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Age of Vampyre Series Box Set

Page 29

by Sophia North

  Carriers tended to be fiercely independent women who shied away from the traditional. There was one trait, however, that all suitable Mates tended to share - a strong belief in the existence of the supernatural. Many even displayed special talents and believed themselves to be witches, which, to be fair, many were. But not all. Some were something totally different.

  In the centre of the mayhem, Penny moved in unison to the music, enjoying herself immensely. Even Alfred was proving to be full of surprises that evening. The bird man really did know how to shake his tail feathers.

  The start to Green Day's Basket Case elicited an excited roar of appreciation from the throngs. Fighting her way out of the dance floor, Penny scanned the balcony area for Alfred. He had gone to secure a booth for them, after announcing he was concerned she might be over-heating and was in need of a rest.

  Penny didn't believe him for a minute. She suspected his motive had more to do with making it easier for him to police the male vamps showering her with attention.

  Finally she spotted someone flailing their arms around in her peripheral vision. Sure enough, it was Alfred. Good lord, he looked ridiculous. Penny waved back at him, praying it would make him cease.

  Ascending the central staircase up to the balcony, Penny found her way over to him. Alfred had secured a large, velvet semi-circle booth for them. Ushering her in, the manservant sat at the end of the curved seat next to her, blocking the way for anyone else.

  Within moments a waiter appeared dressed in formal white tie that strangely did not seem out of place. "Drinks?" the young man queried, eying Alfred suspiciously. "For the lady, that is. I do not serve servants."

  Penny bristled. Alfred may be a pain in the ass, but he was her pain in the ass, not this pompous little shit's. "Bring me a bottle of 1986 Chateau Margaux and two glasses. My friend will be joining me."

  "Mistress Penny, that bottle costs three hundred pounds. I have not brought any money," Alfred hissed under his breath.

  "Put it on my tab, Henry. And bring another glass," a cool voice informed the waiter. It was Darius, the third prong of the Vlad and Dante trio.

  Penny smiled up at him. "Darius! I thought you were overseas."

  Darius Winters was a fine specimen of hunky vamp maleness. Not as divine as Vlad, but an excellent substitute to boost her feminine ego. Almost as tall as her Viking, his dark good looks contrasted completely with Vlad's. His midnight black hair and deep chocolate eyes were delicious. Broad shouldered and muscular, his crisp white tight t-shirt clung nicely to him and showed off every ripple of strength he possessed. The tight black leather trousers he wore were also rather eye-catching.

  Darius grinned wolfishly at Penny. "I just got back. Had to fly commercial. It was fucking awful. My apologies if I’ve been presumptuous by inviting myself to join you," he said in a deep voice.

  As the waiter turned to leave, Alfred, in a cross between being horrified and grateful over Darius's generosity with the bottle of wine, managed to squeak, "Please bring a bottle of spring water, Aqua Deco, if you have it. My mistress desperately needs to rehydrate. She's far too over-heated."

  Penny bristled over Alfred's nanny routine. Over-heated, indeed.

  "You are not being presumptuous at all, Darius. Please, you are practically family," Penny replied, gesturing for him to take a seat. She had known him for almost as long as she knew Vlad and always liked his quick mind and wit. They had shared many interesting conversations over drinks at Dante and Simone's.

  "Hmm, can't say I view you in a very sisterly light," he teased. Pausing, he looked down at the empty end of the booth. Alfred's feet were firmly planted across the seat. "May I, Alfred?"

  With great reluctance, Alfred removed his clever obstacle. Not clever enough it would seem. "Apologies, Master Darius. I'd quite forgotten they were there."

  "They must be tired from all the dancing," he quipped humorously. Then, much to Alfred's horror, the vamp slid effortlessly around the semi-circle to sit right next to Penny.

  With the three of them sitting on the same side of the booth, the group looked utterly ridiculous to the casual by-passer. It was an obvious ploy by Darius to try and force Alfred to reposition himself on the other side. But the Raven was not going to oblige for one second. He wanted to keep the vamp's every movement around Penny under his watchful eye.

