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Solarans 1: The Gift From Aquarii

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by Don Koch

  The Gift From Aquarii

  By Don Piatt Koch

  Books by Don Piatt Koch

  Guardian Stone Series

  Stone Genesis (Book 1)

  Stone and the T-Raptors (Book 2)

  Stone and the Ravens (Book 3)

  Solaran Series

  The Gift from Aquarii (Book 1)

  Return to Aquarii (Book 2 Coming Soon)


  Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HNI science teams

  Background photo is in the public domain from NASA.

  SDO/AIA 304 photo of the Sun. (Date not noted)

  Copyright © 2016 by Don Piatt Koch

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN -13:

  Printed in the United States of America

  The Gift from Aquarii

  A Novel By Don Piatt Koch


  Chapter 1 - Trouble

  Chapter 2 - Turner Lake

  Chapter 3 - Completing the Team

  Chapter 4 - Adjusting

  Chapter 5 - Solarans

  Chapter 6 – A Bigger Problem

  Chapter 7 - Relaxing, Sort of

  Chapter 8 - Home Stretch

  Chapter 9 - Hot Time in Moscow

  Chapter 10 - Surprise

  Chapter 11 - Demonstration

  Chapter 12 - Warning

  Chapter 13 - Back Home

  Chapter 14 - Recruiting

  Chapter 15 - Betrothal Marathon

  Chapter 16 - Another Day in Paradise

  Chapter 17 - Terrorist Take Down

  Chapter 18 - Under Construction

  Chapter 19 - Intruder

  Chapter 20 - The Visit

  Chapter 21 - What is Ahead

  Chapter 22 - Growth and Progress

  Chapter 23 - Distractions

  Chapter 24 - Revisiting the Grell

  Chapter 25 - Restructuring

  Chapter 26 - Aftermath

  Chapter 27 - Encounter

  Chapter 28 - Samar

  Chapter 29 - Another Takedown

  Chapter 30 - Wedding Bells

  Chapter 1 - Trouble

  # Juneau, Alaska #

  # Thursday, June 2 #

  Andrew Foster (Andy) and Gustav Molasky (Gus) were taking a hike following a session at the Juneau Songham Karate Dojo where they had practiced Karate. They started at the age of 4. Both had recently graduated with honors from high school, and were fourth rank black belts. Lately, their sensei, Goro Mizukami had been calling upon them more and more to assist in instructing other students. Mizukami had confided in their parents that they were among the youngest to ever hold that rank. Their performances in recent competitions were particularly impressive, including strong showings in international competitions in Japan, where they finished at the top of their level. Goro Mizukami was especially impressed with the maturity the two brought to their training, and the application of the discipline they had been learning over the years.

  Andy and Gus were cousins in actuality, but treated each other like brothers. Gus had been living with Andy's family from the age of 9, when both of his parents died in a small plane crash in the Alaskan bush. His father's sister Donna Foster took him in and the two boys had been close ever since.

  The trail the two had taken started at the Brotherhood Bridge, and ended not far from the backside of the Mendenhall Loop Road, a portion that locals affectionately refer to as the “Back Loop.” As they neared a footbridge across the river from the sports and high school complex, they heard some scuffling and a cry of pain. Three older boys were bullying a fellow classmate and friend. Jeff Stern had already been punched several times and appeared dazed. Andy briefly glanced at Gus, who simply nodded in knowing agreement with what he had in mind.

  Andy stated in a clear voice, "That’s enough of that. Three against one hardly seems fair. Leave him alone."

  The leader turned to look at Andy and sneered, "Oh, and I suppose you are going to stop us."

  "Only if I must. I was hoping you would do that voluntarily."

  "Dream on loser. You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. So now you can learn the hard way."

  The bully advanced quickly on Andy with a baseball bat cocked back and ready to inflict damage. As he swung the bat, Andy called upon his training and blocked hard, breaking the arm of the bully and followed through with a kick that knocked him out. The other two, seeing what had happened, started to run away, but had their path blocked by Gus, who told them to sit before his friend became angry. They reluctantly obeyed.

  Gus then turned to his friend, "Jeff, do you have a phone with you?"

  Jeff pointed at one of the bullies who had taken a seat, "That guy took it from me when this started, he blindsided me with that baseball bat and he also took my wallet."

  Gus merely looked at the bully, "Well?" He quickly pulled out both items and returned them to Jeff. Meanwhile, Andy checked the bully that had attacked him, and instructed Jeff to call 911 for police and an ambulance. Gus, who was thoroughly enjoying the scene, said in a low voice to the two conscious bullies, "I don't suppose we have to tell you what will happen to you if you come near our friends again, right?"

  The two hastily agreed. All they could do was stare at their downed companion. He went on, "I think you two should reconsider your relationship with this one," he nodded towards the unconscious bully. "If any of our friends tell us that you continue to do this, or are associating with him, we will come looking for you."

  One of the bullies explained, "We have no choice, if we don't do what he tells us, he will hurt our families."

  The explanation was interrupted by the arrival of several uniformed officers. Jeff walked over to detail what had happened. The officers began shaking their heads in amusement when they learned how quickly Gus and Andy were able to deescalate the situation. Andy pointed out that the attacker's arm was broken and that he needed medical attention.

