Delirious New Orleans
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Hanson’s Sno-balls, 100
Harahan, LA, 176
Hardee’s, 90
Harley-Davidson, 7
Harmony Street, 16
Harrah’s Casino, 57, 103
Harris, Jackie, 125
Harvey, L.S., 88
Haydel’s Flowers, 26, 26–27
Head, Stacy, 220
Henry Clay monument, 151, 151
Henry’s Soul Food & Pie Shop, 57
Hilton, 164
Hip Hop Clothing, 20, 20–21, 117
Historic District Landmarks Commission (HDLC), 213, 214
Hitchcock, Henry Russell, 200
Hitler, Adolf, 218
Holocaust, 218
Holy Cross Neighborhood Association, 229
Holy Cross School, 205, 215, 216, 218–219, 220–221, 223–224, 225–227, 228, 229. See also St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church
Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 210
Home Depot, 93, 196
homeless, 168, 172
Hopper’s Drive-in, 90
Hornsby, Bruce, 160
Hotel Monteleone, 71, 73
Hotel New Orleans, 76
Hot Food stand, 186, 188
House of Representatives, U.S., 232
housing. See vernacular housing
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 165, 219
Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO), 219
Houston, TX, 138
Howard, Judith, 171
Howard Avenue, 79
Howard Memorial Library, 79
Hughes, Archbishop Alfred C., 224, 226–229
Hunter’s Field, 122
hurricane (1915), 142
Hurricane Katrina, 4, 7, 10, 15, 16, 19, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 42, 45, 48, 51, 61, 68, 80, 82–86, 93–96, 133, 135–136, 165, 166, 169, 180, 189, 191–196, 199–201, 204, 231
aftermath, 165, 202
diaspora, post-hurricane, 162, 207
evacuations, 135, 162
floodwaters, 141, 142, 163, 213
task force, 205
recovery, 224
Hurricane Pam, 164
Hyatt Regency, 194
I-610 interchange, 186
Iberville housing project, 206
Iberville Street, 99
ICOMOS France, 226
Igor’s, 100
immigrants: Caucasian, 152
Italian, 207
Sicilian, 113, 152
industrialization, 102
inequities, race and class-based 136, 230
Ingrand, Max, 209
Inner Business Council, 149
Interstate I-10, 23, 42
Interstate I-12, 204
Iran, 231
Irish Channel, 68
Isidore Newman School, 210
Ivory Coast, 102
Izenour, Steven, 69
Jackson, John B., 200, 202
Jackson, Mahalia (mural), 123
Jackson Avenue, 8, 117, 120, 130, 174
Jackson Grocery, 8, 8–9, 118–119, 131
Jackson Square, 166
Jacques-Imo’s Café, 103
Jane, Debra, 69
jazz, 102, 141
jazz funeral, 103. See also second line
Jazz Funeral (nightclub), 123
Jazzland, 157
Jefferson Highway (Drive), 32, 87, 182
Jefferson Parish, 23, 32, 36, 38, 82, 88, 173, 182, 192, 217
Jencks, Charles, 48
Jim Crow era, 152
Johnson, Ben, 205
Jolie’s/Gretna Gun Shop, 99–100
Josephine Street, 110
Judge Perez Drive, 190, 194, 199
Katrina. See Hurricane Katrina
K-Doe, Antoinette, 95, 129
K-Doe’s Story (mural), 127
Kenner, LA, 217
Kentucky, 151
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), 88
Keystone Corporation, 170
Keystone Motel, 22–23, 23
Kid’s World Day Care Center, 93, 95, 95
King’s Fashions, 117, 120
Slack mural, 120
Kingsley, Karen, 221
kinship, religious and ethnic networks, 165
Knights of Columbus, 86
