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Battle of the Heart

Page 13

by Jessica Florence

  “Stab a god in the heart, and he will disappear for a short time; the stronger the god the quicker they will regenerate.” Horus spoke to everyone, and we all took in that vital information. We all knew gods couldn’t be killed, but they could disintegrate for a little while. Gods like Zeus, those stunts probably wouldn’t work on. He was too powerful. I hoped he wouldn’t enter the fray.

  The breeze stopped, and the air was suddenly eerily silent. We all turned our head towards the spread out trees, and watched as a large crowd of people walked towards us.

  It was definitely a sight to behold. I’d always imagined what all the gods looked like when I worked at the museum and believe I was only human. Seeing them now left me with waging feelings of awe and anger. My eyes scanned the crowd and landed on Osiris, and Zeus.

  Anger. I’ll stick with anger. These were the assholes who threatened my family.

  When they all came to a halt scattered amongst the serene setting of the mountains, everyone was completely silent.

  I looked to the men beside me. Someone needed to say something, but they weren’t moving. I took step forward and heard a growl behind me, but I kept walking until I was in front of our group. Tristan and our horde stood behind me, ready for anything.

  “They aren’t here. You’re wasting your time. The children are born, healthy and happy in spite of your best efforts. They are not a threat. You should leave.” I just came right out and said what needed to be said.

  “So you say. But they are not here for our inspection.” Zeus stated as he and Osiris walked forward. They were dressed in armor but I seriously doubted they would be getting their hands dirty.

  “They are gone for their protection, hidden from cruel men that would harm innocent babies. Who have continuously threatened their life, even before they were born.” I yelled at them, my temper was slipping very quickly. The fact that I had to send my babies away because of them was making me extremely bitter.

  “The union between you and Anubis was granted. But to conceive children was not.” I scoffed at that.

  “What happens between a husband and wife is their business.”

  “Not when the offspring could be too dangerous to our way of life. They could expose us, or potentially harm us. We must eliminate the threat before they have a chance to do so.” Zeus’s voice boomed. He was trying to declare his word law. That wasn’t the way this worked.

  “Just because you think them dangerous doesn’t make it so. I have many people here that are willing to fight for my family. Not just demigods, but gods themselves.” I pointed to Horus and Set. Thankfully Horus stood and decided it was time for him to speak. I watched Osiris narrow his eyes at his son, his favorite son, siding with the enemy.

  “I have seen the children. They are a blessing upon our world. What they are not is a threat. They are innocent babes. What you are claiming is not right. If you continue on your quest for blood of the innocent there will be justice.” His voice grew more hoarse, then suddenly he transformed into his true godly self. Ten foot man with the head of a hawk. He looked deadly, and angry. Osiris watched him with curious eyes. Maybe he was wondering if he was wrong. One could hope. I looked next to Osiris and didn’t see Isis. Maybe she had been locked away for trying to get them to see reason. Or maybe she was still trying in another way. I wish I knew the answer to my own questions.

  “And you!” Zeus pointed to Set, who strolled on up next to me with swagger in his step.

  “I didn’t get to see the babes, but even I know when something is wrong. And this is wrong.” He said it like it should have been the end all to this whole battle. While I could admit having the god of chaos and violence say this was wrong did make me leap with joy, I could see only a few of the crowd ahead of us took that information in. Zeus heard him, but brushed him off almost as soon as he spoke. Very rude of him. I bet Set could beat Zeus down if it was a hand to hand battle with no powers.

  Too bad that wasn’t an option, stripping everyone down to fight like mortals.

  Tristan decided to speak next.

  “To those who are undecided on our fate, listen to my words. Think of your children, all of them. Remember their first smiles, and hearing their first laughs. I’ve heard these from my own flesh and blood, and I would die for them. My daughter Callista is beautiful like her mother, and shares a wonder for the world that most of you have forgotten.” He took a step closer to me, and I could feel his heat warming my skin.

