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Age of Vampyre Series Box Set

Page 56

by Sophia North

  Trapped between a metaphorical wall and hard place seeing as she was the one behind her sister's 'coincidental' arrival, Hannah hesitated. She didn't want Rebeka to go because she needed her to stop Pierce from proposing. Not that he'd be in much of a romantic mood to do so now that everything had changed.

  But nor did she want to open up the possibility that by inviting the group to join them, the conversation could get tricky thanks to her sister's 'guest' supernatural status. The probabilities for trouble were high.

  Once again she was saved by Rebeka.

  "I say, is it getting hot in here?" she asked, fanning herself profusely. "Honestly, it is jolly well warm."

  Hannah watched in amazement as her sister artfully crumpled into Gabe's quick-to-react-arms. If possible, she would have applauded the performance. Rebeka's dramatic flair had definitely saved her, but at what cost remained to be seen.

  Chapter Ten

  THERE WAS NOTHING QUITE like a Saturday night in the City. The streets streamed with people out for an evening filled with possibility. And as a result, the atmosphere pulsed with energy.

  A recent downpour did nothing to dampen spirits. The London crowds would not be deterred by rain. This was England! Sod the weather. Incessant rain was part of the national psyche, and in Hannah's opinion, one of the reasons for her homeland's under-dog fighting ways.

  What other culture bolstered itself on the notion that no matter what the predicament as long as one could make a cup of tea all would be well? Only the nutty British would find the cure for all ills in a steaming cup of chai.

  "You truly did not need to see us home," Rebeka announced, shattering the silence in the limo.

  Following her academy performance in the category of creative distraction tactics, circumstances had got rather sticky. Pierce wanted to ensure the sisters safe return home but Gabriel was having none of it. As far as he was concerned Rebeka was his responsibility, although why he felt that way was beyond Hannah's comprehension. And yet, he immediately took charge of the situation.

  Before Hannah, or Pierce for that matter, knew it, she and Rebeka were being ushered into Vlad's waiting limo, with Pierce powerless to stop it, and on their way to the Woodville's Chester Square residence.

  But on the plus side, no marriage proposal had been issued. So, all in all, the plan had been a success.

  "It's not a problem," Vlad said, replying to Rebeka. "We are practically neighbours."

  Again silence descended.

  Hannah glanced surreptitiously over at Gabriel. He hadn't said a word since they'd been in the car. Like her, he'd spent the duration of the drive staring out the window, his handsome face reflecting his contemplative thoughts. Hannah could only marvel at what might be going through them, for hers were filled with confusion and anxiety.

  Her secret life as an OO affiliate member continued to inch closer to her day-to-day existence, largely thanks to the vampyre, or whatever the hell he was, sitting across from her.

  His constant popping up in her world was dangerously close to becoming a pattern of behaviour. No it was more than that, she was beginning to suspect his coming to visit her at the museum had been a deliberate move. But why? What was his game?

  Gabe sat listening to the myriad of internal conversations going on around him, but honed his attention on what was going through Hannah's mind.

  His decision to escort the Woodville sisters home had surprised him as much as her. He was not prone to acts of gallantry.

  But the thought of Hannah spending another minute with Pierce Nelson-Aldrich III did not sit well with him. The man's vitriol response to Rebeka when she'd interrupted his plans with her sister angered Gabe greatly. Too greatly.

  His desire to haul the obnoxious prick from Claridge's, drain him completely and throw the corpse in the Thames, had been overwhelming. Even now his rage shimmered beneath the surface and the temptation to do it was still there. But Gabe restrained himself for the time being. The Yank's disappearance at the moment would complicate his plans. He'd have to take solace for the time being in his unwavering conviction that Pierce would never have the opportunity to propose to Hannah again. In fact, he would ensure it by any means necessary. So death was still an option.

  The ferocity of his unfathomable need to protect Hannah confused Gabe. How could a slip of girl, for that was what she was to him, affect him so? It was not as if he was unschooled in controlling his emotions. After centuries, his humanity was long gone, along with its limitation of sentiment and...gasp, horror...other such drivel.