  Alfred wasn't quite sure what the hell was going on. He'd been running interference with male vampyres approaching Penny all night long. His Mistress was attracting all sorts of attention and none of it good, in his humble opinion.

  Granted, even he conceded she looked particularly attractive this evening. The black leather corset and long form-fitting skirt she'd borrowed from his lady's wardrobe showed off her curvy figure to perfection. But the top was far too tight across her generous breasts. In fact, the ivory mounds were pushed up so high that she was dangerously close to the point where a deep breath might cause them to burst free. A fact every vamp in the place seemed keenly aware of, whereas Penny acted utterly oblivious.

  When Henry, the obnoxious waiter, returned, he quickly took in the bizarre sight of the trio huddled together but said nothing. Placing the bottle of wine and three glasses on the table, he was about to leave when a powerful voice echoed in his head, ‘There is a phone call for the servant at the bar. Simone Radcliffe...’

  "Cheers, Henry," Darius remarked and slipped the young man a fifty pound note.

  "As always, Elder Winters, it is a pleasure," Henry replied in an annoying ass-kissing voice. Casting a disapproving look at Alfred, he said, "Alfred, is it? I have been asked to let you know there is a phone call for you at the bar. From a Simone Radcliffe, I believe."

  "My lady rang here? Tis strange for her not try my mobile," Alfred returned anxiously. Digging into his pocket, he retrieved his phone. It was dead.

  "Looks like someone forgot to charge it. Not much of a 24/7 devotee are you?" Henry said snidely.

  "She probably tried mine," Penny butt in, attempting to calm Alfred. He was getting quite worked up over nothing. "Unfortunately, I had it checked in along with my coat. I didn't want to be disturbed." What she really meant was she didn't want to be pathetic by spending the whole night checking if Vlad had rung or texted her.

  "Forgive me, Mistress Penny. I must go."

  "Of course, Alfred. If it’s serious we shall leave at once."

  Alfred nodded and left to take the call.

  Darius removed his phone from his pocket and flicked it on. His screen was empty, except for an email from Alessio about tomorrow's meeting, which he then erased. He was officially off-duty for the night. All Council matters could wait.

  "I don't think it's serious, Penny. Otherwise I'd have gotten a call. See, nothing to report," he assured, showing her his empty screen.

  Penny released the breath she'd been holding. She was getting increasingly worried about Simone. The strain of Dante's frequent absences and strange behaviour were taking their toll on her friend. She'd hoped to convince her to come out tonight and let off some steam. But Simone had stuck to her guns and remained at home.

  "She's been struggling with Dante of late, hasn't she?" Darius remarked softly, the concern in his voice evident.

  "Things are have been...challenging," Penny replied, careful to keep her friend's confidence. "Do you know where Dante has gone? I was going to ask Vlad last night when he came round but I...never got the chance."

  "Ah, too busy reuniting, were you?" Darius laughed.

  Penny blushed. "Not quite. We ended up arguing instead."

  "I'm sorry to hear that. The life of an Elder is not easy and Vlad's task these past six months has been monumental. He's a good vamp, perhaps you can cut him some slack."

  "You seem to handle the responsibilities well enough," Penny commented.

  Darius reached for the bottle of wine and poured them each a glass. "That's because, unlike my brother, I know how to take a night off. Now, drink up."

  Chapter Six

OD EVENING ELDER Barath. The sun has now set. Local time is seven, thirty-nine p.m. Weather conditions consist of heavy rain and really fucking strong winds."

  "Fantastic," Vlad drawled, firing up the engine. "Give me the coordinates and distance to the North Tower on the Wraxhall estate."

  "Communication and satellite systems are currently offline. Your request for data cannot be processed at this time," the in-car computer replied.

  Like fuck they are, Vlad fumed silently. The English weather could have its moments but rain and wind were par for the course. The Spider was equipped with the latest technology Britain could provide so a little rain shouldn't be a problem. They were fucking pros on that score.

  "Run a full diagnostic to identify the issue and come out of Sleep mode, for fuck's sake," he ordered brusquely. He had neither time nor patience to search the Cotswolds for Dante and Darius the old fashioned way.

  "Sleep mode is not currently active, Elder Barath. And there is no need to be so curt. Running diagnostic."

