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by Dick Cheney

  Helsinki Accords and, 76

  Marshall Plan and, 48

  and restoring American power, 249

  Russia/Soviet Union and, 76, 197, 249

  See also specific nation

  economy, U.S.: Marshall Plan and, 48

  Edelman, Eric S., 203, 217, 226, 252

  Egypt, 92, 127, 163, 239

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  and allied push toward Berlin, 40

  American exceptionalism and, 40

  B-52 bomber project and, 60

  D-Day and, 26–27, 28

  and European Theater, 24–25, 26–27, 28

  Khrushchev and, 64–65

  Marshall’s letters to/from, 9, 33

  and military-industrial complex, 61–62

  missile technology and, 62

  North Africa campaign and, 25

  and Ohrdruf-Nord concentration camp, 33

  and Pacific Theater, 23–24

  presidential farewell address of, 61–62

  as presidential role model, 232

  and Roosevelt’s death, 33

  and safeguarding American history, 5

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258–59

  elections of 2008, 112, 123, 131, 147

  elections of 2012, 146, 151, 153–61, 199

  electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons, 224, 235, 236, 248, 255

  Emanuel, Rahm, 209

  embassy/embassies, U.S.

  bombing of, 98, 99

  closing of, 168, 212

  ISIS and, 168

  taking of Iranian, 78, 79, 173, 176, 180, 181

  EMP. See electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons

  EMPTA (VX nerve gas), 98–99

  The Endgame (Gordon and Trainor), 45

  Energy Department, U.S., 217, 251

  entitlements, spending for, 237–38

  environment, 123, 124, 237

  Environmental Protection Agency, 237

  Estonia, 53, 87

  ethnic cleansing, 50

  EU-3: Iran negotiations with, 174, 175, 176, 177


  as dependent on Russian energy, 237, 251

  NATO and, 249–51

  reduction in U.S. forces in, 94

  and restoring American power, 249–51

  Russia’s role in, 194, 196–97, 249

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258

  U.S. role in, 197

  See also European Union; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; specific person, nation, or topic

  European Union (EU), 179, 191, 197, 198, 203

  Evans, Rowland, 76–77

  exceptionalism, American

  characteristics of, 2–6

  examples of, 1

  Obama’s views about, 124, 126

  reasons for, 2

  Farouq, S. M., 172

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 104, 136–37

  Fermi, Enrico, 34

  Flournoy, Michèle, 212

  Flynn, Michael, 154, 155, 174

  Ford, Gerald, 70, 72, 73–74, 75, 76, 77

  Ford, Robert, 163

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 104

  Foreign Relations Committee, U.S. Senate, 19–20, 160, 183, 201, 202, 217

  Fort Bragg: Obama visit to, 145

  Fort Hood: attack on, 137

  Fox News: Dempsey appearance on, 216


  and Berlin Airlift, 51

  German invasion of, 13

  Marshall Plan and, 49

  Millay’s poem and, 21

  as NATO member, 52–53

  NPT and, 172

  nuclear weapons of, 172

  Obama’s visit to, 125–26

  and postwar Germany, 50

  Soviet relations with, 52–53

  and World War II, 13, 16–17, 21

  See also EU-3

  Frank, Anne, 29–30

  Frank, Margot, 30

  Frankel, Max, 76

  Franklin, Benjamin, 4

  Gates, Robert, 112, 140, 148, 149, 150, 208–9, 210, 211, 233–34

  Gelb, Les, 77

  Georgia: Russian invasion of, 197

  German Young Pioneers, 50


  allied zones in postwar, 50–51, 87

  declaration of war against U.S. by, 21

  demands for reform in, 87

  expansion of Nazi, 11–12, 13

  and Munich Agreement, 11, 193–94

  as NATO member, 52

  refugees from, 86–87

  reunification of East and West, 87

  size of Nazi military in, 15

  Stalin-Marshall meeting about postwar, 43–44

  Stalin’s pact with, 25

  U.S. forces in, 52

  See also Berlin, Germany; Berlin Wall; EU–3; World War II; specific person

  Gierek, Edward, 80

  Gilpatric, Roswell, 65–66

  global climate change, 237

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 84–86, 87–88, 92, 193, 200, 201–2, 218

