A Weirdly Perverted Romance

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A Weirdly Perverted Romance Page 13

by Kitty Parker

  The girls blonde head popped up out of it's slumber and she beamed "Remington! I missed you, like, so much!"

  Someone shoot her, please.

  Her face fell-of course-when she saw me standing next to him, it was then replaced by a scowl "Hello, how do you do?" she stepped from the bed and held a hand out to me, glaring.

  Belladonna? This girl seems more like a Bellatrix. I can so see why Eddie-or Pervert Junior, whatever you'd like-called her The Wicked Witch.

  I had responded by smirking and shaking her hand "I'm Reese and I don't like you."

  "I'm Belladonna and I hate you." She drove her nails into my skin with a prissy little fake smile.

  Remington looked on with slight amusement and I drove Belladonna over to the door and before I shoved her out, shutting the door in her face, I said "Hate implies you care darling, that's why I said 'don't like'."

  I smirked at the memory; I had so won that battle. I even heard her fuming from the other side of the door, I think she broke something. Oh well, puts me in better books.

  "What are you smiling about?" Remington asked from where he stood in front of the bench, I imagined him in a girly apron and my smirk grew.

  "Oh, just thinking about how much I love you." I lied and he just grinned that goofy grin again and turned back to the mixing bowl. His moment was ruined though when Bellatrix trounced in, all in her morning glory. Not a hair out of place but of course, who gets their hair out of place when sleeping?

  "Good Morning Remington," she skips over to him and tilts her head, battering her eyelashes "How are you?"

  "Good, Belladonna..." he muttered with a sigh "I'm trying to do something."

  Normal people would have got the hint, but no, Bellatrix just kept smiling prettily at him, batting her heavily mascared lashes. After a while she grew tired of him ignoring her "Remmy, do you need some help? Why isn't Reese helping you?"

  "Because she could set the kitchen on fire." Remington informed her flatly.

  Well, I cringed inwardly, it was the truth.

  "She can't cook?" Bellatrix guffawed clapping a hand over her mouth "Oh dear! Any true woman should be able to cook."

  Oh no she did not!

  I was going to say something but Pervert Junior entered the room and rolled his eyes in Bellatrix's direction "Like you can talk, Witch. Last time you cooked fried rice all the rice was clumped together and I couldn't taste anything besides soy sauce."

  Remington and I snorted appreciatively, I mean, hypocrite much? Bellatrix muttered something under her breath, I'm thinking she was cursing to herself, and then Hana walked in, glowering.

  "Don't worry Reese," Hana toddled over to me and wrapped her arms around my legs "She's just an ugly old witch. She also picks her nose."


  Came her mothers voice from the lounge room, Hana shrugged in response "What? She does. I saw her, even I don't pick my nose and I'm 5."

  Hana sounded very proud of herself as she pulled faces at Bellatrix. I ruffled her hair, feeling slightly sorry for Bellatrix, almost sorry enough to let her have her fun.

  "Hey, Bella, your skirt is tucked into your underwear."


  * * *

  "And it was a marvellous evening; he and I go really good together." Bellatrix sent Remington a meaningful glance "In fact, I might marry him."

  She was really getting on my nerves; she had been going on like this all the while as Remington cooked. I mean, hello? He was my man; he was not going to be jealous of her. At all. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

  "My Mother said he'd be lucky," Bellatrix sent me a snide glance "She said he'll be marrying such a pretty, polite and nice girl."

  Really now? Who is this girl? Have I met her? It's gotta be Princess Anastasia, seriously, who doesn't like her? Oh wait, I think she is talking about herself. Someone get this girl some medication, stat.

  A whole table full of eyes-well, not literally-turned to me and Bellatrix sent me the dirtiest look. Woops, had I said that out loud?

  "Atleast some of us," she snorted "Grew up properly, some of us deserve to marry the one we like. But, some of us don't, do we Reese? What do you think Mrs Holliday?"

  My chair skidded backwards and I stood from the table "May I be excused? I have to go somewhere, I forgot."