  Looking out his front window, Vlad failed to believe the night sky was so dark. April nights could be as miserable as sin but not pitch black at eight p.m.

  "Why are the headlights not on?" he growled, rethinking his devotion to the British nation.

  "All automatic settings have ceased to function. Please use the dials to the left of the steering wheel."

  Vlad reached forward and manually turned the Spider's headlights on.

  "Diagnostic complete. The system cannot connect to any networks."

  Unable to help himself, Vlad started to laugh. His current situation couldn't be better scripted. "No shit, Sherlock. We're in a fucking cave. How the fuck did that happen?"

  Realising the damn computer was going to take his question literally, he quickly added, "Computer, cease communications." The last thing he needed was to hear its annoying feminine voice regale him with mindless information. He didn’t require another female in his life, albeit an inanimate one, to trigger him. He made another mental note to include a voice upgrade in his system overhaul to something less irritating.

  Leaning back, he took a few deep breaths. The urge to yell and break things was tempting, but he couldn't afford the luxury. He needed to figure out where the fuck he was and how he came to be here.

  Releasing the top of a hidden computer screen on the dash, his fingers moved at lightning speed as he accessed the vehicle's location tracking data. He scanned the screen and snapped the lid shut.

  The vehicle claimed to be located in the same position as it was at dawn. No fucking help there.

  Vlad flicked the switch to retract the roof. He didn't want to risk fucking up his butterfly doors by scraping them on the rock walls of the cave. Propelling himself out of the front seat, he landed with a soft thud directly in front of the car.

  Bathed in the bright glow of the car's headlights, Vlad used them as his source in order to access his night vision. The cave was devoid of any other light. It was why he could not see where he was earlier.

  Suddenly to his right, the roar of a bonfire coming to life echoed. As it's flames shot higher and higher, the light from the blaze revealed he was in the middle of a large stone chamber.

  Vlad shimmered to a crouched defensive position beside his car. Opening his senses, he scanned the area for any indication of what exactly he was up against.

  "Welcome, Watcher Barath. Forgive are an Elder now, are you not?"


  "What the fuck, Wilhalf?" Vlad shot back, rising from his position.

  "Indeed, Elder Barath. What the fuck, indeed."

  The ancient vampyre sat on a low bench near the bonfire. "Come," he beckoned. "No doubt, you have more pertinent questions than 'what the fuck'. At least, I hope you do."

  Vlad snorted derisively. He had little stomach for the flowery ways expected by the older generation. But if it meant getting some sort of relevant information from this enigmatic vamp then he'd speak the Queen's fucking English.

  "So, are we still on this plane of existence?" Vlad asked sarcastically. "Or have you brought me to one of your fucked up dimensions for a lesson?"

  Wilhalf chuckled. "Dante told you about his experiences with me. Good...good. This will move matters along quickly. And in answer to your question about which plane of existence we are on, I can assure you, we are still safe and sound in Old Blighty."

  Well, it was a start. He was still in England, thank fuck for that.

  Vlad wasn't sure if he could take any of Wilhalf's freaky magic shite. He didn't trust the vamp as it was, so any funny business and he was outta there.

  Leaning against the cave wall, Vlad kept his distance from Wilhalf. The older vamp didn't seem to mind, he merely turned on the bench to face him.

  "It is good to see you once again, Vlad." The warmth in his voice sounded genuine.

  "Yeah, about that Wilhalf," he drawled, his silver gaze glittering in the firelight. "Where the fuck have you been? No one has heard from you since...fuck, you know very well when."

  Wilhalf brushed Vlad's demand to know his whereabouts aside. "I've been busy."

  Vlad was starting to lose his patience. "Then let's talk about Dante, shall we? Alessio reckons he is looking for you, so where the fuck is he? And is Darius with him, because so help me God, if he is - I'm going to tear him a new one."

  "Dante is where he is meant to be," Wilhalf replied cryptically. "As for Darius Winters, he currently serves no purpose in what is unfolding, so your guess is as good as mine on that front."

  "Which means I mean something," Vlad returned, connecting the dots. There was no reason for Wilhalf to arrange their little chitchat otherwise.