  Gordon, Michael, 145

  Graham, Lindsey, 151

  Great Britain

  aid to Turkey and Greece by, 46

  Berlin Airlift and, 51

  at Dunkirk, 16–17

  Hitler’s attack on, 17

  Marshall Plan and, 49

  and Millay’s poem, 21

  as NATO member, 52

  in Palestine, 53

  and postwar Germany, 50

  role in world leadership of, 39–40

  and security of Europe in post–World War II years, 51–52

  U.S. aid for, 10, 17–20, 226–27

  and World War II, 9, 10, 11, 16–20, 21, 25, 30, 38–40, 226–27

  See also EU–3; United Kingdom; specific person

  Greece, 46–48, 52

  Greenert, Jonathan, 211

  Gromyko, Andrei, 74–75

  Groves, Leslie R., 34

  Guantánamo prison (Cuba), 106–7, 125, 128, 131, 134, 241

  The Gulag Archipelago (Solzhenitsyn), 73

  Gulf War (1991), 91–93, 219, 254

  See also Operation Desert Storm

  hackers, 223. See also cyber issues

  Hadley, Steve, 251

  Halabja, Iraq: chemical weapons attack on, 113

  Hamas, 173, 178

  Hamilton, Alexander, 4

  Hamzi, Newaf al, 105

  Haqqani Network, 151

  Harvard University: Marshall’s speech at, 48–49

  Hashemi, Tariq al-, 142–43, 162

  Havel, Vaclav, 76, 88

  Hayden, Michael, 103, 104–5, 106, 131–32, 224, 235, 240

  Hayes, Stephen F., 99, 155

  Helprin, Mark, 238

  Helsinki Accords, 72, 74–76

  Henderson, Loy, 46

  Hezbollah, 173, 178, 191

  Higgins, Henry, 28

  High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (HIG), 136–37

  Hill, Chris, 141–42

  Hirohito (Japanese emperor), 36

  Hiroshima, Japan: bombing of, 5, 34, 35, 36, 129

  history: importance of safeguarding American, 4–6

  Hitler, Adolf, 10, 11–12. See also World War II

  Ho Chi Minh, 54

  Hoar, Joseph, 97

  Holder, Eric, 134

  Holland. See Netherlands

  Holocaust, 5

  Hopkins, Harry, 15

  House of Representatives, U.S.: and Iraq War, 109–10

  human rights, 72–73, 74–76, 164, 231, 248

  The Hundred-Year Marathon (Pillsbury), 224

  Hungary, 53, 68, 86–87

  Hussein, Saddam

  Bush (George H. W.) letter to, 219

  capture of, 116

  and Iraq War, 109–13

  Kuwait invasion by, 91–93

  nuclear program of, 254

  and September 11, 109

  as threat to other nations, 93

  See also Iran/Iraq War

  hydrogen bombs, 56, 57, 242. See also nuclear weapons

  hypersonic weapons, Chinese, 236, 247, 248

  IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency

  Iceland. See Reykjavik, Iceland

  Inchon, landing at, 55

  Indochina, 54, 70

  Indonesia, 124

  industrial mobilization: in World War II, 9–11, 14, 15, 18, 28

  INF. See Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

  infrastructure, U.S.: as terrorist targets, 236, 247

  Institute for the Study of War, 152


  Cheney’s comments about, 101

  and defense spending, 235

  importance of, 101

  about Iraq, 113–16

  and restoring American power, 235, 236, 253–54, 255

  Snowden and, 199

  strengthening of U.S., 103–6, 118

  technology and, 235, 236

  Intelligence Committee, U.S. House, 105

  Intelligence Committee, U.S. Senate, 105

  Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, 85, 201–2, 204, 218–19, 251, 253

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 113, 172, 174, 175, 176, 187, 189, 253