  Sergeant O'Malley, noted that they had been trying to catch this group for some time, but everyone was afraid of them and no one would talk about it. “You boys are tougher than you look,” he chortled.

  In a voice loud enough to be heard by the two seated bullies, Andy replied, “I’m sure they have a lot to tell you. I’d be happy to accompany them if you want. A wry smile drew across his face, "I don't think that they will cause any more trouble."

  Sergeant O'Malley shook his head, "I have a better idea.” He motioned to his fellow officers, “They can take these two in for booking. Why don't you three young men join me at the mall, and we can chat about this over some milkshakes? My treat.” Perhaps sensing the group’s reticence, he softened the request, “Not required, but I have to admit to a large dose of curiosity." The friends looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Piling into the back of the police car, they shared amused grins with each other.

  Jeff panned, “This seat isn’t quite as comfortable as a Mercedes is it?” Both Gus and Andy cracked smiles.

  The Sergeant glances over at his partner, who can’t help but chuckle. As they turn away, they see the second squad car being loaded with the two bullies in handcuffs. The Segeant nods in the direction they just left, “Hopefully that’s some trouble off of the streets.”

  # A little later #

  Once he had paid for the boys’ milkshakes, Sergeant O’Malley motioned towards a suitable table. They had just barely gotten seated when Jeff launched into an explanation of what had happened.

  A look of incredulity spread across the two officers’ faces, so Andy interjected. He motioned to Gus, “We are both fourth-degree black belts in Karate.” Andy went on to explain that they had considerable training in several other disciplines as well,
including kung fu and kick-boxing. “We are trained to avoid conflict whenever possible, but will act in self-defense or defense of another using the least amount of effort required to defuse a situation.”

  The Sergeant uncrossed his arms and nodded in understanding, but the expression he wore continued to convey his healthy skepticism.

  Andy continued, “When we came across the scene, it was clear that the three thugs were hurting Jeff, so we asked them to stop.”

  Andy paused briefly to steal a slightly overzealous sip of his milkshake, he squinted in pain from the resulting brain-freeze. He bemusedly chuckled to himself. Gus gave Andy a prompting elbow in the side.

  "Their response was not entirely unexpected, but the result was probably not what they might have anticipated.”

  Sergeant O’Malley let out a small chuckle, “I’d say you’re right.”

  “Hopefully the message got through. The big guy that tried to attack me appeared to be the leader. I’ve heard from some friends that there was trouble from some bullies, petty theft, some strong-arm stuff, but I did not expect to find it like that."

  Gus agreed with Andy, and added what he had learned from the two subordinates. “The other two said that they were being forced to help, and feared for their families.”

  Sergeant O'Malley leaned forward, "The ring leader is Buzz Heath. He’s one mean character, and a dangerous piece of work. We found a firearm on him, and I suspect that some unsolved cases are going to be tied to him through that gun.” O’Malley’s eyes shifted slowly from Gus to Andy. “I am just happy he did not pull that on you. In the meantime, watch your back. He’s one bad case.”

  Gus and Andy shared a quick glance. They didn’t realize that their opponent was armed.

  Noting the shift in mood, the Sergeant continued, “Hopefully, we have enough to put him away for a while. Buzz is 20, so he will be tried as an adult for whatever we can find, but be cautious until we have him convicted and under lock and key. I am still amazed that you were able to take him down.” The Sergeant’s skepticism returned, “How many times did you hit him? He is one big dude."

  "Just twice. Once in the arm to block the bat, and a kick to the chest to knock him down.” Andy reasoned that Buzz must have hit his head when he went to the ground, knocking him unconscious. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall is quite literally true. I’ve been practicing martial arts for years so I knew from training what to do."

  "Remind me to never fight with you."

  "Sergeant, there would never be a reason. We don’t use these skills to be aggressive.” Andy leaned forward in his chair and locked eyes with O’Malley. It was important to him that the Sergeant understood the values that their Sensei had instilled in them. “We use them only to protect ourselves or someone in need of protection. We must be particularly careful that when we do use them that we don’t abuse the power because it can so readily be fatal.” Andy senses Gus nodding his approval beside him. “That is not something we want on our conscience."

  O’Malley’s expression echoed his earlier amazement, "How is it that you bring such a mature attitude to an event like this? I feel like I am chatting with someone twice your age."

  "While we may just be teenagers, the skills we have been practicing are no laughing matter, and must be taken seriously.” There was a sincereity in his voice, a sincereity that comforted the Sergeant. Andy sensed this, and glanced over at Gus, “Our Sensei, has been quite clear about the duties that we assume with this training. If our Sensei was unsure of our readiness and willingness to accept and understand those duties, we would not be wearing black belts, or his school's emblem."

  "I am happy to hear that there are teachers in this community that can instill those values.” He straightened in his seat, “I think I’d like to meet him."

  "I owe it to Mizukami Sensei to report what has occurred, and soon. If you like, I can do that when we are done here.” He swirled the remainder of his milkshake. “The dojo is on the way to my house, and he will be there for at least another few hours."

