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Dungeon Madness: The Divine Dungeon Book Two

Page 36

by Dakota Krout

  Sea: The Sea Elves live on boats their entire lives. They facilitate trade between all the races of Elves and man, trying not to take sides in conflicts. They work for themselves, and are considered rather mysterious.

  Enchantment – A temporary pattern made of Essence that creates an effect on the universe. Try not to get the pattern wrong, as it could have… unintended consequences.

  Essence – Essence is the fundamental energy of the universe, the pure power of heavens and earth that is used by the basic elements to become all forms of matter.

  Father Richard – An A-ranked Cleric that has made his living hunting demons and heretics. Tends to play fast and loose with rules and money.

  Fighter – A generic archetype of a being who uses melee weapons to fight.

  Frank – Guild Leader of the Adventurers Guild. He has his Mana bound to the concept of kinetic energy, and can stop the use of it, slowing or stopping others in place.

  Glade – A mini-boss mushroom that uses tentacles and thorns to kill its prey.

  Glitterflit – A Basher upgraded with Celestial Essence, it has the ability to mend almost any non-fatal wound.

  Hans – A cheeky assassin that has been with Dale since he began cultivating. He was a thief in his youth, but changed lifestyles after his street guild was wiped out. He is deadly with a knife, and is Dale’s best friend.

  Incantation – Essentially a spell, an incantation is created from words and gestures. It releases all of the power of an enchantment in a single burst.

  Infected – A person or creature that has been infected with a rage-inducing mushroom growth. These people have no control of their bodies, and attack any non-infected on sight.

  Infernal – The Essence of death and demonic beings, considered to be always evil.

  Inscription - A permanent pattern made of Essence that creates an effect on the universe. Try not to get the pattern wrong, as it could have… unintended consequences. This is another name for an incomplete or unknown Rune.

  James – An uppity Portal Mage who may have learned the error of his ways. We shall see.

  Josh – A massive shield wielding human, Josh is very strong and sturdy. He is always there to protect his friends as best he is able.

  Mages Guild – A secretive subsect of the Adventurers Guild only Mage level cultivators are allowed to join.

  Mana – A higher stage of Essence only able to be cultivated by those who have broken into at least the B-rankings and found the true name of something in the universe.

  Meridians – Meridians are energy channels that transport life energy (Chi/Essence) throughout the body.

  Mob – A shortened version of “dungeon monster”.

  Necromancer – An Infernal Essence cultivator who can raise and control the dead and demons.

  Nick – Leader of ‘The Collective’, Nick is a C-ranked human that is only interested in gaining money at any cost.

  Noble rankings -

  King/Queen – Ruler of their country. (Addressed as ‘Your Majesty’)

  Crown Prince/Princess – Next in line to the throne, has the same political power as a Grand Duke. (Addressed as ‘Your Royal Highness’)

  Prince/Princess – child of the King/Queen, has the same political power as a Duke. (Addressed as ‘Your Highness’)

  Grand Duke - ruler of a grand duchy is senior to a Duke. (Addressed as “your Grace”)

  Duke - is senior to a Marquis (or marquess) (addressed as “your Grace”)

  Marquis (or marquess) - is senior to an Earl, and has at least Earls in their domain. (Addressed as ‘Honorable’)

  Earl - is senior to a Baron. Each Earl has three barons under their power (Addressed as ‘My Lord/Lady’)

  Baron – senior to knights, they control a minimum of ten knights, and therefore their land. (Addressed as ‘My Lord/Lady’)

  Knights – sub rulers of plots of land and peasants (addressed as Sir)

  Oppressor - A Basher upgraded with Wind Essence, it has the ability to compress air and send it forward in an arc that slices unprotected flesh like a blade.

  Pattern – A pattern is the intricate design that makes everything in the universe. An inanimate object has a far less complex pattern that a living being.

  Raile – A massive, granite covered Boss Basher that attacks by ramming and attempting to squish its opponents.

  Ranger – Typically an adventurer archetype that is able to attack from long range, usually with a bow.

  Ranking System – The ranking system is a way to classify how powerful a creature has become through fighting and cultivation.

  G – At the lowest ranking is mostly non-organic matter, such as rocks and ash. Mid-G contains small plants such as moss and mushrooms, while the upper ranks form most of the other flora in the world.

  F – The F-ranks are where beings are becoming actually sentient, able to gather their own food and make short term plans. The mid F-rankings are where most humans reach before adulthood without cultivating. This is known as the fishy or ‘failure’ rank.

  E – The E-rank is known as the “echo” rank, and is used to prepare a body for intense cultivation.

  D – This is the rank that a cultivator is starting to become actually dangerous. A D-ranked individual can usually fight off ten F-ranked beings without issue. They are characterized by a ‘fractal’ in their Chi spiral.

  C – the highest ranked Essence cultivators, those in the C-rank usually have opened all of their meridians. A C-ranked cultivator can usually fight off ten D-ranked and one hundred F-ranked beings without being overwhelmed.

  B – This is the first rank of mana cultivators, known as Mages. They convert Essence into Mana through greater refinement, and release it through a true name of the universe.

  A – Usually several hundred years are needed to attain this rank, known as ‘High-Mage’ or ‘High-Magous’. They are the most powerful rank of Mages.

  S – Very mysterious Spiritual Essence cultivators. Not much is known about the requirements for this rank or those above it.

