Sent her off to China, note: Need big human-sized box. Make that Neanderthal sized, this girl is tiny and appears to have no brains.

  What I did do was none of those, I just stood there pointing and mouthing rude words at her. Tres impressive? I thought so. But less impressive was Remington, who just kind of stopped in his tracks and gawked before slapping a hand to his forehead "Belladonna."


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