  But ever since he'd met her, that which he thought long gone from his system now had him all over the place. There must be more to it. His instincts were incredibly honed, and at every encounter he'd had with her, they screamed there was something about her he mustn't ignore. But what the fuck was it?

  Ravishing her was clearly high on the list of his plans for the delectable Lady Woodville, but lust was easily slaked. And he was not fool enough to believe desire the motivating factor for the way he felt about her.

  The limo pulled up in front of the Woodville townhouse, its elegant white columned entrance aglow with soft warm light emanating from the strategically placed lamps along its impressive front.

  The house had been the family's residence since its construction in the early eighteen hundreds when London had gone through an incredible building boom thanks to rapid expansion of wealth created by the Industrial Revolution. However, the Woodville family fortune had already been established long before then, and their 'new' build had been more about modernising rather than keeping up with the Jones'.

  "Here we are, ladies. Home, safe and sound," Vlad boomed, grateful to be one step closer to returning home to Penny. Which, after he gave the Consul cunt a right bollocking for his mind-control bullshit, was where he wanted to be more than anything. He did not like being apart from his wife for very long and resented being treated like Gabriel's errand boy.

  Hannah was about to offer her thanks and depart as quickly as she could when Rebeka beat her to the punch line.

  "Could I interest either of you in a thanks for gallantly rescuing me?" Beka asked, the hope in her voice that Gabriel would accept her offer unmistakeable.

  Praying he wouldn't, Hannah held her breath. The thought of Rebeka innocently inviting a possible vampyre into their home unnerved her. Her vamp knowledge may be woefully lacking but she was fairly confident it was an unwise thing to do.

  "Cheers for the offer, my dear. But my wife is expecting me." Vlad turned to stare down Gabe, his grey gaze warning him to follow suit or else. Alas, for poor Vlad, Gabriel wasn't going to play ball.

  "A most generous offer, Rebeka. I would be honoured to accept your invitation." Opening the door to the limo, he got out and offered her his hand. "Shall we?"

  Thrilled her plan to lure the yummy older man inside had worked, Rebeka grasped his outstretched hand eagerly. Once out of the limo, she wasted no time making her way to open the front door.

  Calling over her shoulder as she fished for her key from the small handbag she was carrying, Rebeka remarked, "Hannah, I'm not certain I remembered to...ah, never mind, I found it. No need to panic," she said, waving her key.

  Hannah slid across the black leather seats towards the open door. She could see Gabriel was still standing beside the limo, waiting to help her alight. Pausing briefly, she looked over at Vlad. His face matched her feelings about what might transpire.

  He was livid that Gabriel had managed to outmanoeuvre him. And there was nothing he could do about it. To change his mind and accept Beka's invitation for a drink would have looked stupid. He wasn't Gabe's fucking wingman, but nor did he like how the Consul was behaving towards the Woodville women.

  Vlad could read the vamp's intentions like the back of his hand, having employed them himself on many occasions, and he did not approve. Especially as the more Gabe messed about with Hannah, the more Vlad was going to hear about it from Penny.

  "Thank you for you
r assistance with Rebeka, Vlad" Hannah said, drawing him from planning his revenge on the arrogant Praetor bastard. "And please tell Penny how much I enjoyed catching up the other evening and would love to do it again soon."

  Detecting the young woman's emphasis, Vlad nodded. "I will be sure to pass along your message," he returned warmly. "And don't fret, you have nothing to worry about. I promise." Vlad may no longer be a vampyre but he had other means for keeping Gabriel in check. The cunt may try to delude himself into believing his interest in Hannah lay solely between her legs but Vlad had seen the way Gabe looked at her and knew differently.

  Hannah nodded in thanks for his reassurance and slid the rest of the way to the door. As she placed her foot on the pavement, Gabe offered her his hand in assistance. Reluctantly accepting it, the moment she touched him an electrifying pulse rippled through her body and for a split second the image of him passionately kissing her flashed in her mind's eye.

