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Diablo's Angel (Ranchero Trilogy Book 3)

Page 19

by Donna Fletcher

  Crista was shocked when her mother placed her hand on her arm.

  “You shouldn’t have hit him as you did, but I must admit I am proud of you for protecting yourself, for keeping your respect. I know of no woman who would have done that.”

  If her mother knew the truth, she might think differently of her, but at the moment she wanted to linger in her mother’s touch and pride.

  Too soon her mother’s hand fell off her arm.

  “Dona Bolanos has always favored our wine. I’m going to take her a couple of bottles and mention that Don Navarro called on you today and will do the same tomorrow. And, of course, make mention that he requested to escort you to their soiree.” Her mother smiled with glee as she walked off.

  Her mother had a little devilish streak in her and she wondered if she had inherited some of it from her.

  “It went well?”

  Crista turned to see Rosa.

  “Hurry come and walk with me and tell me all about it before Esteban tracks me down,” Rosa said, waving at Crista who hurried over to her to take her arm. “The closer it gets to my time the more my husband worries.”

  “He’s afraid of losing you,” Crista said better understanding that fear now that she was in love. “But you probably know that more than anyone.”

  “I do,” Rosa admitted. “His family had been lost to him far too long and now that he has me and about to have his own child, he worries that once again that all will be taken from him.” She shook her head. “But he smothers me with his constant concern.”

  “Then we’ll walk to the orange orchard and pick some nice plump oranges to eat while I tell you about Don Navarro.”

  “You like him?” Rosa asked anxiously. “I prayed that you would.”

  “I think he will do nicely,” Crista said, hate having to lie to her sister-in-law but knowing she could never divulge the truth to anyone.

  “The problem is hurrying a proposal along.”

  “He seems eager, so I don’t think rushing him will be a problem,” Crista said, thinking it couldn’t be soon enough for her.

  Crista and Rosa talked, laughed, and picked oranges, enjoying them as they sat on one of the many benches in the orchard.

  “No one must ever know,” Crista said when they were near done eating the oranges.

  “Know what?” Esteban asked, suddenly appearing from behind them.

  “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that,” Crista scolded.

  “Why not? My wife and I have no secrets from each other, but it seems as you do?” Esteban said, glaring at his sister. “What is it that no one must ever know?”

  “What is it about no one must ever know that you don’t understand?” Crista asked annoyed.

  “Not one word since I want to know,” Esteban argued.

  “Women’s secrets that you truly don’t want to know,” Rosa said, since it was the truth. Her husband would not truly want to know about Diablo and his sister being intimate. And she was frightened to death that if he did know, he would hunt Diablo down and kill him or be killed.

  “I trust you, Rosa, to tell me the truth,” Esteban said, reaching for her hand.

  “And it’s the truth I told you. It’s a woman thing and you don’t want to know about it,” Rosa assured him and took his hand to stand and drift into his arms.

  Esteban kissed her brow. “Then I am satisfied and you women can keep your secrets.”

  Rosa frowned. “I’m glad you’re satisfied, but someone left me unsatisfied this morning.”

  “Rosa,” he chastised, “not in front of my sister.”

  “It’s not like I don’t hear you two sometimes,” Crista said, not really having heard them making love, but not able to stop from teasing her brother.

  “I warned you about being too loud,” Esteban said to his wife, then cringed realizing what he’d said.

  “It wasn’t Rosa, it was you,” Crista said, unable to stop from teasing him.

  “You have gotten louder lately,” Rosa said, joining in with Crista’s playfulness.

  Esteban cast a scowl on his sister. “Keep it up and I’ll tell father and mother that you climb down that trellis every morning and you’ll soon find it gone.”

  Crista laughed. “You wouldn’t stop me from having fun. You love me too much.”

  “I love you both,” he admitted, “though Rosa has an edge on you.”

  “I would expect so,” Crista said and took his arm after Rosa slipped her arm around his other.

  “Women,” Esteban said as they walked back to the hacienda. “They can drive a man crazy.”

  “Just imagine if you have a daughter,” Crista said with a laugh.

  “Madre di Dios, help me,” Esteban said, shaking his head.

  “See, you even turn to a woman for help.” Rosa laughed and Esteban continued to shake his head.

  Crista lay in bed waiting. All had retired hours ago. The hacienda was quiet, a breeze rustled the curtains at her open terrace doors and she watched there hoping to see a shadow… hoping to see Diablo.

  After what seemed like hours, the night ticking away, though it was probably her impatience, her eyes began to drift closed. She forced them open each time they did, but it was getting more and more difficult.

  “You snore,” Chavez whispered in her ear with a soft laugh.

  Before she could argue, his arm slipped under her waist, and he turned her toward him, capturing her response. His kiss was wicked, demanding, hungrier more than ever, and it never tasted more wonderful. And she wanted to squeal with delight when her body connected with his naked one.

  Her body didn’t stir to life, it exploded in a hot flame. It had been much too long since she had last felt him inside her and she had no patience to wait now that he was there naked in bed with her. Besides it was a dangerous thing he did being here in her bed. If anyone walked in, especially her brother, he would kill him on the spot.