  “My son Ren, he is like his mother’s side: fun, and changes his hair color when he feels emotions or wants to connect with someone.” He looked every person in the eyes, willing them to see our children as the children that they were, and not some monster.

  “Are you really willing to have the blood of children on your hands? You, Ares.” He pointed at the Greek god of war, who looked just like his son.

  “Do you really want to fight your son over this? Kill him, over something that is not a true threat?” Then he pointed to Athena.

  “You’ve already lost your son to this war, Athena. Your favorite son. He sacrificed his life for Thalia and my babies. He covered her body with his, and took a knife to the back because he loved her, and believed they were worth saving.” My head dropped, thinking of Orion. I still hadn’t gotten over what he did for me, and Tristan’s words felt like he was slowly pulling off that Band-Aid. I watched as Athena looked at Zeus; her emotions were clear on her face. She was devastated at losing Orion. Zeus looked at her, and she disappeared, eliminating herself from the fray. My eyes went back to Ares, who was staring at Leander. I knew that Ares cared for him. But I wasn’t sure if it was enough. He loved war, and this was what he was made for. He stood his ground, but I saw his internal battle.

  “Ares. Do you still stand with your family, son?” Zeus asked him. Not in anger, but wanting to know his mind. Ares was like Set. The problem child, always creating problems here and there. Volatile. No one really knew what he was going to do.

  “I do.” He smirked at Zeus. My heart fell a little. I was hoping he would have chosen our side. I heard Leander chuckle a little. My head flew to the side to look at him. Why did he just laugh? He saw me looking at him, and nodded his head back towards Ares, who connected gaze with me before he disappeared.

  “This kid has been more of a family than any of my other shitheads. Can’t let my woman’s family bite the dust, either. Can’t risk not getting any. You know how it is.” Ares reappeared standing next to Leander. My mouth dropped completely. Wow. There weren’t really any other words for his little stunt. I honestly believed he was an all-for-himself man; never would I have thought he would have chosen a child of his, or the family of a lover. When he looked to me, I saw in his eyes that he saw my mother in my face. Maybe that was what truly saved us. It was all for her. We die, and she would never forgive him for participating in killing us.

  My head shook from the thoughts of them, and turned back to see Zeus all but roll his eyes at Ares’s antics.

  “Anyone else wish to be swayed by the dog’s words?” Tristan growled at his remark. It was meant to sting, and it did. Tristan’s muscles were taut and he was fighting back the urge to attack Zeus right there. A few people in the crowd disappeared, and maybe three more gods came to our side, but that was it. There was still a large army before us.

  “Well, now that the awkwardness is over, we shall move on. I understand your feelings as a father, I have recently lost a son in this cause. But he knew what had to be done. I am sorry it came to this, young one.” He looked right at me when he said it.

  “We will battle, and then we will collect your children.” Heartless bastards. I called them as much. My fingers gripped the hilt of my sword. I was ready, ready to finally end this. When my eyes found Tristan’s on me, I smiled.

  “Not even death can part us.” He nodded.

  “I’ll always find you.” His words stood true. Our love would never die. We were eternal.

  I was immortal because of the ring I was wea
ring, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be removed and leave me defenseless. Or have to regenerate like the other gods. Their battalion started to move toward us. Tristan gave me one last look before he transformed himself into the bad-ass Anubis I used to dream of. He roared at the horde coming our way, and then ran to attack. The rest of our army followed behind him. Ares, Leander, Set, and Horus, all with their weapons up, running beside Tristan. I took one last breath to myself then dug my feet into the dirt, launching myself towards the clash of metal and the booming of gunfire.

  A man who was dressed in tactical gear approached me first, probably wanting to be the one to take down the mother of the abominations. Pity for him; I was a trained warrior. Combining past Thalia and present Thalia, I was a woman not to fuck with. He lunged to the right and tried to swipe me with his sword from above. I blocked him and then used his momentum to push him behind me while spinning and swiping him with my sword. He went down and another came at me. This one was dressed like he would have back in ancient Egypt.