  International Security Assistance Force, 148

  interrogation methods, enhanced

  American values and, 131–35

  Cheney’s views about, 133–35

  effectiveness of, 109

  and ending wars, 131–35

  HIG and, 136–37

  and killing of bin Laden, 153

  Obama and, 109, 125, 128, 131–35, 137

  and restoring American power, 241

  and terrorism, 107–9, 118


  Afghanistan and, 173–74, 245

  and American leadership and supremacy, 2

  and appeasement, 3, 180–94, 204–5

  Bush (George W.) and, 177, 179

  China and, 179, 182, 224

  Clinton (Bill) and, 180

  coup of 1953 in, 180

  and ending wars, 131, 140, 142

  establishment of Islamic Republic of, 173

  EU-3 negotiations with, 174, 175, 176, 177

  EU and, 179, 191

  financial system in, 173, 176–79, 182, 183, 184, 190, 192, 245

  Iraq and, 111, 115, 140, 142, 173, 174, 175, 186, 240, 245

  Israel and, 191, 244, 245

  Khomeini takeover of, 78–79

  and Lebanon, 174, 245

  Middle East influence of, 174, 186, 187, 191, 193, 204, 212, 241–42, 245–46

  missiles and, 126, 174, 187, 189–90, 194, 224, 241, 243, 244–45

  moral differences between U.S. and, 193

  NATO and, 189

  Obama and, 3, 126, 140, 142, 173, 175, 179, 181–94, 204, 241–42, 243–46

  oil industry in, 184, 190

  presidential elections in, 182

  protests in, 182

  and restoring American power, 233, 238, 239, 240, 241–42, 243–46, 254

  Russia/Soviet Union and, 180, 182, 183, 204

  sanctions on, 173, 176, 177, 179, 183–84, 185, 189, 190–91, 192, 193, 194, 241, 243, 244, 245

  as state sponsor of terrorism, 126, 168, 173, 179, 181, 187, 190, 192–93, 194, 238, 239, 241–42, 244, 245–46

  and Syria, 174, 186, 191, 242, 245

  taking of American embassy and hostages by, 78, 79, 173, 176, 180, 181

  UN and, 176, 177, 183, 184, 185, 187, 189, 194

  U.S. apology to, 180

  U.S. attempts at engagement with, 179–86

  U.S. back channel negotiations with, 184–85

  U.S. cash payments to, 185, 190, 243, 245

  and U.S. defense spending, 211, 212

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258

  U.S. military as option in relations with, 189, 192, 193, 246

  and U.S. as the problem, 179

  and Yemen, 233

  See also Iran—nuclear program in; nuclear agreement, U.S.-Iran (2015)

  Iran—nuclear program in

  disclosures about, 188–89, 244

  expansion of, 204, 220

  IAEA and, 172, 174, 175, 176, 187, 189, 253

  inspections/verification in, 172, 174, 175, 188, 191, 243, 244

  and Khan network, 171–72, 192

  NPT and, 172, 174, 185–86

  nuclear framework agreement (2013) between U.S. and, 185

  and proliferation of nuclear weapons, 252–53

  and reduction in U.S. arsenal, 125–26, 217

  and restoring American power, 243–46, 252–53, 254

  UN and, 183, 184, 185, 187, 189, 194, 244

  uranium enrichment and, 172, 174, 175–76, 177, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 204, 243, 244, 252

  and U.S. cash payments to Iran, 243

  and U.S. invasion of Iraq, 254

  and U.S. military as option, 246

  See also nuclear agreement, U.S.-Iran (2015)