  If not for his strong grip she may have stumbled, so powerful was the vision. But it disappeared as quickly as it had formed and she was saved from any potential embarrassment.

  Gabriel's Praetor nature caught the subtle shift in her consciousness, yet had been unable to access her thoughts at the time. A first for him. No human had ever been able to mask their thoughts from him. His senses roared to life.

  More, they whispered. There is more to know.

  Chapter Eleven

  "LET'S HAVE DRINKS IN the Games room," Rebeka proposed as Hannah and Gabriel entered the main hall behind her. "Hannah, you needn't feel obliged to join us if you are tired."

  Hannah almost laughed at her sister's pitiful attempt to exclude her. There was no way she'd leave Rebeka on her own with a vampyre.

  "I am more concerned about your being well enough to indulge. You did just faint," Hannah unequivocally returned.

  "La, I am fit as a fiddle. No worries there, dear sister. Perhaps we should ring Pierce and invite him round to join us? He did look frightfully unhappy when we left Claridge's without him. I think he really wanted dessert."

  Rebeka's attitude was way out of order and Hannah was not going to stand for it. Her baby sister needed to be put back in her place, regardless of their 'guest's' presence. Besides, Hannah had plans on how she was going to deal with the infuriating Mr. Rosetti as well.

  Tiring of their bickering, Gabe caught Rebeka's arm and gently brought her towards him. Staring deeply into her eyes, he said: "You are tired. So tired that you will excuse yourself and go to bed. When you wake up tomorrow, you will remember having a drink with me in the library and realising I am nothing more to you than a friend. You will no longer be attracted to me. Now repeat what I just said and make it so."

  Hannah watched in amazement as Rebeka aped Gabe's words back to him, then turned and made her way upstairs. She didn't know whether to thank him or slap his face for mesmerising her sister.

  "That's quite effective," she eventually quipped, "I wasn't aware vampyres were capable of mind control."

  She knew she was taking a chance by calling him out over who, or more specifically, what he really was. But she'd had enough with pretending to be ignorant over his true identity. All that ended the moment her sister had become involved.

  Gabriel choked back his laughter over her bold stance. He liked her spirit at ceasing to pretend she was unaware of the existence of the supernatural. Playing the simpleton did not suit her. He, however, was not prepared to give her the upper hand by revealing too much information.

  It was always best to keep humans guessing as to what his kind were truly capable of doing. And top of his list of 'not to know' was his ability to read her mind. He liked having unfettered access to her thoughts and would be loathe to lose it.

  "My, my you are full of surprises tonight, Miss Woodville." Gabe's rich mocking tone sent shivers through Hannah. "I did wonder if Simone's glamouring of you the other night had taken. I had my doubts with her being so new a vampyre. It was one of the reasons I visited you at the museum, but I must say you kept up the act admirably. What gave me away? I thought my daylight visit had thrown you off my scent."

  Not about to admit her guess was nothing more than a shot in the dark, coupled with the help of her own psychic gift of making connections between unrelated facts, Hannah answered: "Popular culture tends to paint vampyres as arrogant, creepy, Type A personalities bordering on the psychotic. I thought the shoe fit you perfectly," she quipped, hoping her harsh assessment would offend him so much it might result in his immediate departure.

  Gabe tilted back his head and laughed heartily. She really was adorable.

  So that is a 'no' on you leaving, Hannah fumed silently.

  "Your knowledge of my kind is woefully inadequate. Perhaps, we should play a little quid quo pro? I'm game if you are, my sweet," Gabe returned, enjoying the way her amber eyes widened in surprise whilst at the same time simmering with outrage.

  Without waiting for her reply, he strode across the great hall towards the large panelled walnut doors of the library. Her sanctuary. How dare he?

  Hot on his heels, Hannah followed him as fast as her high heels would allow, which wasn't very quick, it had to be said. Damn nuisance were heels when one is in pursuit of an arrogant bastard making himself at home in her sacred space.