  He was better than the tactical man, but he still failed. I was quick, and these men were trying to conquer me with their strength. I was using that against them, and they fell.

  A shot fired near me and then something bounced off my arm. My eyes found the person with the gun. A woman, with a rifle in her hands. She shot again, and hit me in the shoulder, closer to my heart.

  “Wrong move bitch,” I cursed at her, and quickly picked up a knife from a man that had fallen to the ground, throwing it fast, and hitting her right in the stomach.

  “You are quite the warrior. It would be a pity to lose such a strong woman,” someone purred behind me. My feet spun and my sword arced out, missing my target. A very curvaceous woman , wearing tight leggings and a cropped top, stood before me. Her hair was black and was completely straight down to her belly button. Her face was very sharp and her eyes were cat-like.

  “Bast.” She introduced herself before lashing out at me with her very sharp-looking claws.

  She hissed and came back at me again. I managed to dodge her attack, but then she jumped over me and got me down my spine. I cried out from the pain. It was as if she sliced me open. The triumphant grin on her face told me she thought she had this in the bag.

  “Have any children Bast?” I said through my labored breaths. She looked at me like I was crazy.

  “Too independent to be tied down to some brats.” I laughed at her response. Some women really felt that way, and that’s ok. But there was one thing this woman didn’t understand.

  “You’ll never known how strong a mother is until you threaten her babies.” I moved so quick I even surprised myself. My sword flew out, and with precision sliced right into her heart, like butter. Her eyes widened and her cry to the air sounded much like a cat in pain. The goddess of cats had met her match. Her body disintegrated around the blade of my sword. I stood there for a moment, mentally crossing my fingers that it would take her a little while to come back to her form. She was a bitch. When I looked around for the others, I found Tristan had someone in his mouth, then bit down and the man split in two. Good lord, he was a beast! Horus and Set seemed to be yelling numbers at each other.

  “Fifteen!” Horus called out to Set, who pulled his sword out of a man, then yelled back to Horus.

  “Seventeen!” What were they doing? I watched them for another minute and realized they were counting people they’d killed, like a game. A big part of me found that sick, and another part of me wanted more blood for all we’ve been put through.

  “Thalia!” Tristan bellowed and I looked around. A man was charging me with his sword raised high. I almost got sliced in half, just barely missing his blade. This man was strong, and dressed in armor from ancient Greece. Much like what Alexander used to wear around, this man was no Alexander the Great. He was predictable. He attacked, and with every move he made his eyes would tell me where he was going next. I was able to duck and thrust my kopis right into his stomach. My sword was easy to pull out, and as the man looked at me I saw pain, but I also saw hate for me, disgust even.

  It made me look around and watch as everyone fought. This whole thing was a mess, and I was tired of the battle. Right there I dropped to my knees and called out for change to anyone that would see reason to help us all. While these people who we fought believed us to be wrong, they were only fighting for what they believed in. However misguided they were, they were still souls that were dying. I looked up just in time to see a man running towards me. I went to grab my sword but he was too quick, kicking it away from me.

  Chapter Twenty Six



  “Thalia!” I called out to her as the man held a sword to her chest. My eyes shot to Zeus and Osiris— both had their eyes on her. Zeus with a triumphant smirk on his face, and Osiris watching intently. No emotions. I kicked the man who came towards me and transported myself over to her. Just as I was about to rip him to shreds, a blinding light exploded over us, knocking everyone on their ass. My ears were ringing, and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust from the light that was now gone. Immediately I sat up and crawled to Thalia, who was lying on the ground unconscious.

  “No! Thalia!” My arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. Déjà vu hit me like a freight train. The last time I held her, looking like this, she was dying in that cave. Feeling the fight leave me, my form changed back into a man.

  “Not again, love. You get your ass back to me,” I told her, unwilling to let her die. Her eyes were still closed, and her skin was pale. I could still feel her heart, but it was slow, and her soul wasn’t talking to me. My forehead touched hers, and I closed my eyes, not caring what was happening around me. I could be surrounded by swords and would not move a muscle.