  I then headed towards the house entrance and chucked on my shoes. Yeah, I had to go somewhere, somewhere to vomit.

  About to head out the door someone caught my hand and held me back, I had a pretty good idea who it was too.

  "You don't really have to go anywhere do you now Reese?" Remington held onto my hand tightly "Just ignore her Reese."

  "No," I scowled at the door "She's right, some of us 'grew up properly' and are 'pretty' and 'polite'. Oh, and some of us aren't. I guess I'll never live up to your standards then."

  "Reese!" Remington spun me around and sent me an aggravated look "Not again, don't start this crap again. Please."

  "What do you mean 'start this crap again'?" I demanded, hands on hips.

  "First it's Trinity, now it's Belladonna." He motioned in the air exasperatedly "Who's it going to be next?"

  I sent him a cold look, sliding my ring off "Fine, if you want it that way, I don't think this was such a good idea."

  Letting the ring drop to the floor I stormed out of the house, not noticing I was still in my pj's. Well, Remington's pj's. It caused me a lot of odd looks as I strode down the street, but I didn't care. I was mad. Again.

  I was sitting next to the fountain in the town central when I realised my mistake, I had gone and gotten mad at Remington for something entirely not his fault. Again.

  "Stupid, stupid Reese." I stood up and hit my head with a hand, trying to walk but instead, you know, falling into the water fountain.

  "Hey is that the girl who thinks she is a fish?"

  "Dude! Her pyjama's are going see-through!"

  I covered myself up self-consciously and squealed when I found myself being lifted from the fountain "Reese, what are you doing in there?"

  Oh, I dunno Remington, having a dip I guess? I thought I needed a shower.

  Remington quirked an eyebrow at me, damn, I really need to stop doing that. Thinking out loud, I mean.

  "Yes, yes you do." He nodded in agreement wrapping me up in his arms to hide me from the 'lecherous guys', ah my hero "I said to stop it."


  "Now," he looked down at me seriously, slipping my ring back on my finger "When are you going to get it?"

  I sent him an inquiring glance "Beg pardon?"

  "I," he pointed to himself "Don't want anyone else but you." He pointed at me.

  "And," he continued on "If I can't have you, I don't want anyone else. So if you run off on me like that again, you're going to make me a very lonely existence."

  "I'm sorry."

  "That's ok." He kissed my forehead "But I have someone waiting for you back home," I sent him a look "And it's not Bellatrix."

  Who knew he had thought of the same nickname?

  "You were thinking out loud about it."


  And then he carries me off into the sunset. Well, not really, it's morning. But it sounded good, ok?

  Chapter 18: Stayed a Virgin for YOU


  "I didn't like the way that guy stared at you," Remington said shaking his head gravely, still carrying me, he had carried me all the way from the water fountain. I'm surprised his arms hadn't dropped off by now. "I didn't like it at all."

  "Oh please Remington," I rolled my eyes at him "That guy was eyeing you-" Remington pulled a horrified face at me and I rolled my eyes yet again "He was a busker, you idiot. Play for money?"

  "Oh, Hon, you don't need to pay me."

  Cue hit over forehead.

  "Ow," he said, rubbing his head "That hurt. We're home, well, my home anyway..."

  "Ok." I said and tilted my head at him, he seemed to be pouting. So I kissed him, it normally works.

  "Mnnnnn!" he res
ponded intelligently kissing me back for a second and then pulling away "As much as I'd like to continue, someone is waiting for you. That someone is impatient and was sending me threatening voicemail from my home phone."

  "Oh," I blinked and shrugged "I think we should make whoever it is wait longer, they might put you out of my misery."

  Remington made and indignant noise and said I was lucky he didn't drop me for that, please, as if he'd have the guts.

  Soon we were inside and I caught site of some very black hair and a cheeky smile "ALEX!"

  I jumped out of Remington's arms-kicking him in the face as I did so, accidentally, cough-and ran up to Alexandria, spinning her around into my arms.

  "Ali baby!" I said into her hair, grinning "I missed you so."

  "You better have," she laughed and then sighed "You're so tall now, what growth pills have you been taking? I could ask your boyfriend the same thing, he's gigantic."