  O’Malley glanced at his partner, who offered his support with a small head tilt. "I would like that very much!

  "I can drop each you off at your homes after that."

  "That would be great. Jeff, why don't you come with us?"

  "OK, but I won’t be able to participate, I had to stop lessons because we could not afford it.” Jeff frowned, he didn’t much care to think about money. “I have continued to practice, but it’s not the same as training with Mizukami Sensei.” He sagged dejectedly in his seat. “I suppose you all know that we are all in danger now. Buzz is not going to forgive or forget this. He will view you as a threat."

  Sergeant O'Malley agreed, "From what I know of this individual, I’m inclined to agree with you. I’m not sure what to do about it since our individual protection funds are limited.” He raised his hand to his chin, as he often did when he contemplated difficult situations. “My partner and I can ride by your places, but that is little to no protection.”

  The boys looked at each other. What had they gotten themselves into?

  Trying to keep a positive tone, O’Malley stood up, “I’m hopeful that the items Buzz had in his possession may enable us keep him in jail for some time, but he has been slippery in the past and I do not expect that to change." He shook his head, so much for positivity.

  # An hour later #

  Andy, Gus and Jeff did a slight bow in front of their Sensei, Mizukami, who returned the courtesy. Mizukami noted, "Andy, you appear to be troubled, and you have brought two policemen with you. Come, let us all sit and you can tell me what troubles you."

  Andy introduced the two policemen and explained the details of the events earlier in the day. After hearing what had occurred, Mizukami said, "Andy, you have acted in an appropriate manner. You came to the aid of your friend, Jeff, who was suffering injury. You used only that force necessary to prevent further injury.” He then turned his attention to O’Malley, “Sergeant, is Andy in trouble for his actions?"

  "Not at all Sensei, in fact, he acted with a great deal of maturity and restraint.” Reaching behind his head, the Sargeant winced slightly as he tried to work out the knot that had been building up in the back of his neck. “I do worry that this individual may cause additional grief for Andy because he is a vindictive sort, and may try to exact revenge.” He cast a nervous glance towards the boys, “We, unfortunately, don’t have the resources to offer much protection. However, you should be very proud of his actions today."

  Mizukami subtly nodded his head, "His actions today are what I would have expected of him, and for that matter, of Gus.” He reached over and placed an affirming hand on Andy’s shoulder, “I also believe they are what he expected of himself.”

  Andy smiled as he felt his cheeks flush. Mizukami was rarely effusive with praise in front of his students.

  Mizukami’s attention soon turned to the third boy who stood a few steps behind the others, “Ah, Jeff …”

  “Yes, Sensei?” The boy had tried to keep a positive attitude, but his sunken shoulders belied his true feelings.

  “Jeff-san, would you like to return to lessons here?"

  His shoulders sunk even further, "I would like that very much, but I have no money, and my parents are having a hard time just paying bills."

  A smile spread across Mizukami’s face "Ah, then perhaps a scholarship is in order! You should come here on Saturday morning to resume your lessons.” He nodded towards the boys, “Andy and Gus will help you get re-acclimated.” He walked to a box in the corner and came back with the traditional white uniform draped across his hands. “Here is a karategi that you may have for your own.”

  Jeff stood in stunned silence. His eyes glistened and his whole body trembled slightly as he fought back the emotions of the day.

  “You were a first degree black belt when you stopped last year, so you understand the rules of the dojo. It is really good to have you back.” Mizukami purposefully motioned towards
the other boys, “You should rejoin Andy and Gus' sessions so they can give you their schedule. Do not look on this as charity. You will be earning your way by helping with the younger students. I will see you then."

  The boy’s head lifted and his shoulders straightened. His gratitude for what Mizukami Sensei offered was visible to all in the room as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

  Sergeant O'Malley, who had been standing next to Jeff, asked, "Sensei, do you offer adult classes? I have been aware of cases involving martial arts, but this is my first personal experience with someone so trained."

  Having been asked the question many times before by students expecting instant results, Mizukami took up a cautionary tone. "Yes Sergeant, we do, but I should warn you that you are starting late, and our minds and bodies becomes less malleable as we age. Progress will, at times, seem slow, but there is value in learning the attitudes and discipline from the study and training.”

  O’Malley gave a quick nod. With that, Mizukami walked over to another corner of the dojo and returned with a folded paper. “This will provide you with information on training content, times, and costs. Since you undoubtedly have shifting work hours, we can adapt to your work hour requirements." Mizukami paused to survey his potential pupil, “You appear to be very fit so you should have no trouble with the physical part of our training. Some of our hours are fixed and I may not be available during those times for discussion because we are committed to a class. We can talk of this more when you consider these materials."

  "Thank you Sensei. I will be in touch. Well, boys, ready for a ride home?"

  When they were all in the patrol car, Sergeant O'Malley checked in with dispatch. He was told that Buzz Heath had been treated at the hospital, and was en-route to the Lemon Creek Correctional Facility. He would be arraigned the next day. The weapon recovered from him had been reported stolen 10 months previously and ballistics testing was underway.


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