  “Wake up, my love. You still owe me many more moments that we missed in the last two thousand years. And the babies, they need their mother. They need their family. I need you, love,” I whispered against her lips. Everything seemed silent around us— no gunfire, no swords meeting, nothing.

  “Yours forever, love.” Thalia’s voice was hoarse, but she spoke to me none the less. I hugged her tight, kissing her as if my breath, mixed with hers, would continue to revive her. Her eyelids slowly peeled back, giving me a look at her beautiful brown eyes.

  “I’d never leave you again,” she whispered and I laughed in relief.

  A loud boom echoed throughout the forest, that bright light came back, and the ground shook as something landed a few feet from us.

  “Enough.” A loud, stern voice that demanded attention boomed around us.

  A man stood before us, but not just any man. My eyes widened when I realized who was only a few feet away from me and my love.


  The king of all Egyptian gods. He was the beginning and the end to us. He was tall and fit for his age, which was older than time. His hair was gray and pulled back into band behind his head. His salt and pepper beard was trimmed, and his skin was a golden tan. The sun god at his finest. He was wearing a regular T-shirt and jeans. The only normal-looking person here. Beside him, two figures stepped forward: Isis and Aphrodite, each with one of our babes in their arms. They fucking brought them here? Had they gone mad?

  Aphrodite’s eyes met mine, and she winked at me. What the hell?

  “Ra?” Osiris stepped forward in shock. We all were in shock. Ra hadn’t shown himself in thousands of years. No one knew what happened to him. For him to be here, right now, was a big deal.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t know that these two have been punished for simply loving each other?” Ra’s eyes found mine, and in them I saw guilt. I didn’t understand his emotion.

  “It was wrong at the time. The mixing of the Greek and Egyptian lineage was not done. That is not the problem now.” Osiris kept his head high, but I could tell he was nervous as shit to have Ra here.

  “It was not wrong. You were blinded by your own problems and hate at the time for your bastard child, whom Isis raised.�
� That stung. Osiris was my father, but I was not created with Isis, but rather with her sister, who abandoned me. Isis found me and raised me as one of her sons, alongside Horus.

  “But—” Osiris tried to talk again, and Ra cut him off.

  “Matters not. Right now, you threaten the lives of these two babes. Innocent babes, with pure hearts.” He gestured to our children in the arms of the women beside him.

  “Aphrodite.” Zeus spat her name like a curse.

  “Give up, Zeus. I’ll not let you hurt my family. These babies are a gift to life. You need to accept that.” She looked him straight in the eye, hugging Callista tight to her breast. Zeus’s eyes narrowed at the baby.

  “Osiris, we love Anubis, and you are jeopardizing how far we have come in our family. Finally we have young ones to be a part of their lives again. They are perfect.” She cooed the last part to Ren. Our children had worked wonders on them. These were women of power, and they had used that power to save our family. For the first time in a month, I felt like I could breathe.

  “You will abandon your pointless cause and drop your weapons. This family will not be harmed, and will live out the rest of existence in peace.” Ra’s word was law in our world. Osiris did as he said, and dropped his weapon. Everyone else that was on his side did the same.

  “That’s it?” Zeus questioned Osiris’s actions. He turned and faced the lightning god head on.

  “I respect him as our leader. You stand alone now.” He turned his back to Zeus, and walked over to us. When he stood a foot away, he kneeled down.

  “I’m sorry I was so blind. For as long as existence keeps me, you will no longer have altercations with me, or my kind.” I knew he was serious in his apology, but it was going to take a while to let forgiveness settle in my bones. He caused us much heartache. Maybe one day the pain will subside. He knew my thoughts, so he stood and gave us a nod. Thalia was gripping my arms so tight I thought she would break the skin. Her eyes were on the babes, and then darting around, trying to figure out what was happening.


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