  In her awkward haste to catch up, the textured silver silk shawl she'd been wearing trailed behind her, until it finally dropped to the floor and was left abandoned in the hall.

  Gabriel glanced up from pouring himself a drink to admire her advancing towards him. He'd been unable to fully appreciate her stunning appearance that evening. Being distracted by the small matter of having to quash the desire to punch her near-fiancé in the face and all that. But as he watched her now, he had to concede it was well worth the wait.

  Having Hannah Woodville as the focus of his attention was a rather pleasant way to pass the time. Her cool, sophisticated beauty was strangely compelling when presented in the daring mini-dress she was wearing. It signalled an alluring contradiction over whether she was Miss Prim & Proper or sex kitten.

  Gabriel liked the combination immensely. It tempted him to dispense with drinks and have his way with her on the large mahogany desk covered in papers. Or perhaps against the seemingly endless shelves of leather-bound books that filled the library? There was something particularly arousing at the thought of making love to Hannah against centuries of knowledge.

  Hannah stopped short when she noticed the gleam of unadulterated desire in his deep green eyes. The vision of him kissing her again played across her thoughts. It both thrilled and frightened her, but she immediately brushed it aside.

  "Kindly put the glass down and leave, Vampyre," she demanded in a deceptively calm tone.

  Gabriel didn't even flinch. "Yes, technically I am a vampyre. But love, I am so much more than that," he replied, saluting her with his glass of brandy in an arrogant display of having not the slightest intention of doing her bidding. "My turn. What are you really up to Miss Woodville? I do not believe your acquaintance with Horatio Anderson is a coincidence. Or do you often dine with esteemed OO members?"

  Hannah just stood there, mouth slightly agape. So, he did know she was OO. Or was he just toying with her?

  "I don't know what you mean. What is this order you speak of? As far as I know Horatio is simply Simone's father."

  Gabriel smiled into his glass. She really was an atrocious liar. Good to know. Let's see how far she was willing to take her lies now.

  "Am I to understand, your visiting Simone's was nothing more than old school chums catching up over Chardonnay?"

  The question hung in the air, begging to be answered.

  Hannah could not believe his audacity. Did he really think she'd just tell him everything because he asked? She'd rather he tried to pry it from her cold, hard brain with his vamp mind control tricks.

  But the beauty of that was, he'd get nothing. Her research into the Dragon Curse was still coming up empty.

ere were, however, a few pertinent details she'd prefer remained under lock and key. At least she hoped they would be. She had no idea of the extent of Gabriel's powers. If he could control minds, as demonstrated, did that mean he could read them too? Was he reading hers right now?

  She watched his expression very carefully whilst replying. "I have no idea why it matters to you what we discussed. But if you must know, Simone is looking for some information about a book she wants to locate. She thought the Reading Room at the British Museum may have a copy of it. I was looking into it for her."

  But that is only part of the story, she finished silently.

  Gabriel knew exactly what she was up to with her silent test. And didn't bite, no pun intended. He was more intrigued by her random thought about a Dragon Curse. At least he was getting somewhere on the reason for her mysterious visit with Simone and Penny. He made a mental note to look into it more and moved on.

  "Seems a harmless enough request. Why the secrecy?"

  "It's a female thing." Ha! Chew on that one, she thought, confident her mind was closed to him.

  "As in, 'females have an overwhelming need to be secretive for no sensible reason' sort of thing?"

  "Exactly. My turn! What did you mean when you said you were more than a vampyre?"

  Gabe took his time answering. Placing the crystal diamond-cut top back into the decanter of brandy after topping up his drink, he opened the ice bucket to pour her a vodka, instinctively knowing it was what she wanted. It was empty.

  "Hold that thought, my sweet. I'll be right back." And in a flash he was gone.

  Hannah could not believe the speed at which he moved. About to give him a piece of her mind about his annoying trait of calling her the same endearment he used on every hapless female he tried to charm - her sister included - he'd left and returned within the same breath. With a full ice bucket.


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