  She intended to warn him as soon as his lips left hers, but her breath was labored from his powerful kiss and his lips settled on hers again as soon as he stripped off her nightgown.

  He had her on her back, his leg spreading her two apart, his hard shaft poking between her legs, eager to gain entrance. She swallowed the groan that rushed up, glad his lips remained on hers, not trusting she could stop herself from screaming out in pleasure when he entered her swiftly.

  He moved hard and fast inside her and she gipped his arms, her fingers digging into his hard muscles. It didn’t take long, their need for each other far too great after what seemed like an endless absence. Crista was once again grateful that he kept his mouth tightly against hers as they exploded in pleasure together, their groans captured in each other’s mouths.

  He took her in his arms when he rolled off her, their breathing too hard for either of them to speak.

  It didn’t matter to Crista, nothing needed to be said. She had all she wanted with being in Diablo’s arms and having made love with him, even if it had been quick. It made her realize how very much she had missed him. She smiled listening to his heart thunder against his chest, knowing his heart beat with love for her. She wished they could stay like this and she could wake in his arms, but that wasn’t possible.

  She looked up at him and murmured. “I don’t snore and you need to go, though I wish you could stay.”

  “I was happy to hear that delicate snore of yours again. I have missed it whispering lightly against my chest,” he said. “And I promise you that you will soon be my wife and we will never be parted again.”

  His words stirred a happiness in her that she hadn’t felt since she’d last been with him. She kissed his lips lightly and said something she never thought she’d say to him. “Go.” She fought to stop her eyes from growing misty. “I fear you being caught.”

  He took firm hold of her chin. “Know one thing, Crista, I will never let anyone take you from me. Never.”

  He kissed her rough and hard as if it somehow it sealed his words, making it so.
r />   He handed her nightgown to her before slipping into his own clothes and he didn’t stop her from walking him out onto the terrace, their hands clasped tight as they did.

  “I will see you in a few hours, though it’s not soon enough,” he whispered, his hand going around to the back of her neck and holding it firm as he kissed her. He rested his brow to hers after easing his lips off hers. “I love you, Crista.”

  His words fluttered her heart. “And I love you, Di—”

  He kissed her again before she could say Diablo and when done pressed his lips near her ear and whispered, “Can you love Chavez as much as you love Diablo?”

  She took hold of his face and smiled. “Maybe even more.”

  He kissed her again and let go of her quickly afraid he’d linger even longer if he didn’t. He stopped and turned when he reached the trellis.

  “Don’t be alarmed if I ever disappear for a few days. There are things I still must attend to in order for my plan to fully succeed.”

  She nodded as he disappeared down the trellis worried that it meant he wasn’t completely finished with his old life, and she was concerned more than ever at what that might mean.

  Chapter 22

  Crista woke, thinking she had only fallen asleep, but there was a hint of light at her window. She had no intentions of greeting the dawn, her time with Diablo having left her with little sleep. She buried her head under her pillow, intending to avoid the dawn. But voices and rushing feet that sounded outside below her window had her wondering what was going on so early.

  She got up and went to the terrace and gasped. It wasn’t the rising sun that lit the sky. It was a fire in the distance that sent a bright glow over the land. Vaqueros rushed to stand guard on the outskirts of the hacienda, rifles in hand.

  Crista hurried into her pale blue, silk robe, worked her hair into a clumsy braid, and rushed out of her room and downstairs. She stopped near the bottom when she caught sight of her father, speaking with a vaquero his garments blackened with soot. Her mother stood off to the side and Esteban stood with his arm around Rosa.

  “The fire cannot be contained. Don Cabeza’s son was shot protecting his sister but he is expected to recover. No one was able to prevent two servant women from being taken, and several vaqueros have been killed. It was a brutal attack and thankfully over quickly. Don Cabeza requests your help. He asks for more men to fight the fire.”

  “My son and I will bring men,” her father said. “Go get food and drink while we gather the men.”

  “Si, mucho gracias, Don Cesare,” the man said with a nod of his head and followed a servant who waved him on.

  “Who would attack with such cruelty?” Rosa asked?

  Esteban kissed the top of her head and held her tight. “From what witnesses saw, it was Diablo.”

  Crista’s legs almost gave way hearing the name. That wasn’t possible. He’d been with her, though how many hours ago she couldn’t say. But there was no way he was responsible for this. He wouldn’t do this. He had left his old life behind.

  “Something needs to be done about him,” her father said.

  “That is difficult to do when there is not one person or outlaw who would even dare identify him even if they could. His black shroud hides his identity well,” Esteban said.

  “There was nothing you saw when you met him that might help identify him?” her father asked.

  Esteban shook his head. “Nothing. I believe he is feared worse than the devil himself.”

  It was then they all realized that she stood on the steps and, having felt herself pale, she was certain she resembled a ghost.

  “I never saw his face,” she said, knowing what they must have thought and keeping her word to the man she loved while trying to make sense of what happened tonight.

  “And it’s good that you didn’t,” Esteban said, “or you wouldn’t be standing here now with us.”

  “We must go,” her father said.

  “Esteban kissed his wife. “You will go rest and sleep. You are well protected. There is nothing to fear.”