  Wilhalf smiled at him, his eyes reflecting the flames of the fire. "Alessio chose wisely. Intelligent and quick. Exactly what is required."

  Vlad's temper flared up. "Are you implying the Grand Elder sent me to you? Because if it's true, he and I will be having words."

  "So hasty with your conclusions. Pity. You need to work on that, young one. Alessio is not your enemy. Haan is the one you should be worried about."

  "He's been sent back to where he belongs. Hell," Vlad snapped back.

  Wilhalf shook his head. "If only that were true."

  "It is true. His ashes are encased in Lowerton behind glass. And the last time I checked, a vamp requires a physical body to be a threat."

  The old vamp rose slowly from his seat. Clutching his cane, he walked one step at a time towards Vlad. "He returned back to spirit moments before Dante took Anton's head. It was the same trick he accomplished when he was burnt at the stake for the first time. But with any luck, mine and Mab's plan has worked."

  Vlad's eyes narrowed. "I thought Dante was mad when he told me you were working with the Queen of the Fae. It appears I was wrong and you are a traitor to your own kind. Makes sense why you've stayed away. I'll be sure to encourage Alessio to make Godfrey, your placeholder on council by the by, permanent."

  Wilhalf brightened at the news. Not the reaction Vlad had expected from his harsh words.

  "This is brilliant news. Godfrey being on Council is a stroke of luck. Would you say you and he have become friendly since serving together?" the old vamp asked eagerly.

  Vlad eyed him suspiciously.

  "As far as one can be 'friendly' with a mute holy-vamp, then I guess you could say he and I have come to a mutual understanding. I go out of my way to be respectful when he scribbles on that damn slate of his, which, thankfully, he rarely does."

  "As fascinating as that may be, answer me this - does he look you in the eye?"

  Perplexed by the query, Vlad answered, "Yes. Why?"

  "Excellent, it means he likes you. Thank the heavens."

  "I'm worried we've strayed off topic. Do you mind explaining why Godfrey liking me has any relevance given I just called you a traitor? FYI: this means I don't trust you and have no interest in helping you in any fucking way."

  "Even if you lose Penny by not helping me

  For a short, ancient vamp, he could still pack a punch. Metaphorically speaking.

  "Don't toy with me," Vlad warned menacingly. "You'd better not play your mind fuck games with me. Explain yourself."

  Wilhalf didn't flinch. He was getting used to dealing with temperamental, love-sick vamps. "She's in grave danger from Haan. I've seen it."

  "What did you 'see' and why does Haan want to hurt her?" Vlad demanded.

  "Truth is, I’m not certain. It is why I've brought you here. I require your help to find out."

  Of course he did. Vlad's bullshit radar flared to life. Keeping quiet he decided to hear the old vamp out. Maybe he'd uncover something useful in the process.

  Wilhalf did not disappoint, he turned into an absolute fount of knowledge. "Haan's private papers are hidden somewhere deep within the Great Archives and if you have any hope of finding them, you will need Godfrey on your side. He is very protective of the archive's contents and very untrusting of others."

  "No shit." Vlad couldn't help himself from interrupting. Godfrey was one strange vamp. Half the council avoided him and the other half were downright condescending in their treatment. His appointment was yet another mystifying decision by Alessio when he assumed power. The best reason Vlad had come up with for his inclusion was that he filled Wilhalf's seat perfectly. They were both eccentric and...old. Arguably the oldest vamps anyone knew of, but Godfrey was assumed to be the younger of the two. Truth was, hardly anyone had seen Godfrey in decades before the Haan Rebellion and had actually forgotten his existence.

  The vamp spent a lot of time with his books.

  "You want me, the most unread vamp around, to make nice with Godfrey in order to find these fucking papers?" Vlad asked incredulously.

  "We have to find them if we have any hope in figuring out Haan's plans. He needs them too, that much I do know. He cannot be allowed the chance to send the Serpent Brotherhood in to secure them. You must retrieve them first."

  Ah, now the pieces fell neatly together. There was just one more required for Vlad to complete the picture. "What was the plan you concocted with Mab that you hoped worked?" Vlad asked.


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