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The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)

Page 13

by Maggie Carpenter

  As he approached he spotted the motion detector lights around the exterior of the barn, and once inside he saw the cameras secured on the overhead rafters.

  During the afternoon he’d received word that the nanny cams hadn’t picked up anything. The intruder had entered through the back, and the stall had been in a blind spot. The only silver lining was that he hoped it meant the visitor had chosen that particular stall because he knew the cameras couldn’t pick him up.

  There were three additional interior lights, and a silent alarm system that would not just signal the company’s headquarters, but send an alert to Chad’s cellphone if anyone attempted to enter without the proper code being punched into the keypad just inside the front door.

  Bringing in the horses, he fed and blanketed them, then did another walk around the barn before joining Eddie who was standing on the far side of the ring looking at the valley below.

  “Nothing to report?” Chad asked as he neared the young guard.

  “No, Sir,” Eddie replied. “The guy on the next shift should be here any minute.”

  “Good. I think we’re as secure as Fort Knox,” Chad exclaimed.

  “Sure seems like it. I hope the cops catch this guy soon.”

  “You and me both,” Chad nodded. “Kinda hard to act as if everythin’s normal when it’s not.”

  “I’ll bet,” Eddie agreed.

  “You have a nice evenin’,” Chad smiled. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Sir, goodnight.”

  Driving back to the house Chad let out a long sigh; it did feel like Fort Knox, and though he appreciated the feeling of security he wished the elaborate steps hadn’t been necessary.

  As he pulled the gator into his garage, parking it next to the Rover, he smelled something delicious emanating from the kitchen. Hurrying forward he discovered candles burning in the living room, and the dining room table had been set for dinner.

  Not eating at the kitchen table tonight, he thought, and smiled as he realized Cassie was making a special evening for them. It won’t get you out of your spankin’, but it’s real nice to come home to.

  As he moved into the kitchen Mickey barked his hello, and looking across the room Chad saw Cassie standing next to the stove stirring a pot wearing a turquoise cut-off T-shirt, and a pink apron; her lower half was completely and deliciously naked.

  “Now that’s a sight,” he grinned, “and what smells so good?”

  “I must confess it is not my cooking. I asked Hannah to help me make you something really wonderful, and she said it would be easier to just do it herself,” Cassie explained. “She arrived about thirty minutes ago with this. It’s chicken and dumplings, but it’s sure seems to be more than that.”

  “Smells like it too,” he agreed, joining her and staring down at the dinner bubbling in the pot.

  “It’s full of vegetables, so I just buttered some bread to go with it, and I’ve opened a bottle of wine.”

  “You’re a treasure,” he whispered, kissing her ear, “but you’re still gonna get your butt spanked.”

  “I know,” she sighed, “and all of this has nothing to do with that. I just wanted to thank you for everything; for the ring and barn, and all the trouble you’ve gone to.”

  “You’re welcome, baby,” he purred moving his hand over her bottom, “and I’d better stop caressing you or dinner will be put off for far too long.”

  “Are you going to clean up?”

  “Yep, then you’re goin’ over my knee, then we’re eatin’,” he declared, “so best put that on simmer and wait for me over the back of the couch.”

  “Oh, yes, Sir,” she nodded, her eyes wide and her stomach twisting.

  Kissing her on the cheek he ambled away, and as he headed down the hallway and into the bedroom, he decided he’d bring out his leather paddle; a good spanking with his hand, then the paddle. Satisfied with his choice he stripped quickly and stepped into the shower.

  In the kitchen Cassie decided to turn off the heat under the chicken and dumplings completely, and placing the lid on top of the saucepan she opened the refrigerator and pulled out the wine.

  “I think I’m going to have a drink,” she said to Mickey. The cattle dog stretched and shook, and trotted to his doggie door. “I see, you’ve been waiting for Chad to come home so you can go out. You are amazing,” she said to his departing body as it disappeared outside.

