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Mail Order Bride: Ultimate Mail Order Bride Collection: 6-Book Bundle ~ Clean Historical Romance (Shades of Romance Series)

Page 13

by Jill Maguire

  “First, you have to promise me something.”

  “Anything, I promise.”

  “You don’t even know what the promise is yet.” Annie’s exuberance always made Nora smile. “You have to promise me that you will always be honest. You and I and your Pa are going to be a family and the heart and soul of a family is honesty. Do you promise?”

  “I promise Nora. You’ll never have to worry about me keepin’ any secrets.”

  Nora bent at the waist, bringing her nose to nose with Annie. “And promise me that you’ll never play hide and seek in the prairie grass during a storm again.”

  Annie wrapped her arms around Nora’s neck, squeezing her tight, and whispered, “I promise” in her ear.

  “Okay,” Nora straightened herself and showed Annie the tiny white lace dress she had been hiding behind her back. “Now that we have that straightened away, let’s get you ready. I hear someone’s getting married today.”

  Annie squealed with delight and yanked the dress from Nora’s hand, clutching it to her chest. She ran her fingers over every lacy detail and stroked the silky yellow ribbon tied in a bow around the middle. “Will you help me put it on?”

  “I would be happy to,” Nora beamed.

  Annie plunged into the dress and lifted her hair as Nora fastened it around her. Once in place, Annie danced around the loft, practicing her curtsies and twirls, singing Here Comes the Bride at the top of her lungs.

  “What’s going on up there?” Philip called up the ladder, knowing full well that Nora had just given Annie the fanciest dress she had ever seen.

  “Pa! You should see my dress!”

  “Well c’mon down and let me have a look at you then.” Philip felt his heart melt at the happiness in his daughter’s voice.

  “We’re not quite ready,” Nora replied. She winked at Annie and slid open the drawer beside the bed. “There’s one more thing I’d like you to wear today.”

  Nora took a small bottle from the night table and curled her finger toward Annie, beckoning the youngster to come closer. “You need a tiny bit of this.” Nora dabbed a small amount of her lemon verbena perfume in the hollow behind each of Annie’s ears. The girl took a deep breath, enjoying every whiff of her new fragrance.

  “I smell good enough to eat! Good thing the Pie Contest is tomorrow.”

  Nora kissed the top of Annie’s head and called to Philip. “We’re ready now.”

  Philip felt his legs weaken beneath him as he waited for Nora and Annie to climb down the ladder. His hands trembled slightly and he rung them together nervously. Never in a million years did he think he would be this emotional about marrying again.

  Annie jumped from the bottom of the ladder and spun to her father. She buried her face against his legs and wrapped both arms around his thighs. Philip smoothed his hands on the top of her hair and chuckled. “I guess you like your dress?”

  “I do Pa. But I like Nora even more.”

  Before Philip could answer, Nora stepped down from the ladder and stood in front of him. She looked radiant and he could barely stop himself from gathering her in his arms and holding her close. The scent of lemon filled the cabin and Philip felt drunk with happiness.

  “So do I Annie. So do I,” he breathed.


  The sharp knock on the cabin door snapped Philip back to reality. He quickly collected his thoughts and swung it open. Standing on the porch was Reverend Harrigan dressed in his Sunday best.

  “Hey there, Reverend. Glad you could come on such short notice.” Philip invited him in and closed the door behind him.

  “Happy to help Philip. Ma’am,” the man removed his hat and nodded in Nora’s direction.

  “Hello Reverend. It’s lovely to meet you.”

  “Pleasure’s mine. Now, do I understand things correctly? You’d both like to be married today?”

  “Yes, Reverend Harrigan! They both want to be married today,” Annie hollered, afraid the old man may not be able to hear very well. The Reverend just laughed and tapped the cover of his Bible.

  “Well, it’s not customary to be married outside the church, but if this is what you two young folk want to do, then I’m happy to oblige.”

  “Thank you Reverend. I’m just not a big fan of fancy weddings is all,” Philip explained.

  “Very well. You just tell me when you’re ready and we’ll get started.”

  Philip turned to Annie and Nora. “Are we ready ladies?”

  Annie ran to Nora’s side and held her hand. “We’re ready,” they said in unison.

  Philip held the door open as Reverend Harrigan, Annie and Nora filed out of the cabin.

  The hot summer sun belted them with its stifling heat and Sasha the pig snorted at them as they walked through the yard. Annie wedged herself between Nora and her Pa and took each of their hands in hers. This, she thought, was one of the happiest days of her life.

  Before long they had reached the place where Nora and Philip would exchange vows. It was the only spot in the world that seemed right -- the perfect place for them to become husband and wife. Nora, Philip and Annie stood side-by-side, hands still laced together under the tall oak tree where Sara laid at rest.

  The tree provided shade, not only from the sun, but from the sadness of the past and as Philip and Nora began to recite their vows, Annie laid a tiny white daisy beside her mother’s wooden cross. It was the start of a new life – for all of them.

  “Do you, Philip Cohen take Nora Sims to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love her and honor her, to cherish and keep her, until death do you part?”

  Philip took Nora’s hand in his and looked into her eyes. “I do.”