  SS – Not much is known about the requirements for this rank or those above it.

  SSS – Not much is known about the requirements for this rank or those above it.

  Heavenly – Not much is known about the requirements for this rank or those above it.

  Godly - Not much is known about the requirements for this rank or those above it.

  Reagent – An item or potion that creates a specific effect when added to an inactive Inscription.

  Rose – A Half-Elf ranger that joined Dale’s team. She has opposing affinities for Celestial and Infernal Essence, making her a chaos cultivator.

  Rune - A permanent pattern made of Essence that creates an effect on the universe. Try not to get the pattern wrong, as it could have… unintended consequences. This is another name for a completed Inscription.

  Shredder - A Basher upgraded with Infernal Essence, it has a sharpened horn on its head. At higher rankings, it gains the ability to coat that horn with Hellfire.

  Shroomish – A mushroom that has been evolved into a barely dangerous Mob. Really, only being completely unaware of them would pose danger to a person.

  Silverwood Tree – A mysterious tree that has silver wood and leaves. Some say that it helps cultivators move into the B-rankings.

  Smasher - A Basher upgraded with Earth Essence, it has no special abilities, but is coated with thick armor made from stone. While the armor slows it, it also makes the Smasher a deadly battering ram.

  Soul Stone – A highly refined Beast Core that is capable of containing a human soul.

  Steve – A ranger that uses his bow as either a staff or a ranged weapon. Rather quiet chap.

  Tank – An adventurer archetype that is built to defend his team from the worst of the attacks that come their way. Heavily armored and usually carrying a large shield, these powerful people are needed if a group plans on surviving more than one attack.

  Tom – A huge red-haired barbarian p
rince from the northern wastes, he wields a powerful Warhammer and has joined Dale’s team. He is only half as handy to have around right now.


  Nick swallowed dryly as he was led into the musty castle. He would have been feeling far more confident if his escort wasn’t an infernal Essence radiating demon. Nick yelped as the creature spoke, its voice echoing and terror-inducing, “The Master approaches. I would offer you a seat, but I would highly recommend kneeling.”

  Nick had to resist scoffing at the demon. He turned as it spoke, realizing it was gone. “Kneeling? Pah.” He shivered as an aura of dread washed over him, far greater than the feeling had been from the demon. He turned and had to resist a scream as he saw a person standing near a wall, no doors nearby.

  “Is a little respect too much to ask for?” A melodious yet rasping voice buzzed in his ear. Nick swatted at his head; the sensation was maddening.

  “N-not at all, m-my Lord.” Nick genuflected a bit late, but deeply. “Demons… have a reputation for misleading information.”

  “Hmm.” The dark figure strode forward, and Nick’s skin began to itch horribly. “I am told you are here to claim the bounty that I was offering. Is this so? If so, you will certainly get what is coming to you.”

  Nick reached into his bag, pulling out a glowing ball of Essence wrapped in bands of undulating power. His cocky attitude began to return to him as he realized he had something the ‘Master’ wanted. “Right here. It’s all yours… if you have the funds, of course.”

  A burning stare made his attitude wither again. The Master made a motion, and they were surrounded by a sphere of smothering darkness. Somehow, Nick could still see perfectly without any natural light. “Release the creature. If it is what you promised, you will get your reward.”

  Nick wanted to refuse, but he got a little too close to the wall of darkness and had bits of his skin flake off. “If it gets away I’m still claiming my…” He couldn’t finish his sentence and so instead broke the bands of power, allowing the ball of light to shoot away at high speeds. Nick gave a hoarse cry, but the ball of light impacted the darkness and fell, catching itself just before reaching the floor.

  “Ow! Let me go, you assholes!” Dani screamed at the pair. “You have no idea what is going to happen if you don’t!”

  Nick’s face twisted into a snarl, but the Master smiled. The smile was a terrifying expression that seemed to have no place on his face. “Ahhh, finally! Hello little Wisp.”

  “Let me go!”

  The Master gave a slow shake of the head. “I am truly sorry little one, but I have need of your services. Also, you are mistaken. I know exactly what is about to happen.” Dani vanished in a burst of shadows.

  “Satisfied?” Nick had his arms crossed and a grin on his face. “Now, about that bounty? I’d like to go retire.”

  “You certainly deserve your reward.” The Master turned away. “Enjoy your retirement.” He turned around and threw something at Nick, impacting him in the chest.

  Nick’s hands flew up, grabbing at the object. He gasped, looking down as he sank to his knees. “I… this…” He made a throaty noise.

  Nick looked up at the Master for the last time, “This is even more than was promised! Thank you!” He turned and scurried away, clutching the dimensional bag stuffed with gold, platinum, and silver. “I’m buying an island!”

  The Master nodded as the man left. “Those who serve shall be duly rewarded.”

  I hope you enjoyed my story!

  I would like to recommend another wonderful series of books by Aleron Kong, the Father of American LitRPG. This guy is hilarious! In his own words it’s like “Warcraft, D&D and Sword Art Online had a sexy baby!” Just don’t plan to have a life for the next week. Click here: to start a wild ride!

  If you liked Dungeon Madness, you may also enjoy the best-selling novel by Ramon Mejia, Adventures on Terra. Join Armon on his journey through an amazing new world where the rules are like an RPG. He’ll level up as he goes on adventures, explore dungeons, and slay monsters.

  Adventures on Terra is a LitRPG adventure series. Click here:




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