Kottmyer, Alice, 217
Krewe of Momus, 145
floats, 146
parade, 146
Kroger grocery store chain, 90
Kuala Lumpur, 88
Kuhnau, Cindy, 90
Kuhnau, Steve, 90
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 147
Kundera, Milan, 218
Lafayette Square, 151, 152
Lafayette Street, 62, 65, 94, 99
Lake Bourne, 142
Lake Catherine, 196
Lake Pontchartrain, 103, 141–142, 152, 156, 207
Lakeview (section), 19, 141, 142, 148, 204, 207
Lambert, Paul, 205
Lambert Plan, 205
Lamplighter Lounge, 76, 77
Landrieu, Mitch, 24, 221
Landscape, 200
Lapalco Boulevard, 173
La Prairie Tremblante, 139
L.A.’s Café, 110, 112, 112
Latin America, 102
La Ville Radieuse, 161
Le Batard, David, 125
LeCorbusier, 161, 200
Lee, Spike, 117
Lee Circle, 206
Le Flottant, 139
Leibs, Chester, 69
Lenny’s Piccadilly Lounge, 10, 10–11
Leslie, Austin, 108, 123
levees and drainage systems, 142, 164
federal system of, 204
Levittown, 207
Lil’ Dub’s BBQ, 103
Lincoln Beach, 157
Little Venice, 141
Liuzza’s, 100, 112
Live Earth concert, 231
L.J.’s Body Shop, 12, 12–13
Loew’s Hotels, 48
Loew’s Theatre, 76
Logan, Jim, 219–221, 224, 227, 228
Lombardy, Italy, 207
London Lodge Motel, 54–55, 55
Longstreth, Richard, 221, 224, 226
Longstreth Report, 223
Los Angeles, 69
Louis Armstrong International Airport. See Moisaint Airport
Louis XIV, 82
Louisiana, 170, 193, 207, 221, 228, 232
citizens, 225
folk culture, 103
French rule of, 146
Louisiana Avenue, 53, 116, 120
Louisiana Recovery Authority, 165
Louisiana State Supreme Court, 232
Louisiana State University football team, 130
Louisiana Superdome, 161, 220
Louisiana Supreme Court Building, 206
Lower Ninth Ward, 68, 129, 131, 134, 134–135, 138, 141, 142, 148–149, 160, 164, 180, 195, 197, 199, 204, 216, 219–220, 223
Lowe’s, 93
Loyacano, Stephen and Erasmus, 85
Lucky Dog, 85, 86
Lumber Products, Inc., 81, 81
Madigan’s, 100
Madura, Shelly, 220
Magazine Street, 15, 75, 96, 100, 113, 133
Magee, Judge Yada, 227
Magnolia Street, 110
Malaysia, 88
Mandina’s restaurant, 100, 112
Mardi Gras, 82, 91, 125, 129, 135, 144, 150–151, 160–161, 164–165, 189
dens, 148
establishments, 134
floats, 83
folk traditions, 125–126
King cakes, 82
Mardi Gras Day, 147, 153
parade, 103, 199
“Red Pageant,” 152, 153
Mardi Gras AntiDiscrimination Ordinance, 146
Mardi Gras Indians, 120, 122, 124–126, 129, 146, 150
mural depicting, 124
Marriott, 164
Marseille, France, 161
Marshall Art Digital Imaging, 34–35, 35
Mary Queen of Vietnam Roman Catholic Church, 166
masker buildings, 91–100
aster P. (aka Percy Miller), 117
Matthews, Charles, C., 156
Maylie’s restaurant, 83, 83
McCormick, Labertha Dorensbourg, 125
McDonald’s, 25, 88, 182, 196
McKenzie, Henry, 82
McKenzie’s Bakery, 82, 100
Meauxbar Bistro, 95, 97
Meisel’s Fabrics, 76, 77
Merabeaux Food Store, 194
Mereaux, 190, 192, 195
Metairie, post-Katrina, 81, 85, 87, 90, 142, 160, 165, 201
Miami, FL, 117, 205
Mid City, 2, 19, 100, 111–112, 138, 150, 176, 178, 204, 206
Mid City Bowling Lanes, 86
Middle East, 114, 230
Migayrou, Frederic, 225
Miller, Percy. See Master P.