  “And do you Nora Sims take Philip Cohen to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love him and honor him, to cherish and keep him, until death do you part?”

  Nora choked back her tears and said, “I do.”

  “Then with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The Reverend panted under the heat of summer and wiped the sweat from his brow. Philip shifted his weight, anxiously waiting for Reverend Harrigan to allow them their first kiss.

  “You may kiss your bride, son.”

  Philip had been waiting for this moment since the first time he laid eyes on Nora at the station. He stepped toward her and lovingly held her face in his hands. She blinked away a salty tear and smiled at him. He was nearly silhouetted in front of her by the blinding sun but she had never seen a man so handsome. Not since Thomas.

  “You’ve made me very happy,” Philip swooned as he kissed his new bride.

  Even though their lips had never touched before that moment, somehow they moulded together like the lost piece of a puzzle – the perfect fit after a long search. Philip and Nora melted into each other and got lost in the moment. They could have remained there for eternity but Annie had other plans.

  “Now, let’s go swimming!” the youngster cheered and raced toward the creek. She stopped suddenly as she reached the water’s edge, remembering her promise to Nora. She glanced over her shoulder at her Pa and his new bride. “No hide and seek, no prairie grass, just swimming, promise,” she exclaimed and carefully slipped out of her new dress.

  Nora looked at Philip. “Race ‘ya,” she squealed and took off to the creek.

  “Thanks Reverend,” Philip yelled, eager to join Nora and Annie in the water.

  Reverend Harrigan shook his head. “Youngins,” he muttered and turned back toward the cabin.

  The sounds of laughter and splashing water filled the air as Philip, Nora and Annie cooled off in the creek. As the wind blew gently, the daisy on Sara’s grave lifted and tumbled across the prairie, scattering its seeds and starting a brand new cycle of life.


  Nora lowered the knitting needles to her lap as the pain seared through her abdomen. The tightening forced her to hold her breath and she struggled to conceal her discomfort from Philip and Annie who were busy baking muffins in the kitchen. The pain only lasted a
few seconds before it subsided and her body relaxed. This was just the beginning.

  “Nora, taste this.” Annie waved a spatula dripping with muffin batter in front of Nora’s flushed cheeks.

  “You know you shouldn’t eat raw batter Annie, it’s not good……..” Nora bit her lip and doubled over in her chair as the cramping started again.

  “Nora!” Annie screamed, alerting her father. “Pa! Something’s wrong.”

  Philip dropped the pan full of muffin batter and rushed to Nora’s side. “What is it Nora?” He grabbed his wife’s hand and held it tight. “Is it the baby?”

  Nora didn’t answer. She was too busy huffing through the contraction.

  “Annie,” Philip said calmly. “Go and fetch Ernest from the barn and hitch up the wagon. We need to get Nora into Doc McGrath’s right away. The baby is coming.”

  Annie disappeared out the door as soon as Philip mentioned the word baby. She had been anxiously counting the days until the arrival of her new sibling.

  “Are you able to stand Nora?” The labored breathing had turned to panting and Philip noticed her cheeks were already a fiery shade of red. “We need to get you to the doctor.” Philip waited patiently for Nora to answer before urging her any further.

  “I don’t think there’s time Philip. The baby is coming now,” Nora told him frantically.

  Panic and fear paralyzed Philip Cohen’s entire body. His mind filled with images from the night Annie was born. Watching Sara in that much pain had been unbearable and he remembered how useless he felt by Sara’s side. At the time, he had wished he could do more, but now, faced with reality of having to deliver his second child, he would have happily stepped aside.

  Philip tried to clear his mind; he needed to get a hold of himself. Nora needed him now more than ever.

  “Okay, sweetheart. We need to get you to the bed.” He wrapped Nora’s arm around his neck and slowly guided her to the tiny bedroom at the back of the cabin. He helped her into bed as another contraction crashed over her body. Nora hummed in pain as Philip called for Annie.

  “Yes, Pa? Ernest is ready to go.” When Annie saw Nora lying in bed, her excitement about the arrival of her new brother or sister quickly turned to worry. Philip assured her everything was going to be alright and in that moment he realized he needed to be strong for both of the ladies in his life.

  “The baby is going to be born here and we need to get ready. Boil the kettle and get me some clean towels. And Annie, don’t be frightened. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Annie did as she was told and took her place beside the bed as Nora’s contractions got stronger. The sounds of pain that erupted from Nora’s body were unlike any Annie had ever heard before and she pinned her hands over her ears to muffle the screams.

  As the contractions came, Nora gripped her bulging belly and folded at the waist, pushing into the burning pain.

  “That’s it Nora. You’re doing great,” Philip encouraged. “Just a few more pushes.”

  Annie closed her eyes, excited about the imminent arrival but terrified at the same time. She prayed this would all be over soon and she could hold the new baby in her arms. She nervously opened one eye and peeked at her father. He too seemed tense, but Annie could tell he was trying to remain strong and calm.

  Nora lay back to catch her breath and swiveled her head to look at Annie. She reached for the girl’s hand and told her the baby was about to be born. “You’re about to become a big sister,” Nora whispered, her mouth as dry as cotton. “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”

  “I’ll be happy with either one,” Annie said and squeezed Nora’s hand.