  “I fear you not returning to me,” Rosa said, grabbing hold of his hand, in a futile effort to keep him with her.

  “Nothing can keep me from you. I was once one of these outlaws. I know them well. They will not attack again tonight. They got what they wanted. They will be busy celebrating their victory.” He kissed her again. “Now go to bed and sleep. I will be home before you wake.”

  “I doubt that,” Rosa said and hugged her husband before reluctantly releasing him.

  Rosa and Crista stood staring after the two men, neither moving after they could be seen no more.

  Valerianna’s sharp orders jolted them out of their worries. “Both of you back to bed. Rosa you need to think of the baby and Crista you need to make sure you are well rested before Don Navarro calls on you. Now to bed with the both of you. There is nothing more that can be done tonight.”

  Her father and Esteban didn’t return until late afternoon. Both looked solemn and excused themselves to wash and change, their clothes covered with soot and grime. Valerianna followed her husband and Rosa followed Esteban. Crista was left standing alone and wondering what they had learned about the attack.

  She retreated to the small parlor to wait and grew impatient as time ticked by far too slowly. She’d been disappointed but not surprised when Don Navarro sent word that he would not be able to call on her today and that he would be in touch to arrange another time. It wouldn’t appear appropriate for him to call on her after an attack on a neighboring hacienda.

  When a servant finally came to tell her that the family was gathering in the dining room to eat, she hurried off. She was greeted by solemn faces and without a word, Crista took a seat across from her brother and Rosa, her parents seated at either end of the table.

  Crista wanted to ask questions but something warned her to hold her tongue.

  Her father looked troubled and her brother wore a scowl. Rosa had hold of Esteban’s hand and Valerianna wore a pinched expression.

  Plates were filled but no one ate, though wine was liberally consumed.

  Crista couldn’t take another minute of the silence. “What’s going on?”

  “Malicious gossip that’s what,” her father said and received a glare from his wife.

  “She’s going to find out, better she does from us than someone else,” her father argued.

  “Find out what?” Crista asked, thinking the news couldn’t be good.

  “Tongues are spreading senseless gossip,” Esteban said.

  “Vicious gossip that has not an ounce of truth to it,” her father said, wagging his finger.

  “I had such high hopes. Don Navarro would have made a good match for Crista,” Valerianna said. “He is mannerly and proper in appearance and words and has substantial wealth.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Don Alejandro said. “Our daughter has only returned home. I’d like time to spend with her before she’s rushed into a marriage.”

  “Besides, he’s a stranger,” Esteban reminded. “All we know of him is what we’ve heard and we can’t be sure of either assumption. Some say he purchased the Edgardo hacienda while others talk of him being a distant cousin of Dona Maria Edgardo and inherited the Edgardo hacienda from her. We do not know if he’s brought his own wealth with him or if he spends the Edgardo money in making the many improvements to the hacienda that everyone is talking about.”

  Alejandro nodded, agreeing with his son. “You are right. We don’t want Crista to wed a stranger. So it works well for her.”

  “Now another family will arrange a marriage with him. Many mothers have plotted since his arrival here to snare him for their daughters.” Valerianna looked to her husband. “From what you told me about last night and the way Sofia Cabeza clung to Don Navarro when he arrived to help, I wouldn’t be surprised if she lays claim to him.”

  “What are you all talking about?” Crista asked, knowing Diablo—Chavez—belonged to her.

/>   The heavy silence that hung over the table stunned her.

  Esteban went to speak and their father shook his head and cleared his throat.

  “Gossip spreads like the fire that took many of the Bolanos buildings. Many are saying that Diablo attacked the wrong hacienda last night. That he was searching for you. That he wants you back and was angry when he didn’t find you and set the barn and other buildings on fire,” her father said.

  “That’s nonsense,” she said, knowing it was an outright lie but not able to say so.

  “Of course it is,” her mother said affronted. “But that doesn’t stop people. They lie to suit or benefit themselves. This lie, however, will completely destroy any—”

  Her mother looked to bite her tongue from saying anymore, and Crista finished for her. “Prospects of marriage with Don Navarro or anyone else.” True or not, this was one bit of gossip her family believed she wouldn’t survive.

  No one spoke, leaving the silence to hang heavier over them.

  Crista took pity on her family, realizing that each—in their own way—was hurting for her and trying to do their best to defend her and protect her. It made her realize how much they loved her.

  “This shouldn’t be discussed with the entire family,” Valerianna finally said, turning a sympathetic eye on her daughter. “It is for your father and I to decide what is best for you.”

  After being free to make many of her own choices while growing up in Spain with Ricardo and Lucia to guide her, her mother’s remark would have angered her. But it didn’t. She had come to realize that it took a great deal of strength to make necessary choices for your children and for one’s self. Her mother did what she did out of love and sacrifice and that couldn’t be easy. Crista wondered if she would have such strength when it came to her child.

  “There is nothing to be done, Mother. Don Navarro will continue to call on me or he won’t,” Crista said, knowing nothing would keep Diablo away made it that much easier for her to say what she did.

  Rosa sent a worried look her way.


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