  Iran/Iraq War

  al Qaeda and, 98, 99, 111, 112, 115, 118, 139, 140, 141, 161

  and al Shifa pharmaceutical plant, 98, 99

  biological weapons and, 114, 219

  Bush (George H. W.) and, 219

  Bush (George W.) and, 102, 109–12, 113–14, 117, 145

  chemical weapons and, 113, 219

  collapse of government in, 233

  debate about, 112–18

  declaration of, 109–10

  elections in, 111, 140

  ending the war in, 131, 138–47, 153–54, 156, 162, 214

  exaggerations and misinformation about, 113–16

  and impact of Kuwait war on Iraq War, 93

  increased violence in, 162–63

  inspections in, 110–11, 113, 115, 116

  intelligence assessments about, 113–16

  invasion of Kuwait by, 70, 78–79, 91–93, 95

  Iran and, 111, 115, 140, 142, 173, 174, 175, 186, 240, 245

  and Iraqi security forces, 139, 143, 211–12

  ISIS and, 107, 146, 153, 161, 166–68, 169, 186, 239, 240

  Israel and, 219, 254

  missiles and, 219

  and nuclear weapons, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 254

  Obama and, 3, 112, 118, 123, 131, 138–47, 154, 156, 161–62, 166–67, 214

  regime change in, 116

  and restoring American power, 239, 240, 245, 254

  risk concerning, 139–40

  sanctions against, 93, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116

  Saudi Arabia and, 219

  Shi’a and Sunni in, 111, 112, 161, 162

  and SOFA, 140, 143–44, 145–46

  Soviet relations with, 91–93

  Syria and, 254

  as terrorist base, 93, 109, 112–13, 115, 116

  U.S. assistance to, 166–67, 169

  and U.S. defense spending, 211–12, 233

  U.S. elections of 2012 and, 154, 156

  U.S. invasion of, 174–75, 254

  U.S. partnership with, 144, 145

  U.S. relations with, 162

  and U.S. stay-behind forces, 144, 145

  U.S. success in, 117, 118

  and weapons of mass destruction, 110–11, 113–16, 219

  withdrawal of U.S. forces from, 131, 138–47, 152, 161, 162, 214, 222, 240

  See also Hussein, Saddam; Operation Desert Storm

  Iraq Liberation Act (1998), 116

  Iraq Survey Group, 111

  ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria)

  in Afghanistan, 152, 168, 241

  American leadership and defeat of, 2

  and closing of U.S. embassies, 168

  and ending wars, 131, 146

  expansion of, 152, 161, 167–68, 169

  and increase in terrorism, 155

  and Iraq, 107, 146, 153, 161, 166–68, 169, 186, 239, 240

  and Libya, 168

  nuclear weapons and, 168–69

  Obama and, 161, 166–67, 168, 169, 208

  and Pakistan, 152, 241

  and Peshmerga forces, 239

  recruitment for, 107, 153, 239, 24

  and restoring American power, 238–39, 241

  rise of, 161–70, 233

  Saudi Arabia and, 168

  Syria and, 153, 161, 162–65, 166–68, 186, 239

  as threat to U.S., 167, 169–70, 220

  and U.S. defense spending, 211, 233

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258

  U.S. strategy for defeating, 186

  “Wilayat of Khorasan” of, 152

  and Yemen, 168

  Islam, militant

  and American history, 5

  American leadership and defeat of, 2

  Benghazi attack and, 157, 158

  Obama and, 4, 123–24

  and restoring American power, 238–42

  rise/resurgence of, 123–24, 154

  and U.S. as “last best hope of earth,” 258

  See also specific person or organization

  Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), 173, 177, 178, 179, 187, 191, 194, 241, 243, 244, 245–46

  isolationism, 11, 12, 19–22, 59, 118–19, 232


  attack on convoy in Golan Heights by, 191

  establishment of state of, 53

  Iran and, 191, 244, 245

  Iraq and, 219, 254

  Iron Dome of, 250

  North Korea and, 254

  Obama and, 54, 191

  rebuilding U.S. alliance with, 239

  and restoring American power, 239

  UN condemnation of, 78

  U.S. relations with, 53–54, 239

  and West Bank settlements, 78

  Iwo Jima, Battle of, 5

  Jabhat al-Nusrah organization, 155

  Jablonski, Henryk, 80


  Obama’s visit to, 129

  post–World War II, 51

  in World War II, 5, 21, 22, 24, 26, 34–38, 100

  Jaruzelski, Wojciech, 82

  Jay, John, 4

  Jefferson, Thomas, 4

  John Paul II (pope), 79–82, 88

  Johnson, Lyndon, 53, 68

  Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee, 114

  Joint Chiefs of Staff, 54, 76, 97, 138. See also specific person

  Jones, Jim, 148

  Jordan, 191, 239

  Joscelyn, Thomas, 155

  Joseph, Robert, 189, 216, 252

  Judt, Tony, 87–88

  Justice Department, U.S.: and enhanced interrogation methods, 107, 133

  Kaiser, Henry, 28

  Karzai, Hamid, 103, 150

  Kay, David, 110–11

  Keane, Jack, 169, 238

  Kennan, George, 45, 48

  Kennedy, John F., 62–65, 67–68, 207, 216, 227, 231–32, 252, 258–59

  Kennedy, Robert, 68

  Kerry, John, 115, 166, 174, 183, 188–89, 202

  Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali, 173, 180, 181, 186, 192

  Khan, A. Q., 117, 172, 192, 254

  Khattala, Ahmed Abu, 118

  Khobar Towers (Saudi Arabia): bombing of, 96

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 78, 173

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 59–61, 63–68, 232

  Kim Il Sung, 54

  Kissinger, Henry, 69–70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 212

  Knudsen, Bill, 28


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