  Shrugging, I had noticed Remington was a pretty tall guy, but as I am pretty tall for a girl it didn't really shock me as much. Remington compared to Alex though...it was like a double-decker bus and a beetle driving next to each other.

  "Yeah, he is, shortie." I snickered smirking at little Alex "And, uh, he's not just my boyfriend."

  Alex sent me a puzzled look and snatched up my hand, her eyes widening "Y-you're his fiancée?" she looked over my shoulder and sucked in her breath "have you kissed him?"

  I almost laughed at that one and looked over my shoulder at Remington, who stood there bored and awkward "Pervert Boy-" yes I felt like going back to his nickname for a change, whatever "Alex wants to know, have we kissed?"

  He quirked an eyebrow "Do I have to answer that question?" he smirked and leant against the wall.

  "Yes." Alex snorted, frowning in bemusement; Alex was as innocent as freshly fallen snow, pure and white.

  Remington shrugged, walked over and pecked me on the lips "Oh, Honey, the things we have done. It would make your virgin ears cower in fear."

  "Pfft," I batted him away and shooed him out of the room "Don't listen to a word that boy says. Remington dear," I smirked and he poked his head through the doorway "We'll be taking over your room right now."


  He was too late; we were already half way there.

  "So," Alex clasped her hands, sitting down in Remington's desk chair "Is what he said true?"

  "No," I shook my head with widened eyes "hell no."

  Alexandria widened her eyes started ranting on saying things like "Oh my God is this wedding an arranged?" and "Why wouldn't you want that from him?"

  Well Alex, that's a little too much information, stop, rewind and freeze.

  I would have protested at this but then she started going on about this so called 'nice Indian boy' my Grandmother had tried to get me to marry when I was only 10, of course, the Indian guys father happened to be rich. But that had nothing to do with it at all, nothing indeed. Atleast that's what Grandmother tried to tell me when some Indian kid arrived at our doorstep in all his 'bling' and a big fat wallet that was practically leaking money.

  Although, mind you, Prithvijaj was a totally good example of Indian youth, read: He was pretty damn hot. I mean, for an 11 year old.

  "Alex," I said flatly "The Indian guy's name was Prithvijaj, not Remington. Does Remington even look Indian?"

  "No," she mumbled with a shrug and then started a whole counselling campaign on me; honestly, she would make Mr Screwd proud.

  "What happened to the wicked witch?" I murmured to myself and surprisingly Alex's head shot up beaming at me.

  "Oh, Eddie and Hana set her clothes on fire in the backyard, they were Armani."

  To quote Harry and Ron of the most famous, lovable series...

  Bloody brilliant.

  * * *

  "What are you sulking about?" I snorted at Remington who was lying away from me and facing the opposite direction, from the look of things he also had a pretty mean pout on his face.

  "She told me to sleep in the guest room," he turned to face me, and surely enough, there was a pout on his face "The guest room!"

  Well, Alex had always been, ahem, slightly mistrusting of the male species. It was all because of in 2nd grade when one set her Malibu Barbie on fire, it was the one she had a crush on too. Needless to say, she didn't even trust her own judgement with them these days. But she did get revenge; she stole all his Ninja turtles and stuck the leftover burnt Barbie doll parts all over them, then put them back in his bag. Now he's slightly mistrustful with girls, see, they're even!

  "Did you know that Bellatrix's shoes were named 'patent crocodile booties'?" I asked him with a smirk, he sent me a patronising look. How dare him. "Oh please, stop being a sook, be a man."

  "Do you want me to show you how much a man I am?" he wanted to know.

  I snorted at what he was insinuating "Oh please, and see what you have embarrassed yourself with showing all the other girls you've had in your room? Did they find out you were no man at all?"

  He frowned at me and put on an indignant face "Excuse me but," a cheeky grin crossed his faced and he rolled towards me to whisper in my ear "I stayed a virgin for you, honey."


  "Ouch, hit me again Reese baby! Hit me again!"

  Is it considered illegal to strangle your fiancé? I must look into hit.