  Pouring herself a half glass of wine, she downed it quickly then moved into the living room. Bending over the couch she grabbed a throw cushion, and a few minutes later, when he entered the room, she saw the paddle hanging from his hand.

  Really? The paddle. Shit. I guess I have it coming. I should have told him everything from the start.

  “Glad to see you’re ready,” he drawled as he moved across and sat on the edge of the sofa back. “I’m not gonna drag this out. You know why you need your bottom spanked so I’m not gonna lecture you, and this will be quick, sharp spankin’, one that should keep you company over the next day or so.”

  Smoothing his hand across her skin, he let loose with a flurry of slaps, spreading the sting across the width and breath of her backside. Gripping the cushion she yelped into its forgiving softness, resisting the urge to call out or to squirm too much. His palm was swatting rapidly, and the unpredictably of where the next smack might land amplified the effect. Just when she thought she could stand it no more and was about to raise her voice, it stopped.

  Wriggling and gasping she lifted her head, then let out a deep sigh as his hand began to rub.

  “You’re going to get six with the paddle now. Disobedience born of jealousy and spite, that must be dealt with.”

  She knew this was her punishment for asking Jason to join her for coffee because she was angry about what she’d seen in the tack room. He was right; she’d jumped to conclusions even after he’d reassured her, and then had purposefully disobeyed him.

  Standing up and holding the paddle against her reddened bottom, he swatted it down…hard.

  “OOWWW” she wailed, “oh, that hurts, really hurts.”

  “Uh-huh, that is the point,” he said calmly.

  Lowering the paddle to her seat cheeks he swatted again, and again she howled.

  “Four more,” he declared. “Do you want them fast or slow?”

  “Please get them over with,” she pleaded.

  Landing the swats in quick succession saw her squealing into the pillow, but as he’d promised it was over quickly.

  “Now, young lady, no more jealousy or insecurity. You have a problem with something you see or hear, you come to me, no acting out. Second, if I tell you to do something, or not do something, I mean it. If I don’t feel good about a person, male or female, and I want you to stay away from them you need to respect my wishes, and the same goes for Mickey. He senses things about people, and he’s always right. Got it?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she bleated. “I understand, I really do, and you’re right.”

  “I’m gonna rub you for a minute, then you get your hug.”

  He caressed and fondled until he could feel her settling, then helped her straighten up, enveloping her in his arms.

  “I love you like crazy, you know that,” he purred. “I’m gonna keep you safe if it means your bottom is hot for a month.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she sighed. “Sometimes I’m just impetuous, and sometimes I’m foolish, and sometimes I’m both.”

  “That sounds about right,” he sighed. “You ready for some dinner?”

  “Absolutely, but I might need a cushion to sit on.”

  “That sounds about right as well,” he remarked, and reaching down he grabbed the pillow she’d used to stifle her protests. “Here, you can use this.”

  “Thank you,” she grimaced.

  “After you,” he directed, gesturing her forward, “I wanna see that red bottom walkin’ in front of me.”

  As she led the way into the kitchen she found Mickey had returned and was sitting by his food bo
wl waiting for dinner.

  “Do you know he didn’t go out all afternoon, but once you were home he took himself through the doggy door?” she commented.

  “He knew he could go off duty,” Chad chuckled. “I told you, listen to him, he knows things.”

  “I’ve already told him I would,” she sighed, “and I’ll listen to you too, Mr. Hard Hand.”

  The chicken and dumplings was still hot enough to serve immediately, and after they’d eaten she curled up in his lap to watch television.

  “I forgot to tell you,” she yawned, “I spoke to Randy. He’d be happy for us, or rather Marty, to adopt Ranger. He’s only taking clients with their own horses now, and he’d love for him to have a real home.”

  “No kiddin’, that’s great,” Chad smiled.

  “He’s happy to load him up and send up here whenever, just let me know and I’ll make the arrangements, but he also said you have to go down there and do a one day clinic sometime this summer.”

  “You tell him I’d love it,” Chad chuckled. “I’ll let Marty know tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll want him here right away. I’ll bet he can’t wait to see the look on Hannah’s face.”