  Nora pulled her chin to her chest and groaned loudly as the newest addition to the Cohen family entered the world. Philip held tight to the wrinkly pink infant and patted the baby gently on the back, waiting to hear that first joyful cry.

  “It’s a boy!” Philip announced as he laid the baby on Nora’s chest.

  But there was no time to celebrate. Not yet.

  “Your job isn’t done Mr. Cohen,” Nora panted. “Here comes baby number two.”

  “What? Twins?” Philip was bowled over in disbelief, but took his place at the foot of the bed to deliver his second child of the night. Annie scooped the baby boy from Nora’s chest as she took a deep breath and curled around her midsection. Within seconds, another baby was crying.

  “This one’s a girl,” Philip exclaimed. He couldn’t believe what had just transpired. In the course of a few hours, he had gone from father of one to father of three. He was flabbergasted.

  Philip kissed Nora on the forehead as she lay exhausted but ecstatic. “I guess Doc had good reason to say my belly was one of the biggest he had ever seen. He warned me that it might be twins.”

  “Why didn’t you warn me?” Philip asked.

  “I wanted you to be surprised,” Nora murmured.

  “I’ve never been more surprised in my life,” Philip gasped.


  Nora watched as Annie and Philip happily held both babies. A new family. A family she never thought she’d have. A tired smile stretched across Nora’s cheeks as she reached for Philip’s hand. “We have to give these beautiful babies a name.”

  “I have a suggestion for the boy,” Philip offered. “I’d like to name him Thomas.” He gave Nora a loving nod.

  Nora closed her eyes as a cascade of tears trailed down her cheeks. Her baby boy would be named Thomas. A wonderful tribute to the first man she had ever loved.

  “How about Sara for the baby girl? After Ma,” Annie added.

  “I think those names are perfect,” Nora agreed, crying happily.

  “Then it’s settled,” Philip decided. “Welcome to the world Sara and Thomas Cohen. We’re so glad you’re here.”

  Philip’s eyes filled with tears as he kissed both of his newborn babies and planted a tiny peck on the top of Annie’s head. “I’m a very lucky man,” he said, relief and joy filling his voice.

  Nora smiled as Philip kissed her gently and whispered “I love you,” in her ear. It was the first time he had spoken those words to her and it made her heart swell.

  “I love you too Mr. Cohen. Forever.”

  The End

  But wait……there’s more to this story!

  Re-unite with Nora, Philip, Annie and the twins as they celebrate a magical Christmas on the prairie in ‘A Christmas Wish’. It’s guaranteed to get you in the festive spirit.

  Coming Soon to Kindle:

  Love By Mail: The Whistle Stop Brides Series

  Meet 10 couples in the quaint railroad town of Whistle Stop, Wyoming. Each has endured triumph and tragedy on their way to the altar. Can love really conquer all?

  “A captivating new series by Jill Maguire & Kalyn Keyes.”

  His Burgundy Bride

  Copyright 2015 © Jill Maguire & Kalyn Keyes

  Prairie Wind Publishing

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted by any means - electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise without written permission from the author/publisher.

  Cover Design by Renee Barratt @

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Note from Jill and Kalyn

  Chapter One

  Felicity Selkirk studied her reflection in the mirror. She was pretty sure that everything looked right. Her hair was swept back with just a few black curls left framing her face. An array of her friend Millie�
�s facial powders and creams sat waiting on her vanity, but Felicity couldn’t bring herself to use them. She wasn’t at all sure how to apply them and in the end decided that she was safer with her natural face than she would be wearing some poorly applied cosmetics.

  Oh how she longed to have a mother standing beside her right now. Her father had done his best and she loved him dearly but at moments like these, a mother was what she needed. Sadly, Felicity had been the only mother figure in this household for some time. Helena Selkirk had died giving birth to Felicity’s younger brother Royal, and with a grief stricken father and a new baby brother to tend to, Felicity had immediately assumed the role of mother and keeper of household affairs.

  Now here she was, 19 years old, almost old enough to be considered a spinster and she had never even been courted. Well perhaps tonight things would change. The owner of the Burgundy Hills Vineyard where her father was employed was throwing a gala to celebrate the upcoming harvest season. She was attending with her father, but she had high hopes that she would be introduced to one, if not several possible suitors.

  And so she studied her reflection once again. She had done her best, and the way she looked was simply going to have to do. Letting out a huge sigh, she turned away from the mirror. Her bedroom door opened as she reached for the handle and her father stood on the other side. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared. Felicity felt tears well up and her face started to crumble.

  “I was afraid I didn’t look right and now your eyes have confirmed it. Never mind this ball, I shall just stay home.”

  Eventually her father stepped into the room and took her hands. “Whatever are you talking about, child? You look absolutely beautiful. In fact, the sight of you in that gown with your hair all fancied up has left me quite speechless.”

  “Oh, oh,” Felicity stammered. “I assumed your intense stare meant that I looked completely dreadful.” A grin crawled across her face as her fears relaxed. “So you think I look beautiful?” She spun in a slow circle in front of him.


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