  I mean, it.

  * * *

  I stood at the grave site as they lowered my Grandmother into the ground; it seemed unjust that such a woman was so easily struck down by a car. I looked beside me, Alex stood there, looking bravely ahead and squeezing my hand. On the other side, surprisingly, was Kelly. She was also holding my hand, well, not the same one as Alex, but it was rather strange. Remington, however, decided to be original and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, leaning his head on them and breathing into my ear.

  There was another surprise, and no, it wasn't the neighbour coming to tell me that she had had to baby sit Taffy as she had-due to lack of food intake-gone mental and had started howling and thrusting herself against the front door until she was rescued by a neighbour who oddly knew where the spare key was.

  Mary Garland had come to the funeral, I kid you not, and she was crying. More than I was, which was understandable because I was trying notto cry and instead took to scrunching up my eyes and looking constipated. It was amazing; she was crying so much she tripped over a gravestone and into this poor old bloke's lap. Woops, that was her husband, my mistake. Still, I pity him all the same.

  Either Mary Garland was actually showing emotion and care over another human being or her granddaughter had tripped over last night and broken all her crockery. Which you know, could have understandably have happened.

  The coffin drove to a stop and it hit the grave ground, it seemed like the world had been put to a stop.

  But the birds still chirped, as I threw a rose to the bottom of the grave and bid my grandmother farewell, the sun still shined and-well, ok, the sun isn't shining. It has started to rain, and everybody is running to their cars. Kelly squeezes my hand and whispers a "See you at school, hon." And leaves along with Alex who-SURPRISINGLY-came with her.

  I found myself looking back to all the memories I've had with Grandmother, there had been quite a few, good and bad and some well...funny?


  "Charlie William Drewmore get off that roof this instant or you'll-"Grandfather crashed down into the rosebushes laughing "I TOLD you so! And did you listen to me? No, don't listen to your own wife!"

  "Oh Jean, I'm not hurt." Grandfather chuckled.

  "You may not be hurt but look at the neighbours, they are whispering Charles! Whispering!" Grandmother shrieked "My poor roses!"


  I plucked Mr Worm from his hidey hole in the dirt and held him up gleefully.

  "Reese, come show Grandmother what you have there." Grandmother ordered, patting her knee and pretending to look interested.

  I bounded over and plonked my tush onto her l
ap "It's a WORM Grandmother!"

  "How very...pleasant dear."


  "Reese, where are you Reese, come out before I take out my hose and make you..." Grandmother muttered under her breath.


  "Sweet mother of-" Grandmother hissed jumping into the air in shock "Don't jump out at me like that Reese!"


  "Reese, what is that on your head?"

  "Your pantyhose, Grandmother."


  "Reese," Grandfather squeezed my hand and smiled down at me "What was your favourite part of going down to feed the ducks?"

  "Oh! I know this one." I beamed up at Grandfather and glanced at Grandmother "When Grandmother got chased by the swan!"



  "Grandmother, did Mummy want to be a stripper when she grew up?" I peaked over my covers as Grandmother tucked me in.

  "No dear." She shook her head "She wanted to be a nurse; she wanted to help save the animals.

  "Isn't that a vet?" I asked, puzzled.

  "Yes dear," I gave her another puzzled look "Your mummy liked to say nurse though, because she said animals were people too."

  "But you," she looked down at me with a grin "You're a very intelligent, pretty girl Reese; you can be whatever you want to be. As long as you pay for a nice, nice vacation when you become rich. Oh, and be a good girl."

  "Like hell."


  I listened into the phone, crying "What were her last words?"

  "I love you Reese, wherever you are, when you come meet me in heaven...I'll get you back for those damned tea bags."


  I snorted with laughter at the memories, tears dropping down to the ground and making friends with the rain. The world could not forget the mark my Grandmother had left on it; it was far too deep and far too strangely shaped. Maybe some day, in the far away future, archaeologists will find it and declare it a wonder of the world. Or maybe they will just point, scream and run away like they would if a dinosaur came to life and started chasing them, either way.


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