  “I’m sure,” she yawned again, and shifting into a more comfortable position against his chest she fell into a soft doze.

  You sleep well sweet girl. You sleep well and know you’re safe and loved.


  After falling asleep in each others arms on the couch they made their way to bed in the early hours of the morning. When Cassie woke up to a scratchy bottom, it was just in time to catch Chad attempting to slip silently from the room.

  “You’re leaving without a hug goodbye?” she complained.

  “I did hug you, but you were in such a deep sleep you didn’t even move.”

  “Well, I’m awake now, and I need my morning hug,” she bleated, raising her arms and opening them wide. “Miss Sugar Tits can wait.”

  “Sassy Cassie! How is it you’re always in need of a spankin’?” he mused.

  “Just lucky I guess,” she giggled as she watched him sit on the edge of the bed.

  “Are you going to ride with your sore bottom this morning?” he asked engulfing her in his arms.

  “I really wanted to jump that course I laid out,” she sighed.

  “Then you should,” he declared, “and every time your butt hits that saddle you’ll be reminded of how much I love you, and how important it is to think things through.”

  “Are you instructing me to ride,” she twinkled at him.

  “Now that you mention it, I am,” he said firmly, breaking the hug, “and I’m also instructin’ you to-”

  “I know,” she interrupted, “come right home.”


  “I will,” she yawned, “now you better go. Don’t want to keep-”

  “Don’t say it,” he warned. “You have fun with your jumpin’, and I’ll pop back when we break for lunch. Mickey, you’re in charge.”

  Mickey looked up from his mat and let out a low whine before dropping his head and going back to sleep.

  “I guess we’re both still tired,” Cassie said dozily.

  “I’ll see you later,” Chad smiled, and kissing her on the cheek he sauntered from the room.

  Entering the kitchen he made himself some cereal and set the coffee to brew, but as he sat down and munched his granola he thought about Cassie heading out to ride.

  She has a routine. Every morning she heads up to her barn, rides her horses with Hannah, then comes home in time for lunch. Huh, maybe she should switch it. If he’s watching somehow he’ll know her movements. Maybe she should be unpredictable.

  Taking another mouthful he chewed, deep in thought.

  I’m being ridiculous. He can’t get to her here. People are runnin‘ around everywhere. Damn, I’m really gettin‘ paranoid.

  Shaking off his concerns he finished his cereal, downed a cup of coffee and headed out. As he drove the gator from the garage, he realized he hadn’t gone through all the security measures with Cassie. He still needed to show her how to set the house alarm, show her where the cameras were, and some other details with which she needed to be familiar. Still deep in thought as he pulled up to the barn, he saw Marty and the boys already tacking up the horses ready for their clients to arrive.

  “Hey, Marty, I’ve got some good news,” Chad called.

  Leaving his horse in the cross-ties, Marty lumbered over to him.

  “I can always use good news,” Marty remarked. “What’s up?”

  “Ranger, he’s yours for the askin’. Randy would love to retire him to a good home. Just tell me when you want him here and Cassie will arrange it all.”

  “No shit? That’s great,” Marty exclaimed. “Tell Cassie I’d like him here right away. Oh, man, Hannah’s gonna be so happy.”

  “She deserves it. She’s turned out to be a real good girl,” Chad commented.

  “Yep, I gotta say I can’t imagine my life without her,” Marty declared, then, for no reason Chad could fathom, Marty looked up at his cabin and frowned.

  “Is there somethin’ else goin’ on?” Chad asked, “somethin’ you need to talk about?”

  “Kinda do,” Marty mumbled. “Thing is, she made some comments last night I don’t quite get.”

  “Like what?” Chad asked.

  “We were just watchin’ the tube, and she crawled into my lap and said, if you could have anythin’ you wanted, what would it be? I thought it was a bit strange comin’ outta the blue like that, and after thinkin’ a bit I said, well, hell, honey, I’ve already go what I want, I’ve got you.”