Million Dollar Baby Dolls, 123, 129
Milneburg, 141–142, 142, 152, 156
Miro Street, 30
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 207
Mississippi River, 68, 138, 139, 144
levee, 12, 38, 140, 140, 159, 174
Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MR-GO), 196, 199
Miss Pussycat, 125, 128
Mobile, AL, 25
modernism, 205, 222–223
Moisaint Airport (also Louis Armstrong International Airport), 23
mom and pop establishments, 100, 112–113, 164
Monsignor, 166
Montana, Toots, 123, 129
Monte Carlo Motel, 24–25, 25
Montpellier, France, 157
Moore, Charles, 48, 135, 149
Morial, Marc H., 125
Morning Call Café, 75, 87, 87
Morrell, Cynthia Hedge, 219, 224
Morton, Jelly Roll, 122
Mossman, 129
Mother Cabrini, 207
Mother Cabrini National Shrine (to Katrina Victims, proposed), 221
“Mother-in-Law,” 122
Mother-in-Law Lounge, 125, 126–128
Mother’s Group Catering, 181
Mother’s Home Made Pies, 76
Mother’s Restaurant, 180
MTV, 10
Murphy, Badi, 125
Murphy oil spill (Chalmette), 195
Museum of Modern Art, 226
music, New Orleans: funk, 103
gangsta rap, 117
hip-hop, 102, 103, 113, 116
jazz, 102, 141
ragtime, 146
rap music, 8, 133
rhythm and blues, 102
Music and Entertainment Commission of New Orleans, 125
Musician’s Union hall, 221
Mystic Krewe of Comus, 150
“Missing Links,” 144, 145
parade, 144
Nagin, Mayor C. Ray, 162, 168, 220, 224, 227
Nance, Earthea, 227
Napoleon Avenue, 7, 116
Napoleonic Legal Code, 144
National Public Radio (NPR), 196
National Register of Historic Places, 214, 220, 222–224, 231
National Trust for Historic Preservation, 69, 214, 220, 224, 228
Neeb’s Hardware, 93, 94, 100
New Basin Canal, 152
New Jackson Square Cigars sign, 70
New Marigny, 158
New Orleanians, 45, 65
New Orleans, 164, 206, 218
culinary traditions, 102–104, 110
indigenous cultural traditions, 102, 134–135
preKatrina, 8, 12, 161, 170, 189, 197, 204–206, 220
New Orleans City and Lake Railroad, 152
New Orleans City Council, 205
New Orleans City Hall, 161, 206
New Orleans Civic Center Complex, 206
New Orleans Convention Center, 141
New Orleans Dance Academy (the), 15
New Orleans East, 87, 138, 141–142, 148
Vietnamese community, 166
New Orleans Public Library, 79
New Orleans Recreation Department (NORD), 61
New Orleans Redevelopment Authority, 232
New Orleans Saints, 108, 164, 220
New Orleans Sno-balls, 186
New Orleans Yacht Club, 152
New Urbanism, 194, 201
architects and planners, 168, 201
New York City, 10, 156, 165, 205, 221, 226
New York Times, 225
Niedernhofer, Nancy, 223
9/11, 165, 226
Ninth Ward, 68, 138, 195, 199. See also Lower Ninth Ward
NISTAC, 221, 228
No Limit Records, 117
North Broad Street, 20, 117
North Claiborne Avenue, 35, 117, 126
North Galvez Street, 98
North Louisiana, 193
North Rampart Street, 110, 116
Northridge Earthquake, 232
Oak Street, 12, 76, 103
Office of Recovery Management, 227
Old Amsterdam, 99
Olympia Opera Company, 156
Orbit Lanes, 87
Organization for Aid to Reconstruction for New Orleans, 226
Orleans Avenue, 57, 122, 206
Orleans Levee Board, 156
Orleans Parish, 157, 194, 196–197, 206, 216–217, 229
Orleans Parish Prison and Municipal Courthouse, 110
Orpheum Theatre, 10
Orthea Castle (O.C.), 116
Ortolano, George, 113
Orville, Badcock E., General, 146
Osborne, Terrance, 103, 108
mural, 108
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church, 207
Pan-American Life Building, 206
Paris, France, 209, 225
Paris Avenue, 219, 221–222
Parish Life Center and Rectory, 228
Paris Road, 186, 190, 191, 198, 199
Pass Christian, MS, 25
Pauger Street, 35, 117
Payton, Johnny, 123
Pelican Stadium, 86, 156
Perdido Street, 156
Perez Architects, 48, 149
Perseverance Hall, 122
Piacenza, Monsignor Mauro, 226, 228
Piazza d’ Italia, 48, 48–49, 134
Pigeon Town, 149