  “Good answer,” Chad nodded.

  “I thought it was, but then she said the darndest thing, she said, well not really, and I don’t have you either. I pressed her to explain what she meant, and she said I should think about it. Do you have any idea what the hell she was goin’ on about?”

  “Ah, yep,” Chad grimaced. “I sure do.”

  “Thank the Lord,” Marty exclaimed. “Tell me.”

  “Hmmm, that’s tough, not sure I should just spit it out,” Chad frowned.

  “Oh come on, buddy, put me outta my misery. Dammit, look, cars. They’re arrivin’,” Marty declared, pointing up the driveway.

  “We’ll talk about this later, but she’s right, think about it,” Chad said as they began to walk towards the barn. “I mean, you guys are just free spirits right now. She could pack up and leave, and so could you for that matter.”

  “Oh, crap,” he muttered stopping abruptly. “I’m gettin’ the drift here. Shit. Wow. It’s hittin’ me. Crap. I’ve got some thinkin’ to do.”

  “See,” Chad chuckled, “she was right. You’ve got some thinkin’ to do.”

  Thrusting his hands in his pockets, Marty stood staring at the ground.

  “Marty, hey, we’ve gotta get movin’,” Chad chuckled, punching his arm. “You’ll figure it out.”

  “Yeah, sorry, Chad, I’m comin’,” Marty replied, and lifting his head began marching back to his horses.

  Marriage, wow, I guess it makes sense. Marriage. Shit. Am I ready for marriage? Hell, I sure as hell don’t wanna lose her. Can’t blame her I guess.

  “Marty, do you want me to finish tackin’ up for you?”

  Jeb’s voice interrupted his reverie, and Marty realized he’d been standing still, holding a bridle while his horse was standing untethered in the cross ties.

  Shit, I don’t even remember getting here, let alone unhookin’ my horse.

  “Nope, I’m good,” Marty replied, “thanks though. Just got caught up in some heavy thinkin’.”

  Standing nearby Chad chuckled quietly.

  Oh, Marty, your goose is well and truly cooked, but it’s a good thing. You two were made for each other.

  Up at the house Cassie opened the refrigerator and noticed they were running low on some staples, and when she checked the cabinets she found the same was true.

  “Mickey, we need t
o go to the store, but Chad’s not gonna approve of me going alone, and I don’t particularly want to go by myself either. Maybe we can talk him into taking us into town later.”

  Mickey barked his agreement, and after making a list of the things they needed she called Hannah.

  “You ready to go up and ride?” she asked.

  “You bet, can’t wait,” Hannah replied.

  “I’ll pick you up in five minutes, and do you need any groceries? We’re running out of things and I’m going to have Chad make a run into town later.”

  “I am. I’ll make a list, that would be great, thanks.”

  As Cassie finished getting ready she couldn’t help but wonder how long they would have to live like prisoners. If Jason Lewis left town and no longer posed a threat, how would they even know he was gone, and what if Jason wasn’t the intruder at the house, or the person who had left the rose.

  Shoot, it could have been anyone. Those two things may not even be connected. This whole thing is just too unsettling. Maybe I should fly down to Randy’s and drive back with the horse van, get out of town for a couple of days.

  Climbing into her car she drove the short distance to Hannah’s, and the two of them headed up to the barn.

  Across the street from Horse Haven Ranch, perched on the rooftop of an abandoned barn with a pair of powerful binoculars, the man they knew as Jason Lewis watched the comings and goings intently. Opening his notebook he jotted down the time, writing next to it, Cassie left house, picked up Hannah, went to barn, then pulling a thermos from his backpack he poured himself a cup of tea,

  He knew it would be a couple of hours before Cassie left the barn to head home, but he wanted to be sure; the predictability factor was very important. The new guards at the barn had been annoying, there was no rhyme or reason to their routine so he had to forego further mischief there, but Cassie was wonderfully unsurprising, but then, everything about Cassie was wonderful, and as he picked up his binoculars he smiled as he watched her lead a horse from the barn.


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