Place du Tivoli, 79
place making, 190
Platinum Auto Detailing and Beauty Salon, 180, 180
Plum Street Sno-balls, 100
The Point, 81, 81
Ponchatoula, LA, 88, 190, 196
Pontchartrain Beach, 157
Pope Leo XIII, 207
Popeyes Chicken restaurant, 88, 90, 90, 91
post–World War II buildings, 206, 222
Powell, Donald, 165, 224
Poydras Street, 48, 83
Preble, John, 103
preservationists, 218
Preservation Resource Center, 205
Presley, Elvis, 88, 125
Prince, 123
Prytania Street, 133
Pumping Station Number 1, 19
Pussycat Caverns Club, 125
Quality Used Cars, 165, 165
Quintron, 125, 128
race, 141
coding, 132
relations, 164
racism, 140
ragtime, 146
railroad, 102
Rally’s Drive-in, 16, 88–89, 89
Rampart Street, 97, 99, 142
rap music, 8
rappers, 133
Ray, 53
Reconstruction, 133, 147
Red Cross emergency shelter, 130
Redeemer-Seton High School, 210, 216, 217, 223
Red Rooster Sno-Balls, 113–114, 114
Reed, Damon, 123
Regal Beer sign, 76
Reginelli’s Pizzeria, 15
Resurrection of Our Lord Church, 227
Rex Parade, 147, 147, 148
Riverfront elevated expressway, 79
Rivergate Convention Center, 161, 222
Riverside Hilton, 103
Road Home program, 232
Rockefeller Foundation, 205
Rock ’n Bowl, 86, 87
r /> Rodriguez, Henry “Junior,” 172
Roman Catholic Church, 148, 229, 232
Rome, Italy, 207, 209, 226, 228–229
Ronald and Chev (mural), 8, 8–9, 117
Roosevelt Hotel (also Fairmont Hotel), 10
Royal Street, 71, 71, 73
Russell, JaMarcus, 130
Russia, 218
Saenger Theatre, 10
Sandpiper Lounge, 52–53, 53
Schneider, Lois Frederick, 225
Schwarzman, Mat, 232
Scully, Arthur, 213
second line, 110
murals depicting, 121, 121–122, 122
parade, 120-121. See also jazz funeral
Second NME Church of the South, 159, 159
Section 106 Review. See Federal Emergency Management Agency
segregation, 122, 123, 125, 141, 157,
Semolina’s Restaurant, 85, 85
Senegal, 102
Seventeenth Street Canal, 152
Seventh Ward, 114, 121–122, 180, 207
Shaffer, Dr. Bob, 103
Shatline’s Place, 110, 113, 113
Sheraton hotel, 164
shotgun house. See vernacular housing
Six Flags New Orleans, 157
Sixth Ward, 123
Skeleton Gang, 123
Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, 206
Skilling, John, 221, 222, 226
slavery, 102, 125, 133, 141, 142, 147, 151
Slidell, LA, 88, 170, 191
Small Business Administration (SBA), 165
“Smallest Newsstand in New Orleans,” 72
Smith and Wolinsky’s restaurant, 83
Smoothie King, 90–91, 189, 189
SnoWizard, 113
Society for Commercial Archeology (SCA), 69
Soulja Slim, 35, 117
Soulja Slim R.I.P. (mural), 117
South America, 114
South Broad Street, 57, 110, 176
South Claiborne Avenue, 7, 16, 26, 30, 88, 92, 100, 116, 117, 120, 122, 174
South Claiborne Barber Shop, 116
South Claiborne Hardware, 6–7, 7
South Derbigny Street, 61
Spanish Fort, 152, 156, 157, 157
Springfield, OH, 88
Stalin, Joseph, 218, 231
St. Angela Medici Church, 207
St. Ann Street, 123
State Historic Preservation Office (SHIPO), 220, 224
State of Louisiana Office Complex, 161, 232
State Palace Theater, 10
State Street, 15
St. Bernard Highway, 190, 199
St. Bernard housing project (HUD-HANO), 206
St. Bernard Parish, 141–142, 189, 192, 194, 196
St. Bernard Street, 122
St. Charles Avenue, streetcar line, 16, 148, 151, 156, 199
St. Charles Parish, 170
St. Claude Avenue, 45, 93, 95, 100, 123, 142, 180, 182, 185, 195, 200
Steamboat Houses. See Doullot houses
Steiner Electronic Service, 98
Stereo Lounge, 36, 36–37, 201
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church, 207–232, 207–217, 225, 233
Cabrini Foundation (New York), 221, Cabrini-Redeemer Seton site, 217
Cathedral of the Lakefront, 209, 229
Congregation of Holy Cross, 216
elementary school, 217, 227
Friends of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Church, 216, 219, 221, 224, 226, 229